The Gary Null Show show

The Gary Null Show

Summary: Gary takes on the real issues that the mainstream media is afraid to tackle. Tune in to find out the latest about health news, healing, politics, and the economy.

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 The Gary Null Show - The Myths about the Polio Vaccine’s Safety and Efficacy - 09.16.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:56

The Myths about the Polio Vaccine’s Safety and Efficacy By Richard Gale, Dr. Gary Null PhD and Neal Greenfield, Esq.Progressive Radio Network, September 16, 2019 During the past couple years there has been a slew of draconian vaccine bills aggressively being pushed upon state legislators to legally enforce vaccination against Americans freedom of choice. Besides removing religious and philosophical exemptions, states such as California, are also making efforts to remove doctor ordered medical exemptions and shifting these cases to state bureaucrats.  When faced with a barrage of peer-reviewed scientific facts confirming vaccine failures, and vaccines’ lack of efficacy and safety, the most ardent vaccine advocates are fond of bringing up the polio vaccine as a modern medical miracle. However, the confirmation of the claim that polio was eradicated in the US through the success of a mass population vaccination campaign isquestionable on scientific grounds.The horribly simplistic belief that polio is an exemplary model for all other vaccines is both naïve and dangerous.  Vaccinology does not follow a one-size-fits-all theory as the pro-vaccine industry propagates to the public. For any coherent public debate, it is necessary for each vaccine to be critically discerned upon its own terms with respect to its rate of efficacy, the properties of viral infection and immune response, vaccine adverse effects, and the long term risks that may not present detrimental symptoms until years after inoculation.   Read More

 The Gary Null Show - 09.13.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:42

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. Today's Topics: New review highlights benefits of plant-based diet for rheumatoid arthritis Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Tea Drinkers May Get Some Protection Against Brain Decline National University of Singapore. Exercising At Home Has A Positive Effect On Parkinson's Patients Radboud University.  Vitamin D deficiency the likely cause for a rise in rickets cases in children. Gaddafi vs the West: Two Revolutions on the Wrong Side of History.       

 The Gary Null Show - 09.10.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:24

Peter Ridd speaks on issues relating to Climate Change, his unfair dismissal and control of thought at universities.   Peter Ridd is a former professor at James Cook University in Australia. According to his profile at JCU, Ridd was a geophysicist with interests in “coastal oceanography, the effects of sediments on coral reefs, instrument development, geophysical sensing of the earth, past and future climates, atmospheric modelling.” Ridd was fired from James Cook University in May 2018 for allegedly breaching his employment's code of conduct.

 The Gary Null Show - Why Does Wikipedia Want to Destroy Deepak Chopra? - 09.12.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:05

Why Does Wikipedia Want to Destroy Deepak Chopra? Richard Gale and Gary Null PhDProgressive Radio Network, September 11, 2019For the past 40 years, one of the most prominent and important voices for the mind-body medical movement has been Dr. Deepak Chopra. Aside from his prolific publishing career with over 80 books and a couple dozen best sellers, he has also remained a scientist conducting original clinical research and publishing in peer-reviewed medical journals his efforts to validate the scientific evidence that the mind can influence the body and vice versa. Chopra was not the first to propose such a theory. Earlier William James in the late nineteenth century promulgated the importance of subjective experience to understand the power of consciousness. This trajectory continued through Harvard’s Herbert Benson’s investigations into the benefits of meditation to reduce stress responses and later Stanford neurosurgeon and psychiatrist Karl Pribram’s holonomic brain theory developed with quantum physicist David Bohm. These pioneers were awakening the scientific community to the principles that would become psycho-neuroimmunology, which showed what a person feels and thinks can have a direct impact upon the body for better or worse. Chopra, a board-certified endocrinologist has likewise contributed to this body of science through his work with Transcendental Meditation and Indian Ayurveda medicine.   Read More

 The Gary Null Show - 09.11.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:14

Gary Null speaks with some of the smartest minds in the world on what really happened on 9/11. Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth; San Francisco architect specializing in fire proofed steel framed structures. What do we know about 911 fifteen years after the event, and the problem with Building 7. David R. Meiswinkle is the President, and Founder of New Jersey 911 Aware. He is a retired New Brunswick police officer and a United States Army veteran, and presently a criminal defense attorney. While a police officer, he was the major political opposition to the powerful Senator John Lynch machine in Middlesex County, and unsuccessfully ran for mayor against Lynch in New Brunswick. David was the founder of the New Brunswick Taxpayers and Tenants Association and also of the New Brunswick Reporter, a local newspaper. His activism and articles outlining local municipal corruption brought the federal authorities into New Brunswick, and led to major federal investigations, and the arrest, indictment and conviction of prominent local political figures. After leaving New Brunswick, David served as the Secretary of the New Jersey Reform Party and was a National delegate to the Reform Party convention in Long Beach, Ca., where Patrick Buchanan was nominated for President of the United States. He served as Buchanan’s body guard when Buchanan came to New Jersey. David was an independent candidate for Governor against Chris Christie in 2009 with the designation “Middle Class Empowerment”. He also ran as an independent candidate for Congress against Chris Smith in 2010 with the designation, “American Renaissance Movement”. David is the father of three children, and currently lives in East Windsor. He holds, a B.A. from Rutgers College, a M.A. from New York University, and a J.D. from Seton Hall University Law School.  

