Red Ice Radio show

Red Ice Radio

Summary: Red Ice Radio is an independent AltRight program headquartered on the west coast of Sweden, in the heart of Scandinavia. Red Ice Radio is hosted by Henrik Palmgren. We feature interviews and programs on a wide range of topics related to European displacement, mass migration & multiculturalism, cultural Marxism, pathological altruism, political correctness, propaganda & manipulation, Swedish socialism (the Nordic model), the survival of Western civilization, historical lies and mass media control of information and opinion. We are dedicated to providing you thought provoking content that other outlets refuse to touch. All the things you never get to hear. We also focus on health, traditional European culture & the spirituality of our ancestors. Red Ice release three programs a week, this includes Radio 3Fourteen with Lana Lokteff, a bi-weekley program. Additionally, we produce videos and commentary., & was founded by Henrik Palmgren. The team also includes Fredrik Tormann, Lana Lokteff and Franklin John Kale.

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 Graham Hancock - Hour 1 - War God & Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:38

Graham Hancock is the author of the international bestsellers "The Sign and The Seal," "Fingerprints of the Gods," and "Heaven's Mirror." His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. Graham has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity's past and where we are heading. In this program we discuss Graham's latest historical novel "War God" about the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire. He explains that this was a war of both gods and men. Dark powers worked behind the scenes of history as the prophecy of the return of Quetzalcoatl finally was fulfilled with the arrival of Cortes in the new world. The Aztec ruler Moctezuma fought to maintain the demands of the war god Huitzilopochtli (hummingbird) for human sacrifice. Graham says that same manipulative demon might have been behind the communication that Cortes and Moctezuma's had with their "god." In the second hour we talk about angels, demons and Graham's own experiences with hallucinogenic plants. There are dark forces in the spirit realm waiting to take advantage of humans not equipped for these sorts of quests. Later he talks about the war on consciousness and explains that only free individuals, living on a voluntary basis, that have the freedom to explore their own consciousness, is the only way out of our current predicament.

 Adrian Salbuchi - Hour 1 - Argentine Corruption & World Government in South America | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:46

Adrian Salbuchi is known for speaking and writing about geopolitics, international relations, political power structures and financial globalization. His latest book is "The Coming World Government." Adrian regularly writes articles and appears on RT. He is the founder of the Argentine Second Republic Project and he is an international business consultant. He’ll give us an update on how the development of the world government is marching forward in South America. We discuss the newly selected Argentine Jesuit pope and what his strategy for cleaning up the tarnished reputation of the Vatican will be. We move on to talk about Cristina Kirchner and the Kirchner "dynasty," who have been ruling the massively corrupt Argentina for over 10 years. Adrian explains many of the financial scandals that have been unfolding in Argentina, without any coverage by the nation’s media. Salbuchi further describes how the country’s resources are being sold out to mega corporations and how it’s all run by the super national globalists and their banks. In the second hour, Adrian explains why he is suspicious of the Arab Spring and other demonstrations and rallies around the world. He explains that as long as people are fighting amongst themselves they will never be able to see the real enemy. We further discuss what is going on in Venezuela after the death of Hugo Chavez and the situation in Brazil. Adrian says that the economy is being intentionally dismantled around the world and the reformation offered to fix it will get us further dependent on a debt based centralized governmental banking system. He gives us a few pointers on how to remain autonomous under these conditions.

 Geoffrey James - Hour 1 - The Enochian Evocation of the Sorcerer John Dee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:43

Geoffrey James is an amateur historian of western religion. He is best known for his work on the life of John Dee, the court magician of Queen Elizabeth I. He is the author of eight books, including "The Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee" and his latest novel "Scorcerer," based on the diaries of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelley. Geoffrey is a graduate of the University of California, where he was a Rhodes Scholarship Candidate and elected Phi Beta Kappa. James' writing has appeared in Wired, Men's Health, The New York Times and several fiction anthologies. In this program we travel into the Enochian world and outline the methods and experiences that Kelley and Queen Elizabeth's court magician, astrologer and alchemist, Dr. Dee, had back in the fifteen hundreds. We'll discuss The Enochian Evocation of John Dee and the translation of the original material received from direct Angelic contact. These beings desired to re-establish the true art of magic, which had been lost. Dee believed this research would greatly benefit mankind and documented all of the channeled information into a series of manuscripts and workbooks. Geoffrey presents the core of the channeled material framed in a historical context. In the second hour we go deeper into the agenda of the angels and what their interest in humanity was. We ask Geoffrey if Enochian magic is still being practiced and if angels still wield the same level of influence that they once might have done.

