Who Asked You? show

Who Asked You?

Summary: A bombardment of pop culture nonsense... nothing is off limits! Join us LIVE Sundays at 8pm/PT on ErrorFM.com. Listen on-demand at our site, on iTunes, Stitcher Smart Radio, Blubrry's Android app and Roku Channel and Microsoft Zune. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

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 EPISODE 219 – Potty Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

We should eat pizza and drink beer minutes before the show more often. This week's presentation is pretty lively. One of our better shows this year if I do say so myself. We all scarfed a slice or two and cracked open some brewskies while waiting to go live on ErrorFM.com. It seemed to energize us. And rightfully so, because there was some good stuff on this week's rundown worth energizing over. For the first time in our show's history, our intro music is interrupted with pertinent and important breaking news... the engagement of Nickelback's Chad Kroeger and Avril Lavigne. As you know we've developed this morbid curiosity with the bland-band from Canada. We poke a little fun at the engagement and even give you an exclusive look into what their wedding night might sound like. Another famous Who Asked You? sidetrack takes place during the Calendar segment. This one is all me though. I ate a cookie. A special cookie for the first time and recount my experience. Tune-in for the details. The legion of doom... err, I mean, the Parents Television Council is at it again. Now they're complaining about all the censored nudity on TV. You read that correctly... they're complaining about the CENSORED nudity. Man, you just can't win with them! The problem now is they don't like all the scripted shows using 'implied' nudity. They claim the number of blurred birthday suits has jumped dramatically this season. We share a few choice words on the matter. And speaking of choice words. Merriam-Webster has released their list of new words for the dictionary this year. Many of them are two words, so it's a little strange. It's like the dictionary has stock holders that need to be appeased. So they just keep making shit up to spike their stock price. Is Merriam-Webster a publicly traded company? Anyway, some of the new words include 'cloud computing' and 'man cave.' You'll hear the rest on today's show. While the dictionary folks are making up words, eBay is banning the sale and auction of made up items. More precisely, metaphysical products. They include things like spells, voodoo dolls, potions, curses, etc. The intangible is becoming increasingly hard for the auction site to manage. Apparently there are a lot of complaints when it comes to the authenticity of these items. Whudda thunk? That mystical crystal you bought didn't conjure up a horny vampire ghost to fuck you 'til you pass out? What to do?!?! I know... don't buy the bullshit in the first place. Which brings us to the question, should this stuff be banned from eBay? There are people out there... crazy people... who do genuinely believe in this stuff, should they be deprived? Perhaps if they're dumb enough to buy it, they deserve to lose their money. And eBay will still get their commission. Maybe a better alternative to an all-out ban might be a huge disclaimer posted at the top of every single auction under the metaphysical category. We saw this happen before. One instance was with used undergarments. They had to put a stop to selling smelly old briefs and bras to horny old goats because too many people weren't getting what was expected. I missed out on that money making venture. I would've gladly sold my dirty underwear for a $100 a pop. Would've saved me from having to do a ton of laundry. I doubt they would've fetched as much as Elvis' undies. That is just one of the stories in this week's Jenkem Watch. Before that though we gotta tell you about the latest technological advancement out of Japan... a shit-powered motorbike. As part of a campaign for awareness of clean-burning fuels, a toilet manufacturer there has created a motorcycle that runs off of processed livestock waste. Take a look at the picture and you'll see the seat is made to look like a toilet. The company stresses though, it's just for looks! Don't use this commode on the road. The day may come though when we can kill two birds with one... turd. If you catch my drift.

 EPISODE 218 – The Knee-High Club | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:00

It's the strawberry jam on the butter knife all over again. I make a joke that's apparently "too far" on today's show. I can't make a pedophilia-on-a-plane joke, but it's okay to joke about Tony Scott's death... Dennis. Or make a similar pedophilia pun...

