On Being with Krista Tippett show

On Being with Krista Tippett

Summary: On Being is a spacious conversation about meaning, faith, ethics, and ideas -- online and on public radio. Join Krista and her guests as they discuss the big questions at the center of human life, from the boldest new science of the human brain to the most ancient traditions of the human spirit. Each week a new discovery about faith, meaning, and the immensity of our lives. The On Being podcast contains each week's show -- and the unedited interview -- in its entirety and is updated every Thursday.

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 The Spirituality of Addiction and Recovery (May 15, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:20

Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson once said that the program he helped create is, "utter simplicity which encases a complete mystery." We explore the spiritual foundations of addiction and recovery with authors Kevin Griffin and Susan Cheever. Griffin reflects on the consonance of Buddhist teachings and the 12 Steps; Cheever tells her personal story and that of her father, the late fiction writer John Cheever.

 The Freelance Monotheism of Karen Armstrong (May 8, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:09

Karen Armstrong speaks about her progression from a disillusioned and damaged young nun into, in her words, a "freelance monotheist." She's a formidable thinker and scholar, but as a theologian she calls herself an amateur -- noting that the Latin root of the word "amateur" means a love of one's subject. Seven years in a strict religious order nearly snuffed out her ability to think about faith at all. Here, we hear the story behind Armstrong's developing ideas about God.

 Being Catholic, The Beauty and Challenge of - Hearing the Faithful (May 3, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:09

We depart from our usual format and listen to a spectrum of lay Catholic voices on the force of this vast and ancient tradition on their lives, the way they struggle with it, the sources of their love for it. Even to be a "lapsed Catholic," we hear, is a complex state of being.

 Planting the Future with Wangari Maathai (April 24, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:09

In honor of Earth Day, a riveting Kenyan environmentalist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Wangari Maathai. She knows what many in the West have forgotten -- that ecological crises are often the hidden root causes of war. Maathai speaks about the global balance of human and natural resources, and she shares her thoughts on where God resides.

 Evangelical Politics: Three Generations (April 17, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:09

A passionate discussion is unfolding among Evangelical leaders and communities. Should Christians be involved in politics and if so, how? What has gone wrong, and what has been learned from the Moral Majority to today? Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, and Shane Claiborne are three generations of Evangelicals who discuss and debate these answers.

 Brother Thay: A Radio Pilgrimmage with Thich Nhat Hanh (April 10, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:08

Forcibly exiled from his native country, Zen master and poet Thich Nhat Hanh recently visited Vietnam for the first time in nearly 40 years. In 2003, Speaking of Faith took a radio pilgrimage with the Buddhist monk at a Christian conference center in a lakeside setting of rural Wisconsin. Thich Nhat Hanh offers stark, gentle wisdom for living in a world of anger and violence. Here, he discusses the concepts of engaged Buddhism, being peace, and mindfulness.

 The Spirituality of Parenting (April 3, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:09

More and more people in our time are disconnected from religious institutions, at least for part of their lives. Others are religious and find themselves creating a family with a spouse from another tradition or no tradition at all. And the experience of parenting tends to raise spiritual questions anew. We sense that there is a spiritual aspect to our children's natures and wonder how to support and nurture that. The spiritual life, our guest says, begins not in abstractions, but in concrete everyday experiences. And children need our questions as much as our answers.

 Exploring a New Humanism (March 27, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:27

In a recent Pew poll, 16 percent of Americans identified themselves as "unaffiliated" - atheist, agnostic, or most prominently "nothing in particular." Greg Epstein, a Humanist chaplain at Harvard, described himself that way until he discovered the tradition of humanism. He is passionate about articulating an atheist identity that is not driven by a stance against religion but by positive ethical beliefs and actions.

 SOF EXTRA (video) | Bach's Bible | File Type: video/mov | Duration: 3:47

Johann Sebastian Bach's compositions, Dr. Thomas Rossin says, stemmed from his private faith - a faith evidenced by Bach's handwritten notes in his Bible. Hear about the Bible's nomadic journey and its possible influence of his "Mass in B Minor" - what the late, great scholar of creeds, Jaroslav Pelikan, holds up as an example of the "best we've ever done."

 The Need for Creeds (March 20, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:27

For many modern Americans, the very idea of reciting an unchanging creed, composed centuries ago, is troublesome. But, Jaroslav Pelikan, who died on May 13, 2006, was a scholar who devoted his life to exploring the vitality of ancient theology and creeds. He insisted that even modern pluralists need strong statements of belief. Here, we revisit Krista's 2003 conversation with him, who, then, in his 80th year, had released a historic collection of Christian faith from biblical times to the present and from across the globe. They discuss the history and nature of creeds, and how a fixed creed can be reconciled with an honest, intellectual faith that changes and evolves

 Liberating the Founders (March 13, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:27

Warning: this conversation may not mirror what you learned in school. The culture wars of recent years, journalist Steven Waldman says, hijacked Americans' understanding of the country's founders and of the meaning of religious liberty. This hinders people from grasping what is really at stake in the current debates about the relationship between government and religion. It may even distort the wisdom we might bring to young democracies around the world.

 SOF EXTRA (video) | Beannacht | File Type: video/mov | Duration: 1:18

Shortly before his death in 2008, the late Irish poet John O'Donohue recited his poem "Beannacht", meaning blessing, during an interview with Krista Tippett. We've woven his close friends' photographs of him in his Celtic landscapes with this reading. Produced by Colleen Scheck and Trent Gilliss.

 A New Voice for Islam (March 6, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:27

Ingrid Mattson, the first woman and first convert to lead the Islamic Society of North America, describes her experience of Islamic spirituality, which she discovered in her twenties after a Catholic upbringing. We probe her unusual perspective on a tumultuous age for Islam in the West and around the world.

 The Inner Landscape of Beauty (February 28, 2008) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:05

John O'Donohue was an Irish poet and philosopher beloved for his book Anam Cara — Gaelic for "soul friend" — and for his insistence on beauty as a human calling and a defining aspect of God. Before his untimely death this year, he spoke with Krista in our studios. And so this hour has become a remembrance of him. But John O'Donohue had a very Celtic, lifelong fascination with what he called "the invisible world." And he would also surely see this also as a serendipitous continuation of his life's work — of bringing ancient Celtic wisdom to modern confusions and longings.

 SOF EXTRA (audio) | [8 of 8] Poem: "The Nativity" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:57

Interviewed shortly before his death, the Irish poet John O'Donohue recited several of his poems during his conversation with Krista. "The Nativity" is the eighth of eight poems that provide a preview of their conversation in The Inner Landscape of Beauty.


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