 The Gary Null Show - The Top Doctor in Michigan Pediatrics Doesn't know Vaccine Ingredients - 09.09.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:44

Deep magnet stimulation shown to improve symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorderChaim Sheba Medical Center (Israel) September 8, 2019 Researchers have found that focusing powerful non-invasive magnet stimulation on a specific brain area can improve the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This opens the way to treat the large minority of sufferers who do not respond to conventional treatment. The work is presented at the ECNP Conference in Copenhagen*. OCD is broadly defined as recurrent thoughts or urges, or excessive repetitive behaviours which an individual feels driven to perform. Around 12 adults in every thousand suffer from OCD in any given year, although 2.3% of adults will suffer at some point in their life. It is generally treated through exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy (which exposes the patient to the content of his obsessionsurges without performing the compulsions) and medication, such as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors e.g. fluoxetine (Prozac/Sarafem) or Sertraline (Paxil) or Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors e.g. clomipramine (Anafranil), however between a third and a half of patients don't respond well to treatment. (NEXT) Curcumin attenuates monosodium urate inflammation associated with gout episodesSichuan Medical College (China), September 6, 2019 According to news originating from Sichuan, People’s Republic of China, research stated, “Gouty arthritis is characterized by the deposition of monosodium urate (MSU) within synovial joints and tissues due to increased urate concentrations. In this study, we explored the effect of the natural compound curcumin on the MSU crystal-stimulated inflammatory response.”Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research, “THP-1-derived macrophages and murine RAW264.7 macrophages were pretreated with curcumin for 1 h and then stimulated with MSU suspensions for 24 h. The protein level of TLR4, MyD88, and IkBa, the activation of the NF-kB signaling pathway, the expression of the NF-kB downstream inflammatory cytokines, and the activity of NLRP3 inflammasome were measured by western blotting and ELISA. THP-1 and RAW264.7 cells were loaded with MitoTracker Green to measure mitochondrial content, and MitoTracker Red to detect mitochondrial membrane potential. To measure mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, cells were loaded with MitoSOX Red, which is a mitochondrial superoxide indicator. The effects of curcumin on mouse models of acute gout induced by the injection of MSU crystals into the footpad and synovial space of the ankle, paw and ankle joint swelling, lymphocyte infiltration, and MPO activity were evaluated. (NEXT) High blood pressure treatment may slow cognitive declineColumbia University School of Pubic Health, September 8, 2019 High blood pressure appears to accelerate cognitive decline among middle-aged and older adults, but treating high blood pressure may slow this down, according to a preliminary study presented by researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public at the American Heart Association's Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions."The findings are important because high blood pressure and cognitive decline are two of the most common conditions associated with aging, and more people are living longer, worldwide," said L.H. Lumey, professor of Epidemiology at Columbia Mailman School and senior author. According to the American Heart Association's 2017 Hypertension Guidelines, high blood pressure affects approximately 80 million U.S. adults and one billion people globally. Moreover, the relationship between brain health and high blood pressure is a growing interest as researchers examine how elevated blood pressure affects the brain's blood vessels, which in turn, may impact memory, language, and thinking skills. (NEXT) Fatty foods necessary for vitamin E absorption, but not right awayOregon State University, September 8, 2019 A fresh look at how to best determine dietary guidelines for vitamin E has produced a surprising new finding: Though the vitamin is fat soluble, you don't have to consume fat along with it for the body to absorb it. "I think that's remarkable," said the study's corresponding author, Maret Traber of Oregon State University, a leading authority on vitamin E who's been researching the micronutrient for three decades. "We used to think you had to eat vitamin E and fat simultaneously. What our study shows is that you can wait 12 hours without eating anything, then eat a fat-containing meal and vitamin E gets absorbed." The study was published today in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vitamin E, known scientifically as alpha-tocopherol, has many biologic roles, one of which is to serve as an antioxidant, said Traber, a professor in the OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences, and Ava Helen Pauling Professor at Oregon State's Linus Pauling Institute. Federal dietary guidelines call for 15 milligrams of vitamin E daily (by comparison, 65-90 milligrams of vitamin C are recommended). The new research could play a role in future vitamin E guidelines. (NEXT) Researchers find acupuncture reduces alcohol withdrawal symptoms in ratsDaegu University (South Korea), September 7, 2019 A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the Republic of Korea and one from the U.S., has found that using acupuncture on alcohol-dependent rats can reduce withdrawal symptoms. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes their study of a certain type of acupuncture and its relation to withdrawal symptoms in rats, and what they found. Alcohol is very addictive—those who become hooked on it find it very difficult to stop drinking. As the researchers note, relapse is very high, despite a host of current treatment options. Because of that, the team began looking into other treatment options that might reduce the numbers of people who go back to drinking after treatment. More specifically, they studied what they describe as withdrawal-associated impairment in β-endorphin neurotransmission in a part of the hypothalamus, and tested a treatment using acupuncture. (NEXT) Mouthwash Cancels Out Key Benefits of Exercise, Study FindsUniversity of Plymouth (UK), September 6, 2019 Your mouthwash could have a bizarre effect on how exercise affects your body, a new study this week suggests. The study found that swigging mouthwash can prevent exercise from lowering your blood pressure as it normally does. Strange as that sounds, the results highlight just how important the bacteria living in our mouths really are to us. According to study author Raul Bescos, a nutritional physiologist based at the University of Plymouth in the UK, his team wasn’t really interested in studying mouthwash’s effects on exercise by itself. It’s been long known that exercise opens up and dilates our blood vessels, in part by getting our bodies to produce more nitric oxide. But even after we’re done jogging and stop producing excess nitric oxide, our circulation is still affected, with our blood pressure remaining lower than it was for hours—a phenomenon known as post-exercise hypotension. There are various theories for why this happens, but no one’s completely figured it out. (NEXT) Why You Should Ditch Sugar In Favor of HoneyGreenMedInfo, September 8th 2019 While honey and sugar share similar degrees of sweetness, the differences in the way our bodies respond to them are profound. Technically, honey and sugar (sucrose) both exist because they are food for their respective species. In the case of sugarcane, a member of the the grass family (Poaceae) which includes wheat, maize and rice, sucrose provides energy for its leaves and is an easily transportable source of energy for other parts of the plant, such as the root, that do not produce their own energy. Honey, of course, is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers solely for the purpose of food. Beyond this obvious similarity, the differences between honey and sugar, however, are much more profound. First, honey is a whole food and sucrose is not. In other words, sucrose is an isolate – technically only one chemical compound – lifted from a background of hundreds of other components within the whole plant, whereas honey is composed of an equally complex array of compounds, many of which are well-known (including macronutrients and micronutrients, enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics, etc.), others whose role is still completely a mystery.

