The Endtime Show | Endtime show

The Endtime Show | Endtime

Summary: We talk about the two things you're not supposed to: Politics and Religion. Gain peace, hope and understanding about the days ahead as we explain current events through a lens of Bible prophecy. It's never been easier to understand.

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  • Artist: Endtime
  • Copyright: Copyright © 1986-2024 Endtime Ministries


 Israel Plans to Attack Iran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

Israel’s Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, has praised the IAEA for adopting a resolution criticizing Iran for their behavior regarding nuclear activity. Israel has also acquired a new bomb and they’re threatening Iran. As we know from Bible prophecy, World War 3 and the Battle of Armageddon is coming. Could any of this lead to either of those wars? Let’s talk about!

 The Media Fear Machine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

The Media Fear Machine being used to drive us into world government, Are the Four horsemen dragging into WWIII?, Reborn Holy Roman Empire Update and the increase of the LGBTQ agenda in churches all prophetic and in our headlines today. We will analyze these events proving we are in the end time on this edition of End of the Age!

 What is a “Family Friendly” Drag Show? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:30

An event called Drag the Kids to Pride was held at a bar in Dallas, TX where families were encouraged to attend with their children. It was advertised as the ultimate family-friendly pride experience and it invited young performers to take the stage and dance alongside the “Queens.” What is a family-friendly drag show? The Scriptures tell us the last days before the Second Coming of Jesus will be as the days of Lot. Are we living in those days? Let’s talk about it!

 Will America Be Judged? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…” Throughout history, God has sent his judgments on those whose sinful nature became so evil, even he couldn’t take it anymore. Is America in danger of God’s judgments. We’ll answer this question on this edition of End of the Age!

 Is Pope Francis pro-LGBT? | Open Line 471 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:30

Pope Francis appoints pro-LGBT cardinals, none of Biden’s proposed amendments were adopted by the WHO, and central banks are now embracing digital currencies. We’ll talk about these stories and more as we dedicate today’s entire show to answering your questions pertaining to Bible prophecy. Do you have a question or comment? Join us by calling 1.877.363.8463. We are going to discuss the two things you’re not supposed to talk about: Politics and Religion!

 Is Yuval Noah Harari the False Prophet? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher, and bestselling author selling more than 40 million copies in 65 languages, and he is considered one of the world’s most influential public intellectuals today. He is praised by world leaders such as Mark Zuckerburg and Barack Obama to name a few. Harari suggests that after the coming Great Reset we will shift from producing machines and products to human bodies and minds. Most notably, he is an Israeli gay pro-transhumanist atheist who thinks man has become or can become gods. He is also lead advisor to Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. Many are asking, “Is Yuval Noah Harari the False Prophet?” Let’s talk about it!

 Your Questions Answered | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

Over the years, Endtime Ministries and the End of the Age program has received so many great questions pertaining, not only to prophecy, but many topics in scripture. I will answer many of those inquiries on this edition of End of the Age

 Disarmament is Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

Gun Control/World Government, the totalitarian world economic forum agenda, prophesied union of politics and religion, World Health Organization, an Abraham Accords update and much more on this edition of End of the Age!

 Open Line 470 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

Joe Biden’s precursor to the Mark of the Beast, World Economic Forum, Ingestible chips, Carbon footprint tracking, The Sustainable Development Goals remain a “compass” to guide the EU, Did we hand US sovereignty over to the WHO? We will analyze these events from a prophetic perspective, while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age!

 World Economic Forum POLICE? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:30

The World Economic Forum has explicitly declared their intention to create a New World Order. It has become more interesting this week during their conference as they have reportedly dispatched officers to detain a journalist and his crew. To add to the prophetic interest, the World Economic Forum Police patch on the officer’s uniform features what some are calling prophetic symbols. We’ll look at this and more today on End of the Age!

 Armageddon Analysis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

With all of the different conflicts or potential conflicts around the world, Endtime Ministries and the End of the Age program has received many inquiries lately about the different wars prophesied to occur in the end time. We’ve spent a lot of time talking about the sixth trumpet war and the war in Heaven, but not the Battle of Armageddon. We’ll analyze this last great war over the next couple segments of End of the Age!

 A European Superstate and Precursors to the Mark of the Beast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:30

Sharing the Temple Mount, Building the Third Temple, Biden vows a Build Back Better World, A European Superstate and precursors to the Mark of the Beast in the headlines today. We will analyze the prophetic significance of these events on this edition of End of the Age!

 Israel & China Prepare for War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

Israel has warned that Iran is weeks away from being able to power a nuclear bomb. And after an assassination of an Iranian colonel, Iran is promising they will avenge his killing. All this is happening while, for the first time ever, a top secret Chinese military meeting has been leaked and Joe Biden doubles down on America’s commitment to defend Taiwan. Will there be war in 2022 that involves the United States and Isreal? We’ll take a look at what the Bible has to say.

 What is the Rapture? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

Theories abound concerning the topic of the Rapture. But the Bible is crystal clear on this subject and answers all of the important questions. How do we know Jesus will even return to earth? What is the rapture? Is it a physical or just a spiritual event? Is the rapture and Second Coming the same event? When does the rapture occur? Who will be caught up in the rapture? We will answer these questions on this edition of End of the Age!

 Open Line 469 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:29

World Government, World religion, precursors to the Mark of the Beast, Israel/Palestinian peace agreements and WWIII—The Big five prophecies we should all be watching for were in our news this week. We’ll analyze these headlines while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age!


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