James MacDonald: Walk in the Word Audio show

James MacDonald: Walk in the Word Audio

Summary: Walk in the Word, the Bible teaching ministry of Dr. James MacDonald, pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel in the suburbs of Chicago, emphasizes the precise exposition of God's Word and life application. Igniting passion in the people of God through the proclamation of truth is not just our motto—it's our daily commitment! Through audio, video, web, printed resources, and listener events, Walk in the Word provides personal and practical teaching that leads listeners to the transforming power of God's Word.

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  • Artist: James MacDonald
  • Copyright: © Copyright 2013 Walk in the Word


 Making Love Through Eros - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Using the Song of Solomon as a backdrop, this message shares God`s heart for physical intimacy within the boundaries of marriage. Regardless of how long you have been married, begin afresh your pursuit of this wonderful gift God has given to you and your spouse.

 Making Love Expressive - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

To make a marriage last, you have to keep the spark alive. But all too often, couples neglect to fuel the flames of love. In this message, James MacDonald opens to Song of Solomon to help us keep our love expressive.

 How We Forfeit Holy Spirit Filling and How to Get it Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:53

To live the Christian life without the filling of the Holy Spirit is absolutely impossible. Here’s the good news: Scripture promises the Spirit as God’s down payment for everything to come. He fills all believers after conversion. But who is the Holy Spirit, and how does the Bible describe Him? What does He do? Get into God’s Word and discover 4 biblical pictures of the Spirit and the way He works.

 Making Love Expressive - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you want your love to last, it has to be expressive. Drawing on the example of the lovers in the Song of Solomon, James MacDonald shares how to best express your love to your spouse, keeping the romance alive for years to come.

 Making Love Exclusive - C | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

God designed marriage to be a relationship between one man and one woman. In this message from the ancient love poem, Song of Solomon, learn just how beautiful this exclusive relationship can be.

 Making Love Exclusive - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Song of Solomon is one of the most romantic books ever written. But few Christians have taken the time to explore its rich poetry and profound truths. In this message, James MacDonald guides you through the beginning of this Old Testament book, and shows that marital love is designed to be exclusive.

 Making Love Exclusive - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One whole book of the Bible is dedicated to helping us experience God`s design for love in our marriages. In this message, James MacDonald uncovers powerful truths from the Song of Solomon, helping bring new life into your relationship with your spouse.

 First Things First - C | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Ten Commandments offer timeless instructions for living lives that will flourish. But have you ever thought about how they apply to your marriage? Of course, `Do not commit adultery` is obvious. But what about the other commandments, like the ones about the Sabbath and honoring your parents? That`s the topic in this message from James MacDonald.

 More Biblical Evidences of the Holy Spirt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:31

God doesn’t want you to live in fear and uncertainty. He wants you to be sure of your salvation. That’s why He sent the Holy Spirit to guide and convict us. But when we quench and grieve the Holy Spirit with selfish actions and attitudes… we block His power to work. Instead of forfeiting what the Spirit offers, learn how to be filled with the Holy Spirit and have confidence through Him.

 First Things First - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

God rested after He created the universe, and then commanded that we take a day of rest as well. While this is probably not news to you, the fact that it bears great significance on your marriage just might be.

 First Things First - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Keeping the Sabbath and honoring your parents are far more than nice suggestions. These commandments are directions from God for fulfillment in every area of life. This two-fold message explains our need for a Sabbath, and clarifies the basics and boundaries for honoring parents. Discover the blessing of embracing both of these commands in your marriage.

 Non-Evidences of the Holy Spirit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:37

There are some things that keep us from the Holy Spirit. Burdens. Worries. Doubts. Sin. But whatever might be keeping you away is the very thing God wants you to lay down. Because when we approach God and ask to be filled with His Spirit, we have some guarantees. So learn how to put aside 4 unbiblical assumptions of the Spirit and discover 5 Scriptural evidences of how the Holy Spirit can work in your life. 

 Drop the Rock, Part 2 - A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In John 8, Jesus was confronted by a group of men ready to stone a woman caught in sin. At the end of this encounter, they had all dropped their rocks and walked away. You may not have a stone in your hand, but there might be someone you are wrongly accusing today. Learn how to drop the rock of judgment and offer grace instead.

 Drop the Rock, Part 1 - C | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It`s easy to pinpoint the flaws in others, but difficult to see our own sin. Chances are, you will soon face a situation where you need to drop the rock of accusation, and offer forgiveness to someone who has done you wrong.

 Loving Lost People - B | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How does God look at those who have not had a saving encounter with Jesus Christ yet? He looks at them with love, and longs to be in relationship with them. As Christians, God calls us to be His body on earth, loving those who need His grace.


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