Rock Star Triathlete Academy Podcast show

Rock Star Triathlete Academy Podcast

Summary: Triathlon training to make you rock! We deliver a free monthly audio release from our member's area each month. Every episode is an interview and Q&A from a triathlon coach and expert, along with cutting-edge triathlon training advice that is practical and easy-to-understand. Hosted by triathlon coaches Ben Greenfield and Kerry Sullivan. Official website is


 New LIVE Audio Calendar for Rock Star Triathlete Academy! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:25

Ben Greenfield introduces an awesome new way to network with fellow triathletes and the full LIVE Q&A calendar for the month of May!

 Episode #4: Somebody’s Gonna Get Pregnant! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:03

In this audio episode with Ben Greenfield and Kerry Sullivan (we apologize for Ben's heavy dragon breathing - promise that will disappear next week): -Can you do drills in the open water? -What's Joe Friel up to? -Quick Tips: Ben & Kerry's Top 3 Triathlon Tools And Kerry is a sex symbol now.

 March 2010 Gold Wings Call Now Available! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Congratulations to John, who was chosen for the Rock Star Triathlete Academy's March 2010 "Gold Wings" triathlon training and Q&A call with Ben Greenfield and Kerry Sullivan. Each month, we choose one to two members for a private coaching call to answer questions about race season, nutrition and training. The entire coaching call was recorded and is available for playback here. During the call with John, you're going to learn exactly how to analyze your race season, plan your nutrition, and perform on race day!

 Episode #3: Ben Was Not Naked. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:40

In this episode with Ben Greenfield and Kerry Sullivan: Was Ben naked in the foam roller video series? How to motivate yourself early in the triathlon race season. Quick tips on how to heal fast from injuries... And much more!

 Episode #2: Chinese Herbs On A Desert Island. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:13

In this episode with Ben Greenfield and Kerry Sullivan: Should you kick when you swim? What's in Kerry's swim bag? Quick tips on what Ben and Kerry would bring to a desert island... And much more! Yeah, yeah, we know we got explicit on this one. Ear muffs, kids.

 Episode #1: Swimming Smoother & Juicing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

In this episode with Ben Greenfield and Kerry Sullivan: What is the Rock Star Triathlete Academy? Quick tips on swimming smoother and juicing... Why Ben trains less than Kerry... And much more! We promise to get better sound in the next episode, and less creepy mouth-breathing from Ben.

 Triathlon Training Teleseminar with Pro Triathlete Bryan Rhodes! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:51

( this triathlon training teleseminar from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy at, pro triathlete Bryan Rhodes addresses listener questions, including: Patrick McGahan - Chapel Hill, NC - I'm a longtime age group competitive runner and decent swimmer. So, at 45 I'm going to give Triathlons a try in 2010. I'm going to do the Miami 1/2 Ironman in October. For the next 2-3months I'm working on building my base. As compared to my race pace, what amount of effort should I put into these base building workouts? Dave - Southern Jersey - Bryan, I started last year and did a couple of sprints. I am planning for my first Olympic Distance next spring as I work towards a half iron. How much training should I do using heart rate zones? Esther - Reisterstown, MD - How do you adjust your race pace if it's raining hard during the triathlon? Do you focus more on swim/run pace & cut back on bike pace? How much? Brian Zobel - Haddonfield NJ - Looks like Crowie stole your finish line pose "sporting the big guns" at the Kona finish line this year...but really my question is what percentage of your Ironman finish time would you say is a goal to look or train for in doing a half Ironman race? chris - atlanta - I'm curious as to how much bike training you spend with the hammerhead groups and how much you spend solo doing 20min LTs. And, as a newcomer in the pool, should I concentrate on drills or holding pace with 100's? BTW, self-coached, and I know what you're about to say! Kevin - Albany, NY - Hey Brian... What is your typical nutrition strategy when attacking either Half Iron or Ironman distance? - Bob Farrells here - hi ben, do you see these questions in real time?? Michael and Kristen here.... Michael Abbott - carmel, IN - How would you suggest a beginner triathlete learns what works for his/her body in terms of race nutrition as they start looking to half and full ironman distances? Michael Abbott - carmel, IN - how much importance do you think training in specific HR zones should be given for the 1st time Ironman ? Paul Schreiner - Grand Cayman - I live on an island with the highest point being 25 feet above sea level. I am participating in the St. Croix 1/2IM this may and trying to conquer the Beast. What is the best way to train for hills in a landscape where there are none. There is one small parking garage that I possibly could ride. Alex Moher - Kitchener - To become a world class Olympic distance/ Iron distance triathlete, how much does it really realy on natural ability? Bob Farrell - Berwick, Maine - I'm new at triathlons. I've been training since last January and I ran a few 5k's during this year. My first tri may be in July. I would like to start off the year for several months working on endurance before I start triathlon training. What should I do to work on my endurance? Ian - Leesburg, VA - Do you use strength training as part of your training program? if so what type and when ? Chris Rivers - Augusta ga - Please give me the top 5 songs in your training mix when you want to push it! Chris Rivers - Augusta ga - how many races should I race before a 70.3. My race is sept 2010. So I have 8 full months till my race. At the moment I have a 10K planned on March 27tt and the Turtle Crawl Olympic Triathlon on May 15th . I would like to schedule another tri race for July and August, but not sure which one I will do. If I go with my plan is this enough or not enough for training. Keep reading to download the full audio file!( ( (

