The Organic View show

The Organic View

Summary: June Stoyer is a journalist & hosts The Organic View, as well as several special series: The Neonicotinoid View & The Clean Energy View. She is globally ranked in top 1% influencers on social media. ©2015 The Organic View Radio Show. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by the The Organic View Radio Show. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used for any purpose other than personal use. Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than personal use, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. The identifier "The Organic View" refers collectively to The Organic View Radio Show, and The Organic View Network.General inquiries should be directed to our Web feedback box, info(@) or from the contact form at the top of most pages on our site,

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 It’s Thanksgiving- Thank A Beekeeper! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Thanksgiving is a special celebration in America in which family and friends gather to enjoy a cornucopia of scrumptious foods. While most people typically give thanks for their friends, family, health and good fortune, not many really think about the importance of the honeybee in this celebration. Just like the Pilgrims, the honeybees were also natives of Europe. Did you know that honeybees are also responsible for pollinating ¾ of all of our agricultural crops? When you look around the table this Thanksgiving, think about how many foods such as plums, raspberries, almonds, cherries, apples and pumpkins (favorites, especially for traditional pies). Then think about how some of the foods which are consumed by turkeys have been pollinated by bees. Without the honeybee, Thanksgiving would not be the feast that it is. Unfortunately, the  honeybee population continues to rapidly decline with the increased number of genetically modified crops combined with systemic pesticides. Thankfully, there are many leaders, educators and activists who are working together to raise awareness and help educate the public about the importance of honeybees in our lives. In this special holiday segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will be joined by special guest host, Marina Marchese and Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture Magazine. Stay tuned! Bios: Marina Marchese, who wrote the book Honeybee: Lessons from an Accidental Beekeeper is a true renaissance woman and is also the President of Red Bee ® Artisanal Honey. As a true lover and defender of honeybees, she also educates people about the many misconceptions about bees and why people need to embrace the power that these special beings offer. Kim Flottum is the editor of Bee Culture magazine, author of The Backyard Beekeeper and an editor of the ABC & XYZ of Bee Culture, 41st Edition. 

 Deadly Deception: The Story of Aspartame- Mary Nash Stoddard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Just about every other commercial talks about weight loss or some kind of food that promotes weight loss. What exactly is the risk that you are taking with your health when you consume these kinds of foods? Most every diet food, which has been cleverly changed by the marketers to “low calorie” and “reduced calorie” food item contains an artificial sweetener. The artificial sweetener is usually saccharin or aspartame. Controversy continues to swirl around these fake sugars thirty years after FDA approval but are they really safe? One woman adamantly says, "No." She should know! Award winning journalist and food safety expert, Mary Nash Stoddard, has, for the past 24 years, spearheaded the campaign to have aspartame recalled and retested as a drug. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Mary Nash Stoddard, the founder: Aspartame Consumer Safety Network and Pilot Hotline to talk about this deadly sweetener. Stay tuned!

 Joe The Juicer's Joe Cross: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

In America, obesity has become a severe problem that affects people of all ages. While there are many diets, fitness chains and other methods to help shed unwanted pounds, sometimes, you must reach rock bottom in order to take action. One day, Joe Cross found himself, 100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating auto-immune disease. He decided enough was enough and began his journey to good health. He decided to film his transition so that he could inspire others to do the same. Along the way, he spoke to more than 300 Americans, from all walks of life, about what they ate and (more importantly) what they didnt eat. He found a nation full of honest, hard working, friendly and caring people that just need some motivation and inspiration. His documentary, FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joes personal mission to regain his health. With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long term, Joe turns to the only option left, his bodys ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road armed with a juicer and generator, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and get healthy. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Joe Cross, about his journey and how juicing can improve and restore your health. Stay tuned!

 The Percy Schmeiser Story: A Landmark Victory For Farmers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Percy Schmeiser is a canola farmer from Saskatchewan, Canada. He was the first farmer to win a law suit against Monsanto. This landmark case, which went before the Federal Court of Canada, has attracted international attention because it could help determine how much control a handful of powerful biotech companies can exert over farmers. Schmeiser believes this precedent setting agreement ensures that farmers will be entitled to reimbursement when their fields become contaminated with unwanted Roundup Ready canola or any other unwanted GMO plants. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Percy Schmeiser about his battle with this agro-chemical giant.

