Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now!

Summary: Since 2006, Jeremy and Jason have been showing people like you how to create automated online income streams so that you can get out of the cubicle wasteland and enjoy a freedom lifestyle. Whether you're just starting out or looking for new insights to grow an existing online business, every episode you'll discover actionable tips in every episode for taking your business and lifestyle to the next level. Jason and Jeremy been supporting their families and growing wealth with internet businesses since 2003. They'll share with you the latest strategies, as well as the proven principles and critical mindset necessary to create sustainable income online. Listen now to find out why so many of today's online business leaders were inspired by the "godfathers of business podcasting.."

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  • Artist: Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now!
  • Copyright: Copyright 2005-2018, Internet Business Mastery, LLC. All rights reserved.


 574 | The WRONG question… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

There's a question I get all the time and it is a sure sign of someone that is going to quit. I totally understand why someone would be curious about the answer, and in the past I'd say the question was unanswerable. After over 13 years of running my own businesses and helping others start and build theirs, I realize there is an answer. An obvious answer. But, it's not the answer 'get rich quickers' want to know, so now I MUST answer it to weed them out. The question is: "How long does it take to create a profitable freedom business?" I use to say the answer was, "It depends..." It depends on what market you pick. It depends on what business system you follow. It depends on how much time you put into it. It depend on how serious you are about starting it. It depends on if you have grit. It depends on your interest in your audience. It depends... "How long does it take to create a profitable freedom business?" My answer now is, "When you create enough value for a very specific audience that they are willing to exchange value for it, boom, you will be profitable." That is the correct answer, but for most, it's unfulfilling. The problem is the question. When I started, I never asked that question. Here is what I thought: "I want this so bad that I'm going to keep going UNTIL it works. Other people are doing it, so I can too. I just need to keep going until it works." I didn't have a proven out system, so it took me about a year to piece together as much info as I could to come up with a system to try. I was profitable the first month, once I figured out a make-shift system. You don't have that problem, the system is the Freedom Club. Over 10,000 people have learned from the system inside the Freedom Club including Pat Flynn, Mark Mason, Jamie Masters, Brian Moran, and many many more. You have to get your mindset right. Want it so bad that you're going to keep going UNTIL it works. That is the key... Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 573 | Get lucky now. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Last year I got really lucky. I decided to take a huge risk and start a brand new business. I decided part of the plan was to sell my huge home, as part of doing what it took to get a dream I’d secretly had since I was 19. By pure chance, the market was hot, hot, hot. A few weeks after putting my house on the market, a bidding war started. I got a lot more out of my house than I ever expected. Sometimes, you just get lucky. I didn't plan on selling in a hot market. I was just doing what I needed to do and selling my house was the first part of the plan. When you get a surprise visit from luck, you have to throw a huge party for luck and hope it stays a while. I saw that luck had come with the hot housing market and I did everything I could to help a bidding war happen. You have to USE luck when it comes. You happen to be getting a visit from luck RIGHT NOW. When I started my first internet business, back in 2004, there wasn't anything step by step when it comes to starting a freedom business. Most of the stuff made you have more questions than they solved... There wasn't the term freedom business. I started saying that a couple years later when I started getting a taste of freedom from the businesses I started. You, on the other hand, are both lucky and potentially smart. You were smart enough to listen to this show. You're lucky the Freedom Club exists and has everything you need to go from zero to total freedom all in one place. If you have no idea what type of business to start, lucky you, it's in there. If you have no idea what niche to go in, lucky you, it's in there. If you have no idea how to start a blog, lucky you, it's in there. If you have no idea how to use social media to gain traffic, lucky you, it's in there. If you have no idea how to take your 5 or 6 figure business up to the 7 figure range, lucky you, it's in there. Luck has come to visit, will you use it to your advantage? Get lucky: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 572 | You can only have one. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I was watching a TEDtalk on Youtube yesterday. It was from an author I was currently reading. It was great. A 3rd wave feminist complaining video showed up in the list of video recommendations on the right hand side, I'm not sure why Normally, I can withstand the temptation to watch such time sucks... I watched it. About halfway through I got a text and picture from a friend of mine. He had just gotten up the mountain to Machu Picchu. I've talked about this friend before. He is the one that started and owns a family bank, all with the proceeds of his freedom business. I asked him if it was hard getting to the Inca ruin site, one of the new seven wonders of the world. I had heard it can be a real pain. I'm not a world traveler, so I only retain the nightmare stories when it comes to world travelling. He said, "Ya, stuff went wrong and I loved every minute of it all. I'm standing in Machu Picchu!" I had just watched a video of a screeching harpy complaining about not getting enough free stuff from others and here is my friend living his dreams because he worked his ass off creating value for others. He wasn't born rich, he built his wealth by creating value, rather the demanding resources from others. It made me think of something, you can be a victim or a hero, but you can't be both. You get to decide which way you will live, but you can't have both. Victim or hero? Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 571 | Using Military secrets to get what you want. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I'm currently working on a new set of goals. Mostly they are around my new business idea I'm working on and a few are upgrading some personal goals I made last year. One part of the goal setting process I don't hear any internet business people talking about is something I learned in the Army. I drove troop transport vehicles in the Army. I did it for college money, being as I was to poor to even know there were scholarships, grants, and school loans… more on that another time. I drove my troop transport vehicles for a special forces group up in Washington State. The special forces guys were crazy! The stuff I saw... I can't believe what these guys can do. One thing that wasn't shocking, but was simply amazing was how they planning out their missions. One aspect I loved was called the Backwards Planning Method. Whenever they had a mission, they would start at the clear end state (goal/target) and plan everything they could think of BACK to the start position. Does that make sense? Instead of starting at the beginning and planning forward, like most people do, they would start at the final goal and plan every step they could think of, one successful step at a time, backwards to the beginning. Honestly, most people don't have goals. If they do have goals, they just have the outcome in their mind and that's about it. The Backwards Planning Method is a bit on the advanced side, for sure. I suggest you try it on your top goal sometime, but there is one place you DON'T need to use this method. The Freedom Club. Nope, it's all laid out, step by step from being a total beginner all the running a 7 figure freedom business. I have it laid out in 3 phases: --Phase One: Make your first $500 online (on the side) Included are a bunch of courses and bonuses with everything you need to finish the phase successfully. --Phase Two: Replace Your Income and Quit Your Job! Included are a bunch of courses and bonuses with everything you need to finish the phase successfully. --Phase Three: Build a 7-Figure Business! Yep, you guessed it. Included are a bunch of courses and bonuses with everything you need to finish the phase successfully. The Backwards Planning Method and other advanced strategies are all built into the Freedom Club. You won't notice them or need to know all about them to make them work, you just start at the beginning and work your way through. Tiny steps, consistently, that's all you need to do. Well, there is one more thing you'll need to do… Join now at: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 570 | An inside look at a success mindset. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Every couple of days I jump into the Freedom Club exclusive, private mastermind group. It's extremely expiring to see what club members are up to. I love seeing the success mindset growing as members help each other, share breakthroughs, and just spend time with other future freedom business owners. Here's a winner doing what it takes to succeed: "Today I escaped the 9 - 5. I just left the office of a job I was unhappy in for the last time. I've recently taken the opportunity to take a job (that I enjoy) that will earn me the same income in 16hrs a week instead of 40 and those extra hours are going straight into my Freedom Business. It's not THE step, but it's A step and I'm celebrating! Thank you all for your help getting to this milestone, even if at this point it's just from a physiological perspective." ~Tim ---I love seeing Tim doing what it takes to deserve the success that he's building. Just seeing the world in a different way can make stuff like this possible. The thought, how can I magically make more time for myself? Adding 24 hours a week to his freedom business building efforts is certainly one of those ways. Inside the Freedom Club we talk all about the many aspects of freedom. Most people only focus on one aspect: Financial Freedom. In the first course we talk about many of the aspects of freedom so you can figure out your ideal lifestyle. One side effect of knowing all the types of freedom is thinking differently, so you don't fall into all the failure traps that I did. Tim figured out a way to use the Freedom of Time to make more time for him to build his business that will ultimately lead to all aspects of freedom. Congrats for starting to break free from the Time Trap! I commented on Tim's break though, telling him how I fell directly in the Time Trap for over a year, when I started. Sadly, I didn't have an entire course teaching me the Freedom Formula, like the Freedom Club does, but that is another point of investing in the club. To become aware of the traps and skip them altogether! Tim is on his way. You can be on your way too, right now by joining the FC at Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 569 | The first big question you *must* answer… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A few months ago I opened the Freedom Club. As you have heard the response was exciting! There was one question I got enough times that I thought I’d answer it here. “What **type** of business does the Freedom Club teach?” Fantastic question! My first answer is, “The best type!” That’s no joke but more on that in a minute. By **type** what people mean is what is the business model. Is it a physical products business I’ll be selling on Amazon? Is it a coaching business? Will I have a blog? Will I have to do a podcast? Do