Liquid Church with Pastor Tim Lucas show

Liquid Church with Pastor Tim Lucas

Summary: Relevant & dynamic messages about culture and faith, God and life from Pastor Tim Lucas of

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 Sprinkle, Dip, or Dunk...What's the Deal with Baptism? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:07

Maybe your parents had you sprinkled as an infant. Perhaps you got dunked as a teen. Maybe you don't go near water. What if you're returning to faith as an adult? Do you need to be re-baptized? There seems to be a lot of confusion about this important milemarker in the Christian journey. Some ask, "Do I have to be baptized to become a Christian?" Others privately wonder, "Does my childhood baptism count?" Figure out where you stand as Pastor Tim opens the Scriptures to answer the question: "Sprinkle, Dip, or Dunk... What's the Deal with Baptism?"

 Money and Your Stuff, pt 6: I.O.U. (Debt) - msg 3/5/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:28

There are the HAVES... and the HAVE NOTS. And then there are those who HAVE NOT paid for what they HAVE. Debt is a familiar four-letter word to most of us that’s as American as apple pie. It’s also one of the most crippling burdens that emerging generations carry. You may have taken scissors to your credit cards before, but is there a lasting way out from a lifestyle of financial debt? Listen in for the conclusion of Pastor Tim’s message series on money "I.O.U." to learn some basic tools for avoiding debt & begin the journey to financial sanity. Part 6 of the message series "Why the Devil Takes MasterCard: Jesus on Money and Your Stuff."

 Money and Your Stuff, pt 5: The Tenth Floor - msg 2/26/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:04

What do you think when you hear the word "tithe"? A tip for good service? A religious tax? Tithing is one of the most misunderstood aspects of the Christian life-- yet, if Scripture is to be believed, it is one of the onramps to the Real Joy that God intends for his kids. It doesn't make sense. Giving money back to God actually increases my wealth? Yes. In all the ways that money can't buy. Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses "The Tenth Floor"-- God's onramp to financial freedom and blessing. Part 5 of "Why the Devil Takes MasterCard: Jesus on Money and Your Stuff."

 Drew the Forgetful Intern | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:54

Good heavens... Poor, poor Drew! What in the world could Liquid's naughty intern have done to deserve getting his butt kicked? (promo for video iPod only) Don't forget: Liquid Small Group Connection This Sunday 2/26 6:30-7:30 PM (between services) Only at

 Money and Your Stuff, pt 4: Open Hands - message 2/19/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:22

You and I are natural-born clutchers. From the moment we come grasping our momma's finger out of the womb, we grab what we can, declare it "Mine!" and hang on tight for dear life. Clutching and grasping is our reflexive response as fallen humans. To freely "let go" of our money and stuff just ain't natural. In fact, to enjoy the freedom of opening our hands to God and others requires a supernatural impulse. Yet, this is exactly what happened according to Paul in 2 Corinthians 8-- God's Spirit stimulated a heartfelt joy in the Macedonian believers causing them to become extravagant givers! Indeed, if we're to truly experience the full joy of God and participate in His mission of extending generosity to others in need, we must learn to loosen our grip on what we have... following the example of Christ as the Macedonians did. Take a look at your hands... and listen in as Pastor Tim discusses the secret of open-handed giving. Part 4 of the message series "Why the Devil Takes MasterCard: Jesus on Money and Your Stuff."

 Money and Your Stuff - video teaser | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:45

Check-out the video teaser for Pastor Tim's message series "Why the Devil Takes MasterCard: Jesus on Money and Your Stuff." A special treat for our listeners with a Video iPod!

 Money and Your Stuff pt 3: Insider Trading - message 1/29/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:26

Have you ever seen a hearse with a luggage rack? We all know you can't take it with you. But in Matthew 6, Jesus shares an incredible corollary to that truth about our treasure. You can't take it with you... but you can send it on ahead. Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses the ultimate "Insider Trading" tip that should revolutionize our earthly investment strategy. Part 3 of "Why the Devil Takes MasterCard: Jesus on Money and Your Stuff"

 Money and Your Stuff, pt 2: Fever Break - message 1/22/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:16

Let's face it: Money is an touchy topic. We're uncomfortable talking about it, and most folks are content to keep it a private, personal matter. Yet, for some reason, the Bible's Author makes a big deal about it-- addressing the issue of money and possessions more than faith and prayer combined! Indeed, Jesus "turned up the heat" when it came to money-- even drawing a direct link to the sincerity of one's salvation. Listen in as Pastor Tim highlights 4 "Fever Breaks"... or ways that Jesus teaches a person is finally freed from the grip of Affluenza. Part 2 of the message series "Why the Devil Takes MasterCard: Jesus on Money and Your Stuff"