 EPISODE 217 – Chilian Tax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

There's a reason I spelled Chilean the way I did in the episode title. Let me back up though for a moment. Perhaps you saw this on the news as well, but US Olympic athletes are taxed on the medals and prize money they win while repping our country in the big games. Thanks for making us look good by busting ass all year and winning the gold, now please make an $8,000 check payable to Uncle Sam. A bill is in the works in Congress... when they return from vacation that is... to make Olympians tax exempt. It astounds us that this wasn't already the law. At this point you're probably thinking, "Am I listening to Who Asked You? or Meet The Press?" We talked a lot about taxes last week too. But, the absurdity that is the United States Tax Code fuels a good, continuous, ribbing from the crew. So, after talking about what Phelps and friends will dole out for their hard work, we transition into what Chili's suggests we dole out for good waiters. It seems 'tipping' is turning more and more into 'taxing' these days. Gratuity conversations have paid out a number of times on this show because, like taxes, it's getting ridiculous! On a recent visit to Chili's we discovered they are now calculating the tip for you on your receipt. You're not obligated to pay the amount, but they've taken it upon themselves to do the math for you assuming your server deserves it. Unfortunately for them, the suggested tip they calculated was lower than what I was planning to leave. It's a bit insulting to be told what you should leave your waiter. What if he or she blew? What if they were really awesome? Americans are lazy enough, it won't hurt us to do a little arithmetic in our heads. I could've called this episode any number of stupid titles, "Tip-Tax-Toe" or "Taxing Situation" or "Tip Over," but in the end I decided to squarely plant blame on Chili's. The meat of the show starts off with the 2012 Azeroth census. It finds there are about a million less wizards and other whimsical creatures roaming World of Warcraft. The game's makers don't seem too concerned though. They say most of them will probably be back with the next expansion release, or when they get bored with Diablo III. In other WoW news, the movie is still moving forward. It's got a new screenwriter. Sam Raimi is out as director and a search is on for someone else. We IMDb Denzel Washington and breakdown the good and bad of his career with the announcement that he'll be starring in a new feature film version of the 80s series THE EQUALIZER. And we breakdown the results to a study about air travel. They aren't surprising. It looked at what annoys passengers the most on an airplane. Farts and B.O. make the list, as well as the oft being seated next to a fat person. But neither of those are the number-one gripe. Tune-in to hear the top-five. Finally, there are a number of things we'd drive over with a monster truck or giant tractor. In Vermont, a farmer decided he'd get back at police for a drug possession arrest by running over their fleet of cop cars. Once again, we're back on the subject of taxes. It's our tax dollars, or in this case, the residents of Montpelier, Vermont's tax dollars, that paid for those cars. In the end, it's just more money out of their's and the farmer's pockets. That's the way I see it anyway. The fellas have a slightly different take. What would you crush with a tractor if given the chance? You'll hear our hit list. It's just the 'tip' of the iceberg. Damn it, that shoulda been the title! New episodes return Sunday, August 19th LIVE in ErrorFM.com. As always, they'll be up on this site, Mondays at 3pm/PT for your downloading pleasure. Join us then! SHOW LINKS: Auction: Matthew Broderick's Leather Jacket from "Ferris Bueller" World of Warcraft Legendary Entertainment Pre-Order "World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria" Star Wars: The Old Republic Star Trek: Online Read about "The Equalizer" on IMDb Buy "The Equalizer (Season 1" on DVD Dreamworks Studios

 EPISODE 216 – Baneconomics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

It was inevitable, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES once again came up. You thought we were done talking about it last week? Silly you... Actually, silly me. I should have known that by creating a poll question last week on this very subject, it would come up again when I read the results. After having a week or so to stew on it, Dennis has found further issues with the film. You'll hear those grievances today. You'll also hear about a new series coming to NBC based on Bram Stoker's Dracula story. It'll star Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the title character. Now although this could be considered a reboot of sorts, at least the network isn't going the typical douche route and setting the story in modern times. This show will take place in Victorian London. The problem though is being on network television, this is going to be pretty tame compared to other vampire shows like TRUE BLOOD. How far will they really be able to go with it? Over at ABC, Marvel is willing to go pretty far to cash in on THE AVENGERS fame. They're in discussions to possibly produce a TV series based within the universe set up in the film. The show however, would not necessarily involve any of the Avengers characters. Sounds fantastic already. The city involved in Google's fiber optic Internet test has been announced. Kansas City, Missouri is the lucky one. The rest of us will just have to wait and see how the beta goes. However, looking at the guidelines for getting the service on Google's website, they're making those who want one-gigabit per second speed jump through hoops to get it. You'll hear the details of the plans on the show, but it'll basically involve residents in KC having to talk to their neighbors... at least fifty of them! Tax talk inspired this week's show title. You have to wonder if, with all the shit that went down in Gotham, how would Bane handle taxes? Or Congress? Or in another of our fantasy scenarios, the CEO of General Motors? Our lovely representatives in DC are in the midst of overruling the US Supreme Court by passing a law that would require online retailers to collect sales tax no matter what. Currently, it's optional; and many of us enjoy tax-free online shopping from various e-tailers. But that's most likely about to change. States are strapped for cash and they want sales tax charged on your Amazon and eBay purchases. As well as every other site known to man. And if that's not bad enough, plans are in the works all around the country to possibly tax us while we drive. A study is being considered in San Francisco and a pilot program is starting in Oregon which will look at the feasability of taxing people based on how many miles they drive. In the Bay area, it'd be about ten cents per mile. That works out to an average of about $1,300 a year depending on how much you drive around. Declining revenue from gas taxes is apparently to blame. We were all told to buy more fuel efficient cars and now that we have, we're being taxed for it. After an enraging story like that we need to lighten the mood with some ridiculous Breaking News. In this week's bit we tell you about a new kind of aisle that may be popping up at a grocery store near you. It's being called the 'man aisle' and it's a one-stop-shop section of the market where we dudes can pick up the bare essentials like beer, condoms, chips and razors. And we have a few suggestions of our own for what this aisle should be stocking. SHOW LINKS: NBC - Bringing back Dracula... no sparkly skin here. Deadline.com Marvel - Thinking of doing an Avengers TV show, minus the Avengers. ABC - Would air said Avengers show, without the Avengers. Google Fiber Country Girl Fourth Of July Tribute Parody - Watch More Funny Videos New Releases for Tuesday, July 31st: Hatfields & McCoys Total Recall: Mind-Bending Edition [Blu-ray] Young Justice: Dangerous Secrets Mystery Science Theater 3000: XXIV Strike Witches (Season 1) [Blu-ray/DVD Combo] Hijacked [2-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo]

 EPISODE 215 – The Curse Of Paul Reubens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

We're joined on today's show by our Australian pal, Marshall Davis. There's a bit of a host exchange going on as Marshall sat in on this show and this weekend, we'll be guests on his show, SUNDAY AFTERNOONS WITH MARSHALL DAVIS. You can find a link to h...

