Raid Warning: A World of Warcraft Podcast show

Raid Warning: A World of Warcraft Podcast

Summary: Raid Warning Podcast - - An ill-humored look at World of Warcraft gaming. Seven, Thespius, Joe, and Christina cover the latest in news, development, raiding, and community. Can we say we're sorry in advance?

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  • Artist: Raid Warning - A World of Warcraft Podcast
  • Copyright: Caution4 LLC


 Raid Warning Live: PAX2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:05

Check out Raid Warning as they do a live show from the 2010 Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle, WA! You know you want it. Audio Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio

 Raid Warning Episode 55: Soberize | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:02

On this week's show, we drink, we ingest lots of caffeine, and then one of us decides it's time to soberize. That's right, soberize. Who needs a grasp on the English language when you can just create a Warcaft Podcast and make up your own words! Also on the show, the latest around Cataclysm beta and the newly datamined build, drake mounts are back a plenty, Ghostcrawler clears the air, and Archeology gets confusing. Grab a beer. Have a listen. Tell a guildie. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio

 Raid Warning Episode 54: Ladies 80s | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:55

On this week's podcast, Brian gets stuck in the 80's as Seven makes an attempt to talk about Cataclysm beta and a whole lot about Paladin changes. Spoiler Alert: Seven likes Holy Power. Honestly, it's assumed you would be more surprised to hear an entire episode, sans tangents, about World of Warcraft. Grab a beer and some Taco Bell... it's time to get a little naughty. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio

 Raid Warning Episode 53: The Alarm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:35

This week Seven tries his best not to go postal on a neighbors car as the guys talk about Cataclysm beta, cinematics, baby Deathwings, streaming clients, and why Superman needs to die a fiery death. It's like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood invaded the show. Think bunnies, sunshine, slippers, sweaters... and chainsaws. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio

 Raid Warning Episode 52: Death By Zip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:46

They're at it once again. Fueled by beer and plenty of World of Warcaft Cataclysm screenshots (there's sarcasm hidden in there, 10 bonus points if you catch it), Brian and Seven bring home the latest news and info about WoW. With their own little spin of course. Also, be sure to check out a little lesson about security badge safety in this week's episode. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio

 Raid Warning Episode 51: Top 10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:57

This week we present you with the Raid Warning crew's Top 10 list of people we forgive. Well... kind of. We cover the best of the guild perks QQ'ing, Ghostcrawler ruling the beta forums with an iron fist, Blizzcon coverage pricing, and MMO Champion finds a new home. Drink up everybody! It's Raid Warning time! Yeah, that sounds cheesy even to us. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio

 Raid Warning Episode 50: Whacker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:56

Thespius is back and we have a bit too many in celebration. This week we go over the latest Cataclysm talent tree changes, Real ID annoyances, everyones favorite questions in the Twitter Dev Chat, and we manage to squeeze in a beer run. All the fun Warcraft conversation in this podcast is better served chilled... and after having a few. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio

 The Warcraft Shaman Roundtable: Totem Recall | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:06:12

Totem Recall - The Warcraft Shaman roundtable featuring members of the WoW community. The Raid Warning crew was proud to play host to some of the biggest names behind the Elemental, Enhancement, and Restoration specs. From class mechanics, ICC tips, PVP trick, to what's in store for Cataclysm, they did their best to answer your questions. The Podcast is also available via: iTunes - Zune Marketplace - RSS - -

 Raid Warning Episode 49: Cataclysmic Hats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:13

Warcraft Cataclysm Beta is here and your hosts are not invited. We're fairly certain it is due to Seven's choice of headgear. This week, Brian and Seven give you the latest WoW beta news and development, minus the detailed screenshots and video. Think interpretive dance. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio

 Raid Warning Episode 48: The Celestial Steed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:52

This week on the Warcraft podcast that rarely has any WoW news to talk about: Seven and Brian cover the latest about the Warcraft Movie with Sam Raimi, new heirloom items, dev blue posts, and the deadliest of all Celestial Steeds. Warning: not all links are safe for work. You've been warned. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio

 Raid Warning Episode 47: The Last Starfish Fighter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:14

