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EFT Radio

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 The Power of Will and EFT Tapping with Brad Yates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

In this Million Dollar Mindset Tapping broadcast, your EFT Tapping host, Marla Tabaka will speak with EFT Expert, Brad Yates about how we can tap into the power of will to find ourselves in a happier, healthier, more abundant life. When things aren’t quite going your way, or life has handed you an unexpected challenge, it may be easy for you to fall into negative thinking or feeling defeated.  Even for individuals who understand that they have the power to change the way they feel, it’s not always the choice they make. It’s almost like admitting that – sometimes it just feels good to feel bad! Perhaps it seems like too much work to turn things around, but denying healthier, more peaceful choices is a form of self-sabotage. Yet, at one time or another we all do it – some more than others.  It may be a problem as simple choosing to double up on dessert, knowing that you could easily talk yourself out of it. Or, it may be a consistent stream of poor choices and low energy that lead to unhappiness, lack of abundance and even poor health. When feeling bad, whether about a simple choice or life in general, how can we tap into the willingness – and will power – to let things get better? Come learn more about how to utilize EFT Tapping and more so that you too can make better life choices.

 Body Image, Sex, and EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

Join Alina Frank host of Love Tap and creator of the popular online course for intimacy Path2Passion as she discusses the role of body image in the bedroom. This is the first of Alina's shows to be aired live on Ustream so you can watch as well as listen. To view during the show you'll need to join the EFT Radio fanpage on Facebook. For more on Alina's work with clients, her trainings, and products please visit www.tapyourpower.net

 YOU Can Heal Your Body | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

In today’s episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel will interview Robert Smith, and you will learn about the structure of pain, and the connection between pain and emotions. You will discover a simple but profound system where you are using the power of your mind to heal the body without drugs or other therapies. Many people have eliminated life-long chronic pains, fibromyalgia, surgery pains, back pains and even improved their eyesight by applying this system.  About Robert: Robert G. Smith is the creator of FasterEFT. He is a Life Coach, a respected leader in the field of personal growth, a popular radio guest and sought after speaker. He is one of America’s leading experts on stress, spirituality and healing. Robert has reached thousands of people with his positive message about personal power, love and healing with the largest free online healing library available on YouTube. He’s travelled all over the world giving public seminars since 2002. He has trained with some of America’s greatest transformational teachers such as Dr. Richard Bandler, co-developer of NLP, Gary Craig, and Dr. Larry Nims, developer of Be Set Free Fast (BSFF). He has taken these powerful systems, combining, simplifying and amplifying them to create FasterEFT. Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT.

 ANGIE MUCCILLO on TappingStar! Tapping with Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:00

Join us for a live conversation with Angie Muccillo, author of Tapping For Kids, on TappingStar.  Angie's book is a go-to for many people across the globe, and utilizes EFT founder Gary Craig's "Palace of Possibilities" model of a "healing highrise".  Come listen and join the conversation with this popular and lively EFT practitioner from DownUnder.  Got questions?  Get them answered on Friday!  Come join us, and bring your friends!

 Take Your Range Practice Into Your Round of Golf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Are you having trouble taking your great shots on the driving range into your round? Do you drop putts on the practice green and then fall apart on the putting green? Are you always making mechanical adjustments with your swing during your round of golf? Do you often blame bad shots on your mechanics? You're not alone! This is a habit I've observed with most golfers and it's due to mental laziness. What? I know right now you're saying, "I'm not mentally lazy", but I guarantee that is what's going on. I'll teach you how to become mentally tough by doing a few things during your range practice and your round that will make a major difference in your results.    Finally, take your driving range and putting practice into your round!   Call in with your questions during the show at (347) 215-6833 and press 1 to raise your hand so I know you want to speak with me!   You can find out more about Stacey and her work with athletes at http://www.profcs.com/app/?af=1170076      

 How to Build a Thriving EFT Practice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This week’s show is especially for you if you are a struggling EFT practitioner or solopractitioner who wishes to build a thriving practice. Your Million Dollar Mindset Tapping host, Marla Tabaka, will be sharing with you business building secrets to take your practice to the next level.  

 TapFest: Business Energetics with Sejual Shah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Transform your business or practice into more success, with TapFest on June 5th.  Sejual Shah, co-Founder of Business Energetics, will speak with us live from the U.K., demonstrating how this dynamic program can benefit your business or company from the inside-out. It's a great opportunity to find out more about this new transforming process, and for free!  Sejual's warm personality and encouraging spirit guide us through 90 minutes of personal business success experience and advice.  Bring your questions and let's soar! Jondi Whitis, jondi@tapfest.com, and EFTBrooklyn.com Lillian Fimbres, lillian@tapfest.com and TheGenuineLife.com

 TappingStar Presents: Anne Unsworth's EFT for Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:27:00

Join us for another great TappingStar edition when Anne Unsworth reveals her newest book Anne is author of the popular book, EFT for Children, and we've waited a long time to match schedules so you can talk with this wonderful teacher/practitioner.  Be one of the first to hear about her latest book, complete with strategies and reasoning gathered over her years in Education.  It's written expressly for practitioners seeking to introduce the remarkable power of EFT for kids into schools and educational settings.  BRINGING EFT INTO SCHOOLS is a comprehensive work by a consummate teaching professional - you won't want to miss her 30+ years of experience and insights. You can call or write in and we'll answer YOUR questions about this important mission.  Don't miss this opportunity! We'll see you on the show!