 Producer, Bertram Verhaag: Scientists Under Attack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  They say that money is the root of all evil. When it comes to corporate responsibility, this is clearly the case as the only legal responsibility corporations have is to make money for their shareholders. The chemical companies have clever marketers spinning ads promoting the healthfulness of genetically modified organisms while at the same time deploying thug tactics to silence anyone, including established and well respected scientists that have done the research to prove otherwise. Film maker, Bertram Verhaag is the producer of a documentary called Scientists Under Attack- Science In The Magnetic Field of Money which takes a closer look at the ruthless tactics deployed by these companies as he reveals to the audience the attacks scientists who have uncovered the truth about about GMO’s have suffered. Featured in this film are anti-gmo activists, Jeffrey Smith, Professor Ignacio Chapela, Dr. Andrew Kimbrall, head of the Center For Food Safety and is one of two lawyers who sued the Food and Drug Administration in 1998. Also featured is Professor Arpad Pusztai, a 35 year world renowned Biochemist and leading expert on food studies was suspended for lifetime in 1999 after making his findings public about GMO’s in a 150 second interview which at first he was praised and then threatened with lawsuits. If you do not understand the dire threat of GMO’s and why we, as people need to take action, please tune in to today’s show as June Stoyer talks to film producer, Bertram Verhaag about this very important documentary.

 Alice Shabecoff: How To Protect Children From Toxic Exposure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Last year in New York State, former Governor Patterson launched a pesticide reduction policy which was created to help protect children from pesticide use on playgrounds, picnic areas, baseball fields, campgrounds, beaches, and hiking trails. This measure is something that some states have begun to adopt.  While this clearly sends a message to the public that some of the commonly used pesticides are a dire threat to the health of our children, more needs to be done collectively by everyone around the globe. Alice Shabecoff is an advocate who has been working diligently to raise awareness about the dangers of the chemical use in our environment as well as inside our own homes. She educates the public about how these toxic chemicals have impacted our health and what we can do about it. Alice is the author of Poisoned for Profit: The Toxic Assault on our Children, which she co-authored with her husband, Philip. The Shabecoffs reveal that the children of baby boomers—the first to be raised in a truly "toxified" world—have higher rates of birth defects, asthma, cancer, autism and a frightening range of other neurological illnesses from ADHD to mental retardation and other serious chronic illnesses, than previous generations. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer, talks to Alice Shabecoff to explore how different illnesses have been triggered by different toxins. She will also discuss the impact on children and just how many of them are sick.  She will also discuss how much of a problem this is on our society as a whole. If you would like to learn what you can do to protect yourself and your children from these toxic assaults, stay tuned! 

 Author, Jessica Kellner: Housing Reclaimed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The DIY home renovation concept is a very popular trend, especially with the high cost of home renovation and the need to live more sustainably. Providing that you have the expertise or have the proper instruction, it can also be very cost effective as it is good for the environment. The financial costs associated with purchasing a new home has also forced people to go back to basics. Home owners are looking at the comfort and personalization of the home as opposed to buying something that is simply “bigger and better”. Instead of spending a fortune on brand new materials, people are opting to use  materials from old buildings or “deconstruction” as well as other materials often headed for landfills. By embracing building concepts such as straw bale building on a community level, people can learn to work together within their own communities to create more affordable housing as they develop a more tight-knit community. How does one begin such an endeavor? What exactly are the building basics that you need to know? How can people go about collecting reclaimed materials to use to build a house? Why are insulation and thermal mass so important? What options are there for utilizing space as well as creating space? How can you incorporate the natural color of materials to enhance the beauty of your home? How can you create a landscape that also lends itself to sustainability? In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, tune in to host, June Stoyer talk to author, Jessica Kellner about her book, Housing Reclaimed: Sustainable Homes For Next To Nothing as we discuss some of the many questions home owners have. Jessica Kellner is editor of Natural Home & Garden magazine and a passionate advocate of using architectural salvage to create aesthetically beautiful, low-cost housing. Stay tuned!

