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ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 English Cafe #276 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:04

Topics: Ask an American: Commuting; start versus begin versus start off versus start on; a place to live versus a place to live in; might-have-been Words: congestion central public transportation to switch over to gradually rush hour peak in excess air pollution fuel emissions pollutant air quality to start to begin to start off to start on a place to live (in) might-have-been

 650 - Buying Television and Movie Programs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:36

Slow dialogue: 1:15 Explanations: 3:07 Fast dialogue: 16:50 Cameron: What did you get for Christmas? James: I got a box set of my favorite TV show of all time, the McQ Files. It contains all five seasons of the show, deleted scenes, and outtakes. I can’t wait to watch it all! Cameron: Didn’t you see the entire series when it was shown on TV? James: I did, but the bonus features make it a must-have for a big fan like me. Cameron: I just don’t see why people spend good money buying shows they’ve already seen. James: Hey, wait a second. Didn’t you run out and buy the Podinator trilogy box set when it went on sale last month? Cameron: Uh, yeah, but that’s different. Those are movies, not TV shows. The Podinator box set had the director’s cut and commentary, not to mention never-before-released scenes. James: Hadn’t you seen all three movies when they were shown in the theaters? Cameron: Yes, but… James: And don’t you own all three movies on video already? Cameron: Well, maybe I do but… James: Then I don’t see why you needed to buy the box set. I think it’s best that you give it to me. Cameron: Touché. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 649 - Disliking a Sibling’s Boyfriend or Girlfriend | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:19

Slow dialogue: 1:22 Explanations: 3:16 Fast dialogue: 17:28 Georgia: So I thought Carla was nice. Andy: You did? I didn’t get that impression at all. I don’t know what Brian sees in her. Georgia: Really? I thought she was really trying to make a good impression. Andy: Yeah, she was trying too hard. She laughed too loudly at my jokes and complimented you too much on your cooking. Georgia: Maybe she was a little too eager, but that just shows that she really likes our brother. What’s wrong with that? Andy: Nothing is wrong with that, but did you see how clingy she was? She wouldn’t leave Brian’s side for a minute, spoke for him, and finished his sentences. I just found that really annoying. Georgia: Brian didn’t seem to mind and that’s what really counts. Maybe he likes having an attentive girlfriend. Andy: There’s attentive and there’s smothering. She just seemed really possessive, that’s all. Georgia: Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much. Andy: What do you mean by that? Georgia: I think you might like Carla a little too much for your own good. Shame on you, being interested in your own brother’s girlfriend. Andy: Are you crazy?! Didn’t I just tell you that I didn’t like her at all? Georgia: Yes, but you said it with such passion! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #275 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:21

Topics: American Presidents: George Washington; SeaWorld; power versus force; The Hurt Locker and Inglorious Basterds; How bad can it get? Words: colonel to resign to boycott unanimously to set precedent hatchet dentures sea ride roller coaster attraction in captivity power force hurt locker inglorious bastard How bad can it get?

 648 - Working on Commission | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:39

Slow dialogue: 1:17 Explanations: 3:00 Fast dialogue: 16:04 Dennis: I just got a new sales job and I’m going to be making a bundle. Irene: What kind of job is it? Dennis: I’ll be working strictly on commission. The more I sell, the more I earn. It’s a great opportunity for someone with my talents in sales. Irene: I know you’re great at sales and I’m sure you’ll do well, but you can’t coast in a job based on commissions. You’ll have work really, really hard. Dennis: I’m not worried. For me, selling is second nature. I’ll barely have to lift a finger and the profits will come rolling in. Irene: But isn’t your paycheck going to be in flux all the time? You’ll never know what your take-home pay will be. Dennis: There’s no cap on how much I can earn, so the sky’s the limit. Irene: That’s not exactly what I meant. Some weeks, it may be hard to live on what you earn, don’t you think? Dennis: What? Do I hear a hint of uncertainty in your voice? Irene: No, it’s just that... Dennis: Put your mind at ease. I could sell ice to Alaskans! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 647 - Using a Smartphone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:44

