Issues Under Fire show

Issues Under Fire

Summary: no nonsence international and national news coverage for those who want their news on the go, without pretty faces graphics or commercials

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 Issues Under Fire: Planning Your Child's Future Around A Clinton or Trump Presidency | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:13

While we have no crystal ball, we do have a strong sense of history. And since history can predict the future, young Americans should be planning for a worse case scenario. Knowing this, they should also know, any plans, proposals or promises made by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to make their lives better and American great again, will be downsized significantly to pay for their aggression and ignorance.

 Bride of the Gorilla 1951 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 02:05:10

Man goes ape sh*t over cheating wife

 Issues Under Fire: Ted is Dead, But Independents Keep Bernie Alive and Kicking | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:38

Although we're chomping at the bit to explore Canada's socioeconomic model up close and personal under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's leadership, as well as giving Chancellor Angela Merkel's Germany the once over, somehow what might occur in Philadelphia this summer could be politically earthshaking to say the least. And after observing events to date in America's 2016 election process, you just never know what could happen next. Podcast below!

 Issues Under Fire: Bernie Sanders and The Aggressive Progressive | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:02

So, no matter what happens going forward, Bernie Sanders has assured his supporters, come hell or high waters, come July 25-28, 2016 he'll be representing their interest at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia. Determined to scrap for every vote and every delegate, pledged or otherwise, the Clinton machine has gotta be feeling concerned as this aggressive progressive movement just won't rollover and bow out. And they'd be even more concerned if they understood the concerns and motivations of the these aggressive progressives.

 Issues Under Fire: Why International Workers' Day Was A Bust In NYC | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:15

One would think, with the cost of living rising in New York City by the minute, people struggling to survive on the pittance they're paid for their hard and thankless labour, there'd be burning tires, rock and bottle throwing, broken windows and slashed tires, along with tear-gas, water canons and mass arrest, as the NYPD responded to the civil unrest. One would think news reporters would've been seen on cameras screaming over loud crowds chanting anti-capitalist rhetoric while documenting excessive force used by the police. Well, one would think.

 Issues Under Fire: If You Can't Afford America, Consider Your Options | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:13:00

All things considered, when it comes to the overall cost of living, as well as safety and security, if your a student, tourist or aspiring expat, you'll be hard pressed to find a better option than Spain. From beer to bread to a movie ticket, you'll be so amazed at how affordable Spain is, you might consider this space a retirement option for yourself. No really, its very possible if you're willing to use your imagination and consider all of your options.

 Issues Under Fire: Rebranding Bernie Sanders for the Long Game | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:10

Most importantly, four of the five Democratic primaries were closed to anyone not registered as a Democrat. Since a majority of Sanders' support comes from voters who no longer identify with the Democratic Party or even the two Party system, its makes sense that Hillary Clinton would have an insurmountable edge in those final vote counts. If these were all open primaries, the outcome would have been quite different as evidenced by Sanders' one win in the only open primary contest that day

 Shadow of the Cat 1961 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:18:32

Pissed off pussy cat takes karma to the next level.

 Issues Under Fire: A Revolution Starts With A Third Party | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:21

If American's next revolution can be started with a third Party, the days of the DNC and RNC recruiting and grooming political hacks to "represent" the American voter's interest may be over. Podcast below!

  Issues Under Fire: How Socialism Works in Spain | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:21

In fact, the more we saw, the more we understood, socialism was more than a "populace driven" socioeconomic political system of governing a nation. Socialism is a way of life adopted to share life's burdens by sharing the nation's wealth. If any one tells you socialism can't work, they've either never been to Spain, or they're lying to you.

 Issues Under Fire: Travel Assignment: Madrid Spain | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:07:33

Since Spain's current struggle to form a coalition government is essentially centered around how far left that coalition will be, it made sense to go their and see what they're trying to do and how they're going to get it done. We need to talk to the people up close and personal. We need to see what's important to them and what's not. We need to see how they live, play, work and share their lives. We need to see if the people are happy, healthy and feel secure. We need to see how different a far left socialist leaning lifestyle looks and functions.

 Issues Under Fire: We The People Vs The Political Establishment | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:52

If the average voter understood how "tweekable" the American political process actually is, political participation and voter turnout in this country would drop even further and faster than it already has. If the average American realized how many voters have become Independents, in favor of a viable alternative to the Established corporate funded two Party system, they'd also realize they have the numbers in their favor to establish a third Party of their own. A third Party that would represent "We the People" and not a Party that's committed to representing the Party.

 Issues Under Fire: Sanders Invited to Vatican, Clinton Stumped for Response | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:26

Since Hillary Clinton has been accurately and effectively defined as the establishment's representative of the global corporate class and the world's filthy rich, its no wonder she wasn't considered for her input and or advice from Vatican officials. And having a $2700.00 a plate fundraiser in Hong Kong the same day Sanders has an audience with the Pope certainly doesn't help Clinton's big money connections image one bit. In fact, allowing Hillary Clinton a seat at the table to discuss the perils of the world's weak and the meek, would be tantamount to inviting a wolf into the henhouse.

 Terror Is a Man 1959 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 01:29:18

Mad scientist dehumanizes people for fun.

 Issues Under Fire: Bill Clinton Defends Rocky Race Record Against BLM Protesters | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:22

Spending more than 10 minutes defending his now infamous 1994 crime bill in response to BLM hecklers at yesterday's campaign event for his wife in Philadelphia Pa., Bill Clinton was forced to address Hillary's now infamous remarks referring to young Black males as "super predators" who need to be "brought to heel". And boy did he ever. Shaking his finger at the disrupters, Clinton stated, "I don't know how you characterize gang leaders who get 13 year-old kids hooped on crack and send them into the streets to murder African Americans." "Maybe you thought they were good citizens. She (Hillary Clinton) didn't.


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