Issues Under Fire show

Issues Under Fire

Summary: no nonsence international and national news coverage for those who want their news on the go, without pretty faces graphics or commercials

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 Issues Under Fire: President Uses Bully Pulpit to Beat Sense Into GOP Malcontents | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

Once again President Obama takes the mic to reeducate the nation on what the Debt Ceiling means and how important it is not to tamper with it.

 Issues Under Fire: International Whispers Grow Louder Over U.S. Debt Ceiling Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:38

As the markets hold and the American people remain relatively sedated, one has to wonder if international investors and leaders of major economies can intervene behind the scenes. America's scorched earth policies has to be isolated to America as much as possible

 Issues Under Fire: Amend Constitution or Defund Congressional Insurgents | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:14:13

Congressional insurgency can only be stopped by a unified drive to defund extremist. Threatened by big and small donors will shock rogue elements back to reality

 Issues Under Fire: GOP Mad Cappers Have Seized Control of Government, Time to Worry | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:56

What President Obama failed to tell the world, is that crazy and dangerous legislators have seized control of the U.S. government. Perhaps it would have spooked the markets prematurely had he admitted, loose cannons of the GOP have no intentions of releasing tis mad man's grip on the nation's throat until they've strangled the life out of the economy.

 Issues Under Fire: Israeli Wet Blanket Puts Kibosh on Progress | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:44

Striking and maintaining superior tone, Benjamin Netanyahu made every effort to insult instigate and derail chances for constructive dialog. Israel seemed more interested in picking a fight than having a conversation.

 Issues Under Fire: America Has Been Closed Until Further Notice | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:11:05

Exposed flaws in the U.S. Constitution now being exploited by rogue political elements have brought the country to a standstill. Without a remedy, calamity and or collapse is a certainty.

 Issue Under FIre: Netanyahu Arrives With Tidings of Doom | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:11:03

After a week of promise, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promises to douse the flames of hope with a wet blanket of doom and gloom.

 Issues Under FIre: With Syrian CWs Deal Done, Rouhani Calls for WMD Free Middle East | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:44

In less than a week, the two major problems poised to further destabilize a region of the world all ready living on life support has been fast tracked for rational solutions.

 Issues Under FIre: Obama and Rouhani, So Close, Yet So Far Apart | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:13:15

Barack Obama delivered a disappointingly brawny and bellicose speech that will only exacerbate the divide between its Middle East adversaries. If this language is not toned down, the possibility of avoiding conflict is almost nil.

 Issues Under Fire: World Convenes in NY, While Many Heads Turn Toward Nairobi | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

With two wars to avert, President Obama has Al Shabab looking for attention in the worst way. Al Shabab may sound more like a dirty NYC street snack, but this crazy group of bastards aka Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM) is doling out more than hea

 Issues Under Fire: Iran, Syria, Israel Anticipated to Dominate U.N Assembly | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:10:52

Since Iran's nuclear ambitions, Syria's chemical weapons and Israel's security needs will absorb all attention, the Palestinians will be the big looser this this year. Today's Podcast

 Issues Under Fire: U.N. Confirms War Crimes, But Won't/Can't Point Finger. | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:01

Somewhere on the planet, walks people of the lowest calibre, stooping to depths of evil that thankfully few will ever dare. Without knowing for certain who the culprits are and bringing them to justice, how can the world ever truly feel safe.

 Issues Under Fire: Putin Assad and The Devil's Advocate | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:10:33

A deal has been struck and a war averted, but who'll be responsible for the progress and who'll be responsible for delays?

 Issues Under Fire: Political Hacks Could Still Sour Syrian Deal | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:49

The world may have to sacrifice its due pound of flesh in order to secure Assad's chemical weapons. The Syrians have already been pushed, this is not the time to shove.

 Issues Under Fire: Will Obama Look Russian Gift Horse In Mouth | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:11:03

Yanked from the brink of blunder, the Obama administration has been given a paved exit from a rocky road to war. Whether the US President is wise enough to except directions remains to be scene.


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