 What Is The Significance Of 11 11 11? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  November 11, 2011 is a significant date to many belief systems.  The number eleven is the fifth prime number (contrary to popular belief, the number 1 is not a prime number). November 11 is also Veterans Day, which is World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.” The base numeric number system lends itself to some interesting peculiarities as relates to the number eleven. Many people feel this is about a shift of consciousness. However, what do we really understand about this shift of consciousness? Why is this date said to be a door opener and what makes the energy so special on 11 11 11? What is the morphogenetic field and how do we connect to it? How will be influenced by it and how can we change this field? How can we continue to be of service to mankind throughout the 11 days following and what should we do? It doesn’t matter what your belief system is. What does matter is the collective positive focused energy for this specific purpose. In this segment of The Organic View, host, June Stoyer will be joined by our special guest, Michaela Adam Horst who is the CEO & Founder of MIJO Healing TM, Holistic Leadership TM, Center for Natural Healing Methods (ZFNH), and Rising Sun Foundation (RSF). Michaela will address the global needs of people and the spiritual significance of this date. Michaela will then lead a special meditation for our global audience to participate in. Please join us this Friday morning at 11am, EST for this very special segment.

 Mayor Calvin Tillman: | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  With the myriad of environmental and health related concerns that have come about due to natural gas development, people are left with a whole slew of problems that are often quite costly. These problems have been difficult to handle, especially since there has been little regulation and no one the people can turn to for assistance. In 2010, was founded by two gentleman, Tim Ruggiero and Calvin Tillman, who had been personally affected by natural gas drilling. is a non-profit organization created to collect environmental data and provide environmental testing to lower income families and neighborhoods that are effected by natural gas exploration.Calvin Tillman is the former mayor of the small town Dish, Texas who was featured in the film, Gasland. Elected as mayor of DISH in May of 2007, Calvin served his second term as mayor, after serving a two year term as town commissioner of DISH. Due to DISH being the crossroads of many natural gas pipelines, the mayor was active in pursuing state legislation regarding the routing of natural gas pipelines as well as the powers that the pipeline companies have been given. A resolution was passed by the town of DISH regarding this subject and was passed by forty other towns with well over a million people represented. DISH, which has the smallest budget of any town in North Texas, commissioned an independent air quality study near a large natural gas compression station. This testing was among the first of its kind. The town of DISH is leading the cause for responsible drilling and pipelines in North Texas. Mayor Tillman serves on work groups with the members of the state legislators, regarding regulation of the natural gas industry and is active with the Texas Oil and Gas Accountability Project. He has traveled around the United States speaking on responsible drilling. Stay tuned to listen to Mayor Calvin Tillman!

 Susan Thixton: Dinner PAWsible- Making Your Own Pet Food | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Due to the fact that the pet food industry remains unregulated, consumers could very well be buying products for their animal companions that could be detrimental to their health. Regardless of pet food related deaths, this $53 bn dollar industry remains unregulated. Did you know that some pet food include ingredients from rendered euthanized animals, diseased animal parts and insect infested foods? Currently, there are efforts being made to change this. Susan Thixton, Founder of, a world renowned authority on pet food has launched a crusade to put an end to FDA compliance policies that allow these horrendous ingredients into pet foods. By empowering consumers with the knowledge they need, this will also help reduce the number of pet food related deaths. In order to do this, Susan decided the best way to teach consumers was by creating an actual cookbook in conjunction with Dr. Cathy Alinovi, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. The best-selling book, Dinner PAWsible, which was recently released, has been a smash hit with pet parents and animal lovers around the globe. While there are many resources available for recipes for your pets, none of them offer a complete day-to-day balanced meal plan for your cat or dog and actually offer the opportunity to connect directly with the authors. Subsequently, most meal plans require supplements in order to achieve nutritional balance. Dinner PAWsible does things the old fashioned way and actually uses selected foods to provide the required nutritional value. Most people assume that veterinarian can guide them but unfortunately most are not trained in pet nutrition. This has often been a huge problem for many pet owners, especially if they are not given proper guidance by someone who has been trained in pet nutrition. Tune in to host, June Stoyer talk to Susan Thixton about how you can prepare meals for your pet.

 The Wilderness Society:Managing Our Natural Resources Wisely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

            While there is a great need to find immediate available resources for energy, there is also an even greater need to ensure that the methods of extraction are safe and have minimal impact.  According to the Wilderness Society, more oil and gas drilling occurs in America every year than anywhere else in the world. Since 1950, 2.6 million oil and natural gas wells have been drilled in the U.S. The West’s public lands are already extensively drilled. There are tens of thousands of oil and natural gas wells on public lands, with thousands more currently approved for drilling and tens of thousands more planned for the future. Such intense, localized development makes other uses of the land (hunting, fishing, recreating) difficult, if not impossible. The oil and gas industry and their political allies claim that the only way to address our country’s numerous energy issues is to open more public lands and waters to oil and natural gas drilling, and reduce environmental and safety standards.  What they don’t tell you is that drilling in America is already occurring at an astonishing pace and in a bewildering number of places. The Wilderness Society is the leading American conservation organization working to protect our nation’s public lands, the 635 million acres collectively owned by the American people and managed by our government. They are also important sources of renewable energy and vital natural resources that must be managed wisely. Tune in to hear June Stoyer interview David Alberswerth, Sr Policy Advisor, the Wilderness Society.  