 EPISODE 214 – Whack Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

If you tuned into the show last week, you may have heard talk of a Jabari-centric spin-off. Well, we give that a go right at the start of today's show and it gets cancelled faster than a CW sitcom. In 2012 corporate mergers, buyouts and name changes are the norm... and apparently in the fictional world they happen too. It's time once again to torture Dennis with more ROBOCOP reboot news. Omni Consumer Products, the company that "built the fucking thing" has undergone a name change. Perhaps they were purchased by another evil corporation in the ROBOCOP universe. The new film will feature a company called OmniCorp. The name was unveiled on a new viral website to promote the movie. Also there you'll find some teaser images of Robocop's... shoulder? We're not quite sure. The link is in the Show Links. Judge for yourself. Nearly 11,000 people on YouTube agree... a six year-old should not be rapping about poppin' booties. Apparently little Albert didn't get the memo. He's the lad bustin' a rhyme poolside while suggestively squirting a water canon onto a group of bikini clad chicks. Harmless fun? Horribly inappropriate? We debate this while listening to the song. And you're welcome to also! Send us an E-Mail with your thoughts. In case you missed it — like we did — Floyd Mayweather, who was sent to jail for domestic violence, is unhappy in the big house. His lawyers pleaded with a judge to let the boxer finish out his sentence in the comfort of his own big house because jail food doesn't meet his expectations and neither does the jail's workout facilities. This story is the subject of another edition of our Get The Fuck Outta Here segment. A new study finds that a good portion of meat eaters don't want to date non-meat eaters. Non-meat eaters don't care so much about dating meat eaters. And most eaters don't want to date picky eaters. We'll serve up all the stats. We end things with ten random factoids to make you the life of any party. Just make sure when you recite one of them you plug our website. This week's fact selection includes 900 Terabytes of information, a statistic that'll have you choosing your Facebook friends more wisely, the number of times you'll indirectly touch someone's genitals over the course of a year and more! Dennis celebrates his birthday next week and we'll be right there along with him. So we're off next Sunday, but we will be back on July 22nd with more new shows. SHOW LINKS: OmniCorp - We've got the future under control Buy "Robocop" on DVD SumthinElse365's YouTube Channel Read about Floyd Mayweather on Wikipedia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDClZJLkCHg New Releases for Tuesday, July 10th: Margaret (Blu-ray/DVD Combo) American Reunion (2-Disc Combo Pack: Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy + UltraViolet) Warehouse 13 (Season 3) The Glades (Season 2) Blade II [Blu-ray] Dark Shadows: The Complete Original Series (Deluxe Edition) The Big Bang Theory (Season 1) and (Season 2) [Blu-ray] Flowers of War Spawn [Blu-ray] Duck Dynasty (Season 1)

