Star Trek Podcast: Trekcast show

Star Trek Podcast: Trekcast

Summary: The Star Trek Podcast where our team of geeks discuss all things Star Trek and Sci-fi. Weekly Star Trek Video Game News, Star Trek Movie information, Star Trek episode guides all from Las Vegas NV.

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 Trekcast Episode 40: Romance is for solids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 61:10

Welcome to this weeks episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast the number 1 Star Trek podcast to listen to while enjoying a nice glass of Klingon Warnog Ale or maybe you drink it from a metal cup if you really are Klingon. This week, we here at Trekcast take our charities serious so we are starting up a new charity lets find a home for all the displaced Vulcan's they did lose there planet this year (anybody watch that Star Trek movie this summer). Well now that we are doing our part to find the Vulcan's a new planet we get onto the Topic of the week via one of our regular listeners Stu Cooper thanks for that, and the topic is (drum-roll please) Star Trek romances we talk about all the romances serious and not so serious and even ponder the potential of some romances that we didn't get to see on Trek. We even delve into the bromance who doesn't believe that O'Brien and Bashir didn't have the greatest in all the Trek series. Thanks for joining us once again for this our 40th episode of Trekcast well be back later in the week for the Trekcast Supplemental where we answer all your burning Star Trek and Trekcast questions.

 Trekcast Episode 40: Romance is for solids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 61:10

Welcome to this weeks episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast the number 1 Star Trek podcast to listen to while enjoying a nice glass of Klingon Warnog Ale or maybe you drink it from a metal cup if you really are Klingon. This week, we here at Trekcast take our charities serious so we are starting up a new charity lets find a home for all the displaced Vulcan's they did lose there planet this year (anybody watch that Star Trek movie this summer). Well now that we are doing our part to find the Vulcan's a new planet we get onto the Topic of the week via one of our regular listeners Stu Cooper thanks for that, and the topic is (drum-roll please) Star Trek romances we talk about all the romances serious and not so serious and even ponder the potential of some romances that we didn't get to see on Trek. We even delve into the bromance who doesn't believe that O'Brien and Bashir didn't have the greatest in all the Trek series. Thanks for joining us once again for this our 40th episode of Trekcast well be back later in the week for the Trekcast Supplemental where we answer all your burning Star Trek and Trekcast questions.

 Trekcast Supplemental 29: Jumja Sticks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:55

Who doesnt like a nice Jumja Stickin the sweltering summer heat. Hello and welcome to the next Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, this week we get things back to normal with the supplemental (if you haven't last weeks craziness download it now) and answer some of the burning question you our favorite people our listeners have to say about what we have talked about on the show, or just anything you want to here about Star Trek. Also to all of you fans get out there and pick up the first issue of Days Missing available now at your local comics shops Thanks once again for joining us for this weeks episode of the supplemental and remember we love your subspace signals (emails) keep them coming. We also love those 5 star reviews on iTunes as well, and thanks to you we are the number 1 rated Star Trek podcast on iTunes. So keep living long and prospering and well be talking to you soon on episode 40 of Trekcast.

 Trekcast Supplemental 29: Jumja Sticks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 65:55

Who doesnt like a nice Jumja Stickin the sweltering summer heat. Hello and welcome to the next Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, this week we get things back to normal with the supplemental (if you haven't last weeks craziness download it now) and answer some of the burning question you our favorite people our listeners have to say about what we have talked about on the show, or just anything you want to here about Star Trek. Also to all of you fans get out there and pick up the first issue of Days Missing available now at your local comics shops Thanks once again for joining us for this weeks episode of the supplemental and remember we love your subspace signals (emails) keep them coming. We also love those 5 star reviews on iTunes as well, and thanks to you we are the number 1 rated Star Trek podcast on iTunes. So keep living long and prospering and well be talking to you soon on episode 40 of Trekcast.

 Trekcast Supplemental 29: Jumja Sticks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 65:55

Who doesnt like a nice Jumja Stickin the sweltering summer heat. Hello and welcome to the next Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, this week we get things back to normal with the supplemental (if you haven't last weeks craziness download it now) and answer some of the burning question you our favorite people our listeners have to say about what we have talked about on the show, or just anything you want to here about Star Trek. Also to all of you fans get out there and pick up the first issue of Days Missing available now at your local comics shops Thanks once again for joining us for this weeks episode of the supplemental and remember we love your subspace signals (emails) keep them coming. We also love those 5 star reviews on iTunes as well, and thanks to you we are the number 1 rated Star Trek podcast on iTunes. So keep living long and prospering and well be talking to you soon on episode 40 of Trekcast.