I need to do a bunch of videos for Youtube? Will I have to get over my fear of speaking and get on stage and sell? Let me start at the beginning, the business I teach is a Relationship Business. What do I mean by that? I mean that it’s about getting clear on the lifestyle you want, the audience you want to create for, and the Value Cycle relationship between you and that audience. Everything you do will be about your lifestyle and that relationship with your audience. The better the relationship with your audience, but better your lifestyle will be. I don’t teach how to sell physical products on Amazon. I actually did some tests on that a while ago and it was a nightmare. You create a simple blog in the Freedom Club, but that happens by clicking a button. No hard coding or learning computer languages or anything. Which I still don’t know how to do after all these years. The Freedom Club will not go into podcasting or making videos, I consider those advanced tactics and your audience may not even have time for them. The Freedom Club goes into the fundamentals of creating the perfect relationship with your audience and letting **them** tell you what they want to buy. You don’t even have to figure that out, they will tell you! That’s just one reason why it really is the best type of business, in my not so humble opinion, and I’ve tried out a handful of other types... Learn about the Value Cycle and how to find the audience that will help you create your freedom lifestyle here: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 567 | Is this your excuse? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Not long ago I asked what was in the way of you joining the Freedom Club and here is just one of the answers I received. This one is a general excuse about time. Here are a couple replies, then I'll comment after each one. "Too much to do! Every time I do one thing I, I need to do 5 other things to figure out how to do the first thing right..." ~Sarah --Look, saying you're too business isn't a time problem, it's a priority problem. What you're really saying is that you've not made making a freedom business a priority yet. When I got started I had a mortgage, 12 hour days at work including drive time, a wife and 2 young kids, and two dogs. I understand the excuse, but during that time I also watched a lot of movies and TV shows and even somehow had time to play some video games. I had no time, until I made escaping the rat race the highest priority I could. With that in mind, the Freedom Club is designed to get through with just 30 minutes a day. If that's too much for you in the start, just do 15 minutes a day. Change your priorities to change your life. "Hah, honestly it seems like it's just laziness! I keep coming up with excuses for why I'm "too busy" to do anything etc. etc., when in reality I'M NOT THAT BUSY!! Got any advice for not being lazy/making excuses?? Thanks! James" --I really like that the second person was at least honest about it! My answer to you is simply to start. 1- Sign up for the Freedom club, it only takes a couple minutes. 2- Go inside and open the first course, the Freedom Formula. 3- The first thing to do is listen to an audio. Put a timer on and do 5 minutes, that's it. 4- Then you can go back to being lazy. Put an alarm on your phone and set it for the same time tomorrow. When the alarm goes off, do 5 more minutes. It'll be easy to do it this way as the Freedom Club is step by step. You don't have to waste time trying to figure out what comes next, just go to the next item. Laziness is overcome by taking small, easy steps. Stop looking at the big picture, which just overwhelms most people. Just see what the step is in front of you and take JUST that step. In a few days you'll be so excited about the journey you have started you won't be able to stop even if you wanted to. You've got this, just take step #1 right now here: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education P.S. Here's a reply I got that I really love to see: "Hey Jeremy! I signed up, thanks for the kick in the pants. Stathis" --I got quite a few of these, too. Smart dude, welcome to the club! Go right into the Freedom Club Facebook Mastermind group, we're waiting for you! You can go right in too, just sign up here: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 566 | The poor will never live forever… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Last night I was cruising around the internet and I landed on one of the futurist blogs I enjoy. Every time I get in futurist/transhumanist/biotech surf mode I find something fascinating and shocking. Last night was no exception. What I found was that there is now a device that doctors can put on your heart to make it keep beating indefinitely. This device is still in the testing phase but it would nearly end heart failure. With heart disease being the number one cause of death and heart failure being a huge portion of heart disease this device could mean a much longer lifespan for many people. This is the kind of thinking that continues to help me focus all my time and attention on entrepreneurs like you. When I think of having the possibility of another 20-50 years of life past what is currently the norm, I don't want to be stopped because I'm poor. I don't want to be stopped because I have a crappy job that doesn't have good insurance and I don't have the money to take advantage of the new technology. Or even worse, I can't help someone I love because I don't have the ability to financially take care of them. I don't want that for you either. Part of the freedom you desire is the freedom to do everything you can to have and enjoy more life with the people you love. I know that's a big part for me. That's part of what keeps me going and it's certainly fascinating to see the technology coming that will allow it to happen! Get all the knowledge you need to go from zero to freedom in the new Freedom Club: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 565 | Success is not in the cards for these two | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

