Environment Podcasts

Earthwatch Radio show

Earthwatch RadioJoin Now to Follow

Earthwatch Radio is produced by staff and students at the Sea Grant Institute and the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We cover a wide range of subjects that concern science and the environment and give special attention to global climate change, the Great Lakes and the oceans. We produce 10 programs every two weeks and distribute them to more than 100 radio stations and other broadcast outlets, mostly in the Great Lakes region.

Cast On show

Cast OnJoin Now to Follow

Cast On began on Monday, 31 October, 2005, founded on nothing more than the desire to talk about knitting to people who get it. All the other stuff, about how memories, thoughts, hopes and dreams are knit into the fabric we create, and so become part of the fabric of our lives; about how life and knitting intertwine, and how sometimes you simply cannot tell where one part leaves off the other begins; about how the only thing wrong with the world today is that there is not enough knitting in it, all that came later, over time. Since 2005 the podcast has evolved to focus on finding inspiration in the ordinary, using it to kick start the process of making stuff, and finding ways to carve out the creative time and space that allows you to work your a*s off on the projects that matter most to you. Like knitting a sweater. Or saving the world.

By Brenda Dayne

neoadio show

neoadioJoin Now to Follow

NEOADIO is a free form college radio show that attempts to do what no other radio show is doing, whatever that might be. We look for the information that is not being conveyed, the music that is not being played, the voices that are not being heard.

Leave It Green show

Leave It GreenJoin Now to Follow

'Leave It Green' is a weekly podcast hosted by Dan Wright and Dave Ponce, creators of the acclaimed 'Rustle the Leaf' environmental comic series. Podcasts include humor, commentary and interviews with people concerned with protecting and preserving Planet Earth.

ENN Sky Tour of the Fall Night Sky show

ENN Sky Tour of the Fall Night SkyJoin Now to Follow

ENN is thrilled to bring you a very special presentation: "Sky Tour," a personal tour of the night sky, hosted by ENN publisher Jerry Kay and featuring your tour guide Bing Quock of the Morrison Planetarium at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. "Sky Tour" is probably the first ever broadcast of its kind; we believe it is the world's first podcast tour of the night sky.

Heaters - Choosing The Correct Heater For This Winter show

Heaters - Choosing The Correct Heater For This WinterJoin Now to Follow

Heaters - Ok, I’d like to clear a few things up before we go over this. I’m sure if you have been shopping around for infrared heaters you have seen those “slick willy” advertisements that say something like this “Cut your heating bills by 50%, just buy our heater NOW and plug it in and start saving today!OMG!!!”, lol. I shake my head every time I see those ads, don’t fall for that bs. To set the record straight, infrared heaters themselves are not solely responsible for saving you money on your heating bill, they are just a tool. The act of “zone” heating your home while using a more efficient heating source than your furnace or baseboard heat to heat the main rooms you use the most vs paying to fully heat your entire home’s unused areas like the basement or additional rooms is what is actually saving you on your heating bill. Heater

Two and A Half Whites show

Two and A Half WhitesJoin Now to Follow

Two and a half whites is dedicated to making people laugh over Random, Funny, Awesome stuff that you hear on this podcast. With our host's Brandon, Brody, and Ryan making you podcast Experience more pleasurable every second you listen. Please fell free to contact us at: twohalfwhites@hotmail.com Have a great day and enjoy the Podcast.

The Sprocket Podcast show

The Sprocket PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Brock Dittus & Brandon Rhodes of Portland, Oregon deliver a weekly review of bicycle lifestyles and simple living strategies in the hopes of describing the various ways that people in Portland and around the world are both investigating and finding answers to the question: how do I simplify the idea of the "good life?" With wit, insight, and good attitudes, Brock & Brandon engage interesting people in conversation and do their best to bring simplicity into focus.

No Related Items show

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Shantih Coro, founder of Functional Holistic Wellness bring over 12 years of experience in health and nutrition combined with 20 years as a personal trainer and strength & conditioning specialist for high performance athletes of combat sports. Shantih Coro, is an expert Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach as well as a Certified Personal Trainer and Strength & Conditioning Coach that specialize in: Customized Nutrition Programs, Sports Nutrition, Pre and Post Natal Nutrition, Kids and Teenager Nutrition, Food Sensitivities, Skin and Respiratory Problems, Hormone Balancing, Adrenal Fatigue, Menopausal Symptoms, Digestive Disorders, Detoxification, Immune Dysfunction, Exercise Program and Strength & Conditioning for Combat Athletes. Functional Holistic Wellness is a resource of true information in fitness, nutrition and health. Get informed and improve your health and fitness by joining Shantih for a weekly show.

Psurkit.net show

Psurkit.netJoin Now to Follow

Psurkit is a platform (re)presenting the music and culture of New Zealand (Aotearoa) and gathering together a community of widely dispersed free agents on a regular basis for discussion, expression and experience. With regular momentum and consistent beats of news, views and attitudes, Psurkit is a base for exploration and adventure into the music and cultural expression emanating from the globally isolated (yet technologically integrated) island cluster nestling between the Pacific, Tasman and southern water masses. Drawing on history, driving for longevity, striving for integrity, Psurkit is in the process of creating a benchmark for the growth and evolution of music and culture in this country and beyond. Psurkit traverses the realms of audio, video, indoor and outdoor socialising, liaison with like-minded artists, conferencing and (un)conventions - creating a relationship for its community by representing values and knowledge in all formats.