The Conspiracy Show Podcast – Zoomer Radio AM740 show

The Conspiracy Show Podcast – Zoomer Radio AM740


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 The Conspiracy Show – February 12th, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part I: WHO KILLED ABRAHAM LINCOLN? Richard welcomes Paul Serup, an independent researcher and author, to discuss his investigation into the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Serup has spent nearly a quarter century studying the work of Charles Chiniquy, North America's most famous ex-priest, and his assertion that the Roman Catholic Church was behind the assassination of President Lincoln. Chiniquy was born in Quebec and came to be considered in death as one of Macleans magazine's "top 100 Canadians". Chiniquy became famous as a Catholic priest in the mid-1800s for persuading a reported 200,000 people in his native Quebec to stop drinking. At the time, most families in the province had a portrait of him in their household. In 1851, he accepted an invitation to establish a French-Canadian Catholic colony on the unsettled prairie south of Chicago. Five years later, he met and befriended Abraham Lincoln, then a lawyer. Lincoln defended Chiniquy in two court actions, one of them the most high profile libel case in Lincoln's legal career. In 1858, Chiniquy left the Catholic religion of his childhood and became a Protestant, followed by more than a thousand of his countrymen. Known as the "Martin Luther of North America", his fame increased worldwide as he spent the rest of his life speaking and writing extensively against the Church of Rome and trying to win his former co-religionists to simple faith in Jesus Christ. He died in Montreal, his obituary appearing on the front page of the New York Times. In his 1885 autobiography, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Chiniquy made the stunning claim that officials of his former Church were responsible for the murder of his close friend Abraham Lincoln. Who Killed Abraham Lincoln? is an examination of his assertions and details the evidence available today that supports Chiniquy's claim that the assassination of the President in 1865 was the result of a Catholic plot. This plot also included the murder of Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William Seward, with the intent to thwart the Union from defeating the Southern Confederates. Part II: PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION Richard welcomes paranormal researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley to discuss a recent Djinn case in Winnipeg. Djinns or genies are supernatural creatures in Arab folklore and Islamic teachings that occupy a parallel world to that of mankind. Together, jinn, humans and angels make up the three sentient creations of Allah. Religious sources say barely anything about them; however, the Qur'an mentions that Jinn are made of smokeless flame or "scorching fire". Like human beings, the Jinn can also be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent. The jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qur'an, and there is a surah entitled Sūrat al-Jinn in the Qur'an. In many modern cultures, a Genie is portrayed as a magical being that grants wishes. The earliest of such Jinn stories in folklore originate in the book of the One Thousand and One Nights. Part III: ALIEN REVELATION Richard welcomes Frank Joseph, a contributing editor with Ancient American Magazine, to discuss how the worlds of flying saucers, alien abduction, pyramid power, the Mayan 2012 calender and astronomy all come together.

 The Conspiracy Show – February 5th, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part I: GIANTS, KACHINAS, AND CANNIBALS Richard welcomes Gary A. David, an independent researcher and author, to discuss legends in the Southwest about giants that reportedly lived among the Hopis and other tribes. He'll also reveal some disturbing and controversial evidence suggesting cannibalism was practiced among the Anasazi Indians. Part II: TOP SECRET PLACES Richard welcomes Nick Redfern, a researcher and author, to discuss Area 51, Hangar 18, the Montauk facility, the Dulce Base, the undersea world of Sanya, HAARP in Alaska, Pine Gap, Fort Detrick, Rudloe Manor, and the Zhitkur underground realm. These are just a few of the select, highly classified installations about which the governments of the United States, Australia, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, and others prefer that we, the general public, remain steadfastly ignorant. And those same governments have excellent reasons for wishing us to remain in the dark. It is at these secret facilities that for decades clandestine research has reportedly been undertaken into crashed UFOs, deceased alien entities, bizarre creatures and unknown animals, lethal viruses, biological warfare, mind-control experimentation, and much, much more. Whether situated deep under the oceans, far below the ground, or within the heart of remote, fortified desert locales, these and many other supersecret places are guarded with a near-paranoid zeal by those in power who wish to keep their secrets buried and locked far away from prying eyes. And they have succeeded. Until now.