 Triathlon Swim Teleseminar With Expert Kevin Koskella! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:42

( this triathlon swim teleseminar from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy at, triathlon swim expert Kevin Koskella (click here to check out his website ( addresses listener questions, including: - Carol - University Place, WA - Do you recommend stretch cords for resisted swimming and if so, what type and would they attach to the ankles or waist? - Bob Farrell - Berwick, Maine I'm new to Triathlons. Last summer I spent a lot of time trying to teach myself how to swim. I practiced in open water and I never learned how to swim. This year I will be training with a coach on the basics of swimming. Once I have the basics down, what are good workouts to do to get ready for swimming in open water? My first triathlon will be in September. - Patrick - St. Louis How important is the kick in the swim? Much is said about energy conservation, but should it not still be strong, and, technically speaking, fairly deep? How deep? - Neal - Alton, IL Where is the real energy from the swim kick derived? Does it come from the action of the hips, is it from the knees, or a combination of those and more? - Paul Casto - Castle Rock, CO What would your main advice be for someone brand new to Swimming, embarking on a training program for future Triathlons (the first being 4.5 months from now). Thanks! - Mac - IL How quickly do you grab the water for strokes. Do you glide a bit on you side in open water before rotating and grabbing again? Or is it wiser and more efficient to keep your forward momentum with a rapid turnover and short periods of gliding? - Cindi - Spokane I swam the Coeur d'Alene triathlon this past summer and was unprepared for the waves in the Lake. I had been swimming parellel to the beach and was easily doing a mile, but swimming perpendicular to the beach was really hard during the race. I took on alot of water, etc. How does one prepar/practice perpendicular to the beach to get sufficient distance? It seemed so much farther than what I had been practicing. And how to prepare for waves? - Alex Moher - Kitchener In an ironman, the swim is by far the shortest part. I know that in draft legal races, the swim is very fast paced to make the "lead pack", but do people usually push quite as hard it in the swim in a longer, non drafting race like a half or an ironman? can you really gain that much on someone in a longer race? - Vinny - CT Are you familiar with the "Swim Smooth" computer generated model? If so how accurate is it and does this model correlate well with what you teach individuals to simulate in the water? - frank - fountain Hills I am training for a 1/2 ironman in Texas in April I am told I swim with a dropped hip creating a tremendous amount of drag, how can I get my hips higher on the surface to create a more efficient stroke minimizing drag - Alex Moher - Kitchener Kitchener is in ontario, canada =) - Pat - IL any suggestions on swimming successfully through giant waves of thrashing people? Rock On/ Thanks! - Todd - Calgary, Alberta, Canada Hey Kevin - I've worked hard through swim classes and drills (via Total Immersion) to get my half marathon swim times down to a solid 40:00 minutes. I'm doing my first Ironman distance this year, and am wondering if it would be better to spend my time doing drills to improve my technique, or long swim sets to improve my fitness. Thanks! - John Collier - Florence I can swim 5000 yards in 2 hours, I just cant seem to get fast. I never get tired, I'm just not fast - Paul - Denver You mentioned reducing the number of strokes as a goal. What is the range you see in your coaching in stroke counts for a 25 mtr length of the pool for beginning swimmers, to better/intermediate ones? (ie. What would a good goal be for stroke counts). P.S. I purchased your DVD 2 days ago - can't wait for it to arrive!

