Q and A Spanish show

Q and A Spanish

Summary: In Q and A Spanish, language expert JP Villanueva and native speaker Nahyeli answer your Spanish language questions. If you're learning on your own, it's sometimes difficult if you don't have access to a native speaker or a teacher. You can now ask your questions to JP and Nahyeli and they'll answer them on the show.

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 Episode 205 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:22

This week JP and Nahyeli answer two more questions from our listener community. Frank’s question involves the expression lo que – in examples such as lo que me gusta es la gramática and how it differs from que. There’s also another question from Dave about how best to express excitement – basically the Spanish equivalent of “Yippee!” If you have a question for our experts, you can get in touch with the Q&A Spanish team at the Q&A Spanish page. Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you’re just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link | RSS feed

 Episode 204 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:18

In this week’s episode of Q&A Spanish, Claire has a question about the expression qué chulo. JP and Nahyeli explain this expression which means different things in different parts of the Spanish-speaking world. Our second question from Steve concerns the mythical chupacabras and JP doesn’t miss an opportunity to discuss the linguistic peculiarity of this singular word which ends in an -s! Don’t forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page. Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you’re just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link | RSS feed

 Episode 203 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:16

In this week’s episode of Q&A Spanish, John has a question about when to use estar, quedar or ubicarse. This question takes the whole issue of ser and estar much further, and JP and Nahyeli will fill you in on all the details. The second question in this week’s episode comes from Matt and involves the verb “to wonder”: how do you translate “I wonder what grades she will get”. As ever, JP and Nahyeli are on hand to provide expert answers with lots of examples. Don’t forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page. Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you’re just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link | RSS feed

 Episode 202 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:58

It’s Q&A Spanish time again this week and we’re turning to questions from Beth who wants to know about using the subjunctive with aunque, and from Mr Bean who is looking for some help to translate “I’ve been studying Spanish for 40 years”. JP and Nayheli provide their expert answers as usual with lots of extra information and examples! Don’t forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page. Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you’re just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link | RSS feed

 Episode 201 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:38

We’re delighted to launch the first episode in a new season of Q&A Spanish, the show which answers your questions about the Spanish language. In this episode, JP and Nahyeli will be answering a question from Rodney and Soraya about the differences between the imperfect and preterite tenses. There’s also a question from Steve about using two reflexive verbs together. Find out all the details in the lesson as JP and Nahyeli provide all the answers! Don’t forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page. Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you’re just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link | RSS feed

 Episode 110 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:21

In the final episode of this season, Ben has a question regarding the verb soñar, meaning "to dream". In English we dream "of" or dream "about" things, but in Spanish you normally dream "with" things! JP and Nayheli will explain all in the episode. We'll also learn a little about "collocations" - where two words go together, like soñar con, asistir a, and other examples. Finally, Shazad has sent us a voicemail in which he asks about when you should use qué and when you should use cuál, and this is something learners often find difficult! As usual, JP and Nayheli will provide the answer with the help of some useful examples. Don't forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you're just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)

 Episode 109 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:38

This week JP and Nahyeli deal with Steve's tricky question regarding leísmo, a feature of the Spanish spoken in Spain where the indirect object pronoun le replaces the direct object pronoun lo when talking about a masculine person. If this sounds a bit complicated, let JP explain everything in the recording! The second question comes from Richard and concerns the difference between hace, desde, desde hace and desde que! With the help of some excellent examples from Nahyeli, hopefully Richard's question has been fully answered! Don't forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you're just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)

 Episode 108 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:31

In this latest episode of Q&A Spanish, JP and Nahyeli deal with two interesting questions. The first question comes from Anna and deals with the difference between ir and venir, specifically in the situation when you want to say "I'm coming". The second question in this week's show comes from Beth who wants to know how to say "if I were you". JP and Nahyeli discuss the expression yo que tú and the more formal si yo fuera tú. Don't forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you're just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)

 Episode 107 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:21

We have a couple of great questions in this week's episode of Q&A Spanish. Listener R Prince has asked us about how to translate "half" in Spanish. This depends on the situation, so let Nahyeli and JP help you understand exactly when to use la mitad or medio/a. Our other question involves a very interesting expression in Spanish which seems to challenge the logic of most English speakers... Linda wants to know exactly how the phrase ella llega hasta las seis works - and how it seems positive but is actually negative! All will be revealed in this week's show! Don't forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you're just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)

 Episode 106 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:14

Do you get mixed up with aquí, acá, ahí, allí and allá? Thanks to Thomas' question, this episode will help you sort out all of these little words and you'll know exactly where to find things! Our other question this week comes from The Aviator who is asking about when to use este, ese and aquel. Don't forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you're just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)

 Episode 105 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:52

We're running a bit late with Q&A Spanish this week - ¡lo sentimos mucho! This week JP and Nahyeli are dealing with an interesting passive construction: Amy has contacted us with a question about the expression se me perdieron las llaves. Learn to use the se pasivo and you'll be able to avoid having to own up to losing things! This week's other question comes from Dave and he wants to know about the word listo: when does it mean "ready" and when does it mean "clever"? Don't forget that if you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you're just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)

 Episode 104 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:27

In this week's Q&A Spanish JP and Nahyeli deal with a couple of interesting questions about pronunciation and verbs. For learners starting out on their Spanish journey it's difficult to work out how verbs work, especially because Spanish doesn't tend to use the subject pronouns - the words for "I", "you", "he", "she", etc. The pronunciation question focuses on how the -ll- sound is pronounced in Argentina. If you have a question for Q&A Spanish, find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). Remember that we welcome all questions, even if you're just starting out with Spanish! iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)

 Episode 103 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:09

It's time for another episode of Q&A Spanish from JP and Nahyeli. In this week's show they're focusing on pronunciation with rolling Rs! Vicki wants to know when to roll her R sounds. It's easy enough to recognise the difference between e.g. pero and perro, but do you know whether the R of rojo should be trilled? Listen to today's episode to find out! Rodney has a cultural question concerning the translation of "free refills" in Spanish. The answer to this question will vary around the Spanish-speaking world, and it gives us a great opportunity to look at interesting aspects of the language. Do you have a question for Q&A Spanish? Find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)

 Episode 102 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:15

JP and Nahyeli are back with another episode of Q&A Spanish. This week they're tackling a question from Rachel who wants to know when to use hay instead of es and when to use hubo instead of fue. They explain this with lots of useful examples. The second question comes from Chris who wants to know if there's a phonetic alphabet in Spanish for spelling names. Nahyeli and JP reveal all in episode 2 of Q&A Spanish. Do you have a question for Q&A Spanish? Find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)

 Episode 101 – Q&A Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:56

In this first episode of Q&A Spanish, JP and Nahyeli discuss the difference between the two expressions atrás and detrás de. They also talk about how best to address people in different parts of the Spanish-speaking world: when to use señora, señorita, señor, señorito and jóven. Do you have a question for Q&A Spanish? Find out how to get in touch at the Q&A Spanish page (http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/qa-spanish/). iTunes link (http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=473933447) | RSS feed (http://radiolingua.com/feed/qanda-spanish/)


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