Slow dialogue: 1:25 Explanations: 2:52 Fast dialogue: 16:11 Hitomi: What are you unboxing? Jason: This is my new smartphone. It has every feature under the sun! Hitomi: Every feature? Jason: It has a high quality camera and video camera, and it’s a videophone. It has a great GPS program, too. The touch-screen and the keyboard are easy to use and everything is so intuitive. Even a child could use it. Hitomi: Yeah, but a child couldn’t afford the expensive price tag, right? Jason: True enough, but it has a removable SIM card and is Bluetooth compatible. I can even use it as an e-book reader, and download apps for just about anything I want to do. No child’s toy could do all of those things. Hitomi: Yes, that’s true, but I have just one question. Jason: What? Hitomi: Can you make a telephone call on it? Jason: A telephone call? You mean a regular phone call? Yes, I think so. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #274 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:03

Topics: Famous Authors: Emily Dickinson; the Lindbergh Kidnapping; sure versus of course versus certainly; either; Imma be Words: poet to rhyme prolific recluse eccentric ahead of (one’s) time to kidnap ransom sensational fingerprint to be sentenced to death to confess sure of course certainly either Imma be

 646 - War-Related Disabilities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:47

Slow dialogue: 1:26 Explanations: 3:12 Fast dialogue: 15:59 Elena: How do you like your new job at the Veteran’s Hospital? Wieland: I like it a lot. It’s really rewarding. Elena: What do you do there, exactly? Wieland: My job is to help returning vets who have been physically injured adjust to living with their medical disabilities. Elena: You mean people who have lost limbs? Wieland: Yes, some of the vets have had one or more limbs amputated. But that’s only one of the many disabilities we see at the hospital. For instance, this week I’m working with a vet who suffered serious hearing loss and a woman who has developed a visual impairment. Elena: It sounds like a very hard job. Wieland: It can be, but it’s also inspiring sometimes. I’ve seen people who are paralyzed – paraplegics and quadriplegics – overcome their disabilities and lead full and happy lives. With the help of wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, seeing-eye dogs, and modified cars, a lot of people with disabilities can learn to be independent. That’s part of my job. Elena: Then you’re just the person I need to help my brother. Wieland: Is he disabled? Elena: Yes, he has a serious case of paralysis, caused by extreme laziness. Is there any help for him? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 645 - Shaving Your Face | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:47

Slow dialogue: 1:09 Explanations: 3:25 Fast dialogue: 16:53 I forgot to set my alarm last night and I woke up later than usual. I was tempted to skip my morning shave, but I hate having long stubble all day. I like to be clean-shaven every day. I’m the kind of guy who gets a five-o’clock shadow early in the afternoon, so if I skipped my morning shave, I’d look like I was growing a beard by the end of the day. I went into the bathroom and picked up my shaving cream. I lathered up my face and checked to see that my razor was sharp and that I didn’t need to replace the razor blades. There’s nothing worse than trying to shave with a dull razor. I tried using an electric razor for a while, but I could never get a close enough shave. I tried to focus on shaving my neck, chin, and cheeks. I was in too much of a hurry, though, and nicked myself on the neck. I hate it when that happens! I knew I was in too much of a hurry, but I was going to be really late. Oh, I did it again! This time I nicked myself on the chin. “Okay,” I said to myself, “slow down. You’d rather be a little late to work than to end up with a face full of potholes, right?” Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #273 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:24

Topics: It's a Wonderful Life; Cape Cod; backward versus backwards; to agree with versus to agree to versus to agree on; howdy Words: unselfishness fraud to take (one's) anger out on (someone) to commit suicide guardian angel inspirational cape year-round bed and breakfast vineyard to swell sign language backward / backwards to agree with to agree to to agree on howdy

 644 - Giving a Successful Presentation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:43

Slow dialogue: 1:06 Explanations: 2:35 Fast dialogue: 14:14 Event organizer: Do you hear that? It’s a packed house and your presentation was a hit. People are clamoring for more. Herman: I can’t believe it. I wasn’t expecting that kind of reception. The audience really seemed to like it. Event organizer: Like it? They were on the edge of their seats. Herman: The presentation actually started slowly, but it seemed to gain traction in the middle. Event organizer: You had the audience hooked from the start. You could have heard a pin drop in there when you were going over your main points. Your presentation is undoubtedly the highlight of the conference. Herman: Thanks. I’m still in shock. Maybe if I tweaked it a little, I could give this presentation at the national conference. Event organizer: You’ll have time later to think about that. Right now, you need to get out there for the Q&A. They’re waiting for you. Herman: But I don’t have anything else to say. Event organizer: Just get out there. Your adoring public is waiting for you! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 643 - Liberal and Conservative News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:40

