Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (Amritsar) show

Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (Amritsar)

Summary: Gurbani and English translation of the Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (The Golden Temple), Amritsar India.


 Tuesday, December 24, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

TILANG, THE WORD OF DEVOTEE KABEER JEE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: The Vedas and the Scriptures are only make-believe, O Siblings of Destiny; they do not relieve the anxiety of the heart. If you will only center yourself on the Lord, even for just a breath, then you shall see the Lord face-to-face, present before you. || 1 || O human being, search your own heart every day, and do not wander around in confusion. This world is just a magic-show; no one will be holding your hand. || 1 || Pause || Reading and studying falsehood, people are happy; in their ignorance, they speak nonsense. The True Creator Lord is diffused into His creation; He is not just the dark-skinned Krishna of legends. || 2 || Through the Tenth Gate, the stream of nectar flows; take your bath in this. Serve the Lord forever; use your eyes, and see Him ever-present everywhere. || 3 || The Lord is the purest of the pure; only through doubt could there be another. O Kabeer, mercy flows from the Merciful Lord; He alone knows who acts. || 4 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Monday, December 23, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, FIFTH MEHL: I am satisfied and satiated, eating the food of Truth. With my mind, body and tongue, I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. || 1 || Life, spiritual life, is in the Lord. Spiritual life consists of chanting the Lord’s Name in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. || 1 || Pause || He is dressed in robes of all sorts, if he sings the Kirtan of the Lord’s Glorious Praises, day and night. || 2 || He rides upon elephants, chariots and horses, if he sees the Lord’s Path within his own heart. || 3 || Meditating on the Lord’s Feet, deep within his mind and body, slave Nanak has found the Lord, the treasure of peace. || 4 || 2 || 56 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Sunday, December 22, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

JAITSREE, FIFTH MEHL, SECOND HOUSE, CHHANT: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: SHALOK: God is lofty, unapproachable and infinite. He is indescribable- He cannot be described. Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, who is all-powerful to save us. || 1 || CHHANT: Save me, any way You can; O Lord God, I am Yours. My demerits are uncountable; how many of them should I count? The sins and crimes I committed are countless; day by day, I continually make mistakes. I am intoxicated by emotional attachment to Maya, the treacherous one; by Your Grace alone can I be saved. Secretly, I commit hideous sins of corruption, even though God is the nearest of the near. Prays Nanak, shower me with Your Mercy, Lord, and lift me up, out of the whirlpool of the terrifying world-ocean. || 1 || SHALOK: Countless are His virtues; they cannot be enumerated. God’s Name is lofty and exalted. This is Nanak’s humble prayer, to bless the homeless with a home. || 2 || CHHANT: There is no other place at all - where else should I go? Twenty-four hours a day, with my palms pressed together, I meditate on God. Meditating forever on my God, I receive the fruits of my mind’s desires. Renouncing pride, attachment, corruption and duality, I lovingly center my attention on the One Lord. Dedicate your mind and body to God; eradicate all your self-conceit. Prays