 EPISODE 213 – What’s Good? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

What's good? Well, we've got a number of things that are, on today's program and few that aren't. Most notably... WE ARE ALL BACK!!! It's been a few months since all five of us hosted the show. Schedules got jumbled, trips were taken; there was always someone missing. But now, with Jabari's return, the circle is once again complete. First, the inspiration for this week's title, a viral video on YouTube called, BEAUTY AND THE BEAT. It's a rather urban spin on, "Little Town," the very first song sung in Disney's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Once again we find Belle as a bit of an outcast amongst her neighbors in the sleepy little projects. She makes her way through town as everyone she passes greets her with, "what's good?" This video is certainly good. You can check it out in the Show Links below. It's also good that scientists are keeping an eye on how fast this rock we live on is spinning. Turns out, it's actually slowing down. As a result, on Saturday they added one-second to the Universal Coordinated Time. They do this so that us normal folks' clocks stay in tune with atomic clocks and we're not eating lunch at midnight in 100,000 years. Take a look at the image above. This is a charcoal filter that adheres to your underwear and filters out the odor of your farts. An E-Mail from a listener brought us this gem. We've run across similar products on the show in the past. But these set us off on a hypothetical of where the pads might come in handy best. We think at about 37,000 feet. What's NOT good? A new Snoop Dogg movie coming out on DVD tomorrow called, MAC & DEVIN GO TO HIGH SCHOOL. Once you hear the plot, we think you'll agree. Snoop's a little old to be playing a high school student. Maybe that's the joke? Obviously the movie isn't taking anything seriously. Just wait until you hear the name of the school. Something else not too good, Foie Gras — fattened goose or duck liver. Not only is this delicacy cruel to the birds, it's now banned in California for that very reason. Food advocates are going to try and get the law repealed. But as of Sunday, it's illegal for restaurants in Cali to serve it. I'm going to go on record and say that internal organs of animals should not be eaten. It's gross. Maybe that's a bit hypocritical of my to say while jamming a fat hamburger down my gullet, but that's as far as my meat consumption goes. I'm boring that way. Foie Gras doesn't even look appetizing. It looks gross and slimy. Do we really need to eat this anyway? And who likes liver? Honestly? That's our We Ask You Poll this week. Be sure and cast your vote! What else is good? We're once again on Jenkem Watch. A flood of fecal related news has been pinched off onto our radar and it's our doody to bring it to you. There's quite a mystery to solve at a Dollar General store in Lufkin, Texas where someone pooped on the storeroom floor despite readily available restrooms. There was so much of it, employees believed a large animal had gotten trapped in the room and did the deed. Security camera footage releaved that wasn't the case. You'll hear who done it! This week is Be Nice To New Jersey week. It's hard not to make a joke about them with stories like this next one. A 72 year-old man was arrested after threatening his neighbor with a gun because the neighbor farted so loud he heard it and smelt it through his apartment wall! The real question here is what in the hell has that guy been eating? We wipe up Jenkem Watch with a principal in Canada being fired after he failed to stop a shitty prank played on two of his students. While on a canoe trip, an adult chaperone convinced a boy and girl to eat moose poop. How'd he do that? You'll have to tune-in to find out. It wasn't intentional, but this week's hour skews heavily toward flatulence and shit. Perhaps it's what's good? Who knows, maybe it'll land us a sponsorship with a gas relief or constipation medication. SHOW LINKS: Toddyrockstar's YouTube Channel LaughingSquid.

 EPISODE 212 – For Fetter Or Worse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

Most of today's topics can fall under either the 'better' category or the 'worse' one. We'll start with Karen Klein. She's the old lady on that now infamous YouTube video in which some kids on a school bus tease her until she starts crying. These awful little bastards have since apologized and are getting threats themselves. Things got a lot 'better' for Karen though when an IndieGoGo project meant to raise $5,000 to send her on vacation exploded with enough donations she can probably retire today and live out her life comfortably. She'll soon have over a half-million dollars. No word on what she plans to do with all of it, but on today's show, you'll hear what I would do with it if I'd been on that bus in her situation. My actions would be much 'worse' than her's. This whole situation brings up another colorful conversation about whoopin' your kid's ass. You might say things have gotten 'worse' for Microsoft. The company, struggling to catch up to Apple when it comes to innovative, cool products that sell like crazy, unveiled their own tablet last week called the Surface. It's the name originally signed to that big-ass table they showed off some years ago that was meant to be a touch surface computer where you could share photos, videos or if at a restaurant, place your order digitally. Needless to say, the Surface table never really took off, so MS put it into a a tablet slightly larger than the iPad. To their embarrassment, the thing crashed during the presentation and Steve Jobs ghost fell from the rafters from laughing so hard. I'm rootin' for Microsoft, but it's really hard to take them seriously when something like this happens. Not to mention, I'm not at all sold on Windows 8 yet. Over at Adidas, something 'fetter' is going on as well. It seems a new shoe inspired by the classic, My Pet Monster toy has sparked some debate. The shoes, like the monster, have bright orange shackles meant to cuff your legs while you wear them. A bunch of people liked them and a bunch of people cried 'slavery.' First off, the shoes are ugly, they obviously aren't something most people would wear daily. Maybe to a costume party? And second, where do we draw the line on what reminds us of slavery? A shoe can't have a shackle, so then why are scenes of people in shackles aloud on TV and in movies without an uproar? Why are whips sold. What about parents who name their child Tobey? I know this may seem ridiculous, but the question here is what qualifies as 'too far' and what doesn't? Things certainly aren't getting 'better' for Best Buy. With declining sales, lost revenue, tons of closed stores and layoffs, the company's founder and its CEO have both stepped down. The new interim boss says changes are coming. They don't include the obvious solutions which are lower prices and bigger selection (which has gotten awful in the past few years, by the way)... no no, his solution will probably make things 'worse' there. We wrap with the second half of Georgia's It's The Law. You'll learn why you can't shout, "Oh, boy!" in Jonesboro and about a common sense approach to flooring requirements in adult stores. You 'better' not miss this show! SHOW LINKS: Lets Give Karen -The bus monitor- Klein A Vacation! Microsoft Surface Adidas Best Buy Sesame Street The American Customer Satisfaction Index Dish Network - Lets you skip commercials. Time Warner Cable - Doesn't want you skipping commercials. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEJTRJY8KEQ New Releases for Tuesday, June 26th: Wrath of the Titans (3D Blu-ray/Blu-ray/DVD + UltraViolet Combo Pack) Mirror Mirror The Artist (+ UltraViolet Digital Copy) Damages (Season 4) 21 Jump Street (+ UltraViolet Digital Copy) Christopher Nolan Director's Collection (Blu-ray) A Thousand Words (+ UltraViolet Digital Copy) Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Year Seven Deliverance [Blu-ray] Iron Man: Armored Adventures (Season 2, Volume 1)