 Trekcast Episode 39: Jonathan Livingston Seagul Dukat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:48

Welcome to the next episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, with the con behind us and the dust settling from the greatness that was Grand Slam in Las Vegas we get back to all the things you love about Trekcast. This week we bring you an exclusive interview with straight form the Breen Confederacy Thot Gor right here with us in the Trekcast studios, then we also have a brand new What's what with Brandi T is that Cardassian or Kardashian well Brandi is here to let us know. For our topic on this weeks Trekcast since we had so much fun at this years convention we have decided to give everyone a recap that doesn't involve copious amounts of Romulan Ale and we also talk about some of the things we might like to see in upcoming conventions. Well there it is for your listening pleasure whether you listen with lobes pointed ears or just regular old human ears we hope you enjoy this episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast.

 Trekcast Episode 39: Jonathan Livingston Seagul Dukat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:48

Welcome to the next episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, with the con behind us and the dust settling from the greatness that was Grand Slam in Las Vegas we get back to all the things you love about Trekcast. This week we bring you an exclusive interview with straight form the Breen Confederacy Thot Gor right here with us in the Trekcast studios, then we also have a brand new What's what with Brandi T is that Cardassian or Kardashian well Brandi is here to let us know. For our topic on this weeks Trekcast since we had so much fun at this years convention we have decided to give everyone a recap that doesn't involve copious amounts of Romulan Ale and we also talk about some of the things we might like to see in upcoming conventions. Well there it is for your listening pleasure whether you listen with lobes pointed ears or just regular old human ears we hope you enjoy this episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast.

 Trekcast Episode 39: Jonathan Livingston Seagul Dukat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:48

Welcome to the next episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast, with the con behind us and the dust settling from the greatness that was Grand Slam in Las Vegas we get back to all the things you love about Trekcast. This week we bring you an exclusive interview with straight form the Breen Confederacy Thot Gor right here with us in the Trekcast studios, then we also have a brand new What's what with Brandi T is that Cardassian or Kardashian well Brandi is here to let us know. For our topic on this weeks Trekcast since we had so much fun at this years convention we have decided to give everyone a recap that doesn't involve copious amounts of Romulan Ale and we also talk about some of the things we might like to see in upcoming conventions. Well there it is for your listening pleasure whether you listen with lobes pointed ears or just regular old human ears we hope you enjoy this episode of Trekcast the Star Trek podcast.

 Trekcast Supplemental 28: Party like a Spock Star | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:20

This is it the grand daddy of all Star Trek conventions and this is Trekcast the Star Trek Podcasts coverage from all over the COOOONNNN!!!.  So join as we party like Spock stars at our meet ups with DVDGeeks,, and It all started Wednesday with our first meet up at the Spacequest casino (thanks to all those that came you are awesome). Then continued on Thursday with the party for Days Missing at Body English, and Rod definitely knows how to throw a party. Then on Friday we had a screening of Star Trek and we sold out the theater with and the USS Las Vegas crew we also gave away a bunch of great swag courtesy of Paramount and Bad Robot. Then Saturday was just a mellow night (yeah right) there was a Warp Core Breach party up in the suites. And on the final night a Star Trek The Experience reunion which was an amazing night for all us ex cast members. Thanks to everyone who showed up to all of our events we had a blast so enjoy this wild ride that we are about to take you on and just remember that copious amounts of Romulan Ale were had by all this week and we all know what effect Romulan Ale has on us humans. Listen on iTunes

 Trekcast Supplemental 28: Party like a Spock Star | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:20

This is it the grand daddy of all Star Trek conventions and this is Trekcast the Star Trek Podcasts coverage from all over the COOOONNNN!!!.  So join as we party like Spock stars at our meet ups withDVDGeeks,, and It all started Wednesday with our first meet up at the Spacequest casino (thanks to all those that came you are awesome). Then continued on Thursday with the party for Days Missing at Body English, and Rod definitely knows how to throw a party. Then on Friday we had a screening of Star Trek and we sold out the theater with and the USS Las Vegas crew we also gave away a bunch of great swag courtesy of Paramount and Bad Robot. Then Saturday was just a mellow night (yeah right) there was a Warp Core Breach party up in the suites. And on the final night a Star Trek The Experience reunion which was an amazing night for all us ex cast members. Thanks to everyone who showed up to all of our events we had a blast so enjoy this wild ride that we are about to take you on and just remember that copious amounts of Romulan Ale were had by all this week and we all know what effect Romulan Ale has on us humans. Listen on iTunes

 Trekcast Supplemental 28: Party like a Spock Star | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 71:20

This is it the grand daddy of all Star Trek conventions and this is Trekcast the Star Trek Podcasts coverage from all over the COOOONNNN!!!.  So join as we party like Spock stars at our meet ups withDVDGeeks,, and It all started Wednesday with our first meet up at the Spacequest casino (thanks to all those that came you are awesome). Then continued on Thursday with the party for Days Missing at Body English, and Rod definitely knows how to throw a party. Then on Friday we had a screening of Star Trek and we sold out the theater with and the USS Las Vegas crew we also gave away a bunch of great swag courtesy of Paramount and Bad Robot. Then Saturday was just a mellow night (yeah right) there was a Warp Core Breach party up in the suites. And on the final night a Star Trek The Experience reunion which was an amazing night for all us ex cast members. Thanks to everyone who showed up to all of our events we had a blast so enjoy this wild ride that we are about to take you on and just remember that copious amounts of Romulan Ale were had by all this week and we all know what effect Romulan Ale has on us humans. Listen on iTunes

