Parenting Today’s Teens show

Parenting Today’s Teens

Summary: Help for the parents of teenagers from Mark Gregston. Feed includes daily 1-minute and a weekend 30-minute program.

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  • Artist: Mark Gregston
  • Copyright: Heartllght Ministries Foundation


 Embrace the Sinner Before You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: Sometimes it’s hard to express love.  When a teen breaks your trust… when she does the thing you’ve always told her not to do… it’s never easy to give a forgiving embrace. I’m very quick to acknowledge that parenting can bring some of the lowest lows of life.  Sometimes it feels utterly impossible to forgive after a child has broken your heart.  Especially an out of control teen! But in that moment… the moment when you feel least able to move toward the person who hurt you… ask God to give you His grace.  It’s only with the love of God that we can love our kids in the darkest moment. Are you ready to embrace the sinner before you?  Do it by the grace and strength of God!   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 Be Clear Up Front | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: Communication is key in a parenting relationship.  The clearer you are up front, the better! Too many times I meet moms and dads who expected something of their child, but never spoke it out loud.  Then… when the kid broke the rules or let them down… the parents were crushed. So here’s another reminder to moms and dads who care about their kids.  Communicate your expectations!  Speak it out loud… when the whole family can hear… and don’t be shy!  Discuss rules, consequences, behaviors and expectations.  I even coach parents to talk about whether or not they’ll pay for a first car… or for college! As I said… the clearer you are up front, the better your relationship will be in the long run.   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 Recovering from Financial Mistakes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: Our teens will always make mistakes.  And I’m always encouraging parents to let those mistakes happen on their own turf at home… before their child enters the world on their own.  And… that applies to mistakes with money, as well! As your teen enters the adult years, he will have to deal with money more and more.  It’s just a fact of life.  So… once he gets to the age of mortgages and insurance and car payments… don’t you want him to act responsibly? Start training your child now when it comes to paying bills and saving funds.  And when he makes mistakes… as he most likely will… he’ll still be under your roof, so you can walk him through it. What better place to learn to get back on his feet financially… than your home?   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 Teaching Them About Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: Money, bills, budgets and finances.  You think about them all the time, don’t you?  Making wise decisions in these areas affects other areas of life as well.  So… why not teach your children to handle money as wisely as you do? When I coach families, I acknowledge that discipline, training and consequences are very important.  But I hope that no family forgets this fact either… that money handling is among the essential topics you should be training your kid in. You keep a budget.  You act wisely with your credit card.  You’re aware of your debt and work hard to stay out of it.  Does your son or daughter know how important that is to you?  Have you sat down and talked them through your wisdom in handling money? Mom and Dad… teach your kids how to deal with money!     ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 WEEKEND: When You’re Tired of Fighting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

(Click title to listen)HALF-HOUR PODCAST SUMMARY: Too many families with teens spend most of their time fighting.  The battle- weary family may feel like there’s no hope for peace.  But on Parenting Today’s Teens, Mark Gregston shares some helpful tips for making it through the fighting years. Special Guest:  John Trent ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 Walking Down the Aisle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: I recently attended a wedding that was all the things it should be… meaningful, beautiful and lots of fun.  But the best part was watching my friend walk his stunning daughter down the aisle. Parents know it’s coming… the day when they’ll release their little girl to her new husband.  It’ll be full of emotion and for many of us dads… it’ll be one of the hardest things we do. I encourage you to start praying now for the mate that your son or daughter will marry.  Pray that the Lord will bring a spouse who is kind, mature and loves God.  Then… think about how to encourage your own child to be the same way! In just a short time, your little girl might be walking down the aisle.  Let’s pray for that day… and trust God in the process!     ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 Everyday Resolutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: Well, traditionally January is the month when we make resolutions to live better, eat better, turn over a new leaf.  So… now that we’re nearing the end of the month, how ya doing with all those promises? On New Years Day, you might have dreamed about making this a better year for your family.  You wanted to take time for family dinners… maybe you decided to give your teen a little more responsibility. It’s common to arrive three weeks later … miles away from your good intentions.  Is that you? Hey, this parenting thing isn’t a one- resolution thing.  Start over today.  In fact… start over every day.  You can choose right now to spend time with your family… to encourage responsibility… and to do whatever necessary to help your family grow strong. Go ahead.  It’s not too late.  Make an end- of- January resolution! ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 The Content of a Fight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: Mom, Dad, tell me… what was the last thing that caused a fight between you and your teen? Moms and Dads who have teens living at home know that the season of life comes when conflict seems to be the new normal.  Conflict’s not always a bad thing.  But when you take a step back and think objectively about the issues you clash on… can you really say it’s worth the emotional energy? Many parents feel that the teen years are the time to squash any sign of rebellion or misbehavior.  I’m all in favor of taking action when a teen disobeys.  But, I also watch well-meaning parents who take every event, no matter how small, as an opportunity to lecture.  And these lectures may turn into a fight. Hey, is it really worth it?  Limit your arguments to things that really matter!   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 When Fighting Is Constant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: When a small skirmish between parents and teens ignites into World War Three … Mom and Dad feel like giving up and walking away. If your home is the site of daily battles between you and your teen… you may know the feeling.  I’ve met parents who give up in the fight… just because they’re battle- weary.  No fighting seems really good compared to always fighting.  But it often comes at the expense of growth on the part of the teen and the parent. Take a rest.  Choose to lay off correcting and arguing for a few days.  But don’t give up on training your child altogether.  You might miss the fact that conflict can lead to some of the biggest growth. So don’t give up!  Handled appropriately, conflict can be your friend.   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 Admitting Fault | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: I know a young man who has trouble admitting his fault.  When something goes wrong… even though the whole family knows he’s to blame… he gets red in the face arguing his innocence. Parents with an angry son need to gently and firmly address his victim attitude.  If Mom and Dad don’t step in … this young man will only grow more irate.  He’ll blame the world for all his woes.  Down the road, it’ll hurt his relationships with loved ones… and with the Lord. Have a son like that?  Take a stand, Mom and Dad.  Wait for the right moment to bring up the issues you see in your son.  Be clear. By dealing with this attitude now… you’re building character into your son.  One day he’ll be a grown man who walks in humility.   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 WEEKEND: The Busy Family | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