 EPISODE 211 – Gayality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

Macs, Madonna, Munsters, milk and moron. Just a few words that sum up today's show. We'll start with Macs. Apple unveiled their new addition to the MacBook Pro line up during the WWDC conference last week. The machine wreaks of typical Apple. New connectors, impossible to upgrade, functionality sacrificed for aesthetics... oh, and as usual, horribly overpriced. They touted its new Retina display that actually doesn't display at the Retina resolution with most applications. They changed the power port so your old AC supplies won't work as back ups. They got rid of the Firewire ports, so if you want to use your Firewire devices you'll have to buy an adapter. There's also no ethernet port so if you want to hard wire your computer to the Internet, you'll have to buy an adapter. You also can't upgrade anything in it or conduct any simple repairs to it yourself. Basically, if you buy one you'll want to max out all the components at the time of purchase. That'll set you back nearly $4,000 when you throw in AppleCare (because remember, you can't repair it yourself. So AppleCare is pretty much a must) and when you add up all the stupid overpriced adapters you'll need to make it work with your existing devices. There's more to be said on the show. Next is Madonna. Evita's 15th Anniversary Edition DVD is coming out this week. This spawns a conversation about her; the good, bad and ugly moments of her career all led by the recent incident in which she flashed her old-ass boob unnecessarily to a bunch of concertgoers. No wardrobe malfunction here... just one of judgement. And now Munsters. CNN ticked a bit of news that had me rushing to my laptop for details. THE MUNSTERS reboot is well on its way to pilot. NBC could be picking it up mid-season. Herman, Lily and Grandpa have all been cast and the show is getting renamed to accommodate its new one-hour dramedy format. My god... NBC... I don't know what to say. Could you dig your hole any deeper? This brings us to milk. Scientists are always breaking new ground in research. That's why we have our According To A New Study segment. It examines these experiments, surveys and tests conducted daily around our planet. Costly, time consuming and delicate research on the most important and vital subjects that could ultimately better mankind. Take for instance two studies on beer and porn. The first looks at what scientists are calling a "miracle molecule" found in beer and milk. The molecule, they claim, could reduce your chances of obesity. Did you get that? Drinking beer and milk won't make you fat... nevermind the beer belly effect. Apparently the molecule is too finite in milk to measure and it's hard to reproduce. Scientists aren't even sure how much of it you'd need to consume to benefit from it. So buy some 12-packs of brew and some cartons of milk and start chugging. Let us know how it goes. The other study involves porn and its effects on one's state of mind. A new survey has found that watching porn could make you depressed. You'll hear the reasons why when you tune in. Our moron is a Swedish resident awarded command of the country's official Twitter account. Since December, they've been allowing a different resident to control the feed for one week. The latest twatter is a 27 year-old mother who has been tweeting her thoughts on a number of things including what a whiny son of a bitch her child is and why a circumcised penis doesn't necessarily make a guy Jewish. A model representative of Sweden and what it stands for. She also twatted a Photoshopped image of Freddie Mercury eyeing a plate of food which she calls, "Hungry Gay With Aids." A model representative indeed! SHOW LINKS: The New Apple MacBook Pros Wired.com: The New MacBook Pro: Unfixable, Unhackable, Untenable Sony Pictures Hasbro's Tonka Toys Curators of Sweden Website Follow Sweden on Twitter @Sweden Follow Sonja on Twitter @hejsonja New Releases for Tuesday, June 19th:

 EPISODE 210 – Electric Shrapnel Carnival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