I've gotten a couple emails from audience members I want to share with you. They are a warning for how NOT to do it if you want success. I'll comment after each of their emails: "I would like to be take off the email list." ~Michael S. --Done! Just so you know my first goal with my daily emails and this daily podcast it to get the losers, freeloaders, and whiners to unsubscribe. As you know, I say get to the NO first. You want to scrub your list of these people. This guy clearly grabbed the opt-in bonus I gave and has no plans on joining the Freedom Club. He also isn't smart enough to click the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of every email. This is a freeloading loser. I get these emails from time to time and I am more than happy to dump a freeloader and I celebrate when they leave. They are taking up space that I'd rather a winner take. BTW, the second goal of these emails and daily podcast is to help the winners join the Freedom Club. I only want winners since we have private, members-only, mastermind group. This group is filled with strong, success minded people and I want to keep it that way. Bub-bye Michael, go waste someone else's time. You might think the next email is something I should be proud of or be happy to get, but wait for my comment after… "I have been listening to you since the start! 13 years ago I started listening to your podcast and it's still the best one out there. I've been through the 3 Minute Money Test several times and I even saw you speak at the New Media Expo a couple years ago. I'm still trying to decide what business I want to do, but I'm close! I just wanted to write in say thank you for all you do." ~Samuel K. --I used to be excited to see something like this. I'd think, "wow, someone really likes my stuff!" Now I don't. This is a freeloader, just like the other, but this person admits to taking, taking, taking for 13 years! I checked to see if this guy had ever bought anything from me, even a 7 dollar ebook. NOPE. Freeloader and loser, for a lot of years. I unsubscribed them both, they can go sponge off someone else. This is why learning about the Value Cycle is so important. It's why I go over it extensively in the Freedom Club. It's the backbone of being in business and being a winner. These two will not make it. I'd be willing to bet money on it. *Not unless they get rid of their "free"loader mindset and start taking real action. Stop waiting for more free stuff. Take action now and learn about the Value Cycle inside the Freedom Club. It also has the complete zero to freedom business plan here: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 564 | The pursuit of freedom starts with these… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This morning, when I was writing my daily email, my oldest daughter was up early practicing the cello. I normally like dead silence when I'm writing, but the feeling of being a proud father overtook the desire for early morning quiet. Why? Cause she's taking the daily, small steps it takes to be good at something she loves. She chooses to get up early all on her own. Normally she takes the small step of practicing much later in the day, but she is totally busy all day and the only time she could stick to her plan was to get up as early as I do. She did it and that was why I could hear her practicing as I was writing. Taking these *small steps* everyday is why she is so good at the cello and is only getting better. **She gets extra point for practicing the main theme song for the epic show, the Game of Thrones! The second key to success is taking small, daily steps, the first step is knowing what steps to take. Check out the Freedom Club to get THE step by step plan for the freedom you want right now: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 563 | How to not be a quitter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

