Wired's The Monitor show

Wired's The Monitor

Summary: Peter Rubin's insightful, slightly warped view of tech culture.

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 Ep. 45 – The Monitor Pumps Some Iron | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 4:08

Well, some Iron MAN. Do you see what happened there? How you thought from the headline that we meant lifting weights, as in a phrase popularized by the 1970s documentary about a young Arnold Schwarzenegger? And you were all like “DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO?

 Ep. 44 – Cruisin' and Boozin' on The Monitor | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:30

We've got heroes, antiheroes, and all things in between this week. If it's not the return of the most enthusiastic tiny action-movie hero ever, it's the return of the most consistent Wu-Tang Clan member ever. Superlatives: get 'em while they're hot!

 Ep. 43 – The Monitor Loves a Good Second Banana | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:21

Who never gets POTUS love? VPOTUS, that’s who. And we don't mean Amtrak Joe, or Dan Quayle, or even Spiro Agnew. We mean Selina Meyer, the vice-presidential star of HBO's Veep, which is back this week.

 Ep. 42 – The Monitor Tells a Westeros Side Story | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:33

For the past few weeks, whenever we’ve been idly doodling during a meeting, we look down at the notebook and find that we’ve written this: DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON. Which tells us that this week’s arrival of Season 3 of Game of Thrones is happening none too DRAGON DRAGON soon.

 Ep. 41 – The Monitor Springs Into Psychosis | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:41

The vernal equinox has come and gone, and we’re left with a three-piece dinner of some glorious weirdness to dig into this week. If a young Norman Bates isn’t enough, stick around for the best over-the-top movie character since Brad Pitt in 12 Monkeys!

 Ep. 40 – The Monitor Gets in the Wayback Machine | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:18

Sometimes when old favorites get updated, we get all crotchety about it; we hitch an onion to our belts, dodder into town, and rail against The Way It Used to Be. But sometimes, sometimes, we couldn’t be happier. And this week, my friends, is one of those times.

 Ep. 39 – Love, Peace, and Dogfights on The Monitor | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:31

Spring is in the air, people, which means a young person’s thoughts turn to love. Burning Love, that is. Also, to what’s arguably the best supergroup in a long, long while. (Sorry, Traveling Wilburys!) Also also, old videogames. And guess what? We’ve got all of those things this week on The Monitor! In fact, it’s almost like we wrote this paragraph already knowing all that information. Almost.

 Ep. 38 – The Monitor Goes all Barry White on You | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:36

This week, we’ve got a new album from Major Lazer, a new comic from Marvel, and a new show from one of the minds behind South Park. That’s three for three, in case you were keeping track. Three what? We’ll be honest: We have no idea.

 Ep. 37 – The Monitor Heads to a Galaxy Far, Far Away | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 4:46

We’ve got a new comic book that takes place between installments of the Original Trilogy, and two analog-inspired games to take you back to your childhood. Beware, because we are descending to levels of Deep Nerd heretofore unplumbed.

 Ep. 36 – The Monitor Goes Back to Greendale | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 5:06

Is it strange to be excited for the start of classes in the middle of February? Maybe, but with Community finally coming back to NBC this week, we don’t really see any other choice.

 Ep. 35 – It's Nerd Time at The Monitor (Again) | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 6:06

Not that it ever isn't, when you really think about it. But this week especially revels in nerdly obsessions -- from celebrating nerds themselves on TV, to musical nerd-outs over a new vinyl reissue series, to videogames.

 Ep. 34 – The Monitor Tries to Warm Up Your Winter | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 5:36

One of these days, it’ll stop being quite so wintry. Right? Until then, we might as well pretend we’re somewhere warm wearing fewer clothes and drinking something delicious.

 Ep. 33 – Archer Time: The Monitor Enters the Danger Zone | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 5:13

It’s a good week, people. Our favorite animated show’s new season is starting, ASAP Rocky's album and its ZOMG-incredible posse cut is out, and DC Comics is firing up a team of cosmic superheroes that looks like it might just be a lot of fun.

 Ep. 32 – TV's Back, and The Monitor Gets Couchlock | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 5:35

In honor of MRSA, we're taking a look at three networks and their offerings over the coming week. Some of the new shows are coming back after a long hiatus, and others are being birthed, naked and mewling, before our very eyes.

 Ep. 31 – The Monitor's 10 Favorite Things of 2012 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 6:08

How many things happen in a year? How many albums, comic books, games, movies, TV shows?


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