 The Gary Null Show - Wikipedia Skeptics Attack on Truth in Journalism - 09.06.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:38

Wikipedia Skeptics Attack on Truth in Journalism Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, September 5, 2019 There are thousands of American journalists. The public expects them to be independent of political, financial and ideological biases. Indeed there are multiple examples. But there are very few journalists in the mainstream media who have investigated the truth behind the efficacy and safety of vaccines. More often than not the media simply accepts the CDC’s talking points and conveys that to its viewers. One journalist, Sharyl Attkisson has chosen to be different. She has not been afraid to ask tough questions otherwise anathema to the corporate media and to introduce different and often controversial perspectives that challenge the official status quo about a story. For that reason, Attkisson has earned five Emmy Awards and the prestigious Edward R Murrow Award for outstanding broadcast journalism. Consequently, efforts to go on the offensive to discredit Attkisson’s accomplishments come up empty handed. Except on the issue of vaccination. Over the years and before leaving CBS, she was the sole major media voice to conduct serious research into the vaccine safety controversies. In 2009, we were repeatedly bombarded with fearmongering from the CDC and other federal health agencies about the Swine Flu (H1N1) pandemic. Once the flu season kicked into full force, across the mainstream newspapers and television channels, we heard of the seriousness of the infection and reported deaths. However, while working with CBS News, Attkisson tried to get exact figures for the actual number of confirmed Swine Flu cases from government agencies. Putting in a request to the CDC, the agency replied it was “no longer reporting case counts for novel H1N1” and would post its rationale the following day. The agency failed to do so. Attkisson wrote on the CBS website,   Read More

 The Gary Null Show - The Plight of Palestinians and American Denialism with Abby Martin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:11

Abby Martin is one of our leading international voices among younger American journalists and media activists.  She is the host of the investigative documentary news program The Empire Files that was aired on pan-Latin American network Telesur TV English.  The Empire Files features hard hitting investigative history and insights into subjects ignored by mainstream corporate media. Earlier Abby was the host of Breaking the Set on the Russia Today network. She is a founder of the organization Media Roots that supports citizen journalism, and serves on the board of the Media Freedom Foundation which manages Project Censored, which airs on the PRN network. Recently she released a breathtaking documentary film -- GAZA Fights for Freedom -- which puts viewers on the ground to witness the atrocities committed by Israeli military personnel against Gazans during their Great March of Return.  The full featured film can be viewed on Vimeo, and Empire File episodes can be viewed at and Youtube. Abby's personal website is 

 The Gary Null Show - 09.04.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:32

Compilation of documentaries and TV appearances by Gary Null featuring natural and non-toxic treatments for AIDS Blueberry consumption good for heart: Study University of East Anglia (UK), September 3, 2019   Eating 150 grams of blueberries daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 15 per cent, claim researchers. The research team from UEA's Department of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine, Norwich Medical School, said that blueberries and other berries should be included in dietary strategies to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease -- particularly among at-risk groups. The team investigated the effects of eating blueberries daily in 138 overweight and obese people, aged between 50 and 75, with Metabolic Syndrome. The six-month study was the longest trial of its kind.  They looked at the benefits of eating 150-gram portions (one cup) compared to 75-gram portions (half a cup). The participants consumed the blueberries in freeze-dried form and a placebo group was given a purple-coloured alternative made of artificial colours and flavourings. "We found that eating one cup of blueberries per day resulted in sustained improvements in vascular function and arterial stiffness -- making enough of a difference to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by between 12 and 15 per cent," said co-lead, Dr Peter Curtis.       Studies Show Mindfulness Can Improve Grades, Lower Stress Among Middle Schoolers MIT, September 2, 2019   Mindfulness, or the process of focusing all of one’s attention on the present moment, is typically thought of as an adult hobby and often associated with meditation. However, two new studies conducted at MIT have found that mindfulness can also be a helpful academic tool for young middle schoolers. Researchers say that mindfulness can actually improve students’ grades, reduce stress, and promote less disruptive behavior in the classroom. Also, for the first time ever, the authors discovered that mindfulness can even change brain activity in middle schoolers for the better in an experiment that evaluated brain scans of students. During these brain imaging sessions, amygdala activity readings were taken from students while they viewed a variety of different faces.  After the mindfulness training, students displayed less activity in the amygdala while viewing scary faces, which makes sense considering the students also reported feeling less stress. These results indicate that mindfulness can be a powerful assetagainst stress and stress-induced mood disorders.     