An email came in with a question I wanted to answer for you. My comments will follow. "I'm considering your Freedom Club vs. a "big gooroos course I'm sure you've heard of" about finding your niche, which one should I do?" ~Jerry --Statistically you'll be joining the Freedom Club anyways. What I mean is, you'll get tired of having to pay for every tiny steps in the big GooRoos string of courses and you'll have two options: Quit out of frustration or lack of funds to keep paying the big gooroo off. Join the Freedom Club where all the info to start your freedom business is included. I get emails all the time from Freedom Club members thanking me for helping them stop funding this GooRoo or that GooRoo's new exotic car or beach mansion because they had to keep paying more and more big bucks to get the next bit of info. Just skip the frustration that leads many to quitting and join the Freedom Club, it's just a buck a day. No muss no fuss. Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education Join Freedom Club Dot Com I can’t wait to see you on the inside!

 562 | You need to go on a diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Back in 2009, I went on a diet. This was not your typical food diet. I had become over stimulated by news and information. I had the news on in the background when I got up in the morning. I'd catch up on it in the afternoon. I'd listen to it in the car in the form of talk radio. I'd balance that at night with comedy news like the Daily Show. I had friends that worked on political campaigns and we'd discuss the issues at coffee houses. I felt informed like a "good little citizen". That was about the time I was all sorts of scattered with my businesses. I had 5 of them still. Yesterday I talked about my mastermind buddy, "Mike", that told me the secret to him making one million dollars a month. Focus. Remember, I said that was when I decided to focus solely on Internet Business Mastery, which I did. The other thing that happened is I went on a news diet. I stopped watching and listening to ANY news, local or otherwise. I added internet business and internet marketing and I called it an information diet. I stopped listening to all the business and marketing podcasts. I unsubscribed to all the email lists and blogs I was constantly scanning. I was choking on information and using none of it. Then, I picked one thing I was working on currently in my business and focused all my info gathering on that ONE THING. As I mentioned yesterday, my business doubled for 4 years in a row because of the focus and I think equally because of the info diet. I thought gathering all that info was useful and I was getting smarter and smarter. All these years later and I realize that about 95% of what I gathered I never used (like all that info I gathered on marketing on Friendster. Ya, what's Friendster, exactly...) It was a useless treadmill of fake action. I had gathered all this info that became just an excuse not to take *real* action. My political friends were flabbergasted! How can you operate life without knowing what is going on in the news?! Well guess what? I still heard all about it from others. The difference is that I don't get swept up in the 24 hour threat of death and doom and mostly lies that is the news. It was nice to not be a part of the fear mongering the news mucks up. I heard second hand and with no pending doom threat, all about the bird flu, the swine flu, chipmunk flu, and all the other flus that were going to wipe out the world and never did. I heard about the rise of a supposed fascist that was supposed to ruin us all and I've watched my bitcoin and IRA account grow, finally. There are 1,000 things I still heard about that has affected me, but more importantly, there have been 10,000 things I missed that DIDN'T effect me and I'm grateful to not have had to fear about them. None of that has gotten in the way of my mission. I'm here to help those ready to take the small steps towards going for their dream of starting a freedom business. While all that doom and gloom is being reported I get emails from people changing their lives and the lives of others from all over the world. My information diet has become a lifestyle and I have no plans of going back. I keep my focus and my resolve, wanna join me? Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education P.S. Discover your freedom business and bring it to the world for just a buck a day:

