Washington Week (video) | PBS show

Washington Week (video) | PBS

Summary: For 50 years, Washington Week has been the most intelligent and up to date conversation about the most important news stories of the week. Washington Week is the longest-running news and public affairs program on PBS and features journalists -- not pundits -- lending insight and perspective to the week's important news stories.

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 Trailblazing woman in politics dreams of woman president | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 01:18

It's been a month since Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election and left the "highest, hardest glass ceiling" unshattered. But for the female politicians who blazed the trail before Clinton, they still dream of a woman serving in the Oval Office. Rosalind Wyman is one of them. The 84-year-old was once only the second woman to serve on the Los Angeles City Council.

 How an Iowa family helped Dan Balz understand Trump's appeal | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 01:24

It was January 2016. Before any votes had been cast. Donald Trump had spent months leading the Republican primary polls. Longtime Washington Post reporter Dan Balz met a family in Iowa that helped "crystallize" Trump's appeal with voters in America's heartland. The Swearingen family had been lifelong Democrats and voted for Barack Obama, but Trump was their candidate of choice this time.

 Trump and Clinton campaign managers clash and how Trump will handle the press | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 13:47

Sparks flew between Trump and Clinton campaign managers at a post-election review at Harvard when the subject of the alt-right's involvement in the Trump campaign came up. Is this tension a microcosm for how the country is dealing post-election? And as President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office, how will his relationship with the White House press corps evolve?

 Trump's Transition: President-elect's legislative priorities and cabinet picks | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 24:30

Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president in less than two months, but before the inauguration, there is a lot of work to be done. The president-elect met with a parade of cabinet hopefuls this week and began to name some of his top advisers. They'll help Trump implement his legislative priorities, which in some cases are very different than the promises he made on the campaign trail.

 How the media covers the president | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 09:23

Candidate Trump showed a particular aversion to the national press corps assigned to cover him, but how will President Trump interact with reporters? And will the president-elect follow past precedent and have a protective pool of reporters with him at all times? In the past, such a pool of journalists has helped capture historical events like the September 11 attacks.

 Friends and colleagues celebrate the life of Gwen Ifill | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 22:19

Michele Norris, leads Gwen Ifill's friends and colleagues in sharing stories about Gwen's life and reflecting on the legacy she will leave. They remember her truthfulness, her warmth, her dedication to journalism and her incredible knack for storytelling. Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post says it best: "it's amazing that someone could be an anchor and a compass at the same time."

 A tribute to Gwen Ifill’s remarkable life and legacy | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 25:04

Washington Week celebrates Gwen Ifill's remarkable life and legacy with the friends and colleagues who knew her best. Michele Norris, Gwen’s close friend, leads the conversation between many of their fellow journalists, and notes how she embodied the motto “lift while you climb.”

 Trump's potential cabinet picks, Democrats' potential new leader and reminders o | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 10:01

As the transition to the Trump administration, what names are being considered for high-level jobs? After the Democrats' loss on Tuesday, how does the party rebuild? And who is in line to lead? Plus, how does the election compare to 1992 when voters were looking for change and got it?

 Trump begins transition to the White House after deeply polarizing election | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 24:29

President-elect Donald Trump traveled to Washington to meet with President Obama and Republican leaders in Congress just days after he was elected as the 45th president. Trump and Obama exchanged harsh words on the campaign trail but have pledged to have a smooth transition. For the first time in a decade, Republicans will control the White House, Senate and House.

 The Final Days of Election 2016 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 24:30

With less than a week until Election Day, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are making their final pitch to voters in battleground states, trying to increase voter turnout and reach 270 electoral votes. But in the week since the FBI announced its review of new Clinton State Department emails, polls are tightening.

 Can Russian hackers disrupt the election? And Melania Trump would focus on cyber | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 09:29

With Election Day on Tuesday, many Americans are concerned with attempts by Russia to influence the election or disrupt American democracy through cyberhacking. How real is the threat? Plus, if Donald Trump wins the White House, his wife Melania says she will tackle the growing problem of cyberbullying as first lady.

 FBI reviews newly found Clinton emails as candidates make final pitch to voters | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 24:28

Hillary Clinton's email problem came back to forefront Friday as FBI Director James Comey told Congress it was reviewing new emails related to her use of a private email server. Clinton called for the FBI to release the "full and complete facts" because the election is just 11 days away and voters in many states have already cast their ballots.

 Who are Trump's most diehard supporters? And is this election about change or st | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 11:50

While Donald Trump has threatened lawsuits against the women accusing him of sexual misconduct, his most loyal supporters have not left his side. Many of the supporters New York Times reporter Ashley Parker spoke to in recent days have called for a revolution if Trump loses and view a Clinton win in apocalyptic terms.

 Candidates go for laughs at Al Smith Dinner, independent Ed McMullin leads in Ut | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 09:06

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton traded jabs at the annual Al Smith Dinner in New York. The traditionally comedic evening turned contentious, but would the candidates make good comedians? Plus, independent candidate Ed McMullin is leading the polls in tradionally red state Utah. Jeanne Cummings explains why the Mormon conservative is winning people over.

 Trump won't accept election results if he loses as Clinton expands campaign into | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 23:29

With less than 3 weeks left until Election Day, the bitter contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump escalated again into sharp, personal attacks during the final presidential debate of 2016. The Republican nominee said he may not accept the results of November's election and reserves the right to file a legal challenge.


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