 The Conspiracy Show – January 29th, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part I: Past Life Regression Richard welcomes Zoomer Radio's very own George Jonescu, host of Big Band Sunday Night. George will be placed under hypnosis live on the air as part of an ongoing series of paranormal experiments regarding reincarnation. Certified Hypnotherapist, Debbie Papadakis will regress George and help guide him back through time where he will experience memories from a previous life. Who was George before he was George? Early 20th century crooner, 18th century Russian novelist ,left-handed pitching legend with the Brooklyn Robins, famous Renaissance painter? Tune in and find out! Part II: State Secrets Richard speaks with media scientist, intelligence analyst and researcher Nelson Thall. Thall shares information he's received from his sources inside the intelligence community on a number of news stories, including the Costa Concordia disaster. The enormous yacht cruise tipped over off the coast of Tuscany Thirteen people have been confirmed dead in the accident Jan. 13 when the Concordia rammed a reef and sliced its hull with 4,200 on board. Nineteen are known missing. Nelson will also share some shocking news from the world of entertainment: According to his sources inside the CIA/FBI and Secret Service, the legendary King of Pop, Michael Jackson, is alive and living in Dubai!

 The Conspiracy Show – January 22nd, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Cancerman Remembers the X-Files Richard welcomes actor William B. Davis, who portrayed one of the most iconic villains in television history. Davis played chain-smoking Cigarette Man, also known as Cancer Man in the long running television series, The X-Files Davis' character was the arch nemesis of FBI agent Fox Mulder from 1993 to 2002. Although he utters only four audible words in the entire first season of the show, the Smoking Man eventually develops into the series' primary antagonist. In his early appearances, he is seen in the offices of Division Chief Scott Blevins and Assistant Director Walter Skinner, Mulder and his partner Dana Scully's supervisors. He works for a government conspiracy only known as the Syndicate, who are hiding the truth of alien existence and their plan to colonize Earth.

 The Conspiracy Show – January 15th, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Fukushima Radiation In North America Richard welcomes an epidemiologist along with a physician to discuss the public health risks associated with the radioactivce fallout from the disaster at the Fukushima nucelar reactors in Japan. An estimated An estimated 14,000 excess deaths in the United States are linked to radiation from Fukushima according to a major new article in the December 2011 edition of the International Journal of Health Services. This is the first peer-reviewed study published in a medical journal documenting the health hazards of Fukushima. Authors Joseph Mangano and Janette Sherman note that their estimate of 14,000 excess U.S. deaths in the 14 weeks after the Fukushima meltdowns is comparable to the 16,500 excess deaths in the 17 weeks after the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. The rise in reported deaths after Fukushima was largest among U.S. infants under age one. The 2010-2011 increase for infant deaths in the spring was 1.8 percent, compared to a decrease of 8.37 percent in the preceding 14 weeks. Just six days after the disastrous meltdowns struck four reactors at Fukushima on March 11, scientists detected the plume of toxic fallout had arrived over American shores. Subsequent measurements by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found levels of radiation in air, water, and milk hundreds of times above normal across the U.S. The highest detected levels of Iodine-131 in precipitation in the U.S. were as follows (normal is about 2 picocuries I-131 per liter of water): Boise, ID (390); Kansas City (200); Salt Lake City (190); Jacksonville, FL (150); Olympia, WA (125); and Boston, MA (92). Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano, MPH MBA, said: “This study of Fukushima health hazards is the first to be published in a scientific journal. It raises concerns, and strongly suggests that health studies continue, to understand the true impact of Fukushima in Japan and around the world. Findings are important to the current debate of whether to build new reactors, and how long to keep aging ones in operation.” GUESTS: Joseph Mangana is executive director, Radiation and Public Health Project, and the author of 27 peer-reviewed medical journal articles and letters. Dr. John Apsley is a physician and researcher who for the past 30 years has specialized in the rehabilitation and reversal of chronic degenerative illnesses through accelerated tissue repair and cellular regeneration.

 The Conspiracy Show – January 8th, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part I: The Shroud of Turn and the Grey Aliens Richard welcomes the author of Grey Aliens and The Harvesting of Souls; The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity. Nigel Kerner connects the dots behind the most famous relic in the Christian world, The Shroud of Turin, believed by millions to be the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ, and grey aliens. exposes the agenda behind the bio-robotic grey aliens' genetic manipulation of certain human races and he reveals the Grey's nature as sophisticated self-aware machines created by a long vanished extraterrestrial civilization. Tune in as Nigel explains how their quest to capture human souls appears in the historical record from biblical times. Finally, he'll reveal how the phenomenon of racism is a by-product of their genetic tampering. Part II: Curses Richard welcomes paranormal investigator Rosemary Ellen Guiley to discuss the legend of curses. She'll reveal how curses work, how they are used and by whom, how they are created using black magic, and how one can protect oneself from such curses. She'll also discuss how objects, or personal possessions can also be cursed and how curses can follow a family for generations. For more details on this episode visit

 The Conspiracy Show – January 1st, 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On on this inaugural episode of 2012 host Richard Syrett touches a number of topics: Biblical prophecy expert Nils Hammaren identifies the coming mark of the beast; Anthony Carr reveals his predictions for 2012; and Independent Investigative Reporter Janet Phelan discusses the top censored stories of 2011 and reveals details from the Biological Weapons Conference in Geneva.