 Larken Rose - Hour 1 - Violence of the State & The "Terrorists" Rebellion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:37

Larken Rose is known for debunking the most dangerous superstition, government. He is a Voluntaryist/Anarchist and a tax protester, as well as an author of several books. Larken promotes the concepts of self-ownership and a voluntary society, writing articles, giving talks and making videos available at In this program we’ll discuss government violence, human violence and what "the rule of the jungle" really means. Larken explains that the most violent and immoral people ascend to politics and to positions of power. Also, we talk about the movie "The Purge," a propaganda hit piece on anarchism and about the unrealistic fantasy of what would happen in society, if for one day, there were no laws. In our second hour, we explore concepts of justice and equality. One of the most powerful weapons that governments have at their disposal is people’s misdirected good intentions and a morally convinced population. Rose explains how belief in government equals religious programming; it’s deification of a system that really doesn’t exist anywhere, except in the minds of people. We are the ones making it real and giving this invisible entity its power. We’ll also discuss how Larken could be deemed a terrorist at any time. The term has changed meaning and morphed into incorporating new groups and ideologies. Later, we talk about a very positive development of how an increasing amount of people have started to understand the pro voluntary and anarchist perspective. The "spark" that is inherent in people, who question government and its role, is spreading like wildfire, Larken says.

 Lenon Honor - Hour 1 - Male/Female Balance, Cosmic Respectability & 9/11 Trauma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:39

Lenon Honor is a writer, musician, video producer, talk show host, and counselor. His website has provided information and inspiration in regards to manhood, fatherhood, marriage, children, family, and personal growth. He is the author of two books, "Writings for the Fathers of the World of Tomorrow" and "Deep in the Garden of Consciousness." Lenon has produced two lecture series and 8 major documentaries to date. Film topics range from spirituality, religion, media mind control, subliminal manipulation, transhumanism, the occult, politics, the entertainment industry, amongst other salient topics. In the first hour, we'll discuss the male/female war and how the system is designed to create dysfunction so we fail in male/female relationships. Lenon will talk about what he calls "the wholeness principle." We'll also talk about the war on the family unit, the degradation of masculinity and responsible parenting. In the second hour, Lenon discusses mastering information so it doesn't master us. He'll explain how 9/11 was used as a tool for psych warfare. He says the collective trauma of the event has had underestimated implications. Lenon explains how trauma works on the subconscious. We'll also hear about mass media cyclical programming. Later, Lenon talks about his metaphysical book Deep in the Garden of Consciousness. We'll discuss moving beyond automatic body/nature programming. He expresses how we are here to assist that which gave us life.

 James Bamford - NSA, US Cyber Command & the Global Brave New World of Surveillance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:46

James Bamford is an American author and journalist noted for his writing about United States intelligence agencies, especially the National Security Agency (NSA). He has written for The New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic, Harper's, and many other publications. James is the author of three books, his latest being The Shadow Factory. We'll discuss a brief history of NSA before moving on to the most recent news regarding Edward Snowden and the CIA. James describes the connected activities of the US Cyber Command, overseen by Commander Keith Alexander who also is the current Director of the NSA. US Space Command is the world's most advanced cyber warfare agency. We ask James who the targets are. He explains how terrorism is being used as the excuse to take us further into a global brave new world of surveillance.

 Jon Rappoport - Hour 1 - The Surveillance State & War on the Individual | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:18

Jon Rappoport is an investigative journalist, author and publisher of the web site He has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health. Although his main focus over these years has been the power of the imagination and creativity, he is most often cited and interviewed on conspiracies and global elites. In the first hour we’ll begin on Edward Snowden. Jon talks about the interagency war between the CIA and NSA. We’ll also discuss the war on journalism and big stories that end up nowhere. In the second hour, we’ll talk about the ultimate agenda of the surveillance state. Jon explains how a new level of self-censorship is instrumental in creating a conformist society. Ultimately, extreme levels of mind control will create a robotic compliant world. He emphasizes how unlimited imagination is the key to strike back at the parade of androids. The surveillance state aims at destroying the individual in order to bring about one universal, collective mind, one that is easy to control. Later, we discuss the negative side of a universal mind and the propaganda attacking the ego and encouraging self sacrifice.

