The World and Everything In It show

The World and Everything In It

Summary: A daily audio news magazine featuring reports, interviews, and analysis from WORLD's editorial team. WORLD is your source for news and views presented from a biblical worldview perspective.

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 Fresh questions for Hillary Clinton, the 100th anniversary of the Irish Uprising, dirty tricks | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1696

Today's news and new questions for Hillary Clinton about political donations and possible quid pro quos, plus: a report from Ireland about a turning point in the battle for an independent Ireland, commentary from Cal Thomas, and more.

 Legal Docket, the Monday Moneybeat, the Cubs go to the World Series, the WORLD Radio History Book | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1976

Today's news and legal analysis of two cases about the judicial process, plus: a report on business and the economy, the Chicago Cubs break their 71-year drought, this week in history, and more.

 Culture Friday, the home-video screening room, Offbeat Newsbeat | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1800

Today's news and a conversation with John Stonestreet about the so-called "right to die," plus: a review of a biopic of college basketball coach Don Meyer, an offbeat newsbeat report with results from some squirrel research, and more.

 White House Thursday, one of the nation's most popular roadside attractions, the Bernie Sanders effect | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1979

Today's news and a report about what we learned in the third and final presidential debate, plus: a visit to a small-town store that attracts more than a million visitors a year in South Dakota, commentary from Cal Thomas, and more.

 Getting the Story, the 60th anniversary of America's quiz show scandal, a ballot of deplorables | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1994

Today's news and a conversation with WORLD's Washington Bureau chief J.C. Derrick about his story on the battle for control of the U.S. Senate, plus: a report on the scandal that led to a congressional investigation, commentary from Joel Belz, and more.

 Clinton's WikiLeaks headache, The Olasky Interview, corruption and collusion | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1835

Today's news and a report about what the recent Wikileaks documents reveal about the inner workings of the Clinton presidential campaign, plus: an interview with historian Herbert Schlossberg about what destroys a culture and what can save it, commentary from Cal Thomas, and more.

 Legal Docket, Monday Moneybeat, keeping Congress in Republican hands, the WORLD Radio History Book | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 2138

Today's news and legal analysis of a Supreme Court case involving a man jailed based on fabricated evidence, plus: a report on business and the economy, a notable speech from House Speaker Paul Ryan, this week in history, and more.

 Culture Friday, at the movies | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1606

Today's news and a conversation with John Stonestreet about the larger issue the Trump tape reveals, plus: Emily Whitten recommends the new film Queen of Katwe and the book from which the film was adapted, and more.

 Unfit for office, moving from defense to offense, the Bickersons revisited | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1976

Today's news and the editors of WORLD call for Donald Trump to step down, plus: a conversation with a United Methodist pastor about theologically orthodox United Methodists launching a new association, commentary from Cal Thomas, and more.

 White House Wednesday, a songwriter's songwriter, longing for strong leader | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1972

Today's news and a conversation about Republicans fleeing Trump but not ready to vote for Clinton, plus: an interview with veteran singer/songwriter Pierce Pettis, commentary from Janie B. Cheaney, and more.

 A Catholic theologian on the attempt to finesse the abortion issue, prolonging the life of your cellphone and computer | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1636

Today's news and a conversation with Chad Pecknold about VP nominee Tim Kaine's attempt to finesse the abortion issue, plus: a tech report on extending the life of your computer-and-cellphone batteries, commentary from Cal Thomas, and more.

 Legal Docket, the Monday Moneybeat, the survival of Christianity in the Middle East, the WORLD Radio History Book | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 2220

Today's news and legal analysis of the opening arguments at the Supreme Court, plus: a report on business and the economy, a notable speech from the executive director of the Religious Freedom Institute, this week in history, and more.

 Culture Friday, The Girl on the Train, listener feedback | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 2016

Today's news and a conversation with John Stonestreet about some ballot issues that may affect daily life in America, plus: a review of a film that may say more about our culture than perhaps the filmmakers intended, comments from listeners, and more.

 Threats to the voting process, the 115th year of the often-controversial Nobel Peace Prize, a taxing situation | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 1485

Today's news and a report about how cyber attacks and illegal voting may influence the November election, plus: looking ahead to tomorrow's awarding of the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize, commentary from Cal Thomas, and more.

 White House Wednesday, loving God and raising worms, single-issue voters | File Type: audio/mp4 | Duration: 2152

Today's news and analysis of the VP debate, plus: a visit to one of the nation's largest worm farms, commentary from Joel Belz, and more.


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