Stanford Entrepreneurship Videos show

Stanford Entrepreneurship Videos

Summary: The DFJ Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Seminar (ETL) is a weekly seminar series on entrepreneurship, co-sponsored by BASES (a student entrepreneurship group), Stanford Technology Ventures Program, and the Department of Management Science and Engineering.


 Build Trust by Owning Tasks - Kyle Forster (Big Switch Networks) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:02:16

When you let others know that you understand what deliverables you are responsible for, you build trust, according to Big Switch Networks Co-Founder Kyle Forster. Conversely, not doing so can silently erode confidence, contribute to an unproductive work environment and a culture of unaccountability, Forster says.

 Always Revisit and Refine Values - Ron Gutman (HealthTap) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:04:10

HealthTap's Ron Gutman recommends organizations make it a practice to regularly re-examine their vision and values after they have been defined. Teams that lose sight of their mission or their values will fail to attain their goals, Gutman says.

 Lofty Goals Keep You Going - Ron Gutman (HealthTap) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:02:11

Serial tech entrepreneur and inventor Ron Gutman talks about looking beyond financial success and, instead, aspiring to accomplish huge, audacious goals. Gutman says they will serve as a constant source of motivation and pride, especially if the goal is to benefit humanity.

 Understand the Essence - Ron Gutman (HealthTap) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:04:50

Ron Gutman, founder and CEO of HealthTap, discusses the need to balance broad strategic thinking with a granular-level understanding of the fundamental human experience that a new product seeks to improve or create. As an example, Gutman explains how his digital-health app is just an extension of the archetypal interaction between healer and patient.

 Don't Fear Feedback - Ron Gutman (HealthTap) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:02:17

HealthTap's Ron Gutman explains how rapid prototyping, quick product launches and user testing are key to product development. He also describes how complaints from his harshest critics provided him with the perfect feedback for iterating on and improving his service.

 Impact Will Keep You Motivated [Entire Talk] - Ron Gutman (HealthTap) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:54:56

Ron Gutman, founder and CEO of digital-health startup HealthTap, dares entrepreneurs to enjoy, not just endure, the journey by doing something that matters deeply to many people. A serial entrepreneur, inventor and big believer in the power of positivity, Gutman also describes how the heart of success is understanding human need at a granular level.

 Remind Yourself to Be Positive - Ron Gutman (HealthTap) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:02:23

Revisiting research that he presented in his 2011 TED talk, "The hidden power of smiling," entrepreneur Ron Gutman says people can build positivity in their lives by choosing to appreciate all that's good in the present moment, rather than thinking about the goal they are working toward.

 Seeing Competition Differently - Ron Gutman (HealthTap) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:01:34

HealthTap Founder and CEO Ron Gutman describes how his business strategy is not fueled by competition, but is instead focused on user experience and advancing innovation. He says he thinks about how competitors could be potential business partners that could be empowered through HealthTap's resources.

 A True Mission is Timeless - Ron Gutman (HealthTap) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:03:57

Ron Gutman, founder and CEO of HealthTap, describes how entrepreneurs will always find inspiration in a mission that revolves around improving people's lives. A serial technology entrepreneur and inventor, Gutman also explains the importance of working with individuals who aren't just up for the journey, but will actually enjoy it.

 Fair-weather Peers Won't Cut It - Ron Gutman (HealthTap) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:03:38

HealthTap Founder and CEO Ron Gutman urges entrepreneurs to be sure the people they work with won't falter when times get tough. He recommends meeting potential hires outside of the traditional interview setting and asking more in-depth questions to assess their true character.

 Different Perspectives, Shared Passion - Sean George (Invitae) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:02:39

Invitae President and COO Sean George explains how colleagues with deep industry experience were essential in challenging ideas and testing assumptions. He also says a team can overcome turbulent times can when the mission is evident and everyone is committed to it.

 Mission Matters More Than Control - Sean George (Invitae) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:05:15

Invitae's Sean George recalls the startup days of his genetic-testing company, when he and his team had to decide whether to be acquired by a larger company or go the more daunting route of raising enough capital to make a big impact on their own. He explains how it's sometimes necessary to relinquish control in order to accomplish a mission.

 Collective Strength Against Adversity - Sean George (Invitae) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:02:51

Sean George, president and COO of Invitae, explains how a team can weather the ups and downs of entrepreneurship when everyone involved is passionate about the mission. The ability to set aside selfish concerns and questions in the face of adversity, and stay committed, can turn failures into triumphs, George says.

 Experience is Your Reward [Entire Talk] - Sean George (Invitae) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:53:32

Sean George, president and chief operating officer of genetics-information company Invitae, explains how the rewards of entrepreneurship come from facing the major challenges along the way. In this insightful talk, the serial entrepreneur also underscores the necessity of a team's focus on mission to see a venture through adversity.

 Empathizing and Confronting Failure - Sean George (Invitae) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:05:14

Sean George, president and chief operating officer of Invitae, describes how he helped start the genetic-testing company because of the empathy he felt for parents of children with inherited disorders. He also talks about how the experience of confronting imminent failure prepares one to be a leader.


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