The Globalist show

The Globalist

Summary: Monocle’s unrivalled coverage of news and current affairs kicks off on weekdays with ‘The Globalist’ at 07.00 GMT/08.00 CET. Anchored from London and Zürich, join our editors for insight and opinion on the big current affairs and business stories of the day and a review of the European front pages. Nominated for Best Daily Podcast in the 2020 British Podcast Awards. 

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 The Globalist - Thursday 3 September | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As China commemorates the Second World War, we discuses the political and diplomatic subtext. Plus we find out why Azerbaijan has jailed a top journalist and we get the business news from Russia.

 The Globalist - Wednesday 2 September | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

We look at why many Indian workers are downing tools today, learn why President Putin is in China and get the latest stories from Istanbul.

 The Globalist - Tuesday 1 September | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

We find out why China is punishing its stock-market workers, learn about the new Norwegian TV show that has upset Russia and get the latest business news from Italy.

 The Globalist - Monday 31 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

We learn how Ukraine is pulling itself out of debt; get the latest from Monocle’s bureau in Asia and leaf through our new book “The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes”.

 The Globalist - Friday 28 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

We ask how Hungary is addressing the arrival of migrants in Budapest, as people seeking a new life in Europe gather in “transit zones” at the city’s train stations. We also look at Russia’s plans for a Hollywood-style walk of fame celebrating its own cinematic history. Plus: the Ukrainian-born chef Olia Hercules explains why the crisis in Crimea led her to write the recipe book ‘Mamushka’.

 The Globalist - Thursday 27 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As the Indian city of Ahmedabad is brought to a standstill over protests for more jobs and college places, we hear about caste inequality in the state of Gujarat. Plus we discuss the rising militarisation of Australia’s migration policy, meet the mayor of Reykjavik and hear the business news from Tokyo.

 The Globalist - Wednesday 26 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As South Sudan’s president prepares to sign a peace deal aimed at halting the country’s civil war, we ask whether it will go ahead. Also, after the UN security council holds its first meeting to discuss LGBT rights under the threat of Isis, we discuss the situation facing people in regions under threat. Plus: John Lloyd explains why a prominent Egyptian billionaire could mean big changes for TV news venture Euronews.

 The Globalist - Tuesday 25 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

We discuss global reaction to China’s economic slowdown, reflect on Germany’s response to asylum seekers and get the business news from Stockholm. We also hear about an award-winning wine from Australia’s Yarra Valley and review the day’s newspapers.

 The Globalist - Monday 24 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As Ukraine marks Independence Day we ask what’s to celebrate, as its president heads to Berlin to discuss the crisis in the east and predicts decades of pressure from Moscow. We also take a look at India and Pakistan’s stances on talking to separatists, after high-level talks between the two states are cancelled. Plus: we hear about Russia’s response to EU-imposed trade sanctions as we start our series on food wars.

 The Globalist - Friday 21 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

War crimes and famine are the latest chapters in Yemen’s civil war – we check-in with our correspondent in Aden. We’re also in France, where its most famous rightwing family is tearing itself apart after Marine Le Pen expelled her father from the party he founded. Plus: as Russian politicians and pop stars are clashing over patriotism, we ask ‘The Moscow Times’ why.

 The Globalist - Thursday 20 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

How to solve the migrant crisis at Calais? As British and French ministers meet in the French port town to strike a deal, we ask what could – and should – be on their agenda. We also look at whether Serbia can continue to look both ways as it seeks EU accession while also courting Russia. Plus: in Tokyo, we discuss the latest twist in the troubled journey of “Abenomics”.

 The Globalist - Wednesday 19 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As German lawmakers are preparing to vote on the controversial Greek bailout deal, we ask how the German press is reacting to the public sentiment. We also look to Libya as its recognised government asks Arab allies for airstrikes to combat Isis militants in the country. Plus: we discuss why an old Putin ally and head of Russian state railways is departing his post for a lesser one.

 The Globalist - Tuesday 18 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

With at least 20 people killed by a bomb attack in Bangkok, we discuss what’s next for the Thai capital. Also, as the US joins forces with South Korea for the Ulchi Freedom Guardian, we look at why North Korea is agitated by the annual event. Plus: we assess the changing political fortunes of Italy’s prime minister and leaf through the day’s newspapers.

 The Globalist - Monday 17 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

After thousands of protesters across Brazil took to the streets demanding the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, we ask how serious this latest bout of rising tensions is. We also discuss how credible South Sudan’s peace deal might be. Plus: we look forward to the September issue of Monocle magazine and hear about a political interview in Istanbul that took a surprising turn.

 The Globalist - Friday 14 August | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As Hungary completes a border fence with Serbia, ostensibly to stop illegal migrants, we ask what its real function may be. Also, after reports that President Putin called an emergency security meeting this week, we discuss whether he is worried about US troops in Ukraine. Plus: we ask what impact China’s growing wine market might have on global wine tastes and head to Melbourne for the final venture in our cycling series.


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