 Triathlon Teleseminar with Pro Triathlete Heather Golnick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:40

( this triathlon expert teleseminar from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, triathlon coach and pro Heather Golnick addresses listener questions, including: Colter Hammer - Salt Lake City - If my swim is not my "strong point", should I train just to get through the swim? Should I focus on my strength in cycling and running and just maintain a good swim base ore really go after it? kim - sarasota - Heather I am on the rev3 site and I see you are working with Tara from the Biggest Loser. Can you tell us about it? glori campbell - brooklyn, ny - as a female athlete do you feel any energy loss during your menstrual cycle and if so, how do you handle it while training and during races? also has over-training ever affected your cycle? thank you! zach - sandusky - would the rev3 race in cedar point be a good one for my first iron distance event Alex - Indianapolis - im looking for a camp that includes Lactate threshold, VO2Max testing, Metabolic efficiency etc type testing early thins year but there are so many!!! any suggestions? im planning 3 half's and a full in December this year. Eric - Knoxville - Heather can you tell us about your new Tri Series? Can age-groupers win money??  Justin - DC - Did you have aspirations of going pro in your first couple years of racing? If not, how did that career choice come about? Patrick - Smyrna, TN - I have and have always had trouble keeping my fingers warm during winter bike rides. I already wear a good, cycling specific glove and a cotton base layer, and I still feel like I'm going to give myself frostbite on rides over an hour. Any advice? Todd - Calgary - Hi Heather, what are your top 3 tips for managing your IM training time and ensuring you don't neglect your family. When are your ideal workout times? scott - brown deer, wi (Approve)  Hey Heather, We all miss you at the Schroeder YMCA! Looking forward to your returning to see us in WI again. My question is: after all the life experiences you've had...what keeps you motivated for racing? Robin - Mesa, AZ (Approve)  There are now several variations of the "5 hour energy" shots. What is the consensus on these products? Are they healthy? Do they help endurance athletes? Lynn - Washington, DC (Approve)  Thanks for taking our questions Heather. I have a question about early morning work outs and planning eating before/ after. I run 6 miles or bike around 5:30 am- should I try to get up one hour earlier and eat something before hand? And if so, what do you reccomend? Ted - San Francisco (Approve)  What do you suggest for doing IM 5 weeks after another IM- particularly biking and running workouts? Second one will be tougher course but higher probability of qualifying for Kona. Keep reading to download the full audio file! ( ( (

 Triathlon Teleseminar with Coach Ryan Riell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:29

( this triathlon expert teleseminar from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, triathlon coach Ryan Riell addresses listener questions. Be sure to check out Ryan's Winter Camp here ( and his Spring Camp here ( Kent Buckson - Rehoboth Beach, Delaware - What are your thoughts on using a areo helmet vs road bike helmet when racing a 70.3 in a warmer climate? Lance - Campbell, CA - I have read that base training should focus on primarily low intensity but high volume training, and that high intensity, or anaerobic training can actually interfere with building a strong aerobic "engine". Is this true, or can you incorporate anaerobic training while maintaining aerobic fitness? Keena - Missouri   My husband and I are getting ready to train for our half-ironman's. I am very concerned that he is going to injure himself because he does not do proper cool down or stretching after our workouts. He believes that he does not need it. (He tore his calf muscle 4 miles into a marathon we did in December, and he thinks it was because of stretching). Any advice? Roger - Missouri   Is it possible to reset, or increase your aerobic threshold? For example, if you consistently work in an anaerobic state, will your aerobic capacity increase? Dan Phillips - Garner   I want to know how much, what and when I should be eating to support my training regimen (run, swim & gym (weights upper body only)). As it is now I eat all day long every 2-3 hours, not BIG meals, but (healthy) snacks. carol - University Place, WA   What would the taper look like for an Olympic distance triathlon versus a 70.3 for an “older” female athlete?    Would running 18 miles at a comfortable pace be good for doing an LSD workout? Stacey - mount maunganui, New Zealand   Hi guys, i have just done two half ironman a month apart, amd am looking forward to another in 8 weeks, In both the past race's my inner front quads have locked up on on the run with in about 1km off the bike and stay that way the whole run, i cant seem to get past it and its taking me 2hrs just for the run. I drink about 2L water and plenty off electrolyte pills on the bike. P.s im male and 30yrs old, 82kgs(180pounds) Thanks guys from kiwi land Keep reading to download the full audio file! ( ( (

