Slate Daily Feed show

Slate Daily Feed

Summary: Slate's Daily Feed includes the Political Gabfest, the Culture Gabfest, our sports show Hang Up and Listen, the Double X Gabfest, the Audio Book Club, Mom and Dad are Fighting, Slate Money, Spoiler Specials, The Gist with Mike Pesca, and more.

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 90 Seconds: McCain Won’t Save the Dems This Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60

Josh Voorhees with the rundown: John McCain signs off on the GOP tax bill, Roy Moore rebounds in Alabama, and Rex Tillerson may be on the way out.

 90 Seconds: McCain Won’t Save the Dems This Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60

Josh Voorhees with the rundown: John McCain signs off on the GOP tax bill, Roy Moore rebounds in Alabama, and Rex Tillerson may be on the way out.

 Mom and Dad Are Fighting: Grandpa Rules Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 315

Rebecca Lavoie, Carvell Wallace, and Gabriel Roth discuss their annoyingly triumphant week, how to raise your kids outside of the influence of toxic masculinity, and what to do about a doting grandpa. Plus more in Triumphs and Fails and Recommendations. 

 Studio 360 | American Icons: The Disney Parks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 315

This is America’s vision of utopia.Generations of Americans have grown up with Walt Disney shaping our imaginations. In 1955, Disney mixed up some fairy tales, a few historical facts, and a dream of the future to create an alternate universe. Not just a place for fun, but a scale model of a perfect world. “Everything that you could imagine is there,” says one young visitor. “It's like living in a fantasy book.” And not just for kids: one-third of Walt Disney World’s visitors are adults who go without children. Visiting the parks, according to actor Tom Hanks, is like a pilgrimage—the pursuit of happiness turned into a religion.Futurist Cory Doctorow explains the genius of Disney World, while novelist Carl Hiaasen even hates the water there. Kurt tours Disneyland with a second-generation “imagineer” whose dead mother haunts the Haunted Mansion. We’ll meet a former Snow White and the man who married Prince Charming—Disney, he says, is “the gayest place on Earth. It’s where happy lives.”(Originally aired October 18, 2013)Special thanks to Julia Lowrie Henderson, Shannon Geis, Alex Gallafent, Nic Sammond, Steve Watts, Angela Bliss, Todd Heiden, Shannon Swanson, Katie

 El Gabfest: De Vetos a Trump y Princesas Americanas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0

León Krauze desde Univision Noticias en Los Angeles se une con Janet Rodriguez y Dori Toribio, corresponsales en Washington, DC, para platicar de la política estadounidense. Primero, se preguntan porqué anuncia su retiro uno de los Latinos más prominentes en el Congreso, Luis Gutiérrez, quien fue invitado del Gabfest en Español hace dos semanas. Luego, los panelistas discuten su papel en esta Casa Blanca como periodistas, visto que el Presidente Trump sigue con su guerra contra la prensa. De invitado, el Embajador Arturo Sarukhan, consultor internacional y ex-embajador de México en Estados Unidos, analiza la relación importantísima – económica y política – entre los dos países vecinos.

 DoubleX Gabfest: I Feel Red-Pilled Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 315

This week, Hanna Rosin, Noreen Malone, June Thomas discuss the book Kill All Normies with author Angela Nagle. Then they talk the about what causes a sex panic, and if all the current sexual harassment allegations could lead to one. Finally, they discuss the new Spike Lee series She’s Gotta Have It. 

 I Have to Ask: The Laura Kipnis Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 225

Laura Kipnis is an author, essayist, and professor at Northwestern University who writes frequently about sexuality and feminism. She sits down with Isaac Chotiner to discuss the importance of training women to push back against creepy men, whether the current wave of sexual misconduct reckonings count as a movement, and why she still doubts Bill Clinton’s accusers.

 Trumpcast: Nixon's Slow Burn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 225

Jacob Weisberg chats with Slate's Leon Neyfakh about his latest series Slow Burn | A Podcast About Watergate. Who are the lesser known characters of the scandal? What led to the Republicans ultimately turning on Nixon? And where does what we know now about Trump measure up on the Nixon scale?Listen to the first episode of Slow Burn.