 Tom Secker - Hour 1 - 7/7, State-sponsored Terrorism & Predictive Programming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:23

Tom Secker is a British based writer, researcher and filmmaker who specializes in terrorism, the security services and declassified history. He has been writing on the philosophy and politics of fear since 2008. He joins us to discuss his book Secrets, Spies and 7/7. Using unsealed court documents and declassified intelligence agency files Secrets, Spies and 7/7 takes you on a journey through the labyrinth of disinformation about the bombings. Drawing on over 7 years of research, Tom Secker shows how the official version of events, which blamed 4 British Muslim men, is a mess of contradictions, errors and fantasies. In the first hour, we’ll discuss provocateurs, double agents, spy networks and sting operations. Tom discusses historical cases and parallels to the present day. He explains how Britain has always had a "war on terror" of some kind. We’ll also discuss the culture of the security state. In the second hour, we begin on John Charles Menendez. He explains how the four alleged bombers of 7/7 were surrounded by known/probable spies at every stage, and how the entire dialogue about 'conspiracy theories' surrounding the attacks was shaped in advance by the BBC's predictive programming. Later, we discuss the normalization of fascism. We end on the potential infiltration of agents in various movements, such as the 911 truth movement.

 Stephen Mehler - Hour 1 - Ancient Khemit (Egypt), From Light Into Darkness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:13

Stephen Mehler holds three degrees in the sciences and is a trained field archaeologist and prehistorian. Mehler also served as a staff research scientist for the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, in San Jose , California from 1978-1980. He has written two books, The Land of Osiris and From Light Into Darkness: The Evolution Of Religion In Ancient Egypt. Stephen is currently Director of Research of both the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association and his own Land Of Osiris Research Project. He also leads tours to Egypt. In the first hour, Stephen discusses evidence of pre-cataclysm and post-cataclysm sites in Egypt. He also talks about human behavior changing due to catastrophe. He refers to Barbara Hand Clow's book Catastrophobia. In the second hour, we hear about khemet's relationship to alchemy and how the knowledge has been kept alive. Stephen talks about how the Rosicrucians trace their dynasty to Egypt. Later, we discuss if everything is predestined or do we have freewill. We end the hour discussing how religion began, ancient writings as early forms of propaganda and the Kabbalah.

 Stephan Kinsella - Hour 1 - Against Intellectual Property | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:34

Stephan Kinsella is Founder and Executive Editor of Libertarian Papers, Founder and Director of the Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom (C4SIF), and a member of the Editorial Board of Reason Papers. A registered patent attorney and former adjunct professor at South Texas College of Law, Stephan has published numerous articles and books on IP law, international law, and the application of libertarian principles to legal topics. In the first hour, we'll discuss individual property and intellectual property. Stephan explains the purpose of property rules and rights. He'll discuss John Locke's principle of first appropriation or the homestead principle. Locke argued in support of individual property rights as "natural rights." We tie this into the Libertarian debate verses other political parties. Then, Kinsella argues the negative impact of intellectual property. He also explains how intellectual property laws control freedom of speech and violate various constitutional amendments. In the member's hour, Stephan continues to give examples to state his case against intellectual property. We hear how the state profits from these copyright, trademark and patent laws. And we'll learn about the inordinate power of the copyright industry. He talks about how we'd prosper if the current gatekeeper, guarding intellectual property, eroded as it does more damage than good. Later, we'll discuss the true free market. Today laws are in place protecting companies from competition. The hour ends on where things are heading and the impact of technological change.

 Alan Abbadessa-Green, William Klaus & Douglas Bolles - Hour 1 - Sync vs. Conspiracy & The Dark Side of Sync | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:37

In 2011, author and researcher Alan Abbadessa-Green published The Sync Book, a collection of 26 essays on synchronicity. This led to the creation of Sync Book Press and the publication of three additional books: The Sync Book Vol.2 (with 26 new contributors), Accidental Initiations by Andras Jones and Winter's Labyrinth by Douglas Bolles, a writer living in Boise, ID. Douglas contributed to the first volume of The Sync Book and then helped dream up Sync Book Press in a cabin in the Cascades. Douglas is also the co-host and co-creator of the Sync Book Radio podcast 42 Minutes, which is a weekly conversation about meaning with the interesting artists and thinkers of our day. William Klaus, a Catholic Transformer, also contributes to The Sync Book Vol 2. He blogs, he bloviates, he bartends. He is a post-Jerry Deadhead, a witness to the genius of Phish and is able to read and enjoy Finnegans Wake. In the first hour, the three will discuss the sync vs. conspiracy dichotomy. We talk about how sync allows one to put together a unique view of the universe. Also, we converse on how sync plays a role in pop-culture. In the second hour, we'll dive into the dark side of sync and how some struggle with it.