Reduce cholesterol and improve heart health with Indian gooseberry Baylor University Medical Center, September 2, 2019   A recent study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine suggests supplementing with Indian gooseberry. It reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels – both of which are associated with the risk of heart disease. In the study, the recruited 98 people, ages 30 to 65, with abnormally high levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and bad cholesterol. They randomly assigned the participants in one of two groups. The first group was asked to take 500 milligrams of gooseberry extract every day, while the other group was given a placebo made from roasted rice. Both groups were asked to take the treatment for 12 weeks. In their study, the researchers wrote: “The amla [gooseberry extract] has shown potential in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as lipid ratios… in dyslipidemic persons and thus has scope to treat general as well as diabetic dyslipidemia.”   Soft drinks associated with risk of death in population-based study in 10 European countries International Agency for Research on Cancer (France), September 4, 2019    Greater consumption of soft drinks, including both sugar- and artificially sweetened, was associated with increased risk of overall death in a population-based study of nearly 452,000 men and women from 10 European countries. Drinking two or more glasses per day (compared with less than one glass per month) of total soft drinks, sugar-sweetened soft drinks and artificially sweetened soft drinks was associated with higher risk of death from all causes during an average follow-up of 16 years in which 41,693 deaths occurred. The study group included participants from Denmark. France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Soft drink consumption was collected on food questionnaires or in interviews at baseline from 1992 to 2000. Also among the findings was a higher risk of death from circulatory diseases associated with consuming two or more glass per day of total and artificially sweetened soft drinks, and a higher risk of death from digestive diseases associated with drinking one or more glass per day of total and sugar-sweetened soft drinks. No association was observed between soft drink consumption and overall cancer death. Limitations of the study include its observational design, which makes causal inferences impossible, and there was only a single assessment of soft drink consumption. Study authors suggest the findings support public health initiatives to limit soft drink consumption.     Sleeping too much -- or too little -- boosts heart attack risk University of Colorado, September 2, 2019   Even if you are a non-smoker who exercises and has no genetic predisposition to cardiovascular disease, skimping on sleep - or getting too much of it - can boost your risk of heart attack, according to a new University of Colorado Boulder study of nearly a half-million people. The research, published Sept. 2 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, also found that for those at high genetic risk for heart attack, sleeping between 6 and 9 hours nightly can offset that risk. "This provides some of the strongest proof yet that sleep duration is a key factor when it comes to heart health, and this holds true for everyone," said senior author Celine Vetter, an assistant professor of Integrative Physiology.   New study confirms the long-term benefits of a low-fat diet Findings in Journal of Nutrition show positive outcomes for cancer and other diseases in women Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, September 4, 2019    A team led by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has identified several women's health benefits from a low-fat diet. The findings, published in the September issue of the Journal of Nutrition, found a low-fat diet commensurate with an increase in fruit, vegetable and grain servings reduced death following breast cancer, slowed diabetes progression and prevented coronary heart disease. After nearly nine years of dietary change, they found that the low-fat diet did not significantly impact outcomes for these conditions. However, after longer-term follow-up of nearly 20 years, researchers found significant benefits, derived from modest dietary changes emerged and persisted including:   A 15-35% reduction in deaths from all-causes following breast cancer A 13-25% reduction in insulin-dependent diabetes A 15-30% reduction in coronary heart disease among 23,000 women without baseline hypertension or prior cardiovascular disease     Study says vitamin B6 helps people recall their dreams University of Adelaide, September 3, 2019   Researchers have found that taking vitamin B6 could help people to recall their dreams. The study published in the journal -- Perceptual and Motor Skills -- included 100 participants from around Australia taking high-dose vitamin B6 supplements before going to bed for five consecutive days. "Our results show that taking vitamin B6 improved people's ability to recall dreams as compared to a placebo," said research author Dr Denholm Aspy, from the University's School of Psychology. The randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study saw participants taking 240mg of vitamin B6 immediately before bed.     Ginseng can improve sexual dysfunction in menopausal women: A double-blind, randomized, controlled trial Tabriz University Medical School (Iran), September 3, 2019   According to news originating from Tabriz, Iran, research stated, “The present study was conducted to determine the effect of Ginseng on sexual function (primary outcome), quality of life and menopausal symptoms (secondary outcomes) in postmenopausal women with sexual dysfunction.”  “This randomized controlled trial was conducted on 62 women who were randomly assigned to the intervention/control groups using block randomization. The intervention group received 500 mg of Panax Ginseng and the control group received placebo twice daily for four weeks. Standard questionnaires including the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), the Menopause-Specific Quality of Life (MENQOL) and the Greene Menopausal Symptom Scale were completed before and four weeks after the intervention. The mean total score of quality of life (AMD = -20.79, 95% CI=-25.83 to -15.75, P