It's official, having checked the records, this episode to date has the smallest number of official Who Asked You? Crew members ever! We can blame the Electric Daisy Carnival for the absence of Charlie, Jabari and Dennis. But all is well because Mike has returned for this show. And helping us two are our backup hosts, John and Sheena. Too many more sit-ins and I'll have to put their names in the show's intro. I still stand by my promise that the five ACTUAL hosts of this program will one day host it together again. It's been an odd few months, but we'll get there. And now onto EDC. John and Sheena attended, but due to an appointment John had with the Clark County courthouse (i.e. jury duty) they elected to skip the final day and instead, provide us with their account of the blazing music and light-filled party. If you're not a fan of dub step, you might not enjoy EDC as much as you might think as John explains on today's show. I went shoe shopping, as I said I would in last week's show notes. And I noticed something about the shoe selections these days. I share that and brag a little about the ones I did pick up finally. They're DC Shoes. Yeah, I know, skater shoes... but I have a very logical, if not frugal reason why I wear them. Believe it or not, there are actual news events for us to discuss. You wouldn't know it since it takes about 30-minutes before we start in on them; but they are there. First up, a recap of E3! If there's really anything to recap... I'm lookin' at you Nintendo. We could spend hours going over the expo with a fine-toothed comb, but we only got one. So we focus on the big three, or rather two-and-a-half. Nintendo left attendees incredibly underwhelmed... again... with an hour long presentation on a game that's been out for over a year. Then with the unimpressive and quite obvious announcement that they've tweaked the Wii U so that it'll support two of those tablet gamepad controller deals. They STILL didn't announce a price for the damn thing OR a release date. We do know it's coming this winter and we do know that Nintendo needs help badly. Meanwhile, Microsoft didn't announce a new Xbox — which those of us with common sense knew they wouldn't — but instead showed off some new games, features and an app to improve the current user experience on the 360. The app is called SmartGlass and it'll allow you to access extra content on your mobile device that relates to what's going on on your Xbox at the same time. It may even offer some sort of control functionality from your phone or tablet as well. And Sony didn't have a ton of wow factor either. They showcased some new PS3 games and offered up a new game peripheral called Wonderbook that seems to be aimed at the younger crowd. It allows them to basically have an interactive story time with their television. A nonprofit called Little People of America is ticked off over the casting choices made by Universal Studios in the new SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN film. Full sized actors were chosen to portray the seven dwarfs. I don't remember a fuss like this being made over THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Many of the actors chosen to play hobbits and the dwarf, Gimli in that trilogy were not little people. They were digitally manipulated to look small as well. Nevertheless, the organization wants Hollywood to try harder at finding dwarf actors to play these 'small' parts. More puns where that came from. We wrap with Breaking News from the east coast where a pastor named Dollar gets arrested for choking his 15 year-old daughter. And a 15 year-old girl in Orlando is forced to change out of her Tinker Bell costume she worked her magic on for months before being allowed to enter Disney World. SHOW LINKS: Electric Daisy Carnival E3 Expo Nintendo at E3 Microsoft Xbox at E3 Sony Playstation at E3 Little People of America "Snow White and the Huntsman" Official Website Order "Mirror Mirror" on Blu-ray/DVD World Changers Church - Run by Pastor Dollar,

 EPISODE 209 – Spork Use, Number 167 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

I need a new pair of shoes! Yes, once every five years or so when the stars align just right, or the padding on my current pair has worn down so much so that the plastic stiffener along the back is exposed and the insole has been pulverized by my pedestrial-parading, it's time to pick up a new pair. This has nothing to do with today's actual episode, but it is an explanation as to why the write up below is brief and less winded than usual. I'm not a fan of the mall, and I want to get in and get out, sooner rather than later. So I'll be heading there promptly when this is over. Here's what's up... Mike is back in town, but absent from the show since his flight was landing just as we were going on-air. In fact, he calls us during the show. We surmise he needed a ride from the airport and poke a little fun at him. Warming up for his return I suppose. Jabari is still MIA, a few more weeks and he should hopefully be back. Sitting in is another friend of Charlie's. Her name is Dee. There are a ton of uses for a spork. You'll hear the 167th during the new releases segment courtesy of Dee. It involves that boring-ass show CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM. Then it's onto news that Arsenio Hall will likely be returning to late-night TV in the near future. Nothing official yet, but he's in negotiations with CBS to do another syndicated talk show. We're wondering if you'll be tuning in to watch? Vote on the We Ask You Poll and tell us. And then there's some gay comic news. I'm not using the word in a derogatory fashion... it's literally gay news. Marvel has a gay wedding coming up in a June issue of one of their X-Men comics and DC announced just in the past week that Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern from the 1940s will be outed this month in the "new 52" series of comics DC hopes will reinvigorate interest in their older heroes. Of course, the conservative Christian stick-in-the-muds are complaining that comics are no place to promote gay lifestyles. Publishers are just trying to reflect current times and say a gay comic character is not going to turn a reader homosexual so these bitches should just stop bitching. We also bring you another installment of It's The Law. It's been awhile, we're down to less than ten states. Georgia is this week's pick. They've got so many dumb laws, just like Texas, we're breaking it up into two parts; maybe three. After all, we only made it to cities that start with 'C'. And we grade a story out of Phoenix, Arizona where an elementary school teacher enraged a mother after giving her daughter a "Catastrophe Award" for the most excuses as to why her homework was never done. The mother wants disciplinary action taken against the third grade teacher. Clearly the mom should stop spending time arguing with her kid's teacher and more time making sure her 8 year-old is doing her damned homework! There you go... I'm off to the mall to buy my Vans. I'll be steering clear of the food court, unless I find an ingenious use for a spork on the way. SHOW LINKS: CDC Public Health Matters Blog: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse Arsenio Hall's Official Website SuperHeroHype.com: Iron Man 3 Confirmed to Include Iron Patriot! Marvel.com - Having a gay marriage in June. DC Comics - Having a gay character revealed in June. MyFoxPhoenix - Fox 10 News, Phoenix, AZ. New Releases for Tuesday, June 5th: John Carter (2-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) Yellow Submarine [Blu-ray] Breaking Bad (Season 4) Safe House (2-Disc Combo Pack: Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy + UltraViolet) White Collar (Season 3) Burn Notice (Season 5) Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + UltraViolet Digital Copy) Curb Your Enthusiasm (Season 8) The Three Stooges: The Ultimate Collection Workaholics (Seasons 1 and 2) [Blu-ray]

 EPISODE 208 – Peni With Meat Sauce | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