 Trekcast Episode 38: Salt of the Earth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:33

Hello and welcome to the next fantastic episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast this week is the mother of all Star Trek conventions here in Las Vegas, Nevada and we talk about some of our upcoming events including our Trekcast meet-up with DVDGeeks and Trekmovie on Wednesday, August 5th at 9pm at the Spacequest casino at the Las Vegas Hilton. We will be attending a special screening of Star Trek (come see it one last time with a bunch of fellow Trekkies) on Friday, August 7th at 9:55 at at the Tropicana theater. Also we have one more very special event a Star Trek: The Experience cast reunion (come say hello to some of your old friends) at the Spacequest Casino in the Las Vegas Hilton on Sunday, August 9th at 7pm so come celebrate with all of us from Trekcast, DVDGeeks and Trekmovie. These events are all going to be a blast so make sure you come on by and say hello we would love to meet everyone. If all that info wasn’t enough for you we also have a special interview with Anthony Pascale from we pick his brain about all things Trek including what its like running such a great Star Trek site as well as giving us a great exclusive and if your wondering what that might be just look at the picture above of that lovely creature from M 113. So sit back relax grab a nice glass of Kanar and enjoy this weeks episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast, oh and cant wait to see you all at the convention. Listen on iTunes

 Trekcast Episode 38: Salt of the Earth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 77:33

Hello and welcome to the next fantastic episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast this week is the mother of all Star Trek conventions here in Las Vegas, Nevada and we talk about some of our upcoming events including our Trekcast meet-up with DVDGeeks and Trekmovie on Wednesday, August 5th at 9pm at the Spacequest casino at the Las Vegas Hilton. We will be attending a special screening of Star Trek (come see it one last time with a bunch of fellow Trekkies) on Friday, August 7th at 9:55 at at the Tropicana theater. Also we have one more very special event a Star Trek: The Experience cast reunion (come say hello to some of your old friends) at the Spacequest Casino in the Las Vegas Hilton on Sunday, August 9th at 7pm so come celebrate with all of us from Trekcast, DVDGeeksandTrekmovie. These events are all going to be a blast so make sure you come on by and say hello we would love to meet everyone. If all that info wasn’t enough for you we also have a special interview with Anthony Pascale from we pick his brain about all things Trek including what its like running such a great Star Trek site as well as giving us a great exclusive and if your wondering what that might be just look at the picture above of that lovely creature from M 113. So sit back relax grab a nice glass of Kanar and enjoy this weeks episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast, oh and cant wait to see you all at the convention. Listen on iTunes

 Trekcast Episode 38: Salt of the Earth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 77:33

Hello and welcome to the next fantastic episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast this week is the mother of all Star Trek conventions here in Las Vegas, Nevada and we talk about some of our upcoming events including our Trekcast meet-up with DVDGeeks and Trekmovie on Wednesday, August 5th at 9pm at the Spacequest casino at the Las Vegas Hilton. We will be attending a special screening of Star Trek (come see it one last time with a bunch of fellow Trekkies) on Friday, August 7th at 9:55 at at the Tropicana theater. Also we have one more very special event a Star Trek: The Experience cast reunion (come say hello to some of your old friends) at the Spacequest Casino in the Las Vegas Hilton on Sunday, August 9th at 7pm so come celebrate with all of us from Trekcast, DVDGeeksandTrekmovie. These events are all going to be a blast so make sure you come on by and say hello we would love to meet everyone. If all that info wasn’t enough for you we also have a special interview with Anthony Pascale from we pick his brain about all things Trek including what its like running such a great Star Trek site as well as giving us a great exclusive and if your wondering what that might be just look at the picture above of that lovely creature from M 113. So sit back relax grab a nice glass of Kanar and enjoy this weeks episode of Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast, oh and cant wait to see you all at the convention. Listen on iTunes

 Trekcast Episode 37: Mirror's Edge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:10

You loved it and asked for more, well Trekcast the Star Trek Podcast is bringing it to you. Our next installment of the create your own Star Trek adventure we dig deep into our Trekkie souls and come up with new ideas for stories things we have wanted to see on the television series that were never produced and flush them out without any pre-planning what you here is completely on the fly with no rehearsals. So without further ado here it is and enjoy. One last thing if you hadn't heard yet Trekcast with our friends over at DVDGeeks are getting together for a pre Star Trek convention party at the Spacequest casino right next to where the Star Trek Experience was on Wednesday, August 6th at 9.p.m be there its going to be a blast. Listen on iTunes


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