 The Gary Null Show - 09.03.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:36

Anxiety And Depression: Why Doctors Are Prescribing Gardening Rather Than Drugs University of Hull (UK), September 3, 2019   Scientists have found that spending two hours a week in nature is linked to better health and well-being. It’s maybe not entirely surprising then that some patients are increasingly being prescribed time in nature and community gardening projects as part of “green prescriptions” by the NHS. In Shetland for example, islanders with depression and anxiety may be given “nature prescriptions”, with doctors there recommending walks and activities that allow people to connect with the outdoors. Social prescriptions – non-medical treatments which have health benefits – are already used across the NHS to tackle anxiety, loneliness and depression. They often involve the referral of patients to a community or voluntary organisation, where they can carry out activities which help to meet their social and emotional needs, and increasingly doctors are opting for community gardening – as this also has the added benefit of involving time spent in nature – even in highly built-up areas. Research shows that gardening can directly improve people’s well-being. And that taking part in community gardening can also encourage people to adopt healthier behaviours. It may be, for example, that neighbourhood projects can be reached on foot or by bicycle – prompting people to take up more active transport options in their daily lives. Eating the produce from a community garden may also help people to form the habit of eating fresh, locally grown food.   Essential oils from the verbena family of plants found to protect against liver and lung cancers Institute of Biological Investigation (Argentina), September 2, 2019   A study published in the Journal of Essential Oil Research investigated the anti-proliferation effect and cytotoxicity of the essential oil from a species of flowering plant called Lippia alba or verbena on human liver and lung cancer cells. In the current study, the researchers evaluated the essential oils from L. alba (LaEOs) for their cytotoxicity on human cancer culture cells and the mechanisms involved. They found that the LaEOs exhibited selective cytotoxicity against human hepatocarcinoma cell HepG2 (liver cell line) and human alveolar basal epithelial cell A549 (lung cell line). The mechanism involved cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction.  Based on these results, the researchers concluded that tagetenone chemotype could be a chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agent against human liver and lung cancers.   Poor diet can lead to blindness University of Bristol, September 2, 2019   The University of Bristol researchers who examined the case of a young patient's blindness recommend clinicians consider nutritional optic neuropathy in any patients with unexplained vision symptoms and poor diet, regardless of BMI, to avoid permanent vision loss. Nutritional optic neuropathy is a dysfunction of the optic nerve which is important for vision. The condition is reversible, if caught early. But, left untreated, it can lead to permanent structural damage to the optic nerve and blindness. Aside from being a "fussy eater," the patient had no visible signs of malnutrition and took no medications. Initial tests showed macrocytic anaemia and low vitamin B12 levels, which were treated with vitamin B12 injections and dietary advice. When the patient visited the GP a year later, hearing loss and vision symptoms had developed, but no cause was found. By age 17, the patient's vision had progressively worsened, to the point of blindness. Further investigation found the patient had vitamin B12 deficiency, low copper and selenium levels, a high zinc level, and markedly reduced vitamin D level and bone mineral density.  The researchers concluded that the patient's 'junk food' diet and limited intake of nutritional vitamins and minerals resulted in the onset of nutritional optic neuropathy. They suggest the condition could become more prevalent in future, given the widespread consumption of 'junk food' at the expense of more nutritious options, and the rising popularity of veganism if the vegan diet is not supplemented appropriately to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency.   Researchers say vitamin B12 can inhibit a key Parkinson’s enzyme Basque Center for Biophysics (Spain), September 2, 2019   A study published in the journal Cell Research suggests that it can be possible to treat hereditary Parkinson’s disease with the help of vitamin B12. The study found that an active form of vitamin B12 called AdoCbl (5’-deoxyadenosylcobalamin) could reduce the effects of dopamine loss in Parkinson’s disease caused by genetic mutations in the LRRK2 gene. The finding suggested that this form of vitamin B12 could be used to develop therapies for treating Parkinson’s disease. “[This active form of vitamin B12] could be used as a basis to develop new therapies to combat hereditary Parkinson’s associated with pathogenic variants of the LRRK2 enzyme,” Iban Ubarretxena, director of the Biofisika Institute and co-author of the study, said in a statement.   Not Just CBD – Cannabis Flavonoids Also Show Promise In Fighting Cancer Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, September 1, 2019   Scientists from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard University recently discovered something that could change cancer treatment forever. In their study, Harvard researchers learned that a compound in the cannabis plant called “flavonoids” can be used in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest forms of cancer with a survival rate of only 20 percent within one year. Perhaps the most exciting discovery is that the introduction of flavonoids not only kills cancer in the pancreas, but in cancer cells found throughout the body. This could mean that cannflavins may be used to treat other forms of cancer in the future.     Oleocanthal-Rich Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Restores the Blood-Brain Barrier Function in Mice Auburn University, August 30, 2019   According to news reporting originating in Auburnresearch stated, “Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder characterized by multiple hallmarks including extracellular amyloid (Ab) plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, dysfunctional blood-brain barrier (BBB), neuroinflammation, and impaired autophagy. ” “A growing body of evidence including our studies supports a protective effect of oleocanthal (OC) and extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) at early AD stages before the onset of pathology. In addition, we reported previously that OC and EVOO exhibited such effect by restoring the blood brain barrier function.  According to the news reporters, the research concluded: “Thus, diet supplementation with OC-rich EVOO could provide beneficial effect to slow or halt the progression of AD.”     Higher omega-3 intake could improve trial results Omega Quant Analytics, August 30, 2019.    An article published on August 8, 2019 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that insufficient doses of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) could be to blame for some trial results in which supplementation failed to substantially increase red blood cell omega-3 fatty acid levels reported as the Omega-3 Index.  By analyzing data from 14 trials that examined the effects of varying doses of omega-3 fatty acids on the Omega-3 Index among a total of 1,422 men and women, Dr Jackson and colleagues developed a model equation that can be used to predict Omega-3 Index levels from a given daily dose of EPA and DHA.The authors remarked that thesefactors explained 62% of the variance in response. As an illustration, for someone with a baseline Omega-3 Index of 4%, 1750 milligrams per day of a triglyceride fish oil formula or 2500 milligrams of an ethyl ester formulation would be predicted to elevate the Omega-3 Index to 8% in 13 weeks with 95% certainty.     A life of low cholesterol and BP slashes heart and circulatory disease risk by 80 per cent British Heart Foundation, September 1, 2019   Modest and sustained decreases in blood pressure and cholesterol levels reduces the lifetime risk of developing fatal heart and circulatory diseases, such as heart attack and stroke, according to research part-funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Researchers have found that a long-term reduction of 1 mmol/L low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or 'bad' cholesterol, in the blood with a 10 mmHg reduction in blood pressure led to an 80 per cent lower lifetime risk of developing heart and circulatory disease.  This combination also reduced the risk of death from these conditions by 67 per cent. The team found that even small reductions can provide health benefits. A decrease of 0.3 mmol/L LDL cholesterol in the blood and 3 mmHg lower blood pressure was associated with a 50 per cent lower lifetime risk of heart and circulatory disease.     Cardiovascular disease patients benefit more from exercise than healthy people Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea), September 2, 2019   A study of nearly half a million people has found for the first time that those with heart or blood vessel problems benefit more from having a physically active lifestyle than do healthy people without cardiovascular disease (CVD). Increased physical activity reduced the risk of dying during a six-year follow-up period for people with and without CVD, but the researchers found the greatest reduction in risk was in people with CVD and this continued to reduce the more exercise they did. Researchers led by Dr Sang-Woo Jeong, a cardiologist at Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea), looked at data from a total of 441,798 people enrolled in the Korean National Health Insurance Services Health Screening Cohort, who underwent a health screening programme between 2009 and 2015 and completed surveys on physical activity. The participants were aged over 40 years, and the average age was 60. A total of 131,558 had CVD and 310,240 did not; 53.5% were men. The participants were followed for nearly six years, and information on deaths and causes of death were collected from the Korean National Death Index. Dr Kang said: "There may be several plausible explanations for why people with CVD benefited the most from exercise. First, sedentary lifestyle is a well-known risk factor for CVD. Patients with CVD may have had sedentary lifestyles, and thus changing their lifestyle to become more physically active may be more beneficial. Secondly, a number of previous studies have shown that physical activity helps control cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose. The benefit of physical activity in secondary prevention may come by better controlling such risk factors. Lastly, patients with CVD usually have higher levels of systemic inflammation than those without CVD, and there is evidence that physical activity lowers systemic inflammatory levels."

 The Gary Null Show - 2019 Labor Day Special Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:47

The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment.     