 Patrick Henningsen - Hour 1 - Syria, Snowden, NSA & the Whistleblower Circus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:06

Patrick Henningsen, an independent journalist currently based in London, is the managing editor of 21st Century Wire, which delivers news and exposés on intelligence, foreign policy, climate change, the war on terror, technology and Wall Street. In the first hour Patrick talks about the situation in Syria as Britain and France, together with Israel and US support are destabilizing the country. Fake revolutions with the aid of Google and the National Endowment for Democracy are reshaping and reforming countries faster than any invasion could. We also discuss the NSA surveillance debacle and Ed Snowden in the main stream media. Henningsen explains how whistleblowers have now become an intricate part of the geopolitical game. In the second hour, we begin on government surveillance and the global spying network. Then, we'll discuss what a global government would need in order to have a smooth transition. Later, Patrick explains how countries who still value the family unit and small local business are being infiltrated. He talks about the vision of how the elite would like to see the world. We end on Michael Hastings.

 Alison Adams - Hour 1 - Mercury Toxicity, Mouth Body Connection & Natural Recovery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:04

Alison Adams suffered with a lifetime of chronic illness which resulted in a health crisis that forced her to quit her profession of 20 years. Realizing that the conventional medical approach offered no real solution to her condition, she began retraining in naturopathic medicine. Alison finally recovered her health using the natural approaches that she discovered, and she shares them with us in her book, Chronic Fatigue, ME and Fibromyalgia: The Natural Recovery Plan. Alison is a dentist, naturopath and former Fatigue Related Syndromes (FRS) sufferer. She holds UK and US degrees in dentistry, eight diplomas in various aspects of natural health. In the first hour, we'll discuss Alison's road to recovery from mercury poisoning. Alison explains how all disease comes from either toxicity or deficiency. We'll also talk about Weston Price, diet and detoxing. In the second hour, we'll talk about tooth decay, an issue that arises from a deeper internal issue within the body. Alison explains the mouth body connection. 90% of all disease has an orientation in the mouth. Dental treatments are also acknowledged to have profound effects on the health and well-being of the individual via a number of different biological and chemical pathways including via the energy meridian system. Later, we discuss biological dentistry and more on diet and detoxing.

 Walter Block - Hour 1 - Libertarian Philosophy & Anarcho-capitalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:01

Walter Block is an Austrian school economist and anarcho-libertarian philosopher and Professor of Economics at Loyola University New Orleans and Senior Fellow with the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He is an author, editor, and co-editor of many books. Block has written more than 500 articles for various non-refereed journals, magazines and newspapers, and is a contributor to such journals as The Review of Austrian Economics, Journal of Libertarian Studies, The Journal of Labor Economics, Cultural Dynamics, and the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. In the first hour, we'll discuss anarchism, free enterprise, ownership of property and the ideal Libertarian society. Walter explains the non-aggression principle, which government's violate. He also defines the idea behind Austrian economics and we briefly discuss Murray Rothbard. Then, we address the misconception that free enterprise or capitalism means war and imperialism or that capitalism is to blame for the downfall of the USA. The idea that the death toll would go up without government is also a fallacy, which we discuss. Block discusses private alternatives to everything from roads to police. He'll also explain why people are drawn to collectivism/socialism and why Libertarians only get 1% of the vote. At the end of the first hour, we discuss government control and regulation, economy, crony capitalism and fascism in America. In the second hour, we speak on security, government spying and terrorism paranoia. We also discuss bad services government provides and how private owned services would do the job better. Walter covers the good and bad of egalitarianism and we talk about the unfairness of wealth redistribution. We end the hour on Lysander Spooner's "Constitution of No Authority," and how it is not treason to disobey as we did not sign it!

 Penney Peirce - Hour 1 - Leap of Perception | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:43

Penney Peirce is one of the early pioneers in the intuition development movement, having worked since 1977 with organizations like the San Francisco-based Center for Applied Intuition, The Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, and The Intuition Network. An author, lecturer, counselor, and trainer, Penney specializes in intuition and "skillful perception," personal energy and frequency training, dreamwork, and future trends. Penney is the author of 6 books. She returns to discuss her latest work, Leap of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention. Penney explains how the Information Age is speeding to a point where life will soon make a leap into the Intuition Age. The resulting reality will function according to different rules and we'll know ourselves as a new kind of human being. She discusses the way in which we feed the current system based on old perception, instead of withdrawing our energy from it in order to bring about the new. In the second hour, Penney discusses ways of using our attention that will become normal in the Intuition Age. We'll also hear about spherical-holographic reality, duality and violence in the intuition age, oscillating consciousness and interpreting dreams.


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