Talk of the Nation show

Talk of the Nation

Summary: Journalist Neal Conan leads a productive exchange of ideas and opinions on the issues that dominate the news landscape. From politics and public service to education, religion, music and health care, Talk of the Nation offers call-in listeners the opportunity to join enlightening discussions with decision-makers, authors, academicians and artists from around the world.

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 '68 Blocks': One Neighborhood's Struggle With Violence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1014

Bowdoin-Geneva is a Massachusetts neighborhood infamous for its violence. The 68-block area of Boston has been consistently more dangerous than Boston as a whole over the past 25 years. A team of reporters from the Boston Globe spent almost a year there seeking to understand the perpetual cycles of violence.

 Looking Ahead To The Challenges Of The Next Term | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2887

President Barack Obama faces a number of pressing domestic and foreign policy issues as he begins his second term. A sluggish economy at home, regional conflicts and threats of terrorism abroad and a political stalemate in Washington all pose unique challenges for the president.

 America At This Moment: Obama's Second Inauguration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2861

As President Barack Obama enters his second term, he leads a country that remains deeply divided on issues from fiscal policy to gun control. Despite the divisions, many Americans maintain a sense of hope for themselves, their towns and the country.

 Edward Tufte Wants You to See Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1436

Data scientist Edward Tufte (dubbed the "Galileo of graphics" by BusinessWeek) pioneered the field of data visualization. Tufte discusses what he calls "forever knowledge," and his latest projects: sculpting Richard Feynman's diagrams, and helping people "see without words."

 Inventors Design Lamp Powered Entirely By Gravity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 744

As part of a research initiative on how to harness off-grid energy for low-power electronics, a pair of U.K.-based designers created a lamp that uses gravity to generate light. Martin Riddiford, co-inventor of the GravityLight, talks about plans for the innovative project.

 Dementia Takes The Stage In 'The Other Place' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 742

In the Broadway play The Other Place actress Laurie Metcalf ("Jackie" on the TV show "Roseanne") plays a scientist suffering from the dementia she studies. Playwright Sharr White discusses the play and the challenge of presenting complicated science on a theater stage.

 Colossal Quasar Clump Too Huge To Exist, In Theory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1061

Astronomers have discovered a clump of 73 quasars that spans four billion light years at its widest point--that's like 40,000 Milky Way galaxies lined end-to-end. The only problem? Theory says the quasar cluster is too big to exist. Astronomer Gerard Williger and reporter Ron Cowen discuss this cosmological oddity, and other news about the cosmos.

 Beijing Grapples with Record Air Pollution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 674

Last weekend, air pollution in Beijing reached record highs, raising concerns about the cost of China's rapid industrialization. David Pettit, of the Natural Resources Defense Council, discusses the pollution problem in China's capital, and why severe smog can be deadly.

 How Do You Fend Off The Flu? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1064

Aside from getting the flu shot, how do you outsmart the wily virus? Hoard hand sanitizer? Dodge door knobs? Or quietly slink away from coughing commuters? Dr. Nicole Bouvier, a flu researcher at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, talks about what works--and what doesn't--in avoiding influenza.

 The 'Underlying Logic' Behind The Madness Of The Office | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1821

Those of us who work in an office know that there is at least some part of the organization that is utterly frustrating. In The Org, authors Tim Sullivan and Ray Fisman argue that the back-to-back meetings and unending bureaucracy serve an important purpose.

 The Evolving Hostage Crisis In Algeria | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1002

In an ongoing crisis in North Africa, the Algerian military has reportedly launched an operation in response to the dozens of hostages taken by extremist groups at a gas field near the Libyan border. NPR's Neal Conan talks with University of Cambridge lecturer George Joffe about the evolving situation.

 Rape: The Victims, Perpetrators And Law Enforcement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1801

News of a horrific gang rape in India prompted protest and outrage. Similar reactions, followed allegations of gang rape by members of the Steubenville High School football team in Ohio. The extreme cases raise question about what we've learned about rapists and why so many cases go unreported.

 Rereading The Classics: Lessons Learned The Second Time Around | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1011

Writer Kevin Smokler spent most of 2012 rereading the books assigned in his high school English classes. Smokler, 39, speaks with NPR's Neal Conan about what he learned after returning to the classics.

 The President's Plans To Reduce Gun Violence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2833

A month after the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., President Barack Obama announced his proposals for gun control policies during a White House ceremony. He issued 23 executive orders on gun control and urged Congress to pass laws that would tighten requirements on gun sales and assault weapons.

 Obama's Foreign Policy: The Way Forward With Iran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1019

As President Obama prepares for a second term, a host of international challenges await. In a piece in the Washington Post, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that as Obama prioritizes his foreign policy goals, "It is essential that the issue of war or peace with Iran be fully vented."


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