Think It Be It show

Think It Be It

Summary: Think & Grow Rich is the top book in the world on success. It says there’s a secret to success, but the book only gives you half the secret. This podcast gives you the “FULL SECRET”. And a 12 minute a day technique to apply it. What if you could rewire your autopilot? Where the right actions happen automatically without thinking. So that you’re wired for success, rather than survival. Life-changing – right? This is think it be it – the podcast. Learn to play the game of life at a higher level, and experience the overall exceptional life.

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  • Artist: John Mitchell and Kelly Hatfield
  • Copyright: Copyright 2024 John Mitchell and Kelly Hatfield


 Kelly’s Story – Work Smarter, Not Harder | TIBI002 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:20

The day that Kelly Hatfield interviewed John on her podcast, she became intrigued in his 12 minute a day methodology. Implementing this she received transformative results that doubled her income in just a few short months and to ultimate net 7 figures a year as well. This is Kelly’s story about her transformation and how she and John partnered in their human performance company, Think It Be It. Learn how together they teach fellow entrepreneurs how to work smarter, not harder all through the integration of science into their lives.

 John’s Story – 12 Minutes A Day to Success | FIBI001 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:08

Upon reflecting upon his life at the age of 50, John Mitchell just did not feel like he was as successful as he should be. Picking up the book Think and Grow Rich, John was intrigued by the advocation of applying science to up your success however the book only gave half the secret to make this happen. Listen as John shares his story as he figured out the full secret and how with the development and application of a 12 minute a day technique, he saw his income rise to $5 million net a year.

 Welcome to Think It Be It, the Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:25

Welcome to Think It Be It, the Podcast

 Filter For Your Brain – Reticular Activating System | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:51

In this episode John explains that he recently took an extensive course on NLP – neurolinguistic programming. It’s the science and how you say things. And as part of the science, John learned more about the reticular activating system. That’s the filter for the brain. And here’s what’s interesting. At any second, when you are awake you have 2 million bits of information coming at you. 2 million every second. But your brain can only process 116 bits of information per second. So the brain needs a filter. It needs a nightclub bouncer to determine what gets in and what doesn’t get in. And what your RAS let’s in is based on what you tell it is important to you. In this podcast John and Kelly explain a powerful concept. That what you let into your consciousness determines the person you become. That would make sense. But most people are not giving their RAS a clear understanding of what’s important. Therefore things get into their consciousness that are not helpful. In this podcast John mentions that people’s fears are important to them. Therefore if they embrace those fears they will bring more into their consciousness. If they have addictions, those are important people. And more that will be brought into their consciousness. Towards the end of the podcast John and Kelly discuss their 12 minute day technique that gives their reticular activating system immense clarity regarding what’s important. And how powerful it is when you combine the use of that 12 minute day technique to control one’s unconscious daily actions.

 Are 95% Of Your Daily Actions Unconscious? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:57

In this episode John and Kelly discuss the most important thing the ever learned. That 95% of a person’s daily actions are unconscious. John says that when he appears on podcasts, he mentions this startling fact. But he oftentimes sees that with listeners this profound fact goes in one ear and out the other. John gives a couple of other examples of startling facts that are equally amazing. Such as that if a person in the United States commits murder, the average sentence they will serve in prison is less than six years. Also that our school system in the United States K – 12 is ranked 35th in the world. John and Kelly explained that we live our lives in a very shallow way. Because of social media. It’s the “flip through” culture. And so we can hear things that are profound yet we don’t appreciate them when they hit us upside the head. In this podcast John and Kelly show our listeners practical examples of how 95% of their daily actions are unconscious. Because when a listener really grasps this, their life is never the same.

