The Gary Null Show show

The Gary Null Show

Summary: Gary takes on the real issues that the mainstream media is afraid to tackle. Tune in to find out the latest about health news, healing, politics, and the economy.

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 The Gary Null Show - 04.17.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:28

Can Civilization survive the fossil fuel crisis --- the moral and spiritual issues humans must face for humanity to survive. With David Ray GriffinProfessor David Ray Griffin is a professor emeritus of the philosophy of religion and a specialist in Process Theology Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University in Southern California.  He has published over 30 books raging from the interface of theology and science, the natural world, environmentalism and is best known for his decade worth of investigations in the anomalies of events on 911.  More recently his attention has been on the threats to human civilization from climate change and global warming, which he regards as the greatest threat humanity faces today.  He has just released a new extensive volume – “Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 crisis?” – which provides just about everything anyone needs to know about the science supporting climate change, the main failures and challenges of presidents, political parties, economists, corporations and the media, the deeper moral and spiritual questions, and potential solutions to be undertaken without delay. His website is

 The Gary Null Show - 04.16.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:39

A frightening news maker for New Yorkers – Giant fracking gas pipeline underway to flank the Indian Point Nuclear Power reactor plant - with Ellen Cantarow.Ellen Cantarow is seasoned Boston-based investigative reporter and journalist who has been writing for 4 decades.  In the 1970s she reported on women’s issues for Conde Nast magazines and other publications. In 1979 she started writing from Israel and the West Bank and reported on Middle East issues until 2009 for the Village Voice, Mother Jones, among others.  Currently her primary focus has been on the hyrdofracking industry, writing for Truthout, TomDispatch, Counterpunch, and Alternet.     She is the author of “Moving the Mountain: Women Working for Social Change” and is currently working on a new publication on hydrofracking.

 The Gary Null Show - 04.15.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:10

What should we be aware of in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign? With Greg Palast. Greg Palast is a journalist’s journalist whose news breaking stories and investigations have appeared on BBC, the Guardian and Al-Jazeera.  The Tribune in the UK has called Greg “the most important investigative journalist in our time.” He runs the Palast Investigative Fund, a project of the Sustainable Markets Foundation supporting independent investigative journalism. Greg broke the stories of voter theft in Florida districts during the 2000 Bush-Gore election, BP’s corruption over the Deep Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf, the Bush administration’s secret pre-invasion plans to capture Iraq’s oil fields, and US’s attempted coups against Hugo Chavez. He has won many awards including from the Financial Times, the National Press Club and the George Orwell award for Courage in JournalismGreg holds an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago.  His most recent books are “Billionaires and Ballot Bandits: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy” and “Vultures’ Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates, and High Finance Carnivores”, which traverses much of the world to uncover the corruption in the oil and nuclear industries. You can read Greg’s reports at

 The Gary Null Show - 04.14.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:41

Today, the difference between high fructose corn syrup and cane sugar, how to protect yourself from radiation poisoning, low blood sugar and digestion, and how hot chocolate can prevent memory decline. Then, the fracking boom and deadly carcinogens, and how Big Pharma exploits with exorbitant cancer drug prices, and much more!

 The Gary Null Show - 04.13.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:41

Why the pro-vaccine community refuses to openly discuss vaccine safety and efficacy – and the other strategies necessary to empower the vaccine opponents, with Alan Phillips.Also, the shocking costs of a hospital visit, the latest on how to lessen your chance of a cardiovascular event, 10 common household plants that are harmful to your pets, Omega3 fatty acids can guard against a recurring condition, survival skills your grandparents used every day, and much more.Alan Phillips is an attorney practicing in Chapel Hill North Carolina.  He is the sole leading attorney in the US whose legal practice focuses only on vaccine exemptions, vaccine waivers and legislative activism.  He is an Advisory Board member of the American Chiropractic Autism Board, the World Association for Vaccine Education, and is a co-founder of the North Carolina Citizens for Healthcare Freedom. Alan is the author of “The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions” and “Dispelling Vaccination Myths: An Introduction to the Contradictions Between Medical Science and Immunization Policy, which has been translated into several languages. Both can be found on his website

 The Gary Null Show - 04.10.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:23

As always we start with the latest in health and healing, and good news in how to lead a longer happier life. Then, commentary and insights on environmentalism and a fresh definition for the US empire. And much more!