This week we discuss the latest in World of Warcraft news (hint: there's not that much), Cataclysm beta rumors, Patch 3.3.5, and the last starfish fighter out of the bag as Project Cuppycake is revealed (hint: it's Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio Intro Music: Dilemn - Cosmica (Tom Deluxx Remix) Beer: "Radiant Ale" by Ninkasi Website: ABV: 6% BA: B NEWS: Closed Beta? No. Patch 3.3.5 Deployed While Warcraft is broken, tell your guildies about Raid Warning Mid Summer Festival begins This is the first time players get a chance to use the Looking for Dungeon system on a holiday boss. All you have to do to fight Ahune is select the boss from the drop down menu and wait for a group Important - You only get the bag with the 2 x Emblem of Frost from the Satchet of Chilled Goods once a day, but you can kill the boss as many times as you want if you want to farm the chest. Important #2 - The chest only drops cloaks, the bag has a chance to drop rare loot like the Frostscythe and the companion pets. WoW Community Interview with Randy Jordan of AIE / The Instance Grim Batol Preview Grim Batol "Vehicle" combat Just to clarify, it's not vehicle combat at the beginning of the dungeon. The forces of the Twilight's Hammer within Grim Batol are massive, so you'll start the dungeon with a bombing run through the halls to thin their ranks. It'll be a set flight path and will not involve aerial combat. This is only to get things started. This dungeon is not vehicle-driven at all. Lack of class changes in Patch 3.3.5 Our systems team is hard at work tweaking classes, updating talent trees, and restructuring the way in which new spells and abilities are learned during the leveling process (given that spells and abilities will scale with level rather than have multiple ranks). These changes are planned to coincide with a future patch which will implement the framework for Cataclysm. No major tweaking is planned to take place beforehand unless serious class gameplay issues arise. Leveling Curve in Cataclysm As you mentioned, the leveling curve all the way from 1-70 was adjusted in the past. We feel those changes coupled with heirloom experience bonuses make for a reasonable leveling experience up to 70. Since we're making major changes to the 1-60 Azeroth zones in Cataclysm, it isn't likely we'll be making further adjustments to the leveling curve there. The goal is to encourage new and old players alike to try out a new race or class and experience all of the new content and environment changes in the "old world." As it is, Cataclysm will bring about a much better quest flow, both in terms of the way quests are given in individual zones, as well as the way in which players will be directed from zone to zone. It will be completely reasonable in Cataclysm to level from 1-60 in Azeroth solely on Kalimdor, or solely on Eastern Kingdoms. In general, there will be much less need to jump from continent to continent because you hit dry spots while questing and need to find somewhere else to go in order to find level-appropriate quests. The goal is to make sure players are given the choice to go to the zones they want to while leveling, rather than force them to the other end of the world for a level or two. Whether or not any changes are going to be made to the leveling curve in Northrend,

 Raid Warning Episode 46: Those Rascals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:04