 Triathlon Coaching Teleseminar #5 With Coaches Ben Greenfield & Kerry Sullivan! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:59

( -In this triathlon tips teleseminar from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, triathlon coaches Ben Greenfield and Kerry Sullivan answer listener questions AND explain mo...

 Triathon Teleseminar with Chi Running Expert Danny Dryer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:51

( this triathlon training teleseminar from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, triathlon chi running expert Danny Dryer addresses listener questions, including: Andrew - Seattle   How do you lengthen your stride if you already are only keeping your feet under your hips and extending your stride as far back as possible? It doesn't seem possible if you can only put your feet as far forward as your hips. Wendy - San Francisco   Are you familiar with the Pose Method of running? If yes, what is the difference between the Chi Running method and Romanov's Pose method? Johnny I - Clinton, NY   What is your take on barefoot running? I'm inclined to gradually and carefully incorporate some barefoot running into my training program to enhance strength, flexibilty, and especially form. Is barefoot running compatible with chi running technique?  Jonas - Madison   Can you explain the Chi Running technique in more detail? Robert - Spokane   In referring to earlier on, how much bounce is too much bounce quantitatively? Brian -   Can you explain proper hip position, relative to the forward lean when you run? Christy - Mount Airy   I competed in three 70.3 last year. During the events I was averaging about a 7:15ish pace. During my training I would always do my long runs around 7:30 with speedwork in the mid 6's. This year I'd like to be sub 7 on my run pace during the 70.3. What do you suggest for my speedwork and long run pace? Kerstin - San Francisco   Hi Danny, Chi Running has had a very positive impact on my running efficiency and I have been injury-free except for two stress fractures (hip and sacrum). Do you have any advice how to adapt training for the half-marathon / marathon distance aiming to get faster but avoiding future stress fractures? (as background: I have genetically lower bone density like many women of Northern European origin without any hormonal or bone turn-over issues). Thank you! Deb - Canada   Hi Danny - just wanted to say that Chi Running has changed running for me forever. After years of injuries, I got fed up and learned your method. It took time, but persistence paid off and my running feels easier - and more effortless than ever. I still have to psych myself up to get out there and run because I come from a swimming background - do you have any magical words, tricks, mantras, etc. that may help me overcome the mental block I still struggle with? I thought that the easier feeling would do it but I still battle with the run every time I go out. Thanks again for making it so much easier for me though! Susan - ocean springs, ms   Knees hurt when I run.....what can I do? Adam Beston - Missoula   I really like the Chi style of running except for the part about not using the calves to push off in regards to triathlon. After a bike in a very forward bike position my calves are very fresh compared to my hip flexors and quads so I use my calves extensively during the run. Is there a good way to incorporate this into Chi running? I also run with a jogging stroller a lot so I also use my calves a lot bc I don't get full strides. Thanks Albert Hasse - Pennsylvania   Do you have some basic recommendations for preparing and training for a shorter distance race, like a sprint? Slow Sally - Massachusetts   I Have a chi runing video, took a great run class with Vince Vaccaro. I am a 5k runner sub 18 minutes and triing to get to sub 17 minutes. Was wondering your opinion on driving the knee foreward, putting some "power" behind running and getting some "float" to get a longer stride Bob -   I'm planning on starting traithlon training on February 1st. What are good workout to do for my "Preparation" period? Bob -   My first triathlon will be in June. My second triathlon will be in September. Both are Sprints. How should I train between the two tri's to stay in shape? Veronica Geist - St Petersburg, FL   Hey Guys,