 The Gary Null Show - Homeopathy: How Can Wikipedia Get It So Wrong? - 08.29.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:15

Homeopathy: How Can Wikipedia Get It So Wrong? Homeopathy:  How Can Wikipedia Get It So Wrong? By Richard Gale, Gary Null PhD., Amy Mitura, Esq. and Neal Greenfield, Esq.   In 2014, Dana Ullman, who is regarded as America’s leading advocate for homeopathy and an author and publisher of over 35 books about this alternative medical system, bumped into Wikipedia’s co-founder Jimmy Wales in Vancouver. Over the years, Wales is on record for showing animosity against homeopathy and has publicly put his support behind efforts to discredit it.  After a verbal exchange over Ullman’s concerns about the online encyclopedia’s unwarranted bias and misinformation under its homeopathy entry, Ullman published an article entitled Dysfunction at Wikipedia on Homeopathic Medicine as a response to Mr. Wales.    At the time of the article was written Wikipedia described homeopathy as “a pseudoscience and its remedies have been found to be no more effective than placebos.”  Ullman wrote, “It is more than a tad ironic that this first paragraph in the Wikipedia article on homeopathy references only one article that was published in a peer-review medical journal.” In particular he takes issue with a referenced study by Shang, and informs Wales that it “has been thoroughly discredited.” Ullman cites an article published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, which found that the Shang analysis failed to review “higher quality” medical trials; if it had done so, the analysis would have had a positive conclusion confirming homeopathy’s efficacy in treating certain illnesses. Consequently, the review concluded that the Shang study was biased by “arbitrarily defin[ing] one subset” and deemed the “entire review as ‘falsely negative.’” Read More    

 The Gary Null Show - The Meat You Eat and Cancer - 08.28.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:44

The Meat You Eat and Cancer The Meat You Eat and Cancer By Gary Null PhD and Amy Mitura JD Who are we supposed to believe when it comes to our health? There is a movement towards plant-based foods with many leading physicians seeing the reversal of conditions in patients following plant-based diets. Unfortunately, people researching the subject may come across writings by Dr. Stephen Barrett. Regarding nutrition, Barrett relies on the now scientifically debunked advice of the food pyramid where meat and dairy are the top bases of the diet, followed by wheat products, such as breads and pastas. Fruits and vegetables are given less significance. As Barrett has been a primary source for health-related articles on Wikipedia, influencing a massive audience, we decided to look at a few of the statements he has made over the years. Does he deserve to be considered an unbiased, objective authority on the subject? Judge for yourself… Read The Rest OF This Article Here

 The Gary Null Show - 08.27.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:44

Wikipedia, Stephen Barrett, and Sweet Suicide By Gary Null PhD and Amy Mitura Millions of people, throughout the world, after decades of consuming an American-style diet, are starting to pay attention to what they are putting into their bodies. Finally, there is a conscious questioning of the safety the American diet. The five (5) items that people generally consume which have been scientifically proven to cause disease: sugar, meat, pesticide-ladled foods, saturated and trans fats, and refined carbohydrates. Unfortunately, if you go to Wikipedia to become educated on disease prevention, you are going to be getting information that is not accurate and part of the reason is that Wikipedia editors get their information from one Dr. Stephen Barrett. As a result, Dr. Barrett has an enormous influence on people’s health choices and we have decided to examine Barrett’s actual claims in his writing and compare those claims with the state of the peer-reviewed science published on PubMed. This first report covers sugar. In his book The Health Robbers, Stephen Barrett states “sugar has been subject to particularly vicious attack, being falsely blamed for most of the world’s ailments.” He also states that “there is no evidence that sugar increases the risk of developing heart disease” and that “sugar is not the cause of obesity.” Regrettably for people who choose to believe him (or the editors who use him as a source) he was wrong. Terribly wrong. Here is just some of the existing peer-reviewed literature showing sugar as a cause of both heart disease and obesity: The Evidence for Saturated Fat and for SugarRelated to Coronary Heart Disease. DiNicolantonio JJ et al. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. (2016) Added sugarintake and cardiovascular diseasesmortality among US adults. Yang Q, Zhang Z, Gregg EW, Flanders WD, Merritt R, Hu FB. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Apr;174(4):516-24.  Body composition assessment for the definition of cardiometabolic risk. Amato MC, Guarnotta V, Giordano C.   Differential effects of fructose versus glucose on brain and appetitive responses to food cues and decisions for food rewards Shan Luo,a,b,cJohn R. Monterosso,b,dKayan Sarpelleh,a,c and Kathleen A. Pagea,c,d,1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U S A. 2015 May 19; 112(20): 6509–6514. Dietary components in the development of leptin resistance. Vasselli JR1, Scarpace PJ, Harris RB, Banks WA. Advances in Nutrition2013 Mar 1;4(2):164-75. doi: 10.3945/an.112.003152. Sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain in children and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Malik VS1, Pan A, Willett WC, Hu FB. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.2013 Oct;98(4):1084-102. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.113.058362.  One study, Sugar Industry and Coronary Heart Disease Research: A Historical Analysis of Internal Industry Documents, Kearns CE et al. JAMA Intern Med. (2016), tells us that the “early warning signals of the coronary heart disease (CHD) risk of sugar (sucrose) emerged in the 1950s.” The authors examined Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) internal documents, historical reports, and statements relevant to early debates about the dietary causes of CHD…We learn that SRF sponsored its first CHD research project in 1965, a literature review published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It singled out fat and cholesterol as the dietary causes of CHD and downplayed evidence that sucrose consumption was also a risk factor. Singled out fat and cholesterol and downplayed evidence of sucrose consumption. The SRF set the review's objective, contributed articles for inclusion, and received drafts, yet the SRF's funding and role was not disclosed. The authors suggest that policymaking committees should consider giving less weight to food industry-funded studies and include mechanistic and animal studies as well as studies appraising the effect of added sugars on multiple CHD biomarkers and disease development. Diabetes and Cancer In addition to evidence that sugar increases the risk of developing heart disease and obesity, sugar also puts people at risk for type 2 diabetes and cancer. Risk Factors Contributing to Type 2 Diabetes and Recent Advances in the Treatment and Prevention. Yanling Wu,1,2,✉Yanping Ding,1,2Yoshimasa Tanaka,3 and Wen Zhang2,✉ International Journal of Medical Sciences. 2014; 11(11): 1185–1200. The Relationship of Sugar to Population-Level Diabetes Prevalence: An Econometric Analysis of Repeated Cross-Sectional Data. Sanjay Basu,1 , * Paula Yoffe,2 Nancy Hills, 3 and Robert H. Lustig 4 , 5 PLoS One. 2013; 8(2): e57873. Intake of Fruit Juice and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Bo Xi, 1 Shuangshuang Li, 1 Zhaolu Liu, 1 Huan Tian, 1 Xiuxiu Yin, 1 Pengcheng Huai, 2 Weihong Tang, 3Donghao Zhou, 4 , * and Lyn M. Steffen 3 , * Association between sugar-sweetened beverages and type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis. Meng Wang, Min Yu, Le Fang, and Ru-Ying Hu.* J Diabetes Investig. 2015 May; 6(3): 360–366. Obesity as a Major Risk Factor for Cancer. Giovanni De Pergola*and Franco Silvestris   The Links Between Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and Cancer. Etan Orgel, MD, MS and Steven D. Mittelman, MD, PhD   Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.2011 Sep;20(9):1831-7. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-11-0402. Epub 2011 Jul 15. Sucrose, high-sugar foods, and risk of endometrial cancer--a population-based cohort study. Friberg E1, Wallin A, Wolk A. Division of Nutritional Epidemiology, The National Institute of Environmental Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden. Conclusion We only gave you a small sampling of the available peer-reviewed literature. These studies show that consuming too much added sugar increases your risk of weight gain and can lead to visceral fat accumulation, increases heart disease risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure and inflammation, and that high-sugar diets have been linked to an increased risk of dying from heart disease. Stephen Barrett’s statements on sugar demonstrate that he is wrong and grossly biased, as is any literature using him as a source, including Wikipedia. And by using him as a source, Wikipedia may be contributing to heart disease and obesity, diabetes and cancer. 