 Gist: A Founding Fathers Bromance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 225

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were very different guys representing opposing political parties. Jefferson was a wildly popular aristocrat from Virginia; Adams was a middling, dyspeptic lawyer from Massachusetts. But they were fast friends, and their relationship ultimately survived a presidential election in which they faced off as candidates. Historian Gordon S. Wood explains why their friendship should give us hope. Wood’s book is Friends Divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.In lieu of a Spiel today, we’re sharing a piece of The Gist’s Washington live show. Mike talked to FiveThirtyEight senior writer Perry Bacon Jr. about the Alabama Senate race and the growing momentum behind the Republican tax bill. 

 Whistlestop: The Partial Truths of the Presidency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 210

Presidents FDR, Bush, Obama and others delivered partial truths to the American people. Were they good leaders?Whistlestop is Slate’s podcast about presidential campaign history. Hosted by our political correspondent and Political Gabfest panelist John Dickerson, each installment will revisit a memorable (or even a forgotten) moment from America's quadrennial carnival. Podcast production and edit by Jocelyn Frank. Research by Brian Rosenwald. Love Slate podcasts? Listen longer with Slate Plus! Members get bonus segments, ad-free versions, exclusive podcasts and more. Start your two-week free trial at

 If Then: Antitrust Superstar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 165

On this week’s If Then, Slate’s April Glaser and Will Oremus discuss how bots messed up the net neutrality comment process and whether that gives advocates a last chance to preserve an open Internet. They also examine YouTube’s ongoing problems airing disturbing videos involving children and why its moderation algorithms don’t work. Then the hosts speak with Lina Khan, legal policy director of the Open Markets Institute and a fellow at Yale Law school, about AT&T’s now-troubled attempt to merge with Time Warner, and the DoJ’s unusual antitrust challenge. Lastly, as always, Don’t Close My Tabs: April and Will’s picks for best tech stories on the web this week.If Then’s “Don’t Close My Tabs” recommendations:NY Mag: Tumblr Founder David Karp is Stepping DownStanford Politics: How Peter Thiel and the Stanford Review Built a Silicon Valley EmpirePodcast production by Max Jacobs.You can get updates about what’s coming up next by following us on twitter @ifthenpod. You can follow Will at @WillOremus, and April is @Aprilaser. If you have a question or comment for us, you can email as well at Then is presented by Slate and Future Tense, a collaboration among Arizona State University, New America, and Slate. Future Tense explores the ways emerging technologies affect society, policy, and culture. To read more, follow us on Twitter and sign up for our weekly newsletter.

 90 Seconds: Trigger Warning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60

Josh Voorhees has the rundown: Matt Lauer’s out at NBC, Republicans consider adding a “trigger” to their tax bill, Trump is retweeting British extremists, and the quiet return of Birtherism.

 Do I Dare to Eat a Peach Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 315

Dana Stevens, Julia Turner, and Stephen Metcalf discuss the new film Call Me By Your Name, Spike Lee's Netflix series She's Gotta Have It with Aisha Harris, and The Polybius Conspiracy with Jacob Brogan. 

 Trumpcast: The Magnitsky Update with Bill Browder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 225

Jacob Weisberg and Virginia Heffernan are joined by Bill Browder to chat about the latest surrounding the Magnitsky Act, corruption, and those seeking to discredit his efforts worldwide.

 Gist: The Problem With America’s Rich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 225

Can you move toward greater income equality without asking America’s richest to give something up? In a word, no. On The Gist, Richard Reeves argues that the upper echelons of the U.S. are bogarting wealth that would otherwise go to the middle class. His latest book is Dream Hoarders: How the American Upper Middle Class Is Leaving Everyone Else in the Dust, Why That Is a Problem, and What to Do About It. And today, Mike pulls a Spiel from the archives: What President Trump means when he says everybody. Or anybody. Or nobody.


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