Nanak, shower me with Your mercy, Lord, that I may be absorbed in Your True Name. || 2 || SHALOK: O mind, meditate on the One, who holds everything in His hands. Gather the wealth of the Lord’s Name; O Nanak, it shall always be with You. || 3 || CHHANT: God is our only True Friend; there is not any other. In the places and interspaces, in the water and on the land, He Himself is pervading everywhere. He is totally permeating the water, the land and the sky; God is the Great Giver, the Lord and Master of all. The Lord of the world, the Lord of the universe has no limit; His Glorious Virtues are unlimited- how can I count them? I have hurried to the Sanctuary of the Lord Master, the Bringer of peace; without Him, there is no other at all. Prays Nanak, that being, unto whom the Lord shows mercy - he alone obtains the Naam. || 3 || SHALOK: Whatever I wish for, that I receive. Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Nanak has found total peace. || 4 || CHHANT: My mind is now emancipated; I have joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. As Gurmukh, I chant the Naam, and my light has merged into the Light. Remembering the Lord’s Name in meditation, my sins have been erased; the fire has been extinguished, and I am satisfied. He has taken me by the arm, and blessed me with His kind mercy; He has accepted me His own. The Lord has hugged me in His embrace, and merged me with Himself; the pains of birth and death have been burnt away. Prays Nanak, He has blessed me with His kind mercy; in an instant, He unites me with Himself. || 4 || 2 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Saturday, December 21, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SOOHEE, FOURTH MEHL, SEVENTH HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: Which, which of Your Glorious Virtues should I sing and recount, Lord? You are my Lord and Master, the treasure of excellence. I cannot express Your Glorious Praises. You are my Lord and Master, lofty and benevolent. || 1 || The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is my only support. If it pleases You, please save me, O my Lord and Master; without You, I have no other at all. || 1 || Pause || You alone are my strength, and my Court, O my Lord and Master; unto You alone I pray. There is no other place where I can offer my prayers; I can tell my pains and pleasures only to You. || 2 || Water is locked up in the earth, and fire is locked up in wood. The sheep and the lions are kept in one place; O mortal, meditate on the Lord, and your doubts and fears shall be removed. || 3 || So behold the glorious greatness of the Lord, O Saints; the Lord blesses the dishonored with honor. As dust rises from underfoot, O Nanak, so does the Lord make all people fall at the feet of the Holy. || 4 || 1 || 12 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Friday, December 20, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, DEVOTEE RAVI DAAS JEE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: There is none as forlorn as I am, and none as Compassionate as You; what need is there to test us now? May my mind surrender to Your Word; please, bless Your humble servant with this perfection. || 1 || I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Lord. O Lord, why are You silent? || Pause || For so many incarnations, I have been separated from You, Lord; I dedicate this life to You. Says Ravi Daas: placing my hopes in You, I live; it is so long since I have gazed upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. || 2 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Thursday, December 19, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

