James MacDonald: Walk in the Word Audio show

James MacDonald: Walk in the Word Audio

Summary: Walk in the Word, the Bible teaching ministry of Dr. James MacDonald, pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel in the suburbs of Chicago, emphasizes the precise exposition of God's Word and life application. Igniting passion in the people of God through the proclamation of truth is not just our motto—it's our daily commitment! Through audio, video, web, printed resources, and listener events, Walk in the Word provides personal and practical teaching that leads listeners to the transforming power of God's Word.

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  • Artist: James MacDonald
  • Copyright: © Copyright 2013 Walk in the Word


 What`s Up With Heaven - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It is easy to get caught up in the things of this world, so that we begin to lose sight of the glorious future God is preparing for us in heaven. In this message, James MacDonald reminds us that through faith, God can renew within us a fresh sense of the reality of hope in an eternal home for those who are in Christ Jesus.

 When I Need A Miracle - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this message preached at the Southern Baptist Convention, James shows that miracles come from what you have. God can do anything, He created the world out of nothing. But when we need a miracle, He first asks us to bring our best.

 When I Need A Miracle - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this look at Jesus` first miracle, James MacDonald shows us that when we need a miracle, God expects us each to do our part before He does His part. He did`t need water, grapes or even servants to make wine, yet Jesus used them all.

 When You Don`t Know What to Do - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sooner or later you will face a situation in your life where you truly don`t know what to do. When that day comes, will you be prepared? In this message, we look at how King David responded to a terrible situation in his own life through the lens of Psalm 25.

 When You Don`t Know What to Do - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Where do you turn for wisdom when you don`t know what to do? Not the kind of `I don`t know what to do` that you feel on a Saturday night, but the kind that happens when stress has completely overwhelmed you. In this message, we`ll find guidance in Psalm 25, which David wrote when his life was falling apart.

 The Glorious Holy Spirit - C | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Bible teaches that all believers have the Holy Spirit. But this still leaves us with a question: Does the Holy Spirit have all of you? He is with you and in you ... to help you in your Christian walk, but you can hinder His presence. In this message, find out how to live under His influence.

 The Glorious Holy Spirit - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Holy Spirit has three roles to help you in your walk with Christ, but there are two ways you can hinder His presence, and there`s one thing you need to consider. Find out all this and more in this message about the Holy Spirit from James MacDonald.

 The Glorious Holy Spirit - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Not sure what to think about the Holy Spirit? Don`t let unbiblical, unverifiable experiences scare you away from the third Person of the Trinity. He is a gift to every believer and without Him, you`ll lack the power to life a life of faith.

 How to Live by Faith - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Even when it`s hard to trust, we have to believe in the goodness of God. This goodness is the foundation of faith - if we know that God is good, we can run to him when we have trials and tribulations.

 How to Live by Faith - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Before you can live by faith, you first have to learn that the Lord is good. He is good when the going gets rough, and when the path is smooth. He is good in the rain and in the sunshine. In this message, James MacDonald builds a foundation to help you recognize the goodness of God, so you can live by faith.

 Experiencing the Holiness of God - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Too many Christians abandon the pursuit of holiness and settle for a flesh-driven, self-defeated lifestyle without the joy and victory Christ promises. But when we direct our hearts towards the purity God intends for us, we can experience what it means to be `set apart` even in a sinful world.

 Experiencing the Holiness of God - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

God wants His followers to be holy, but holiness is hard to achieve when our sinful hearts continually pull us towards the world. If you long to go deeper with God and really experience His holiness, and if you want to get beyond the do-this-or-don`t-do-that, to more of the how-to, then this message is for you.

 Freedom From Religion - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you have a relationship with God? Or are you trapped in the confines of religious dogma? In this message, find out how you can get free from religion and experience once again the meaningful relationship you were designed to have with the God who made you.

 Freedom From Religion - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We were created to enjoy a personal, authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. But sometimes there`s blockage or we encounter obstacles that destroy our intimacy with Him. In this message, Pastor James shares how religion - saying and doing the `right` thing, but not being changed at all on the inside - can become one of these barriers.

 In Case of Emergency Break Glass - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you sense the attack of the enemy on your life? Are you backed into a corner, feeling alone and afraid? If this is you, God hasn't left you in your desperation-no matter what you're facing, He is there.


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