 The Gary Null Show - 08.26.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:04

Study shows frying oil consumption worsened colon cancer and colitis in mice University of Massachusetts, August 26, 2019 Foods fried in vegetable oil are popular worldwide, but research about the health effects of this cooking technique has been largely inconclusive and focused on healthy people. For the first time, UMass Amherst food scientists set out to examine the impact of frying oil consumption on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colon cancer, using animal models. In their paper published Aug. 23 in Cancer Prevention Research, researchers showed that feeding frying oil to mice exaggerated colonic inflammation, enhanced tumor growth and worsened gut leakage, spreading bacteria or toxic bacterial products into the bloodstream. Rather, the new research suggests that eating fried foods may exacerbate and advance conditions of the colon. "In the United States, many people have these diseases, but many of them may still eat fast food and fried food," says Guodong Zhang. "If somebody has IBD or colon cancer and they eat this kind of food, there is a chance it will make the diseases more aggressive." For their experiments, the researchers used a real-world sample of canola oil, in which falafel had been cooked at 325 F in a standard commercial fryer at an eatery in Amherst, Massachusetts. "Canola oil is used widely in America for frying," Jianan Zhang says. To test their hypothesis that the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which occurs when the oil is heated, is instrumental in the inflammatory effects, the researchers isolated polar compounds from the frying oil and fed them to the mice. The results were "very similar" to those from the experiment in which the mice were fed frying oil, suggesting that the polar compounds mediated the inflammatory effects. (NEXT) Research: Black Seed Oil Protects Pancreas Damage from Diabetes – Helps Heal Wounds Bu-Ali Sina University, August 23, 2019 The Mideast region of Eurasia has known that black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) “remedies all but death” for centuries. A study report published explained recent research on wound healing with diabetic rats using an extract of Nigella sativa or black seed cumin oil. None of the rats were naturally diabetic. Out of the 49 standard lab rats used, three groups of seven were rendered diabetic with a one-time injection of streptozocin. You may wonder why this study’s researchers bothered to chemically induce healthy lab rats into diabetes to test Nigella sativa’s wound healing properties. It’s because diabetics heal more slowly and worsen more rapidly than those not afflicted. The result was that the larger dose of the black cumin seed extract at 40 percent healed the inflicted wounds of diabetic rats almost twice as fast as the control group, closely followed by the 20 percent extract used on diabetic rats, leading the researchers to conclude: N. sativa extract significantly promoted wound healing in diabetic rats in comparison with control groups. Although the beneficial mechanism of the promotion of wound healing was not specifically studied, it is believed that the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of N. sativa would contribute to this enhanced wound healing. Black Cumin Seed Oil to Protect Against Pancreas Damage Leading to Diabetes This animal study’s report also published it was designed to confirm earlier studies showing that virgin olive oil and Nigella sativa (black cumin seed) oil protects the pancreas and preserves the pancreatic Beta cells that produce insulin. (NEXT) More than 100 vapers have contracted a severe lung disease, per CDC Centers for Disease Control, August 22, 2019 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that it’s looking into 153 possible cases of a mysterious lung disease that seems to be associated with e-cigarette use. The agency says it’s investigating the illness alongside 16 states where the cases were reported from June 28th to August 20th. The illness seems to start out gradually with symptoms that include difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and / or chest pain. Some cases also involve mild to moderate gastrointestinal illness, including vomiting, diarrhea, and fatigue. No one has died of the still-unnamed illness. The CDC and impacted states haven’t identified a cause, but in all reported cases, affected people had used vapes. In multiple cases, these people also said they had recently used tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-containing products. THC is found in marijuana, so it could be possible that people are vaping weed products. Vaping among high schoolers increased by 78 percent between 2017 and 2018, with more than 27 percent of high schoolers using e-cigarettes regularly. (NEXT) Essential oils could counter lung and liver ailments caused by air pollution Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale (France), August 23, 2019 Certain ingredients in essential oils made from plants such as cloves, anise, fennel and ylang-ylang could serve as a natural treatment of lung and liver conditions caused by air pollution. This is according to Miriana Kfoury of the Unité de Chimie Environnementale et Interactions sur le Vivant, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale in France and the Lebanese University in Lebanon. It is the first of its kind to evaluate the value of using certain essential oil compounds to treat inflammation caused by the fine particles that are typical of hazy, polluted air, and that are known to be carcinogenic. Plants naturally contain various essential oils that are made up of different compounds. Some of these have been found to have antioxidant value, and to also be able to fight inflammation.Cytokin levels normally increase when the body's immune system is fighting a specific infection. "The findings provide the first evidence that natural essential oil components counteract the inflammatory effects of particulate matter, such as that contained in polluted air," says Kfoury. (NEXT) Melatonin boost a key to fighting breast cancer Michigan State University, August 24, 2019 Melatonin, a hormone produced in the human brain, appears to suppress the growth of breast cancer tumors. The brain manufactures melatonin only at night to regulate sleep cycles. Epidemiologists and experimentalists have speculated that the lack of melatonin, due in part to our sleep-deprived modern society, put women at higher risk for breast cancer. The latest MSU study showed that melatonin suppresses the growth of breast cancer stem cells, providing scientific proof to support the growing body of anecdotal evidence on sleep deprivation. Before the team could test its theory, the scientists had to grow tumors from stem cells, known as "mammospheres," a method perfected in the laboratory of James Trosko at MSU. The growth of these mammospheres