Podcast – Cory Doctorow's craphound.com show

Podcast – Cory Doctorow's craphound.com

Summary: Articles, speeches, stories and novels by an award-winning science fiction writer, read aloud in small regular chunks

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  • Artist: Cory Doctorow
  • Copyright: Creative Commons by-nc-sa http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/


 Part two of my novella “Martian Chronicles” on Escape Pod: who cleans the toilets in libertopia? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Last week, the Escape Pod podcast published part one of a reading of my YA novella “Martian Chronicles,” which I wrote for Jonathan Strahan’s Life on Mars anthology: it’s a story about libertarian spacesteaders who move to Mars to escape “whiners” and other undesirables, only to discover that the colonists that preceded them expect them... more

 Why do people believe the Earth is flat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In my latest podcast (MP3), I read my Globe and Mail column, Why do people believe the Earth is flat?, which connects the rise of conspiratorial thinking to the rise in actual conspiracies, in which increasingly concentrated industries are able to come up with collective lobbying positions that result in everything from crashing 737s to... more

 “Martian Chronicles”: Escape Pod releases a reading of my YA story about rich sociopaths colonizing Mars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Back in 2011, I wrote a young adult novella called “Martian Chronicles,” which I podcasted as it was in progress; it’s a story about the second wave of wealthy colonists lifting off from climate-wracked, inequality-riven Earth to live in a libertarian utopia on Mars. The story (part of a series of stories that use titles... more

 Podcast: DRM Broke Its Promise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In my latest podcast (MP3), I read my new Locus column, DRM Broke Its Promise, which recalls the days when digital rights management was pitched to us as a way to enable exciting new markets where we’d all save big by only buying the rights we needed (like the low-cost right to read a book... more

 Podcast: Barlow’s Legacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Even though I’m at Burning Man, I’ve snuck out an extra scheduled podcast episode (MP3): Barlow’s Legacy is my contribution to the Duke Law and Tech Review’s special edition, THE PAST AND FUTURE OF THE INTERNET: Symposium for John Perry Barlow: “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”1... more

 Podcast: Barlow’s Legacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Even though I’m at Burning Man, I’ve snuck out an extra scheduled podcast episode (MP3): Barlow’s Legacy is my contribution to the Duke Law and Tech Review’s special edition, THE PAST AND FUTURE OF THE INTERNET: Symposium for John Perry Barlow: “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”1... more

 My MMT Podcast appearance, part 2: monopoly, money, and the power of narrative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Last week, the Modern Monetary Theory Podcast ran part 1 of my interview with co-host Christian Reilly; they’ve just published the second and final half of our chat (MP3), where we talk about the link between corruption and monopoly, how to pitch monetary theory to people who want to abolish money altogether, and how stories... more

 Podcast: A cycle of renewal, broken: How Big Tech and Big Media abuse copyright law to slay competition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In my latest podcast (MP3), I read my essay “A Cycle of Renewal, Broken: How Big Tech and Big Media Abuse Copyright Law to Slay Competition”, published today on EFF’s Deeplinks; it’s the latest in my ongoing series of case-studies of “adversarial interoperability,” where new services unseated the dominant companies by finding ways to plug... more

 My appearance on the MMT podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I’ve been following the Modern Monetary Theory debate for about 18 months, and I’m largely a convert: governments spend money into existence and tax it out of existence, and government deficit spending is only inflationary if it’s bidding against the private sector for goods or services, which means that the government could guarantee every unemployed... more

 Podcast: Interoperability and Privacy: Squaring the Circle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In my latest podcast (MP3), I read my essay “Interoperability and Privacy: Squaring the Circle, published today on EFF’s Deeplinks; it’s another in the series of “adversarial interoperability” explainers, this one focused on how privacy and adversarial interoperability relate to each other. Even if we do manage to impose interoperability on Facebook in ways that... more

 Podcast: “IBM PC Compatible”: how adversarial interoperability saved PCs from monopolization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In my latest podcast (MP3), I read my essay “IBM PC Compatible”: how adversarial interoperability saved PCs from monopolization, published today on EFF’s Deeplinks; it’s another installment in my series about “adversarial interoperability,” and the role it has historically played in keeping tech open and competitive. This time, I relate the origin story of the... more

 Podcast: Adblocking: How About Nah? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In my latest podcast (MP3), I read my essay Adblocking: How About Nah?, published last week on EFF’s Deeplinks; it’s the latest installment in my series about “adversarial interoperability,” and the role it has historically played in keeping tech open and competitive, and how that role is changing now that yesterday’s scrappy startups have become... more

 Podcast: Adversarial Interoperability is Judo for Network Effects | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In my latest podcast (MP3), I read my essay SAMBA versus SMB: Adversarial Interoperability is Judo for Network Effects, published last week on EFF’s Deeplinks; it’s a furhter exploration of the idea of “adversarial interoperability” and the role it has played in fighting monopolies and preserving competition, and how we could use it to restore... more

 Appearance on the Jim Rutt Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jim Rutt — former chairman of the Santa Fe Institute and ex-Network Solutions CEO — just launched his new podcast, and included me in the first season! (MP3) It was a characteristically wide-ranging, interdisciplinary kind of interview, covering competition and adversarial interoperability, technological self-determination and human rights, conspiracy theories and corruption. There’s a full transcript... more

 Podcast: Occupy Gotham | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In my latest podcast (MP3), I read my essay Occupy Gotham, published in Detective Comics: 80 Years of Batman, commemorating the 1000th issue of Batman comics. It’s an essay about the serious hard problem of trusting billionaires to solve your problems, given the likelihood that billionaires are the cause of your problems. A thousand issues... more


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