 561 | Forget Carpe Diem, Carpe Punctum for life! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Did you ever see the movie, Dead Poets Society? It's the one with the late Robin Williams who's a teacher at a fancy-smancy boys prep-academy. There's a scene where here he brings all the young men he's teaching into the main hall of the academy. The hall where all the trophies and ribbons and pictures of students from the past doing great things. He asks the boys to lean in and hear what the great achievers of the past have to say to them. The boys look around at each other, incredulously. They finally lean in, to humor their teacher, while looking at these images of the great athletes and students of the past. The teacher then says, "They're not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you. Their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because you see, gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen. You hear it?... Carpe... Hear it?... Carpe. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary." That speech get's me every time. Anytime I watch that movie and I hear that phrase, Carpe Diem (Sieze the Day) I want to do more, be more, help more people, and make my life extraordinary. Recently I learned about another phrase that I've been thinking about on a daily basis. Carpe Punctum. I think it's more of a phrase I can work with. Carpe Punctum means Seize The Moment. No matter how bad the day has been going, I can always try to turn it around and seize the moment. Every moment in our lives has the possibility of changing everything if we are willing to seize it and go for our dreams. Recently I did this and have now altered my life for good, again (more on that later), but I wanted to remind you that NOW is the moment YOU can seize your dream. Join the Freedom Club for just $1 a day. Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 560 | The curse of overcrowded market | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Back when I got started I had a major fear. Actually, I had a lot of fears, but one especially stood out. I looked out over the internet and saw a LOT of people already successful doing the exact thing I wanted to do. I had the mistaken belief that if someone was already doing it, in my case a LOT of someones, then there was no room for me. I recently found a quote I saw years ago that helped: "Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again." ~Andre Gide You can say what has already been said, but add YOU to it. This is another reason I love the personality-based, relationship business I teach. You learn the ins and outs of the subject you want to teach and add YOU to it. No one can copy YOU. I'm a combination of my mentors, my thoughts, my actions, and what I've learned (and didn't learn) from my actions. That makes me different from anyone else, even if we talk about the same things. I'm going to say something that has been said a different way than anyone else. I bring a different angle, a different voice, and different view and so do you… See, I bet if you were to write an email based on this quote, you'd make a different point, maybe a better point. Maybe you'd make the same point, but make it more clear. You'd use a better story and point out someone that did an action that proves your point. Maybe you'd be sarcastic or more optimistic or talk about your dog. Maybe you'd decide this quote is dumb and find a different one. No matter what, if you have a desire to be heard and create value for others, do it. It may have already been "said", but not by you. Time to get your nuggets into the club: Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education

 559 | 26 years in the making and all for you… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

About Twenty-six years ago something magically happened to me. I had just moved to San Diego after escaping the U.S. Army and I was about to go to college. I was 20 years old and other than being in the army I hadn't been outside of the state of Utah much. I was raised in a very religious city. There were even laws that were set to "help" you live by the religious rules, even if you weren't of that religious faith. One day in March, all those years ago, I came across a book that would have a huge effect on me. I've had quite a few books that had a massive and lasting effect, but this one was the big daddy. The book itself, Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins, doesn't matter as much as the world it opened up to me. I'd never heard of personal development as a book category and the closest thing to that I'd seen might have been the Bible... The idea of being able to go to the next level with life was unknown to me. I thought going to college was going to be the biggest step up, since no one in my family had been. I thought getting a good, long-term, 'rest of my life' job was going to be just what you do. College, job, wife, kids, kids in college, grandkids, death. That's it. The idea that I could break that cycle and work my ass off for a life I had fully chosen hadn't occurred to me before I picked up that personal development book. I finished the book in a day. I re-read it the next day. I didn't know how or if there was room for someone else, but I wanted to write books like that and help others feel like I did after reading in. I had no idea how to do that, back then. In 2004 I quit that 'rest of my life' job to start my quest on finding ways to help people get to the next level in life. I've always wanted to help those that dared to quest for what they truly desired. That's how the Freedom Club came about. My 26 years dream of helping other people escape the ordinary world to quest for the life of their dreams was finally beginning. Everything’s in place to make that easier than ever. 26 years ago it wasn't possible to do what you can do now, so now is the time. Now is the time to join me in helping others, by helping yourself. Join the club and the community that was designed to help you escape and take your life to the next level: BTW: I'm going to finally be starting my personal development business and I'll be going right along with you through the Freedom Club to build it. Join me. Jeremy Frandsen World Leader in Freedom Business Education


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