was enhanced with chemicals known to fuel tumor growth, namely, the natural hormone estrogen, and estrogen-like chemical Bisphenol A, or BPA, found in many types of plastic food packages. Melatonin treatment significantly decreased the number and size of mammospheres when compared with the control group. Furthermore, when the cells were stimulated by estrogen or BPA and treated with melatonin at the same time, there was a greater reduction in the number and size of mammospheres. (NEXT) Acupuncture may yield pain relief for children who have complex medical conditions Gillette Children's Healthcare, (Minnesota), August 22, 2019 It appears that acupuncture may be a viable option for pain management when it comes to pediatric patients who have complex medical conditions. The study found that a significant portion of children who have chronic care conditions - many of whom are already on numerous medications - might benefit from the use of the low-risk and non-toxic benefits of acupuncture. The study was published in a recent edition of Medical Acupuncture. Many patients who have complex medical conditions such as cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries and other brain and musculoskeletal conditions experience chronic pain. As a result, they are often medicated with drugs that can make them sleepy, gain weight and exacerbate mood swigs that burden both the child and their families, says Scott Schwantes, M.D., a pediatrician at Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare and lead author of the study. (Child Abuse Article Next) Stanford University says vax court is abusive to parents Federal program for vaccine-injured children is failing, Stanford scholar says A Stanford professor has found that the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has not lived up to its original goals of providing "simple justice" to children injured by vaccines. Lengthy delays and an adversarial tone characterize the program. BY CLIFTON B. PARKER A Stanford law scholar says a no-fault alternative dispute resolution system for resolving vaccine injury claims is not working as intended. The safety net that Congress created to protect children who suffer from vaccine injury is not working as intended, a Stanford law professor has found. “The bottom line is that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was supposed to offer ‘simple justice’ to vaccine-injured children. But it has largely failed to do so,” wrote Stanford law Professor Nora Freeman Engstrom in a new research article. Outside the court system Created by Congress in 1986 as the problem of vaccine injury hit crisis proportions, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, is a no-fault compensation system housed within the U.S. Court of Claims and funded by a 75-cent tax on each vaccine dose administered across the country. Vaccines are given to reduce the threat of common diseases, such as measles, chicken pox, smallpox and polio, and they save the lives of tens of thousands of Americans each year. However, vaccines also cause a very small proportion of those inoculated to sustain serious and sometimes fatal injuries, according to Engstrom. She said the VCIP uses a no-fault alternative dispute resolution system for resolving vaccine injury claims. Known as an “alternative compensation mechanism,” it is similar to workers’ compensation funds or the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund in providing payment to injured individuals outside the traditional court system. Engstrom, who also recently wrote an op-ed on this issue, noted the vaccine fund has adjudicated more than 14,000 petitions for vaccine injury since its beginning in 1986. In her research, she analyzed nearly three decades’ worth of data concerning the program’s operation. “The results are discouraging,” she said. “Despite initial optimism in Congress and beyond that such a fund could resolve claims efficiently and amicably, in operation the program has been astonishingly slow and surprisingly combative.” For example, Congress originally established a 240-day deadline for all adjudication decisions. But Engstrom reported that, in reality, the average adjudication takes over five years. “This is years longer than similar claims resolved by court judgment or trial verdict within the traditional tort system,” she said. The tone and nature of the experience is also disillusioning, she noted. Though claims within the system are supposed to be amicably resolved, in reality “the resolution of petitions is frequently antagonistic,” she said. Engstrom found that even when children are found to be entitled to compensation, governmental lawyers have sometimes hassled petitioners over relatively piddling amounts. For example, in one case, a dispute arose whether a 14-year-old girl with profound mental retardation was or was not entitled to a $40 pair of high-top tennis shoes. Perhaps as a result, Engstrom said, the vaccine program has heavily relied on lawyers. Early on, some hoped that procedures would be straightforward and collaborative enough to make it unnecessary to hire counsel. But Engstrom discovered that petitioners need counsel – and often highly specialized legal help – to have any chance at successfully resolving their claims. (NEXT) GOP LOBBYISTS HELP BRAZIL RECRUIT U.S. COMPANIES TO EXPLOIT THE AMAZON Lee Fang THE INTERCEPT August 23 2019 THIS SUMMER, fires are being used to clear wide swaths of the Amazon at an unprecedented rate. One-fifth of the Amazon has already been destroyed in the past 50 years; further industrialization of the rainforest risks destroying another fifth, a loss that would be catastrophic for the global ecosystem. The disaster is widely blamed on interests seeking to clear the world’s largest rainforest for cattle ranching, mining, and export-focused agribusiness. Documents reveal that those interests are being pushed in the U.S. by Republican lobbyists, friendly with President Donald Trump’s administration, who entered into talks with the Brazilian government to promote corporate investment in the Amazon. The crisis in the Amazon comes as Brazil is now governed by an administration openly hostile to environmental concerns and Indigenous communities. President Jair Bolsonaro, a former Army captain once viewed as a fringe figure in Brazilian politics, has been referred to himself as “Captain Chainsaw” for his drive to promote logging and agribusiness in the Amazon. Shortly after taking office in January, Bolsonaro slashed funding for Brazil’s main environmental agency by 24 percent. And this week, after a report by Brazil’s space research center revealed that fires in the Amazon are up 83% this year, Bolsonaro blamed the fires on international NGOsrather than his own anti-environmental policies. MEANWHILE, A MEMBER of the Brazilian government has contracted with Washington lobbyists to continue selling land and destroying the forest.


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