What a diverse, multi-cultural, multi-lifestyle show we have for you today. We start in the south where a rapper named Krispy Kreme is making his way around YouTube. We play some of his music and debate whether he's for real, or just messin' with everyone. I'm the only one in the group who believes he's putting on an act. You can judge for yourself when you hear his mad rhymes done with a southern drawl. For the first time in our history, Charlie wore shorts to the program. He had just come from an LGBT pool party at the Luxor and was introduced to a rather revealing type of swimwear. I'll let him explain it. Charlie went with his friend Will, who's sat in on the show before. He's the musician known as wonkknow. Although straight, Charlie said he had a really good time. He added everyone was really nice... and in shape. Then we're off to Colorado where a white second grade student was assigned a project on Martin Luther King Jr. and decided to dress up as the civil rights leader. The problem... he wore black face. A staff member at the school was offended and complained and the boy was asked to leave. Both he and his parents couldn't understand why. The school kept saying students were also offended, but the complaint doesn't mention them. Just that staffer. This is a tough one. Clearly the boy didn't mean any disrespect. He wanted to dress up for the assignment and his parents just wanted him to get a good grade. Should they have known better? Being a small child, does he need to know the significance of black face? Should the teacher have known better than to assign this to him? Was it appropriate under these cercumstances? There are a shit ton of questions here. We'd love your opinion on the matter as well. Cast your vote on the We Ask You Poll and send us an E-Mail with your thoughts for next week's show. For those who have an active lifestyle at night, you may wanna hear this next story. A new app designed to help you find an age and gender appropriate bar is being tested out in San Francisco. The watering hole installs a camera that takes your picture as you enter the door. It uses sophisticated software algorithms known as 'biometrics' to determine your gender and age just by measuring different distances on your face. It then beams that data to any smartphone with the app installed. You can then look and see if your favorite bar is full of dudes or has just the right balance of sexes and whether or not the majority of them are your age. Accusations of privacy violations are already flying. The makers say no personal data is stored. But, this is just the beginning. With facial recognition software, this could quickly change. Finally, we do a little multi-cultural dining at the Who Asked You? Cafe. Starting off in Naples, Italy where police there believe an underground coffin-theft ring is in the works. Pizzerias are apparently buying dug up wooden coffins and using them to fuel their pizza ovens. Now, if you've ever had wood fired pizza, you know it's damn tasty. But pizza cooked on moldy wood with the scent of rotting corpse on it? I'd rather eat that I suppose than this next dish. To Tokyo, Japan we go were a popular chef there who suffers from gender identity issues not only had his package removed, but he also cooked it and served it to five crazy fucking wackos who paid him $250 a plate! We were once told by comedian, Clayton Fletcher that we talk about dicks a lot... this conversation is no exception. If you're curious about this (the story, not the actual taste of cooked human penis) you can read about it and see pictures of the dish in the Show Links. So there you have, a deep south white rapper, gay pool parties, black face, authentic dead body-smoked pizzas and literal dick eating. SHOW LINKS: Krispy Kreme's YouTube Channel Luxor - Home to the LGBT Temptation Sundays pool party. KRDO-TV - First reported on black face second grader. SceneTap CalorieLab.

 EPISODE 207 – Hits For Hitler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

Cookie Monster turns 43 years-old this Friday. Dennis took the opportunity when this came up to tell us about his favorite all-time clip of the SESAME STREET staple. This is just one of many items on the to-do list for this week's program. We're fresh from our panel at the OkamiCon convention. To help us convey the fun we have on the show Stephanie Payne and Julie Priest from V.A.G.I.N.A. once again. That's double the V.A.G. and a Who Asked You? first! We've never had two chicks on at once. They also had a panel at the con. Be sure to check out some pictures from the event on our Facebook page! And in other awesome news, the opening weekend for BATTLESHIP here in North America has been described as 'disappointing'. Opening in over 3,600 locations, the film took in less than $7,000 per theater. Giant robot aliens don't work in a movie about a board game that had nothing to do with giant robot aliens... who'da thunk it? Most of this episode is TV/movie news. Every so often we like to get back to our roots and focus on such things. This typically happens when there's enough stories within that genre to get us fired up. For example, Cartoon Network made a few announcements last week regarding their programming. They're bringing back a fan favorite to Adult Swim... Toonami! It returns this Saturday. And THE BOONDOCKS will return for a fourth season. No official date is set. I do hope though that it's better than season three. And even more news from the Turner-owned network; they've greenlit a HAROLD & KUMAR animated series featuring the voices of the actors from the films. We also talk about, somewhat briefly, the return of the 'movie' movie guys, Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. They're working on a spoof of THE HUNGER GAMES. Like their other masterpieces... well, pieces of something anyway... it'll spoof a number of current blockbuster films. And Frank Miller will have another giant-ass royalty check rolling in before too long as his SIN CITY prequel, SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR will receive the movie treatment. It's do out late 2013. Mickey Rourke and Jessica Alba are set to reprise their roles. Robert Rodriguez will direct. And with all this TV and movie talk, we should warn you about the new FBI warnings on all new DVDs and Blu-rays. They started rolling out the un-skippable screens last week. Included in the new warnings are a badge from Homeland Security and the seal from some long-winded center that apparently keeps track of piracy on the tax payer's dime. Oh yeah, and they also suggest a website you can visit that explains why downloading movies illegally can harm the entire economy, not just Hollywood... yeah, we'll all check that site out straight away. We finish up the show with news of a guy stabbing his computer with a Samurai sword, but more importantly, Hitler's medical records. It seems his six physicians were interrogated back in the mid 1940's regarding the Nazi leader's health. The documents were recently auctioned off and reveal why he was so angry. He suffered from a laundry list of ailments including the early stages of Parkinson's and uncontrollable flatulence. Must've been all that Bratwurst. It's no secret Hitler was a piece of shit, so why not make fun of his sinus condition they treated with a cocaine hit. Hey that rhymed! SHOW LINKS: V.A.G.I.N.A. Group of Las Vegas Dennis' favorite Cookie Monster clip. Avengers: Why Is Making Fun Of Adoption Still A-OK? Adult Swim's "The Boondocks" Cartoon Network - Bringin' back Toonami! CBS Groupon - Sitcom coming soon. Variety Jason Friedberg on IMDb Aaron Seltzer on IMDb New Releases for Tuesday, May 22nd: Sherlock (Season 2) Red Tails The Woman in Black The Secret World of Arrietty (2-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) This Means War Rizzoli & Isles (Season 2) Lethal Weapon: The Complete Collection [Blu-ray] Teen Wolf (Season 1) The River (Season 1) Ghost Hunters International (Season 2, Part 2)