 Psycho Cybernetics – This Amazing Book On Self-Image | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:05

In this episode John and Kelly discuss the classic book psycho cybernetics. John read this book when he was 19 and it had a huge impact on him. It’s all about self image- written by a plastic surgeon. The biggest thing John got out of this book was how to have a great self-image at the tender age of 19. It also taught him how not to worry. Self-esteem is key to happiness. The central concept of the book is you create a mental image in your mind of what you want. Then you visualize in your mind that mental image often and with intention. We all have a success mechanism inside us. It’s your subconscious mind. So you want to envision what you want for your life. Psycho cybernetics is all about proactively manipulating the subconscious mind. Just like the top book in the world on success is based on the very same thing. Think and Grow Rich. Psycho cybernetics also talks about being happy, and how to do that. You think pleasant thoughts most the time. Ignoring stuff that’s irritating. If you think of the past, only reflect on the good stuff. In the present, only the good stuff as well. Be as cheerful as possible. Be more friendly to others. Be less focused on people’s false and irritations. Act as if successes are inevitable. Practice intentionally smiling. A critical aspect of the book is eliminating worry. Here’s the trick. Just notice when you’re worrying. Then trigger to something you’re grateful for. Worry will defeat itself because it will stimulate anti-worrying. Think about that idea. And to wrap up, John discusses an energy force beyond the caloric energy force. It’s called adaptive energy. And that’s why some people heal from injury or sickness much quicker than others. Is based on the desire to live.

 The Effects Of AGING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:07

In this episode John and Kelly discuss the impact of aging. And there’s lots of good things about getting older. John says that one thing he’s learned from aging is that most things don’t matter. But some things matter a lot. Things that don’t matter is what other people think. What does matter is his relationship with his wife and his close friends. Being clear on his values and living them daily. Impacting his daily mindset. And savoring his precious life with intentionality to do that. John and Kelly also discuss that they learned that success is something you attract – by the person you become. Rather than something you chase. The other thing they note is that your relationship with yourself gets better. With more peace and contentment. You get way more comfortable in your skin. They talk about the idea of outlasting the temporary.

 Can You Articulate How You Create Success In Your Life? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:45

In this episode John and Kelly discuss the importance of being able to succinctly articulate how you create success in your life. John tells the story of talking to a group of entrepreneurs. He asked a number them how they create success in their life. None had a clear and cogent answer. John suggests maybe that’s the problem. How can you actually create success in your life if you don’t have a clear way of doing it that you can articulate to yourself? John and Kelly talk about their respective ways regarding how they create success in their lives. John says success comes down to his daily actions. 95% of his daily actions are unconscious. Therefore to create success he has to influence and control his daily actions. Using his 12 minute day technique to rewire his autopilot. During this interview John and Kelly talk about how we are all innately wired for survival, not success. This podcast wraps up with John talking about what he sees in people in their 30s. Most are content to “do life” like everyone else. But then they get in their 40s and see that all that produces is the average life. And for some, that’s unacceptable.

 DEEP THINKING – Two Times A Week | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:47

In this episode John and Kelly discuss the importance of setting aside time to think two times a week. But this isn’t regular thinking. This is DEEP THINKING. Each thinking session is about 30 minutes long. First five minutes is just writing in your thinking tablet whatever comes to you. Then for the remaining 25 minutes approximately, figure out a question that you need the answer to. By virtue of asking yourself the question, you automatically trigger yourself into a deeper form of thinking. This is where the gold is. Then after you have written down the last thing you thought about, you draw a line. Then list the two or three takeaways and also the action steps. So that’s how it works. Kelly talks about how transformative this has been in her business. It generated the wildly successful book club she incorporated. With John, he talks about how this deep thinking technique made him $6 million on one idea. John also offers a valuable tip on how to get into the alpha state, where people are most creative. To wrap up the episode, we hear from a friend of John’s. Keith Cunningham who wrote the book “The Road Less Stupid”. He works with Tony Robbins and he expands on this idea of asking yourself a question.

 How To Grow Intellectually Every Week | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:59

In this episode John and Kelly discuss the importance of growing intellectually every week – and how to do it. John tells the story about not growing intellectually during his 30s and 40s because he was too busy. Big mistake. He rectified that in his 50s big time. John talks about how important it is to have a “system” in order to consistently grow. And how important it is to make sure your personal growth is strategic relative to what you want to accomplish. Many people think they’re growing when they really aren’t. Kelly also tells about her journey of growing. How she started as a little girl reading legendary books like Think and Grow Rich and The Richest Man in Babylon. Inspired by her father. Towards the end of the podcast John outlines a simple way to create a personal growth “system”. Pick two or three of your favorite podcasts that are in areas that are strategic relative to what you want to accomplish. If you’re an entrepreneur, probably a podcast on marketing and a podcast on employee empowerment. Then first thing every Monday morning pick one podcast from each and then commit to listening to the two or three podcast episodes selected by the end of the week. When you’re driving to or from work or exercising. It’s a simple system.