 Triathon Teleseminar with Vegan Ultra Endurance Athlete Rich Roll | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:40

At the bottom of this post, you can download the audio file to listen to at your computer OR while you swim, bike or run! ( this triathlon expert teleseminar from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, ultraendurance athlete and vegan athlete Rich Roll addresses listener questions. He also talks about "Vega" nutrition which you can find by clicking here ( timothy - seattle do you adhere to a specific running philosophy or running style? ben - spokane can you walk use through a day in your life? jennifer - puyallp i recently purchased MAP I love it but am not sure if i use it correctly. i take 5 tablets two times a day. i have a hamstring tear/strain that is 7 weeks old and not healing. i also wuld like to know if i can use it during ironman? Can i use a glucose only and MAP as a protien supplement instead of a product like heed. Do you know where i can get more specific info on usage other than thier website. Bruce Agardy - Boca Grande Florida What does Rick think about Coconut Water as a all natural vegan electroltye suplemant? David - NJ What is your target Carb/Protein/Fat % by Calorie? What is your target Raw/Cooked %? Bob Farrell - Berwick, ME What are the best gears to use on a bike trainer while trying to simulate riding on rolling hills? jason - pewaukee, wi what motivates you to go long? can you give us some more info on your nutrition products? Lou - Pittsburgh What does your weekly running mileage look like? Do you wear a HRM for all runs? Your running shoes of choice? Donna - Canada Hi Rich - I saw that PETA has produced an amazing poster of you running with the headline "I am a runner, A swimmer, and a cyclist. I am a VEGAN. I LOVE the poster because I am also a vegan triathlete and I'd love to order a few of these. I've contacted PETA but have had no answer. Any chance that you sell these on your website? Thanks for being Vegan - and so amazing! Jim - Spokane Have you ever thought of telling the endurance athlete's story through a movie? Jim - Spokane Do people who say you can't, motivate you as much as they do me? Or is it the feeling of being the engineer atop the mighty unstoppable locomotive (your body and spirit)? Well I will have to listen to the recording my slave driver coach has me on a workout after work tonight. His initials are BF odd Debbie - Ottawa, Canada Hallelujah for another cool vegan athlete! I'm a 46 year old female vegan triathlete aiming for my first Ironman race this summer. Physically and mentally I feel prepared to kick butt in my age group - and prove that vegans are a force to be reckoned with. My concern however is nutrition. Every event I've competed in to date provides crap "nutrition" on the course (i.e. coke, gatorade, sugary gels with questionable ingredients, etc). I'm an extremely health conscious vegan who eats organically with next to no processed food and very little sugar in my diet. I've done well on long bike tours with Vega Sport Performance Optimizer as my electrolyte drink and Larabars as my fuel. The problem is that I get sick of Larabars pretty quickly and find that anything sweet grosses me out in no time. I'm not sure what I should be eating along the way. 180km of cycling followed by a marathon is a long way to go without the proper fuel. I'd love your thoughts and suggestions for proper vegan fueling for this sort of endurance event. Since you're an ultra-endurance guy, you're definitely the expert! Thanks. Oh, and I loved your interview with PETA! Patrick Clancy - Kelowna BC Canada Hello All, When doing brick work-outs and coming off 45 min on the bike, my HR is at 84%-87%. My question is should I keep going at that pace to get a good pace work-out or should I try to lower it to try and practise to conserve. I am training for a 70.3 in Osoyoos BC, Canada in July.

 This Is Our Test Post – Public Podcast Officially Launches On February 10, 2010! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9

This is a test post for the Rock Star Triathlete Academy public podcast (open to non-members). Sheesh, we have to test. Get ready for some serious test sounds.


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