JAITSREE, FOURTH MEHL, FIRST HOUSE, CHAU-PADAS: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: The Jewel of the Lord’s Name abides within my heart; the Guru has placed His hand on my forehead. The sins and pains of countless incarnations have been cast out. The Guru has blessed me with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and my debt has been paid off. || 1 || O my mind, vibrate the Lord’s Name, and all your affairs shall be resolved. The Perfect Guru has implanted the Lord’s Name within me; without the Name, life is useless. || Pause || Without the Guru, the self-willed manmukhs are foolish and ignorant; they are forever entangled in emotional attachment to Maya. They never serve the feet of the Holy; their lives are totally useless. || 2 || Those who serve at the feet of the Holy, the feet of the Holy, their lives are made fruitful, and they belong to the Lord. Make me the slave of the slave of the slaves of the Lord; bless me with Your Mercy, O Lord of the Universe. || 3 || I am blind, ignorant and totally without wisdom; how can I walk on the Path? I am blind — O Guru, please let me grasp the hem of Your robe, so that servant Nanak may walk in harmony with You. || 4 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Wednesday, December 18, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SOOHEE, FIFTH MEHL: He gets up early, to do his evil deeds, but when it is time to meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, then he sleeps. || 1 || The ignorant person does not take advantage of the opportunity. He is attached to Maya, and engrossed in worldly delights. || 1 || Pause || He rides the waves of greed, puffed up with joy. He does not see the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of the Holy. || 2 || The ignorant clown will never understand. Again and again, he becomes engrossed in entanglements. || 1 || Pause || He listens to the sounds of sin and the music of corruption, and he is pleased. His mind is too lazy to listen to the Praises of the Lord. || 3 || You do not see with your eyes — you are so blind! You shall have to leave all these false affairs. || 1 || Pause || Says Nanak, please forgive me, God. ave Mercy upon me, and bless me with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. || 4 || He alone obtains something, who becomes the dust under the feet of all. And he alone repeats the Naam, whom God causes to understand. || 1 || Pause || 2 || 8 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Tuesday, December 17, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, FIRST MEHL: The body is the paper, and the mind is the inscription written upon it. The ignorant fool does not read what is written on his forehead. In the Court of the Lord, three inscriptions are recorded. Behold, the counterfeit coin is worthless there. || 1 || O Nanak, if there is silver in it, then everyone proclaims, “It is genuine, it is genuine.” || 1 || Pause || The Qazi tells lies and eats filth; the Brahmin kills and then takes cleansing baths. The Yogi is blind, and does not know the Way. The three of them devise their own destruction. || 2 || He alone is a Yogi, who understands the Way. By Guru’s Grace, he knows the One Lord. He alone is a Qazi, who turns away from the world, and who, by Guru’s Grace, remains dead while yet alive. He alone is a Brahmin, who contemplates God. He saves himself, and saves all his generations as well. || 3 || One who cleanses his own mind is wise. One who cleanses himself of impurity is a Muslim. One who reads and understands is acceptable. Upon his forehead is the Insignia of the Court of the Lord. || 4 || 5 || 7 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Monday, December 16, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SORAT’H, FIFTH MEHL, THIRD HOUSE, CHAU-PADAS: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: Meeting with the council, my doubts were not dispelled. The chiefs did not give me satisfaction. I presented my dispute to the noblemen as well. But it was only settled by meeting with the King, my Lord. || 1 || Now, I do not go searching anywhere else, because I have met the Guru, the Lord of the Universe. || Pause || When I came to God’s Darbaar, His Holy Court, then all of my cries and complaints were settled. Now that I have attained what I had sought, where should I come and where should I go? || 2 || There, true justice is administered. There, the Lord Master and His disciple are one and the same. The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, knows. Without our speaking, He understands. || 3 || He is the King of all places. There, the unstruck melody of the Shabad resounds. Of what use is cleverness when dealing with Him? Meeting with Him, O Nanak, one loses his self-conceit. || 4 || 1 || 51 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Sunday, December 15, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, FOURTH MEHL: O my King, beholding the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan, I am at peace. You alone know my inner pain, O King; what can anyone else know? || Pause || O True Lord and Master, You are truly my King; whatever You do, all that is True. Who should I call a liar? There is no other than You, O King. || 1 || You are pervading and permeating in all; O King, everyone meditates on You, day and night. Everyone begs of You, O my King; You alone give gifts to all. || 2 || All are under Your Power, O my King; none at all are beyond You. All beings are Yours—You belong to all, O my King. All shall merge and be absorbed in You. || 3 || You are the hope of all, O my Beloved; all meditate on You, O my King. As it pleases You, protect and preserve me, O my Beloved; You are the True King of Nanak. || 4 || 7 || 13 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Saturday, December 14, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SHALOK: The Merciful Lord is the Savior of the Saints; their only support is to sing the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises. One becomes immaculate and pure, by associating with the Saints, O Nanak, and taking the Protection of the Transcendent Lord. || 1 || The burning of the heart is not dispelled at all, by sandalwood paste, the moon, or the cold season. It only becomes cool, O Nanak, by chanting the Name of the Lord. || 2 || PAUREE: Through the Protection and Support of the Lord’s lotus feet, all beings are saved. Hearing of the Glory of the Lord of the Universe, the mind becomes fearless. Nothing at all is lacking, when one gathers the wealth of the Naam. The Society of the Saints is obtained, by very good deeds. Twenty-four hours a day, meditate on the Lord, and listen continually to the Lord’s Praises. || 17 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Friday, December 13, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