 How To Handle Pressure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:45

In this episode we discuss how to handle pressure. This topic came from John being the mental coach for the 20 head athletic coaches at the University of Texas. The way to handle pressure is to simply focus on what you can control. Additionally, it comes down to simply quieting your mind and thinking. Understanding what is causing the pressure and also realizing that the pressure is coming from anticipation of possible negative events in the future. Which may or may not happen. Oftentimes we are worrying about things that have a very small likelihood of occurring. That’s why one needs to think through the situation, focus on what you can control, and not worry about what you can’t control. It’s also a good idea to not worry about what other people think, which oftentimes adds to pressure.

 Netting 7 Figures A Year – It’s More Than About The Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:48

In this episode we discuss the impact of netting seven figures a year. We start our discussion with whether or not people really think they can take their income to that level. Almost everyone has internal doubts that they can do that. Then Kelly and John talk about their experiences once they were each able to take their net income to this level. And how it’s so much more than about the money. Your relationship with yourself changes. From enhanced confidence you see you can make a dent in the world. John also points out something that Brian Tracy has said. “The first million is the hardest. Future millions are inevitable”. And to wrap up the episode John and Kelly talk about how you take your income to that level. It starts with your daily mindset that is established in your morning routine.

 Thriving In Times Of Adversity As An Entrepreneur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:35

In this episode we discuss how to thrive as an entrepreneur during times of adversity. The big thing to do is to focus on what you control. That starts with having a strong daily mindset. It also requires reassessing how you are operating. Making sure you’re focusing ONLY on what moves the needle. Making sure you’re intellectually growing each week. This is so critical. And that personal growth needs to be both consistent and strategic. Meaning it needs to be strategic relative to what you want to accomplish. You also have to set aside time a couple times a week to just think. To DEEP THINK. You also have to be highly organized. And maybe most importantly, you have to tweak up your marketing. Not scale it back in times of adversity. Make it more effective. So here’s the bottom line. During times of adversity, you need to step back and up your game as an entrepreneur.

 The Nuances Of Our 12 Minute A Day Methodology – Life GPS Template | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:16

In this episode we discuss the nuances of our 12 minute a day methodology. Specifically the nuances about our life GPS template and how to read the template each day. What our life GPS template is is it takes all the clarity that was established in our questionnaire and makes it concise and specific. So it only takes 12 minutes a day to read and so it properly influence the subconscious mind. There’s two pages of the life GPS. The front page is the “ideal you” in the five key areas of your life. Yourself, your health, your romantic relationship, your spirituality, and your career. The visualization opens with “I am a powerful creator. I visualize/speak my desired world into existence. I’m a force of nature”. On the back of the GPS template is the improvements you want in each area of the five areas of your life. As well as your goal for the quarter in your health, in your marriage, in your career. You state the goal, the why behind the goal, the key behaviors associated with the goal, and the time frame for achieving the goal. Essentially you’re living your life quarter by quarter.

 How To Create Happiness – On An Ongoing Basis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:25

In this episode we discuss how happiness happens clinically in the brain. We explain that the mind thrives on order. And everything that comes in your consciousness is evaluated relative to your goals. Things that support your goals make you happy. Things that go against your goals make you unhappy. Most things are neutral as to your goals. When something comes into your consciousness that is against your goals, it creates disorder. And the only way to restore happiness is to restore order in your mind. We give an example of how to do this. Additionally in this episode we talk about the legendary book "Psycho Cybernetics". It has a whole chapter on creating happiness. Which comes down to living in the now, not the past or the future. Happiness is a mental habit. People are about as happy as they make their mind up to be. Happiness is just thinking pleasing thoughts most the time and ignoring stuff that irritates you. You can’t let outward events cause you to be unhappy. Having strong self-esteem and self-worth is the key to happiness. If you think about the past, only reflect on the good stuff.


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