(Click title to listen)HALF-HOUR PODCAST SUMMARY: It’s still early in the year, but most likely you’ve already lost the restful holiday pace.  Life gets busy!  On this edition of Parenting Today’s Teens, Mark Gregston reviews the packed schedules of parents and teens, and considers the benefits of creating a restful home. ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 Breaking Free From Busyness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: Are your kids over-the-top busy?  Do they run from school to after-school activities, choke down a quick dinner and then rush off for more time with friends? We’re raising a generation of kids who are repeating what we do …and that’s packing our schedule full of activity. There’s nothing wrong with lots of activity and making friends!  But I do throw caution on wearing out our kids with too much stuff! If you’re too busy to slow down and spend one- on- one time with your son or daughter… you’re too busy.  If your teen is too busy to make it home for dinner… you might need to put some restrictions on the activities. Take time to build healthy relationships at home!   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 An Ever-Present Help | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: If you’re like me, you like to get things done.  You’re the type that’s responsible and active.  Most of the time, you’ve got it all together.  It’s people like you and me… who fall apart when our kids mess up! Psalm 46:1 tells us, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” This is powerful verse for high-control parents who feel like they “have it all together.  You see, God is not just “occasionally” present in our lives.  We’re not called upon to make things work while God passively stands at a distance.  No… He is “ever present” and He is our rock of stability. Are you in trouble today?  Feeling like you’ve failed?  Remember that you don’t have to hold it all together.  God is our refuge and our strength… an ever present help for your family.   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 Praise at Midnight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: Some moms and dads feel like complete failures.  What happened to those innocent days when the kids were compliant and fun to be around?  Today …the teens are angry and messin’ up big time! There’s a great story in the sixteenth chapter of Acts… where Paul and Silas, after being beaten and thrown in jail for preaching the gospel… were actually singing praise songs!  At midnight… at the darkest moment… they chose to worship God. Paul and Silas can model something profound for the mom or dad who feels trapped and disheartened.  Though your circumstances are hard and confusing… it’s the praise and worship at midnight that brings everything into focus! My friend …even in your darkest moments … don’t lose heart.  God is in control!   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.

 Turbulence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

(Click title to listen)PODCAST SCRIPT: As part of my ministry, I fly all over the country to meet with families who need help.  And one thing I’ve learned at 35,000 feet in the air… is that the ride can be turbulent at times! You know the feeling.  The bumps start coming, you’re getting jostled around in your seat, and the captain tells you what you already knew: there’s turbulence ahead. It’s the perfect metaphor for raising teens, isn’t it?  What once seemed like a simple journey from point A to point B becomes a white-knuckle ride… every bounce feels like you’re gonna crash and burn. Let me reassure you.  Sometimes the bumpy ride isn’t the one we’d choose for ourselves… but it’s exactly the one God chose for you.  So, be sure to fasten your seatbelt and hang on.  God is working His perfect plan in you.   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264Also, listen via iTunes here.


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