 The Conspiracy Show – December 18th, 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Part 1: HYPNOSIS Richard welcomes Debbie Papadakis, founder and director the the Toronto bases Hypno Healing Institute, to discuss the benefits of hypnosis. She’ll explain how hypnosis can be used to influence your subconscious mind to accept new programming for positive changes hypnosis is an effective method for doing that. Some experienced hypnotherapists regress patients into childhood and past lives in order to find the cause of present day troubles. Some people regress just to learn about forgotten past experiences. Part 2 THE CONSPIRACY READER Richard welcomes Patrick Whyte, the co-owner of Canada’s only conspiracy shop, who will present his annual list of ‘must-read’ and ‘must-see’ conspiracy and paranormal books and dvds. Part 3: TOP CONSPIRACIES OF 2011 Richard welcomes media scientist Nelson Thall to discuss his list of the cover-ups and state-secrets that dominated the past year. For More details on today's program please visit

 The Conspiracy Show – December 11th, 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this episode of the Conspiracy Show host Richard Syrrett discusses brand new revelations concerning the Pearl Harbour attack in 1941 as well new technologies that may allow us to speak to the dead.

 The Conspiracy Show – December 4th, 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Richard discusses his recent trip to Greece and a possible 'spirit orb' in one of his vacation photos, he takes calls from listeners and interviews Phillips Coppens, editor of Odyssey of the Gods.

 The Conspiracy Show – November 27, 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

On this episode of The Conspiracy Show Guest Host Victor Viggiani welcomes Dr. Jack Pruett, author of The Grandest Deception.

 The Conspiracy Show – November 20, 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This episode of The Conspiracy Show is the JFK Assassination Anniversary Special. With Walt Brown and Phillip F. Nelson

 The Conspiracy Show Podcast – November 13, 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This edition of The Conspiracy Show is the "Inventors Special". Richard interviews journalist Tyler Hamilton about his new book, Mad Like Telsa; Underdog Inventors and their Relentless Pursuit of Clean Energy. Later Richard speaks  journalist and freelance writer, Lamont Wood, who discusses his new book, Out of Place in Time and Space.

 The Conspiracy Show Podcast – November 6th, 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Marie Jones discusses Destiny vs. Choice and Paul Hellyer talks about the global financial crisis.

 The Conspiracy Show – October 30th, 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

HALLOWEEN SPECIAL Part I: GHOST STORIES Richard speaks with Irish author, paranormal investigator Dr. Robert Curran. Nearly everybody loves a good ghost story--and the best of them are tales that have some basis in fact. In The Ghost Handbook; An Essential Guide to Ghosts, Spirits and Specters. Curran has compiled an impressive collection of just such stories--accounts of mysterious apparitions, haunted mansions, gloomy castles, and eerie cries in the night. For example, he tells the strange story of Matilda of England. In life she was the daughter of royalty, and was imprisoned in Mortemer Abbey, an edifice set in a gloomy French valley surrounded by dark, dense forests. Today, she is just one of several ghosts who haunt that abbey. Over the centuries, Matilda's ghost has been frequently seen walking in the abbey's corridors and gardens. Sometimes she is seen wearing black gloves, a sign that death will soon come to one of the local inhabitants. At other times she wears white gloves, which signify a wedding or a birth. From America's Deep South come yet more uncanny tales--for example, the haunted Hampton Plantation house in South Carolina, and the restless ghost of one of its owners, John Henry Routledge. He hanged himself after being rejected by his lover. Part II: HARRY HOUDINI'S AFTERLIFE EXPERIMENT Richard welcomes essayist, researcher Thomas Razetto about escape artist Harry Houdini's after-death experiment with his wife Bess. Bess Houdini originally claimed her husband had communicated to her from the grave but later recanted. However, Razetto believe's her about-face was a result of peer pressure and that the evidence suggests the afterlife experiment was a success. Part III: ZOMBIES A to Z Richard speaks with David P. Murphy, author of AceYour Zombie Exam — The Official Ph.Z. Study Guide


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