 EPISODE 206 – Unkempt Travolta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

Have you ever wondered how much it'd cost to build the Death Star from STAR WARS? What about the cost of a five-year mission aboard the starship Enterprise? Well among a great many things, I wonder this myself and now we have some answers. Today's show is scratch-skewed as we analyze a few costly events from film and TV. First, as mentioned, we look at the estimated cost of building the Death Star. Students at Lehigh University were able to calculate the price tag for just the steel needed for a moon-sized space vessel and it is NOT cheap. And since we've got just as many STAR TREK fans (including myself) I looked into the cost of the Enterprise. I've wondered for a long time what it would take to build the NCC-1701, and I'll have to keep wondering as there is no definitive total yet. Someone who majors in finances should sit down and come up with a figure. The closest I could find is what it might cost for Captain Kirk's original mission. That ain't cheap either. And if tax payers were footing the bill, we'd all be putting in around $35,000. Tune in for the astronomical price tags on these astronomical vehicles. If you're like me, when watching the destruction of a major metropolitan area during the climactic scene of any given blockbuster feature, you may ponder random thoughts of the paper work involved after the dust settles. How do you explain to your boss an alien picked up the taxi you were driving and threw it down the street? Or, Iron Man punched straight through your office building while punching a slobbering creature in the face... do you show up for work the next day? There's nothing left of your desk, or anyone else's. These are the things I briefly consider during movies. And thanks to The Hollywood Reporter and the Kinetic Analysis Corporation, we now know what the bill is for the battle seen at the end of THE AVENGERS. It too is out of this world. But the real question is who would pay for it? New York tax payers? US tax payers? FIMA? It's anyone's guess. Good thing it's not real. We do know one thing, S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn't be on the hook since it's a government agency. Or is it? This lack of clarification led our real-life US government to back out of participating in the film. Ordinarily Uncle Sam has no problem providing jets, personnel and consultation to Hollywood when a scene calls for it. I bet Michael Bay is super chummy with the guys that take video of the Pentagon. But the ambiguous nature of S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to have frightened the powers in Washington. I wonder why? And we're not done with THE AVENGERS just yet. Change.org is once again making our radar as a stick-in-the-mud has created a petition demanding an apology from Marvel over the adoption joke Thor makes during the movie. The Who Asked You? Crew found the joke funny and not at all offensive; but none of us are adopted, right? WRONG! Dennis is adopted and he wasn't bothered by the joke at all. The petitioner believes the joke in which Black Widow points out Loki killed eighty people in two days and Thor, his brother, simply replies, "He's adopted," makes it sound as though all adopted children turn out bad. I didn't interpret the joke that way at all. I saw it as simply Thor pointing out that 'hey, we're not related. Don't put that on my blood line.' Still, some may not have liked it, and that may include you. It's our We Ask You Poll this week. Cast your vote now! With all this money talk, we couldn't leave out the $2-million lawsuit filed against actor, John Travolta by two different male masseurs. They both want the big bucks claiming the PULP FICTION star fondled them and even masturbated in front of them. This shit isn't true at all, but we have a good laugh at the overly-descriptive court documents. Like the description of Travolta's pubes, this show is wiry and unkempt. Then again, most of our shows are at least the latter. SHOW LINKS: OkamiCon - Our panel starts at 5pm/PT... check their site for details.

 EPISODE 205 – What About Ant-Man? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:52

We praise THE AVENGERS movie, shun news of a MUMMY and VAN HELSING reboot, ponder the ramifications of Hulu's new direction and laugh about a hot dog hooker.


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