 Author, Kathy Spencer: How to Shop for Free | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  Although the economy may not be thriving, people will always take advantage of a bargain because the bottom line is saving money any time of the year is always welcome. It doesn’t matter if it is a simple discount that is run during lunchtime or from a coupon, consumers today are more savvy than ever. Some shoppers actually have their strategy down to a science. Author, Kathy Spencer, offers such advice gleaned from years of coupon clipping and discount hunting. In her book, How to Shop for Free: Shopping Secrets for Smart Women Who Love to Get Something for Nothing, she takes finding a good bargain to a whole new level by acquainting readers with the little-known tricks of the retail world. She offers valuable tips and tricks on how to score organic food, products and other items for free as well as how to take advantage of giveaways from many popular stores. Kathy uncovers  the  secrets  of  store  club programs; the ins and outs of eBay; the keys to avoiding consumer scams; the truth about rebates, buy-one-get-one offers, rain checks; and the best deals by month. She  also provides a guide to the all-out, price-slashing, retail competitions  in December. No matter what your goal is, How to Shop for Free offers strategies designed to save you money, without sacrificing quality or brand names, from someone who has thoroughly tested and researched the stores and techniques.  In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Kathy Spencer about how you can save!

 The Organic View After Dark: "Shift Happens" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  The Organic View Radio Show is happy to feature a new series every Friday night at 7pm, Eastern called The Organic View After Dark: "Shift Happens". The shows will explore an enlightened view of the current state of the pragmatic world. Shift Happens will be hosted by June Stoyer and Hollywood’s most sought after spiritual leader, SanDanYi. San has worked privately with the upper echelon in Hollywood and the business world for the last two decades. He has been a spiritual advisor to well known people in Hollywood such as the legendary Louise Hay, actress Maria Bello, TV Personality Tanika Ray, renowned spiritual author, Doreen Virtue as well as many other prominent business professionals. Please join us this Friday evening at 7pm, Eastern/4pm Pacific, for the premier of Shift Happens!

 Jerry Ensminger- Semper Fi: Always Faithful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  The United States of America is the greatest country on this earth. Our military serve us and fight for us so that we can continue to enjoy our freedom. But who is protecting our military from the corporations that continue to wreak havoc on our environment? Semper Fi: Always Faithful follows Jerry Ensminger’s mission to expose the Marine Corps and force them to live up to their motto to the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and their families exposed to toxic chemicals.  His fight reveals a grave injustice at North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune and a looming environmental crisis at military sites across the country. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Jerry Ensminger and talk about his mission to educate the public about this environmental nightmare! Stay Tuned!

 Ben Price: Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

  When it comes to taking action against a corporation that has violated your rights, it seems as though it is going to be an uphill battle. The corporations are equipped with an army of attorneys, have very deep pockets and seem to have mastered the art of manipulation, especially when it comes to dealing with beaurocracy. However, there is hope. Citizens can actually take matters into their own hands at the local level, where justice can be served. Enter the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. The CELDF works with communities across the country - from New England to California, from Pennsylvania and Virginia, to Spokane, Washington. The CELDF is a non-profit, public interest law firm providing free and affordable legal services to communities facing threats to their local environment, local agriculture, the local economy, and quality of life.  Their mission is to build sustainable communities by assisting people to assert their right to local self-government and the rights of nature. Established in 1995, the Legal Defense Fund has now become the principal advisor to community groups and municipal governments struggling to transition from merely regulating corporate harms to stopping those harms by asserting local, democratic control directly over corporations.Through grassroots organizing, public education and outreach, legal assistance, and drafting of ordinances, they have assisted over 110 municipalities in PA, NH, ME, and VA to draft and adopt new laws with over 350,000 people living under these governing frameworks.  These laws address activities such as corporate water withdrawals, longwall coal mining, factory farming, the land application of sewage sludge, and uranium mining. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Ben Price, the Projects Director for the CELDF.


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