Virtually Speaking show

Virtually Speaking

Summary: Live & lively. Informal & informed conversations about politics, policy, economics, media, science and more. Sundays feature a panel of prominent members of the liberal blogosphere. Wednesdays dedicated to science, authors and practitioners with hosts Alan Boyle, Tom Levenson and Jennifer Ouelette. Thursdays, Jay Ackroyd talks public affairs, mostly with authors, mostly about progressive issues. , presented simultaneously through the 3-D Second Life communications platform.

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  • Artist: Jay Ackroyd
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Allison Kilkenny & Stuart Zechman Virtually Speaking w/JA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:37:00

Stuart and Allison discuss Occupy Wall Street, and the media's coverage of the movement

 Ali Savino Virtually Speaking Susie w/Susie Madrak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

Recovering journalist, blogger and working class warrior Susie Madrak chats with organizer Ali Savino about #OccupyDC  and #OccupyWallSt Ali has been on the ground in DC for the past 10 days. Follow her @alisavino

 Marcy Wheeler, Julian Sanchez, Virtually Speaking Sundays | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:00

Marcy Wheeler discuss developments of the week with Julian Sanchez, highlighting issues neglected or misrepresented on the Sunday morning broadcasts,  drawing from their current work.  Julian is a Washington, D.C.-based writer and journalist covering the intersection of privacy, technology and politics (with occasional forays into pop culture and philosophy.) Currently a Research Fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute, he is a contributing editor for Reason magazine and contributes to The Economist's Democracy in America blog.

 Jay Ackroyd & Stuart Zechman Virtually Speaking A-Z | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Stuart comes back with a report from his participation in OccupyWallStreet's evennig General Assemblies. What are they trying to accomplish? What is their goal? Their goal is to occupy Wall Stret.

 Matt Stoller Stuart Zechman Virtually Speaking w/Jay Ackroyd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

9 pm eastern | 6 pm pacific |Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd | Jay talks with Matt Stoller about #occupywallst. An American political activist and writer, from 2009-2011, Matt served as Senior Policy Advisor to Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida's eighth Congressional district. As Grayson's financial services legislative aide, he focused on foreclosure fraud, the financial crisis, and the Federal Reserve. 10 pm eastern | 7 pm pacific |Virtually Speaking A-Z: This week in liberalism.  | Stuart Zechman and Jay Ackroyd| In the search for meaningful ways to express Movement liberalism as a registered Democrat, Stuart reports back from ‘Downtown (NYC) Independent Democrats.’ 

 Sean Carroll, Alan Boyle VS Science | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

MSNBC's Alan Boyle (Cosmic Log) talks with Sean Carroll, theoretical physicist at Caltech. Sean studies the theoretical aspects of cosmology, field theory, and gravitation, learning about fundamental physics by studying the structure and evolution of the universe. Sean and Alan reality check some of the stranger scientific concepts bubbling up in popular culture, ranging from time travel to extra dimensions and faster-than-light particles. Produced in cooperation with MICA

 Stuart Zechman, Virtually Speaking Susie w/Susie Madrak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Stuart Zechman joins recovering journalist, blogger and working class warrior Susie Madrak. They'll talk about what #OccupyWallStreet means for progressives.

 Digby & Joan McCarter Virtually Speaking Sundays | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

digby & Joan McCarter discuss developments of the week, highlighting issues neglected or misrepresented on the Sunday morning broadcasts,  drawing from their work of the prior week and the wickedly funny Bobblespeak Translations Informative, thoughtful and passionate.

 Jay Ackroyd & Stuart Zechman Virtually Speaking A-Z | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Ongoing discussion centering on the nature, ideology and political realities of liberalism and conversely on the nature, ideology and political realities of Democratic centrism. No call-ins: recorded the previous Thursday.

 Mike Stark Virtually Speaking w/ Jay Ackroyd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

Hr 1 Jay Ackroyd and Stuart Zechman in an ongoing discussion centering on the nature, ideology and political realities of liberalism and conversely on the nature, ideology and political realities of Democratic centrism. Hr 2 Jay talks with Mike Stark, American reporter, blogger, political activist, and graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law. His work often appears at, The Huffington Post, Daily Kos and several other group-blogs. He was a panelist at the 2006 and 2007 Yearly Kos conventions.

 Will Bunch, Virtually Speaking Susie w/Susie Madrak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:00

Journalist, blogger and working class warrior Susie Madrak Susie Madrak looks inside the news with a fellow writer/activist/warrior; considering political events of the past week and how they touch ruin the lives of our fellow Americans. This week Will Bunch and Susie talk about songs of revolution, rage and class war.

 Marcy Wheeler, Avedon Carol, Virtually Speaking Sundays | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

Sundays @ 6pm pacific | 9pm eastern •VIRTUALLY SPEAKING SUNDAYS: OUR MEDIA NOT THEIRS | Two writers from the excellent VSS media panel discuss developments of the week, often highlighting issues neglected or misrepresented on the Sunday morning broadcasts. Always informative, always passionate, frequently with a touch of snark.

 Jay Ackroyd & Stuart Zechman Virtually Speaking A-Z | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Jay Ackroyd and Stuart Zechman in an ongoing discussion centering on the nature, ideology and political realities of liberalism and conversely on the nature, ideology and political realities of Democratic centrism. No call-ins: recorded the previous Thursday.

 Lee Smolin Virtually Speaking w/ Jay Ackroyd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

9 pm eastern | 6 pm pacific |Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd | Jay talks with cosmologist Lee Smolin about the nature of time. Best known for devising several different approaches to quantum gravity, in particular loop quantum gravity, Lee  advocates that the two primary approaches to quantum gravity-loop quantum gravity and string theory-can be reconciled as different aspects of the same underlying theory. He offers this video and this PDF related to his work on the reality of time.

 Ted Rall, VS Susie w/Susie Madrak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:00

Journalist, blogger and working class warrior Susie Madrak talks with political cartoonist and autobiographical graphic novelist Ted Rall.


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