Slow dialogue: 1:23 Explanations: 3:15 Fast dialogue: 15:49 Bill: Why are you reading that rag? Rachel: I enjoy reading it. I like its news coverage and its incisive commentaries. Bill: That’s nothing but a liberal propaganda rag. You can’t believe a thing they print in there. Rachel: That’s not true. The news stories are objective and unbiased. This magazine isn’t like the newspapers and news websites you read. Those are run by ultraconservative reactionaries, who only know how to write diatribes. If I only read the news sources you read, I would think that this world was being ruled by liberals. Bill: The world is being ruled by liberals, at least by the liberal press. Rachel: You’ve got to be kidding! Our politics and our financial system are run by staunch conservatives, who ignore any point of view other than their own. Those of us who are enlightened... Bill: You call yourselves enlightened? All you and your dyed-in-the-wool liberals want to do is to tear down old traditions. Rachel: Yes, we do want to tear down old traditions, old traditions that keep us from making progress toward... Sophia: Mom, Dad, what’s going on in here? Why are you yelling? Rachel: Oh, it’s nothing, honey. Go back to sleep. Your Dad and I are just having a friendly little talk. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #272 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:51

Topics: Famous Songs: God Bless America and Kate Smith; The American Girl Dolls; provided that versus as long as; “g” as in “gansta”; to suck Words: patriotic to set (something) aside prayer to bless to stand beside foam rendition seventh-inning stretch line doll child labor accessory provided that as long as “g” to suck

 642 - Installing Windows and Doors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:35

Slow dialogue: 1:21 Explanations: 3:47 Fast dialogue: 18:22 Vern: I really think we’ve bitten off more than we can chew. I like do-it-yourself projects, but installing a new window and a new door isn’t as easy as it looks. Genevive: What we don’t know, we’ll learn as we go. Okay, we’ve removed the old window. This new double-paned one is going to be great and it’ll slide open and close easily, unlike the old one. We just need to put in a new frame first, and then we can move it into place. Vern: You make it sound so easy. Is the screen going to fit? It looks too big. Genevive: Oh sure, it’ll fit. Vern: This latch doesn’t seem to be working. Genevive: It’ll work once it’s installed. Come on, give me a hand. Hmm...the new window doesn’t seem to fit exactly. I’m not sure what the problem is. Let me think about it. Let’s move on to the door and come back to it later. Vern: Are you sure? Genevive: Sure, I’m sure. Installing the new door will be easier and we can get it out of the way. Vern: Maybe we should wait until the window is installed. If we can’t finish installing the window and the door before nightfall, it’ll be a very cold night in the house. Genevive: Don’t worry. Let’s see, first we have to remove the old door without damaging the jamb. The hinges are rusted; it seems to be stuck. Oh, I think it’s finally coming off. Vern: See? Replacing the door isn’t going to be as easy as you thought, is it? Genevive: I got it off in the end, didn’t I? Vern: Yes, but will you be able to put in the new one before I die of frostbite? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 641 - Sharing With Others | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:10

Slow dialogue: 1:04 Explanations: 2:45 Fast dialogue: 16:31 Benny: Mom says we’re supposed to share. Julia: I know. I’m divvying up the candy right now. Just hold your horses. Benny: I want to do it. I want to make sure I get my fair share. Julia: I called dibs on dividing up the candy, remember? You snooze you lose. Benny: That’s not fair! I wasn’t here when Mom came home. Julia: Bummer for you. Okay, I’m done. Here’s your share and here’s mine. Benny: Hey, the two piles aren’t equal. You definitely got the lion’s share. You do that to me every time. That’s not fair! Julia: What are you going to do about it? Benny: I’m going to tell! Julia: You’re such a baby. Okay, if you don’t run to Mom, I’ll let you call shotgun the next time we go anywhere in the car. Benny: You will? You promise? Julia: I cross my heart and hope to die. Okay? Benny: All right, but I still want my fair share of the candy. Julia: Okay, I’ve evened out the piles. Satisfied? Benny: Yeah. And can I do the divvying up next time? Julia: Don’t push your luck! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse


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