Brian and Seven hold up in the studio with their beers, a ton of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm notes, and attempt to keep you up to speed on the latest happenings in WoW. Raid Warning is an obvious first choice in WoW news. And remember, just when you think it is safe to enjoy your cheese and wine, along comes the Cacodemon to scare the Ten Fidy out of you. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio Intro Music: "Contra" by Xample Beer: "Ten Fidy" by Oskar Blues website: ABV: 10.5% BA: A NEWS: Path of the Titans Gone meduim glyphs Guild Talents Gone 25 levels of extra bonuses guild rewards Archeology: Not So Cool becomes a secondary profession mostly cosmetic Raids & Dungeons Split Raid leaders will be able to split an ongoing 25-man raid into up to three 10-man raids. Those 10-man raids will be able to continue from that point on, with bosses already down. You will be able to join any raid as long as it doesn't have any bosses up that you have already killed. Grim Batol Raid - Bastion of Twilight Cho'gall as end boss, horrific secret on heroic Entry lvl raid 6 bosses, with algalon style optional boss Skywall Raid Al'akir end boss Bosses will include a djinn, a storm dragon, and a lesser elemental lord can use flying mounts Deepholm The Ogrim's Hammer has crashed in the zone and the Skybreaker is still in the air. One of the questline will require you to find out what happened. Heroic Deadmines / SFK 4.1 Old World Changes The Park of Stormwind has been destroyed by Deathwing and the Dwarven District now hosts a Bank and an Auction House Garrosh is the new Warchief and is located in the center of Orgrimmar, not in the Valley of Wisdom. Goblins have their own area, the Valley of Wisdom becomes a Tauren district, and there is now a back gate leading directly into Azshara. Misc things of note: Wrath 1k quests, Cata 3k Heirlooms to stop at 80, will be new heirlooms. Goblins/Worgen can use heirlooms War Games Battleground Mode Cataclysm Zone Changes Video Talent Previews Rogue Priest Shaman Druid Why Defense Went And Hit Stayed Defense was a different beast because it was serving as a barrier to entry. Mages and hunters can run a dungeon just fine without being hit-capped. Sure their damage will be lower, but not so low that they can't handle the content. Defense wasn't designed the same way -- a tank not at the defense cap risked dying on a boss fight and literally couldn't handle the content Media Interviews: WoWhead sits down with Ghostcrawler: The redesign of Cataclysm allows them to make tweaks to classes easier Cross Account Achievements World of Raids interviews Tom Chilton: Deadmines and SFK in 4.1 Old dungeons will get minor tweaks, nothing huge Molton Core 'may' be on the list for an Onyxia type overhaul since Ragnaros is a player in Cataclysm No new CoT, but there will be a raid "War of the Ancients" will be a ways after release is progression content towards the Deathwing fight Mount Hyjal will have 11 or so phases a lot of the new zones will take use of phasing for story purposes plans for another PVP battleground with a new style of play shorter raid lockouts discussed for smaller raids, but not being worked on All of the zones will be for leveling. We're going to avoid another Icecrown where people got to 80 before experiencing all of the leveling content. While Hyjal and Vahsj'ir are optional in that you can do one or the other,

 Raid Warning Episode 45: The Green Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:44

This Warcraft gaming podcast is now leaner and greener. Yes, you guessed it, we talk about herbalism and naturopathic medicine. You are very excited, just as we predicted. In addition to random stories this week, WoW news! Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio Intro Music: "From Rusholme With Love" by Mint Royale Beer: "Wilco Tango Foxtrot" by Lagunitas website: http://www.lagunitas.c ABV: 7.83% BA: B NEWS: Blizzcon Tickets Sell Out Extended 24 hr Maintenance on Select Servers Cataclysm Beta Guild Contest Twin Peaks Battelground Preview Scam Time: Curse Google Ads and Adobe Flash Flaw, Again. Blizzard Survey: Paid Character Slots? Ruby Sanctum Delayed in North America Vote Kicking Changed Mandatory Talents There will still be mandatory talents for specs They want there to be less difference in power between an optimal and sub optimal spec Lowering the GCD Lowering the GCD is as close to anything on the never list. We will possibly do it for hunters, but that is because their resource system is going to prevent them from ever spamming multiple buttons at once (in the same way rogues have a lower GCD) Removal of Talent Trees? It was before my time, but the talent trees were developed in response to beta feedback that all say warriors played the same and players weren't making any decisions about how to improve their character beyond a certain point. Maybe 3 wasn't the right number, or maybe the designers should have said that paladins and priests are healers and don't have a damage-dealing mode. In any case, those decisions have been made. While we aren't afraid of making a really controversial change if it improves the game, I'm not sure sacrificing some talent trees really does improve the game. It might make PvP or even PvE balance easier to achieve, but it cuts down on the number of ways to play the game or even sheer depth. For every number-obsessed power gamer there are thousands of players who just like their BM hunter or Frost mage and don't care if they can't top meters or win Arena because they're never going to do that content anyway. Those guys could very well be devastated by just taking away the class that they love. Raid Healing in Cataclysm Ghostcrawler: Specs won't single target heal the same way. They will have enough basic tools that nobody will have a massive hole in what they can cover. We don't want the Disc priest to throw up her hands when asked to tank heal, or the paladin asked to sit out when on a fight with a lot of AE healing. You need to be able to run a 10-player raid with any 2 healers (ideally 2 different healers) and be okay. You need to be able to do any 5-player content with any healer (before you over-gear it as many of you do these days). Yes, the players who already use all their spells will see the least change. Halion Heroic Video Zalazane's Fall Video Operation Gnomeregan Video