 The Gary Null Show - 04.09.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:15

A reappraisal of Andrew Wakefield’s research and his exoneration in light of the legal and scientific evidence - with Andrew Wakefield, Jim Moody, David Lewis. Dr. Andrew Wakefield is a gastroenterologist and academician specializing in inflammatory bowel disease and the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine or MMR. He is a former Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and has published over 130 original scientific papers and book chapters. His recent has been at the center of the controversy over the safety of the MMR vaccine that continues wage today. In 2001 he was awarded the fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists and he has been a board member of the American charity Medical Interventions for Autism.Dr. Wakefield is the co-founder and director of the Autism Media Channel which airs on various TV stations – His recent documentary “Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis” is a powerful account the US healthcare systems negligence that led to the death of a severely autistic teenager. He is also the author of “Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines, The Truth Behind the Tragedy”Dr. David Lewis is a former senior research microbiologist with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Research and Development department and the only EPA scientist to be a lead author on research published in Nature, the Lancet and Nature Medicine. He was responsible for discovering that HIV could be transmitted through certain dental equipment, which led to the standardization of heat-sterilization in dentistry. His research also forced the EPA to abandon the policy of promoting sewage sludge on farms, which subsequently forced him to lose his job when he turned his attention to studying illnesses and deaths associated with this practice – including biosolids link to autism.  Dr. Lewis has received many awards and is currently the Senior Science Advisor to the national Whistleblowers Center. He has also reviewed the research of Dr. Wakefield  and has his own case going with Brian Deer.He is the author of a recently published book:  “Science for Sale” which details how the US government uses powerful corporations and leading universities to support policies, silence top scientists, jeopardize public health and protect corporate profits. His current research is focusing on the MMR vaccine.Jim Moody is Dr. Wakefield’s US attorney and the a director of the family advocacy organization The National Autism Association, which provide excellent resources on autism and vaccine related issues, and a director of the research think tank, Strategic Autism Alliance.  He also is a member of the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association and practices public interest law in Washington.Jim has degrees in artificial intelligence and management from MIT, and completed his law degree at Georgetown University. 

 The Gary Null Show - 04.08.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:29

Toni Bark - updates on vaccine legislation. David Korten - changing our industrial society's focus on self-destruction to value the lives of others and the planet. Dr. David Korten is the co-founder of YES! Magazine, co-chair of the New Economy Working Group, founder and president of the Living Economies Forum, and a member of the Club of Rome. In the past he has been a faculty member of Harvard University's Graduate School of Business and was an advisor to Harvard's Central American Institute in Nicaragua. After leaving academia, Dr. Korten spent 15 years in southeast asia with the Ford Foundation, serving as its Asia regional advisor on development. Disillusioned with government and large private international aid programs, he shifted his focus to work directly with Asian NGOs dealing with poverty, inequality, environmental devastation and social disintegration. Dr. Korten's publications have been required reading in university courses around the world. His most recent book takes a spiritual turn, “Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth.” His websites are and  Dr. Toni Bark is a pediatric physician and a prestigious homeopathic doctor practicing in the Chicago area. She is currently the vice president of the American Institute of Homeopathy and has studied with many of the most famous international homeopathic doctors. In addition to her medical degree from Rush Medical College and pediatric internship at New York University, Dr Bark has degrees in psychology, a masters in Healthcare Emergency Management from Boston University Medical School, and was trained by Dr. Erica Fromm at the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis.Dr. Bark contributed to Mary Holland’s and Louise Habakus’ important book “The Vaccine Epidemic”  and co-produced the new documentary film – “Bought” – which shows how Big Pharma and Big Food have sold out our health.Her website and blog is

 The Gary Null Show - 04.06.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:52

Discussion on the economy, threats to the dollar - with Dr. Michael Hudson.Dr. Michael Hudson is one of our nation’s important economists and Wall Street financial analysts. He is currently the President of The Institution for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends and was the Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 presidential campaign.  He is a research professor of economics at the University of Missouri at Kansas City and a research association at the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College. Dr. Hudson has served as an advisor to the White House, State and Defense departments at the Hudson Institute, in addition to the United Nations Institute where he became a specialist in global economics. Dr. Hudson has written several books and many important papers and articles, the latest being “The Bubble and Beyond: Fictitious Capital, Debt Deflation and Global Crisis”  AND  “Financial Capitalism and its Discontents”. His website is    

 The Gary Null Show - 04.03.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:16

The pending social and economic disintegration ahead and what can be done to lessen or survive it?Dmitry Orlov is a Russian-American engineer and author writing on the potential economic, environmental and political decline and collapse of the US and modern industrial culture.  He was an eye witness to the collapse of the Soviet Union and has researched extensively its causes and the reasons for the failure of both the Soviets and the Americans to predict and understand it accurately. Dmirty is very popular among the Peak Oil community such as Richard Heinberg and frequently writes on the looming energy crisis. He has written five books, notably “The Five Stages of Collapse: Survivors Toolkit,”  and more recently collections of essays under the titles “Societies that Collapse” and “Communities that Abide.”  He publishes weekly on his popular blog and for the Energy Bulletin. Dmitry and his family currently live on a sailboat fitted with solar panels and the necessities to carry them through for many months.