DHANAASAREE, THIRD MEHL, SECOND HOUSE, CHAU-PADAS: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: This wealth is inexhaustible. It shall never be exhausted, and it shall never be lost. The Perfect True Guru has revealed it to me. I am forever a sacrifice to my True Guru. By Guru’s Grace, I have enshrined the Lord within my mind. || 1 || They alone are wealthy, who lovingly attune themselves to the Lord’s Name. The Perfect Guru has revealed to me the Lord’s treasure; by the Lord’s Grace, it has come to abide in my mind. || Pause || He is rid of his demerits, and his heart is permeated with merit and virtue. By Guru’s Grace, he naturally dwells in celestial peace. True is the Word of the Perfect Guru’s Bani. They bring peace to the mind, and celestial peace is absorbed within. || 2 || O my humble Siblings of Destiny, behold this strange and wonderful thing: duality is overcome, and the Lord dwells within his mind. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is priceless; it cannot be taken. By Guru’s Grace, it comes to abide in the mind. || 3 || He is the One God, abiding within all. Through the Guru’s Teachings, He is revealed in the heart. One who intuitively knows and realizes God, O Nanak, obtains the Naam; his mind is pleased and appeased. || 4 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Thursday, December 12, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

TILANG, THE WORD OF DEVOTEE KABEER JEE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: The Vedas and the Scriptures are only make-believe, O Siblings of Destiny; they do not relieve the anxiety of the heart. If you will only center yourself on the Lord, even for just a breath, then you shall see the Lord face-to-face, present before you. || 1 || O human being, search your own heart every day, and do not wander around in confusion. This world is just a magic-show; no one will be holding your hand. || 1 || Pause || Reading and studying falsehood, people are happy; in their ignorance, they speak nonsense. The True Creator Lord is diffused into His creation; He is not just the dark-skinned Krishna of legends. || 2 || Through the Tenth Gate, the stream of nectar flows; take your bath in this. Serve the Lord forever; use your eyes, and see Him ever-present everywhere. || 3 || The Lord is the purest of the pure; only through doubt could there be another. O Kabeer, mercy flows from the Merciful Lord; He alone knows who acts. || 4 || 1 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Wednesday, December 11, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

RAAG DHANAASAREE, THE WORD OF DEVOTEE KABEER JEE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: Remember the Lord, remember the Lord, remember the Lord in meditation, O Siblings of Destiny. Without remembering the Lord’s Name in meditation, a great many are drowned. || 1 || Pause || Your spouse, children, body, house and possessions — you think these will give you peace. But none of these shall be yours, when the time of death comes. || 1 || Ajaamal, the elephant, and the prostitute committed many sins, but still, they crossed over the world-ocean, by chanting the Lord’s Name. || 2 || You have wandered in reincarnation, as pigs and dogs — did you feel no shame? Forsaking the Ambrosial Name of the Lord, why do you eat poison? || 3 || Abandon your doubts about do’s and dont’s, and take to the Lord’s Name. By Guru’s Grace, O servant Kabeer, love the Lord. || 4 || 5 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com

 Tuesday, December 10, 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SOOHEE, FIFTH MEHL: The Simritees, the Vedas, the Puraanas and the other holy scriptures proclaim that without the Naam, everything is false and worthless. || 1 || The infinite treasure of the Naam abides within the minds of the devotees. Birth and death, attachment and suffering, are erased in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. || 1 || Pause || Those who indulge in attachment, conflict and egotism shall surely weep and cry. Those who are separated from the Naam shall never find any peace. || 2 || Crying out, “Mine! Mine!”, he is bound in bondage. Entangled in Maya, he is reincarnated in heaven and hell. || 3 || Searching, searching, searching, I have come to understand the essence of reality. Without the Naam, there is no peace at all, and the mortal will surely fail. || 4 || Many come and go; they die, and die again, and are reincarnated. Without understanding, they are totally useless, and they wander in reincarnation. || 5 || They alone join the Saadh Sangat, unto whom the Lord becomes Merciful. They chant and meditate on the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. || 6 || Uncounted millions, so many they are endless, search for Him. But only that one, who understands his own self, sees God near at hand. || 7 || Never forget me, O Great Giver — please bless me with Your Naam.To sing Your Glorious Praises day and night — O Nanak, this is my heart-felt desire. || 8 || 2 || 5 || 16 || Hukamnama from SikhNet.com


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