 Recovery From Surgery with EFT on Love Tap with Alina Frank | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

Australian based Occupational Therapist, EFT Universe Trainer, and hypnotherapist shares her personal journey of recovering from knee replacement surgery. Hear how to go about using EFT for this common challenge. To find out about Jenny Johnston's work click here

 EFT and the Highly Sensitive Temperament | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:00

Do you ever ask yourself, 'What's wrong with me?' Are you ever told, 'You're too emotional'? During this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, Annabel will be talking with Rue Hass about what it means to be highly sensitive. Often, people with highly sensitive temperaments are overwhelmed easily, are highly self-critical, and strive for perfection. Rue will show us how to reframe these concerns which often hold us back. Listen in as Rue teaches us how someone would tap for being highly sensitive and how EFT practitioners can help a client to learn about his or her sensitivity. Rue Hass is an EFT Master practitioner. She fits the temperament profile of the Highly Sensitive Person, or “Idealist/Healer.” She has been in private practice for 25 years as a Spiritual Life Path Coach and Intuitive Mentor. Rue has extensive experience in working with the energetic patterns which underlie chronic physical and emotional conditions, and working with the subtle energy issues that arise in a highly sensitive person. She is also very interested in using EFT to transform the “emotional inheritance” that is passed through generations in a family, showing up in limiting beliefs, behaviors and symptoms. Rue is the author of several books on tapping and the highly sensitive temperament, including This is Where I Stand, The Power and Gift of being Sensitive andThe 8 Master Keys to Healing What Hurts. http://www.intuitivementoring.com/ Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT

 Healing Your Fear with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Uncertain times, childhood memories, past “failures” and new beginnings all contribute to ongoing fear and the negative physical effects that may result from holding on to your fear. In this Million Dollar Mindset Tapping episode, EFT expert Marla Tabaka will talk about the negative impact of fear on your body and mind and demonstrate tapping, visualization techniques and chakra work that will help you to let go of your fear. Marla will introduce you to the meridian points that hold and release fear in your physical body. Understanding the location and power of these points will give you yet another powerful tool to release your fear and grow strong and hopeful. Releasing fear will allow you experience life at a whole new level, with joy and anticipation rather than trepidation and feelings of loss of control. You will open your life to a world of possibilities and choices – how empowering!

 What Do The Angels Have To Say About Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:00

Today on Love Tap with Alina we learn how the angels can assist you in finding your soulmate with guidance from international speaker, author, intuitive Sue Storm the Angel Lady Sue is the developer of Live Oracle (a phone ap) and the creator of Angel First Aid. Her tools provide thousands with the results they desire. Don't miss a chance to call in and ask your questions.

 Using EFT To Overcome An 'Uncurable' Illness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:00

In this episode of Tap Into Your Healthy Self, join host, Annabel Fisher, as she talks to Jini Patel Thompson. Jini refused surgery and healed herself of Crohn’s disease using natural, holistic methods.   Crohn's Disease is such a perilous, frightening illness, you would think only heavy drugs and surgery could provide a cure. However, drugs and surgery only suppress symptoms, whilst the disease worsens and becomes more systemically entrenched. Natural, holistic methods, on the other hand, provide solid hope for long-term healing of Crohn's Disease - since they heal the underlying, root causes of this systemic illness.   Annabel and Jini will be discussing the methods she used to overcome an ‘incurable’ disease, why and when the body heals, and why it doesn’t, and how EFT is the perfect tool when it comes to addressing digestive diseases, and the root causes.   Find out more about how Annabel Fisher can help you with EFT

 Unleashing The Creative Genius Within | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Why is creativity important – even for the least creative amongst us? What happens when we don’t express our creativity or understand how to nurture our ability to create? Is it possible that suppressed creativity can actually contribute to illness, destructive behavior and unhappiness? Join your host, EFT expert Marla Tabaka, as she discusses the importance of the creative genius within each of us – and how to recognize and express that hidden playfulness!   What keeps you from tapping into imagination, playfulness and inspiration that is held in your body’s energy system? How can you find it and celebrate it? Find out during this creative show filled with information, discussion and tapping! Call into the show with your questions and to tap on unleashing your creative genius!

 Mothers Day with EFT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:00

Celebrating Mothers Day with Meridian Tapping What a perfect way to honor, show respect, and demonstrate our love and gratitude for the women in our lives than on Mothers Day.  Join the co-founders of TapFest.com; Sue Tarlton, founder of TappingStar.com, Jondi Whitis of EFTBrooklyn.com, and Lillian Fimbres with TheGenuineLife.com for an hour of tapping as we explore some of the ways that the women in our lives have influenced us. This is your show, that means you can call in with your tapping requests and tell us how you celebrate the women in your life or email them using either sue@tapfest.com, jondi@tapfest.com, or lillian@tapfest.com. We'll read them and string them together for an amazing hour of tapping and discussion.


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