 The Gary Null Show - 04.02.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:34

Epigenetics, Energy Medicine and women’s health with Dr. Dawson ChurchDr. Dawson Church is the founder of the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare in California and a seminal thinker and researcher into the science of epigenetics, neuropsychology, Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology.  He has degrees from Baylor University and Holos University under the mentorship of Dr. Norman Shealy, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association. Dr. Church created the Emotional Freedom Technique, a powerful mind-body exercise to treat illnesses, and has edited or authored over 200 books on health, psychology and spirituality. His work focuses on the effects of consciousness on DNA expression, and how cit is gradually being on the front line of medicine and health.    Dawson has written many books and perhaps his most revolutionary one is “The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intervention.” It is among the most concise introductory compendiums of energy medical research (300 studies mentioned) and commentary on what might emerge to be the holistic medical model for the future.  His websites are  and

 The Gary Null Show - 04.01.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:19

Conversations with Remarkable MindsA view on the impact and results of climate change denialism from historians in the future – what brought about the collapse of Western civilization?Prof Naomi Oreskes is a professor in the history of science, specializing in earth and planetary sciences, at Harvard University.  She holds degrees in mining geology from the Royal School of Mines at the University of London and a doctorate in Geological Research and the History of Science at Stanford. In the past she has consulted for the US EPA and the US National Academy of Sciences and has authored many essays and technical reports on economic geology.  Prof. Oreskes received international attention on her critiques of scientific denialism with a focus on climate change and global warming. Her book Merchants of Doubt, co-written with Erik Conway drew attention to the climate change debate as having parallels with debates over tobacco, acid rain and holes in the ozone layer and how vested interests manage to confuse the debate by casting unsubstantiated doubt. Her most recent book is “The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future” – a short book that looks back at our time today and in the near future from the perspective of historians writing in the year 2393. Her website is

 The Gary Null Show - 03.31.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:05

The conservatism of climate change assessment and how we might face the potential extinction of western civilization and humanity in an awakened manner, with Guy McPherson. Dr. Guy McPherson is a professor emeritus of Natural Resources, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona.  He has specialized in forest resources, energy decline and climate change and their economic consequences. In the past he has also taught at Texas AM and University of California at Berkeley.Having become disillusioned with the American university environment and academia, and after attempts by university officials to silence his outspokenness about the human causes of climate change, Guy abandoned his tenured position as a full professor for ethical reasons of conscience. He is the author of several books, the latest co-written with Carolyn Baker entitled “Extinction Dialogs: How to Live with Death in Mind.”  He is also the co-host of the radio program Nature Bats Last heard every Tuesday evening at 8 pm Eastern on the Progressive Commentary Hour.  His website is  

 The Gary Null Show - 03.30.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:27

How the global economic cabal, military industrial cartel and our failure to address climate change are creating a perfect storm leading to a tyrannical world orderOur guest today is the Honorable Paul Hellyer.  Mr. Hellyer is the former Canadian Liberal party politician who held the position of Minister of National Defense, the Canadian equivalent for our Secretary of Defense in the 1960s. He started his political career in 1949 and in 1969 he was designated as Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister. He has been the longest serving member of the Privy Council just ahead of Prince Philip.  Later he sat in Canadian Parliament as an independent and formed the Canadian Action Party in the mid 1990s seeking monetary reform and oppose Canada’s rapid globalization policies. Throughout his life Paul has been opposed to the weaponization of space and during the past decade has become an ardent spokesperson calling upon governments to disclose their knowledge and research into recovered alien technology. He participated in the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, chaired by six former US Congressmen, to testify on extraterrestrial presence. In addition to Mr. Hellyer’s political activities, he is also an author and commentator who has written over a dozen books dealing with macroeconomics, financial crises, globalization, climate change and extraterrestrial technology. His most recent book is “The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis”. His website is

 The Gary Null Show - 03.27.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:21

The latest in health and healing, and how we can live a longer and more enlightened life. Then, an environmental study that reveals there are only two intact forests left on earth. Also, a NY bill that would effectively make you a felon if you are arrested at a protest. Information on California’s water crisis and changing our food system. And much more. 


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