SECRET TRUTHS :: Conspiracy Theories Exposed show

SECRET TRUTHS :: Conspiracy Theories Exposed

Summary: Pulling back the curtain on everything from Government Cover-ups to Secret Societies. Revealing the world's most guarded secrets "they" don't want you to know about.

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 Phoenix Lights - Largest UFO Ever Reported by Over 700 People! | Podcast #7 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1518

After returning from a powerful weekend in Phoenix, we discover a startling story involving a huge UFO sighting in Phoenix Arizona. We dive into the claims of how a 1500' "V" shaped UFO could be mistaken for flares dropped by an A-10 Warthog Airplane.The Phoenix Lights (sometimes referred to as the "lights over Phoenix") were a series of widely sighted optical phenomena (generally unidentified flying objects) that occurred in the skies over the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada, and the Mexican state of Sonora on March 13, 1997.A repeat of the lights occurred February 6, 2007, and was filmed by the local Fox News TV station.Lights of varying descriptions were seen by thousands of people between 19:30 and 22:30 MST, in a space of about 300 miles, from the Nevada line, through Phoenix, to the edge of Tucson.There were two distinct events involved in the incident: a triangular formation of lights seen to pass over the state, and a series of stationary lights seen in the Phoenix area. Witnesses claim to have observed a huge carpenter's square-shaped UFO, containing lights or possibly light-emitting engines. Fife Symington,[5] the governor at the time, was one key witness to this incident.Check out the video footage at and week Mark Willison and Scott Paton share cutting edge thoughts, facts, factoids and theories about what's really going on in the world. Ever wonder why certain inane behaviors occur from seemingly intelligent people. So do we.We also wonder at the blatant lies that our governments and officials feeds us. So we are going to express our opinions here and on our secret website: Join us!

 Chemtrails Across America | Secret Truths | Conspiracy Theories Revealed | Podcast #6 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1954

Chemtrails, Contrails, what exactly are all those lines we see criss-crossing back and forth across the sky all the time?Are we supposed to believe that they are really just condensation?It seems like every time you look up, there is another jet flying overhead leaving this air-grafitti across our skies. If it isn't just condensation from the exaust, then what is it and what is the purpose of all of this?Join us to find out what exactly might be in these Chemtrails and why they are happening. Secret Truths | Conspiracy Theories Revealed | Podcast #6Each week Mark Willison and Scott Paton share cutting edge thoughts, facts, factoids and theories about what's really going on in the world. Ever wonder why certain inane behaviors occur from seemingly intelligent people. So do we.We also wonder at the blatant lies that our governments and officials feeds us. So we are going to express our opinions here and on our secret website: Join us! RESOURCES:

 Olympic Tragedy and Other Conspiracies | Secret Truths | Conspiracy Theories Revealed | Podcast #5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2164

Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili died in a horrific crash during an Olympic training run Friday on the eve of the Vancouver Games' opening ceremonies, flying off a high-speed track that has wasted little time showing its teeth.The 21-year-old lost control of his sled on the final turn, went over the track wall and rocketed into a support pole near the finish line at the Whistler Sliding Centre. He subsequently died in hospital.The shocking crash cast a pall on the Games, which had been gearing up for a worldwide opening ceremony celebration to be beamed live from B.C. Place. Instead top officials found themselves offering condolences at a Vancouver news conference."Sorry, it's a bit difficult to remain composed. This is a very sad day," said IOC president Jacques Rogge, pausing to take off his glasses and control his emotions. "The IOC's in deep mourning."Here you have a young athlete who's lost his life in pursuing his passion. He had a dream to participate in the Olympic Games. He trained hard and he had this fatal accident. I have no words to say what we feel," he told a packed news conference that lasted less than seven minutes at Vancouver's Main Press Centre."We are heartbroken beyond words to be sitting here," said VANOC CEO John Furlong, also struggling to hold back his emotions.It is a tragic event which opened up a strange conspiracy theory observation discussed in today's show.Each week Mark Willison and Scott Paton share cutting edge thoughts, facts, factoids and theories about what's really going on in the world. Ever wonder why certain inane behaviors occur from seemingly intelligent people. So do we.We also wonder at the blatant lies that our governments and officials feeds us. So we are going to express our opinions here and on our secret website: Join us!

 Norway Spiral | SecreTruths Podcast #4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1368

Initially, this visually spectacular event was thought by experts looking at those videos and images to be "just another Russian naval missile test"--Until the Russian Navy denied it was responsible!But then, in an abrupt public reversal, the Russian Defense Ministry suddenly claimed that this was, indeed, "a Russian rocket launch ...."This belated (and 180-degree) lagging Russian "admission," unfortunately, has all the appearances of a hastily-ordered cover-up--Of something "far more interesting" ....The possible demonstration, on the literal eve of Obama's arrival in Oslo, of a blatantly public "Hyperdimensional/Torsion Physics technology" ... somehow, also connected to President's Obama's imminent acceptance of his Nobel Prize--In conjunction with a carefully re-scheduled Russian missile test ....Is it another "coincidence" that, just over the hill from Tromso, lies a high-tech Norwegian "HAARP antenna farm" -- the EISCAT Ramfjordmoen facility (below) -- specifically designed to broadcast powerful beams of microwave energy high into space ... thereby also creating blatant HD/torsion side-effects in the Earth's highly-electrified upper "plasma" atmosphere (ionosphere)? The facility is officially supported by Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan ... China ... the United Kingdom ... and Germany.All this and much more in today's edition of SecreTruths!

 Aliens Exposed? | SECRET TRUTHS :: Conspiracies Exposed | Podcast #3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1437

Are we on the verge of an official government disclosure of the existence and reality of ETs and UFOs? The evidence is increasingly compelling that this utterly civilization-changing event is indeed upon us -- likely within no more than six months or less.Length: 28:21www . secreTruth . com

 Global Warming Part 2 | Podcast #2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1227

Prominent NASA global warming alarmist Dr. James Hansen has endorsed an eco-fascist book that calls for cities to be razed to the ground, industrial civilization to be destroyed and genocidal population reduction measures to be implemented in the name of preventing climate change.Hansen, who was back in the news today commenting on a NASA press release that claims the last decade was the warmest on record, said that Keith Farnish, author of a new book called Time's Up, is correct in calling for acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the agrarian age.Hansen is a key figure in the global warming movement, for it was his 1988 with testimony to a US Senate committee chaired by Al Gore that really got the ball rolling for the elite in their mission to hijack the environmental movement and promote apocalyptic fears of climate change as a means of seizing absolute power over humanity.Author Farnish “believes - as the Hon Sir Jonathon Porritt does - that mankind is a blot on the landscape and that breeding (or for that matter, existence) should be discouraged,” writes James Delingpole.“The only way to prevent global ecological collapse and thus ensure the survival of humanity is to rid the world of Industrial Civilization,” writes Farnish, adding that “people will die in huge numbers when civilization collapses”.Are there other explanations for Global Warming? Mark Willison and Scott Paton discuss the FACTS in today's episode of SecreTruths.

 Global Warming (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1268

What is really happening to our planet? Is mankind causing irreperable damage to the Earth and leading us to our demise?


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