 Raid Warning Episode 44: Mrs Doubtfire Fires Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:10

This is in fact a World of Warcraft related podcast. I know, you only came for the beer and the rambling, but we feel it necessary to declare our intentions up front. Yeah, we're kidding. Grab a beer, protect your bathing suit area, and jump in for another mildly explicit WoW (ahem) related show. Podcast: iTunes | Play in new window | Download | Torrent | Mevio Intro Music: "The Massacre" by FantomenK Beer: "Gale Force IPA" by Scuttlebutt website: ABV: 5.25% BA: B+ NEWS: Ruby Sanctum Officially Announced for 3.3.5 Halion Savian Ragefire Baltharus the Warborn General Zarithrian all drop frost badges gear on par with lich king... trinkets, etc no 3 drakes version world boss look... but not Doomsday Questline Removed from PTR Cataclysm Professions Review Green and possibly some blue items will have random stats. 2 set 2 random Superior Quality itemas that require a lot of reagents will give multiple skillups No more specializations. All 3 professions will create their starter PVP sets that will be upgraded every season New Unique material used by nearly every high level recipe will be on a 1 day cool down Enchanting Vanity Pet Glyphs for new Cataclysm spells will likely not be available a launch Rework of minor glyphs. Better off-hand and relic recipes Jewelcrafting brings vazazzle Volatile Life is main ingredient for high level flasks 3 bandages, short cast time, HOT Obsidian, Elementium, and Pyrite. Cataclysm Beta Opt-in Has Begun MLG Announces World of Warcraft as 2010 Pro Circuit Title (From 2010 World of Warcraft Details 3 - Regular Season Live Competitions 16 team 3v3 World of Warcraft Arena $15,750 in cash prizes per Regular Season event First Regular Season Live Event June 4th-6th, 2010 Columbus, Ohio Live broadcasts with expert play by play and color commentary Championship Live Event 8 top ranked teams qualify based on Regular Season points $25,000 in cash prizes for Championship event Live broadcasts with expert play by play and color commentary Multiple Online Qualifiers and Tournaments Multiple open Online Qualifiers Ladders and tournaments throughout the year More prizes Live broadcasts with expert play by play and color commentary Icecrown Citadel Buff Increased to 20% Patchwerk (25) Solo Kill by a Rogue Jider from Impervious (US - Stormreaver) 4hrs 45min Clever use of Unconscious Dig Rat and Shadowstep Blizzcon Ticket Dates Announced June 2 and June 5 Jay Mohr Hosting again Blizzard Intentionally Breaks AVR Sneak Peek - Female Worgen Remote Auction House Beta Testing Free Features Browse the Auction House Get real-time notifications when your auctions sell or expire Get real-time notifications when you win auctions or when you are outbid View your characters' current gold View the status of your auctions and search for similar auctions View the items you can sell in your bags, bank, and mailbox View the status of auctions you are bidding on

 Warcraft Holy Paladin Round Table: Bubble Trouble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:39

Bubble Trouble - The Holy Paladin Round Table Event This weekend the Raid Warning boys were joined by some of the biggest names in the Paladin community to discuss the class that loves to heal in a dress! From class mechanics, ICC tips and tricks, Flash of Light vs Holy Light, to the future of the Cataclysm Paladin, we did our best to cover every aspect of the holy spec. A special thanks to the brave souls appearing on this edition of Bubble Trouble: Chase Christian of Lulia of Tank Spot Ophelie of The Bossy Pally Codi of MoarHPS The Podcast is available via: iTunes Zune Marketplace RSS Also be sure to check out our previous round tables: ____________________________ You can help make better PUG Pallies by promoting the show with the banners below: 300x300 486x60 300x250 125x125 120x60


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