 Money & Your Stuff pt 1: Affluenza - message 1/15/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:48

Af-flu-en-za n. 1. The bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Joneses. 2. An epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness caused by dogged pursuit of the American Dream. 3. A spiritual illness that Jesus counsels his followers to avoid at all costs As Westerners, we live in a society of unprecedented affluence, a culture of luxury that teaches us to buy, spend, and consume from early on. Yet Jesus warns his followers "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions" (Luke 12.15). How do we live in a world that says luxury, leisure and consumption are the means to lasting happiness? Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses the Affluenza bug in the message series "Why the Devil Takes MasterCard: Jesus on Money and Your Stuff."

 Renovating the Kitchen - msg 1/8/06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:08

When family or close friends visit, why is the kitchen always the most popular room in the house? A: Because it's where REAL conversations happen-- the nitty gritty stuff of life. Over the kitchen table is where initimate friends huddle to share their deepest hopes, dreams, and fears. In short: the kitchen is about intimate community. In 2006, we are "renovating" the kitchen at Liquid-- listen in as we discuss the blueprints for expanding our small group community for folks from all seasons of life. From guests... to friends... to family: step inside the Liquid kitchen and belong.

 A Cosmic Christmas - msg 12/25/05 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:59

We're all familiar with the the old, old story-- the shepherds, the magi, the babe in the manger... but do we know the real story that took place behind the stars on that first Christmas? What was Christmas like from God's perspective? It may have been a hushed "Silent Night" on earth, but in the heavens... well, there was another drama unfolding. A war to end all wars. This is the story of the OTHER Christmas-- the one we glimpse from a heavenly point-of-view in Revelation, chapter 12. Listen in as Pastor Tim pulls back the curtain on "A Cosmic Christmas" that restores the wonder of God's courageous gift to us.

 Narnia pt 2 - The Lion King of Kings - 12/18/05 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:45

Not safe... but good. This is how Mr. Beaver describes Aslan... and the way the God of the Bible reveals Himself to His creatures. What do we make of a God who brims with an infinite love... yet is said to burn with a furious wrath? Can a mighty God of righteous rage still be trustworthy? Indeed, the anger of God is a widely misunderstood aspect of His character-- too often exploited by desperate preachers and callous believers to manipulate and threaten folks. Could it be that Divine Anger is noble & restorational (rather than petty and destructive)? Listen in as Pastor Tim discusses how the Lion of Judah's coming return will finally bring justice and healing to a wounded world.

 Narnia pt. 1 - The Deeper Magic - 12/11/05 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:30

The winter is finally over... and Aslan is on the move! When the cinematic adaptation of C.S. Lewis' classic allegory "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" hit theaters, thousands were introduced to the enchanting tale of 4 children who discover a parallel world where Good and Evil clash in epic kingdom conflict. At the center of the tale is a Lion King of Kings... the hero our adult hearts secretly long for. But this is more than a children's fable or a blockbuster movie. Tune in as Pastor Tim Lucas of discusses the "story behind the story" and the deeper magic into which God invites His children.

 Ancient Future Church, pt 2 - message 11/13/05 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:52

Three years after early Christians were persecuted under Nero for the burning of Rome in A.D. 64, the apostle Peter wrote his fellow believers: "Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us" (1 Peter 2.11-12). And that is exactly what the young Christ followers did-- forming a vibrant community of faith that was radically committed to holy living , generosity and compassion. From a marginalized and misunderstood minority, the Early Christians became a culture-changing community of such irresistable influence that the watching world of non-believers couldn't help but confess that the presence of Jesus was among them. And so they became: the kind of church only God could get credit for. At Liquid, we're far from being a perfect church-- but we are striving to build a community that actually makes a difference in this world that God so loves. Interested in learning more? Joining the conversation? Email us at to join the journey...

 Porn pt 4: Restoration & Renewal - message 10/23/05 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:51

Is there a way out of the darkness of porn? You know it! ...But God's path to freedom often involves hitting rock-bottom as King David did. Authentic confession and repentance reflect an inner state of brokenness-- an admission to God that one's life is out-of-control and you're powerless to change it on your own. "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise" (Psalm 51.17). Though suffering tragic consequences for his lust-driven choices here on earth, David shows us the pathway home to the kind of authentic restoration and renewal only God can generate. Take heart-- you're not alone... and all is not lost!


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