The Story Collider show

The Story Collider

Summary: Our lives revolve around science. From passing high school chemistry to surviving open-heart surgery, from reading a book on mountain lions to seeing the aftermath of an oil spill, from spinning a top to looking at pictures of distant galaxies, science affects us and shapes us. At The Story Collider, we want to know people's stories about science. From our monthly live shows to our Pictures of Science project, we bring together scientists, comedians, librarians, and other disreputable types to tell true, personal stories of times when, for good or ill, science happened.

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 Deena Walker: Just Like My Sister | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 942

When anxiety begins to overtake her, biology student Deena Walker begins to worry she'll end up just like her mentally ill sister. Deena Walker is a postdoctoral fellow at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine where she studies the molecular mechanisms of addiction and depression. She recently moved to New York after finishing her PhD at The University of Texas at Austin in December 2012. When she's not in lab she enjoys practicing yoga and playing fetch with her dog in Central Park. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Charles van Rees: Suffering For Science | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 912

Charles Van Rees desperately pursues a bird through the desert for the sake of data. Charles van Rees is a conservation biologist and PhD student at Tufts University. His research in biology focuses on how ecological research can be used to integrate biodiversity conservation with economic development and create "win-win" situations for people and wildlife. He has worked throughout the United States, in Costa Rica, and Vietnam on a variety of zoological research topics and wildlife conservation issues. He has studied sea turtles, tropical bees and butterflies, and a number of bird species in seashores, tropical forests, farms, and deserts. He is an ardent believer in the need for public participation in wildlife conservation, and strives to integrate communication, outreach, and good old-fashioned story telling into his work. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Amy Dixon: The Caretaker Look | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 991

Amy Dixon is passionate about becoming a hospice nurse, but finds she can't fully understand what the families she works with are going through--until one day. Amy Dixon is a registered nurse with over sixteen years of experience in critical care, home care, hospice, and telehealth/teletriage. She is currently a Clinical Manager in a tele-triage department for a large non-profit home care agency in New York City providing education and after-hours clinical support to patients or caregivers, in all aspects of care via electronic health care coordination. Amy has also studied improv comedy and storytelling at Second City, The PIT, and The Upright Citizens Brigade, and narrative writing in nursing at the Center for Health Media and Policy at Hunter College. As a holistic board-certified nurse, Amy is currently exploring ways to integrate creativity, storytelling, narrative writing in nursing and healthcare. Her blog is at Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Rabiah Mayas: Identical Twins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 767

An accidental revelation causes Rabiah Mayas to question her identity. Rabiah Mayas, PhD, is madly in love with science and driven by life’s questions, large and small. As Director of Science and Integrated Strategies at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, her work is focused on supporting that same spirit in youth who face barriers to accessing quality science experiences. She leads a multidisciplinary department that develops, implements and researches programs that support youth in pursuit of their own scientific passions and pathways. She holds a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology and is passionate about exploring the intersections of science with art, health, and community. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Jesse Dunietz: Star of the science team | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 982

Jesse Dunietz wasn't thrilled to be the one assigned to the music portion of his high school science team -- the one part of the team that was definitely going to lose. Jesse Dunietz is a Ph.D. student in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. Originally from New Jersey, Jesse's circuitous route to Pittsburgh has included residences in Israel, Cambridge (the Massachusetts one), Cambridge (the English one), and California (the only one). He teaches computers to understand language, coaxing them to stitch the pieces of a sentence into a coherent interpretation. He is also a founder and the current president of Carnegie Mellon's Public Communication for Researchers program, which helps graduate students learn and practice communicating science to people of all backgrounds. He is easily distracted by birds. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Skylar Bayer: Phoning Home From Alvin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 946

Marine biologist Skylar Bayer faces her fears to go on a deep-ocean dive aboard the Alvin submersible, and ends up getting more than she expected. Skylar Bayer is a native to the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. She has been pursuing a career in marine science since the age of eight and is currently working on her PhD in marine reproductive ecology at the Darling Marine Center in Walpole, Maine. She manages, edits and writes for the blog, Strictlyfishwrap (, sharing anecdotal science stories, and writes for the National Shellfish Association newsletter. This past year she was featured on the Colbert Report in a field report piece on the epic case of the missing scallop gonads. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Tonia Pinheiro: Double dose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 874

Tonia Pinheiro is conflicted when her doctor's instructions seem dangerous. Tonia (tone-ya) Pinheiro is a Wake Up! Artist (sm) and founder of Wake Up! Works and ISEEU Theater. She's a diverse and dynamic improvisational actor, singer, and sound healer. Tonia is dedicated to social change and social healing by engaging and empowering people to shift their operating paradigm from fear to love through the use of sound, improvisation, and other creative expressions. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Brad Lawrence: The end of the world | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 826

