When Spirit Calls show

When Spirit Calls

Summary: “I knew it!” or “I had a feeling that was going to happen!” You have likely said this to yourself before and it is because spirit is always calling, and in these moments your intuition is coming alive to guide you. The question is, are you allowing the space needed to truly be guided by spirit? You see, these days, most of us are on autopilot. We’re busy, distracted or so overwhelmed that we neglect to hear, sense or see the path that is lighting up just for us. These soft, gentle nudges that show us the path can be easy to miss in our busy world. However, as we allow more room for stillness, quiet and grounding we deepen our ability to receive insights and understandings of ourselves and the world around us. Join host DeeAnne Riendeau, Spiritual Muse and Mentor, Professional Speaker, 3X Best-selling Author and Intuitive Business Wizard, as we begin tuning in and trusting these nudges from the universe. ALL of us have the gifts to do so, the choice is yours. Are you ready to tune into spirit?

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  • Artist: DeeAnne Riendeau
  • Copyright: Copyright 2024 DeeAnne Riendeau


 Return to Sender: An Empath’s Survival Guide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:46

Return to Sender: An Empath’s Survival Guide

 Being Joyfully Led: Shifting from Driven to Drawn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:08

Being Joyfully Led: Shifting from Driven to Drawn

 Love Greater-How Understanding Our Past can Allow us to be Brave Souls and Brighter Lights in this World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:24

Love Greater-How Understanding Our Past can Allow us to be Brave Souls and Brighter Lights in this World

 Free to be You-Getting to the Gift on the Other Side of Discomfort | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:09

Free to be You-Getting to the Gift on the Other Side of Discomfort

 Ain’t That the Truth! How Discovering Our Inner Truth is not a Straight Path | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:47

Ain’t That the Truth! How Discovering Our Inner Truth is not a Straight Path

 Anxiety-Friend or Foe? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:15

Anxiety-Friend or Foe?

 Signs from Divine to Redirect Our Path | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:23

Sheri tells us of her journey to break free from an unhealthy marriage and sets upon a great adventure into the unknown to Ireland. When she began to lean in and ask for what she wanted, signs began to show up and directed her next steps and she wiped the slate clean and started over. Her ancient wisdom awakened with in her, and she stepped into her gifts.

 Oh Good Grief-Finding the Gift in Any Grief | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:23

Join Ian Hawkins as he shares his rediscovery process and remembrance of who he is through the passing of his father. Through the sharing of his stories Ian shows us the power in our own knowing, feeling and ultimately our intuition. Ian was able to move from “I will be happy when” to “happiness is present now.” Ian has become a master alchemist and has powerful insights to help heal and understand grief more deeply.

 Dream Weaving-Allowing Spirituality to be Woven Into Our Lives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:48

In this episode we touch on a wide range of ideas including imagination, having children who chose us and weaving in spirituality into every corner of our lives. Carol shares her touching story of childhood and her imaginary friend Joe and his dog, as well as her journey with 4 children as a single parent having to strive to complete school and create a life for her family. Carols gentle yet courageous spirit is felt in her sharing and she leaves us with some value insights to ponder.

 Don’t Give Up! YOU are Here for Something More! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:25

Having a childhood amongst the paranormal and family challenges, Amber speaks about her experience trying to “fit in”. Eventually, Amber discovered she was a “starseed,” which is a human who has come from another galaxy or dimension. As such, she became more curious and started to research and explore herself more deeply. An adventure to Bali helped her on her path and eventually she realized that helping others to know more of themselves and who they really are was her divine path.

 The Adventure of Healing Our Pain! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:53

Our guest today shares some of her stories of pain and suffering. She share her experience feeling that the walls were closing in. She desperately pleaded for help from God only to feel the prayers went unanswered. Cayla stuffed her pain away until she had a chance to experience the Akashic records. This was a catalyst for her as she realized there was so much more out there. She felt seen and heard, which allowed her to be curious and begin exploring. Through this process Cayla found her gifts and she now helps others to remove their pain by uncovering the root causes, allowing curiosity, and letting the adventure be full of awe and wonder!

 Let Life be Your Medicine! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:25

The bright and bold Rosalyn Fung joins us to talk about her journey into woo and how she moves through her experiences to get the most out of life. From shutting off her gifts as a child to opening them up in a big way as an adult, Rosalyn has come out on the other side with zest and a bright spark that will ignite something within you! Rosalyn is a prime example of how we can use our experiences as medicine for deeper discovery and how we can shift pretty much every feeling, thoughts and experience by alchemizing it to reap the learning and lessons in it!

 The Power Within You is Greater Than Any Power Outside of You! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:49

In this episode Nancy shares some insight into her history and how she has come to define God and create relationship to God. Nancy was born with a mission and is well on her way to teaching and expressing her inner truth thought her book, You were born to be a Christ but you were taught you are a sinner. Her share is an empowering one which uncovers some of the beliefs that many of us had and perhaps still have that are holding us hostage and keeping us from being in service and our divine mission.

 Changing Your Vibration Through Your Thoughts and Higher Gifts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:22

Paul uses beautiful stories from his own life to bring to our awareness how much power we truly hold within us. Tapping on the conscious and unconscious aspects of the mind Paul brings us into his world and shares plenty of nuggets and insight to help us become more conscious and thoughtful humans so that we can increase our vibrations!

 Balanced and Rooted-Getting to Our Wellness Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:13

What is your body saying to you? What does it really want? Are you being fully honest about your own wellness? Join Ayurvedic expert Kendra Irvine as she shares her story and her passion for this original life science practice. Get a small glimpse into ayurveda and what it may do for you as well as lean into your own body’s message. This is a big one on leaning into our deeper truth.


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