Win the Day: Five Minutes with Pastor Nat Crawford on show

Win the Day: Five Minutes with Pastor Nat Crawford on

Summary: Back to the Bible is a worldwide Christian ministry dedicated to leading people forward spiritually. Using media and technology, Back to the Bible meets people at their own spiritual level and walks with them daily into a living, growing and passionate relationship with Jesus Christ by equipping and motivating them to engage Scripture daily. With every 25-minute study, you'll gain a better understanding of what the Bible says, what it means and how to apply it to everyday life.

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  • Artist: Back to the Bible
  • Copyright: Copyright 2023 Win the Day: Five Minutes with Pastor Nat Crawford


 Igniting a Disappointed Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

What do you do when your loftiest dreams are shattered and scattered in pieces around you? Do you sweep them into the recess of your soul, a testimony of your disappointment with God? Bible Teacher Ron Moore takes us to a disappointing time in the life of David and explains that there is a better option. We'll also see how we can allow God to refashion our disappointments according to his will.

 Igniting a Blinded Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

As successful and blessed as King David's life and reign were, he had some significant blind spots that caused him grief. How do we identify the areas in our life before they become a problem? Ron Moore shares some practical steps to eliminating the blind spots.

 Igniting a Heart on Hold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

We can often identify with David's cry in Psalm 13: "How long O LORD?" If you're waiting for something to happen in your life, you know how hard doing nothing can be. Ron Moore takes us to the life of David and helps us find the keys that helped David during his long wait to be king.

 Igniting a Broken Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

Life is hard enough when dealing with other people's mistakes, but what about when we're the one who broke things? Ron Moore takes us back to the life of David and shows us three crucial steps on the road to wholeness and a renewed passion for God.

 Igniting a Lonely Heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

Loneliness can often feel cold and smothering. And when you are in its grip life stops being a joy and becomes a burden instead. Ron Moore takes us back to the life of David and shows how Jonathan was a friend to the future king. We'll also learn practical advice for finding and being the "Jonathan" in other people's lives.

 Igniting a Heart for God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

The flames of victorious faith are not found in cool comfort. They are kindled in the difficult, dirty and disappointing lessons of life. Ron Moore begins a study of King David and shows us by example how to live a life on fire for God.

 God, Are You Listening to My Prayers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

Ron Moore takes us Gethsemane to listen in on Jesus' prayer on the night before His crucifixion. Using Jesus' example, we can learn how to approach God in our own prayers. We'll also learn about the most important prayer we can pray. The prayer that lays the foundation for everything God wants to accomplish in our lives.

 Do All Things Really Work Out for Good? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

Romans 8:38 is one of the most often quoted Scriptures when we or loved ones are experiencing heartache. It can be a comfort to hear that God is always at work. Join Bible Teacher Ron Moore as he takes a closer look at this quoted, but often misunderstood verse.

 God, What Are You Trying to Teach Me? Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

In our times of suffering we often want to call God to account for what went wrong; as if we are the judge and God is the accused. But God reminded Job that that's not the case. As Ron Moore continues to look at the life of Job, we learn that our struggles can become an opportunity to develop our trust in God.

 God, What Are You Trying to Teach Me? Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

What do you do when you can't shake the question "why"? Bible Teacher Ron Moore takes us to story of Job, a righteous man who lost everything. By looking at Job's three responses to his tragedy, we'll be encouraged to remain firm in our faith even as the world shakes.

 God, Who Are You in My Shaken World? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00

Do you know the God who walks with you down this storm-tossed road? Is He an anchor when pounding waves threaten to batter you into submission? Bible Teacher Ron Moore examines four truths that you can cling to when life is shaken.

 God, Where Are You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00

Where is God when life's tremors rattle the walls of your world? Does He care? Did He command the earthquake? Will your faith stand or falter? Those are the issues we all battle when pain fractures our heart. Join Bible Teacher Ron Moore as he begins a new series showing you how to have an unshakable faith in a shaken world.

 Christians and Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00

How do you respond to a government that doesn't honor God? It's a question many Christians are asking today, but it's one that believers throughout history have had to grapple with. Warren Wiersbe helps us find practical answers for how to live as a godly citizen of this earth while still obeying our God in heaven.

 David in the Caves | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00

There's nothing like deep darkness to drive us to our knees and seek God like never before. That was the case with David when he hid from Saul in the caves. David Chadwick explains that it was a desperate situation. But God used that dark time to refine David's faith. And He'll do the same for us.

 David's Enemies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00

Jesus said to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. Easier said than done, right? But it is possible and something we see in the life of King David. How he responded to his enemies is a powerful example for all of us. David Chadwick explains more.


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