For a young Brad Lawrence, fears of a nuclear apocalypse are put into perspective by his mother, at first intentionally. Brad Lawrence is a host of And I Am Not Lying, Best In Show, and has also hosted for The Moth. He has performed to sold-out houses everywhere from South By Southwest to The Edinburgh Fringe Festival and can regularly be seen contributing to storytelling, stand-up, variety, and burlesque shows throughout New York. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Rowena Fletcher-Wood: Diffraction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1129

As a chemistry student, Rowena Fletcher-Wood has to reconstruct the structure of chemicals, and a relationship with a friend, by interpreting complex data. Rowena Fletcher-Wood is a keen science communicator and doctoral researcher in materials chemistry at the University of Birmingham. She graduated from Oxford in 2011 and has since divided her time between research, outreach, story-writing and climbing. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Kishore Hari: We will rock the Earth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 995

When Kishore Hari is hired to run a new science festival he thinks he has the perfect plan, but the reality was much more than he expected. Kishore Hari is the Director of the Bay Area Science Festival, an annual celebration of science in San Francisco. After spending years operating an environmental services company, he left industry for the greener pastures of public science events and science education. He has founded numerous public science ventures, including a science cafe, a science field trip series, and a comprehensive calendar of science events across the Bay Area. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Julian Parker: A plane nerd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 811

After abandoning a love of flying, a former military officer gets behind the controls of a plane for the first time. Growing up in an army family, Julian failed to resist the urge to follow in his father's footsteps, but after a short but brilliant military career he stumbled into the world of corporate investigation where he has successfully managed to avoid being found out for over 20 years. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Anna Wexler: A crucial choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 941

There is one rule more important than any other in an fMRI experiment: no metal. But a stuck piercing makes aspiring neuroscientist Anna Wexler make a crucial choice -- end her career, or face possible serious injury? Anna Wexler is a documentary filmmaker and writer currently pursuing her PhD at MIT in the Science, Technology, and Society Program, where she is studying the social and ethical implications of neuroscience advancements. She graduated from MIT with two Bachelors of Science degrees, one in Brain and Cognitive Science and the other in Humanities and Science with a focus in Writing. She was selected as a 2007-2008 filmmaker-in-residence at WGBH to work on her debut feature documentary, UNORTHODOX, which follows three rebellious Orthodox Jewish high school teenagers through a transformative post-high school year in Israel. The film premiered in November 2013 at the Boston Jewish Film Festival and at DOC NYC. Anna's writing has been published in numerous outlets and anthologized in "Best Travel Writing, Vol. 9 (2012)" and "Best Women's Travel Writing 2011." Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Saad Sarwana: A muslim, a physicist, and a comedian... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 668

Pakistan-born physicist Saad Sarwana gets a visit from the FBI. Saad Sarwana grew up in Pakistan, and moved first to Canada and then eventually to the US to attend graduate school in Physics. He's a professional physicist by day and an amateur standup comedian by night! As a Physicist, Saad has over 30 peer reviewed publications and two US patents. As a comedian Saad has performed at every major comedy club in the NYC area, and has been featured on an ABC 20/20 story about Muslim Standup Comedians. This winter you can see him in the US on the Discovery Science Channel show "You Have Been Warned." Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 David Epstein: A turn on the track | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 799

When tragedy strikes his high school friend, David Epstein vows to find out what happened. David Epstein is author of the recent New York Times bestseller The Sports Gene, an exploration of the genetic basis of athleticism. He is currently an investigative reporter at the non-profit ProPublica. Up until September, he was a senior writer at Sports Illustrated. He has been a crime reporter at the New York Daily News, and an education reporter at Inside Higher Ed. In his past life, David was a geology grad student. He has lived in the Sonoran Desert, on a ship in the Pacific Ocean, in the Arctic in Alaska, and -- like every other writer -- in Brooklyn. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

 Danielle N. Lee: Working twice as hard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 966

As a woman of color working in science, Danielle N. Lee has always encountered challenges. But she doesn't expect the email she receives one morning, or the events it sets in motion. Dr. Danielle N. Lee is a biologist and outreach scientist. Her research areas include animal behavior, behavioral ecology, and mammalogy; She is currently examining individual behavioral differences and natural history of African Giant Pouched Rats, Cricetomys ansorgei. DNLee (as she is known online) specializes in informal science outreach to urban youth audiences and the use of social media technology to engage broad audiences in the understanding of science. She focuses on relevant, accessible, and experiential-based lessons -- formal and informal -- to engage diverse audiences in science. Her blog, The Urban Scientist, discusses urban ecology, environmental science, and STEM opportunities (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as well as diversity in the sciences. Help keep us going! If you love the podcast, please donate here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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