News And Politics Podcasts

World Socialist Web Site Daily Podcast show

World Socialist Web Site Daily PodcastJoin Now to Follow

This is the daily podcast of the World Socialist Web Site ( The World Socialist Web Site provides detailed daily coverage of international events, incisive social analysis, and a clear political orientation for working people around the world. The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the leadership of the world socialist movement, the Fourth International founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938. The WSWS aims to meet the need, felt widely today, for an intelligent appraisal of the problems of contemporary society. It addresses itself to the masses of people who are dissatisfied with the present state of social life, as well as its cynical and reactionary treatment by the establishment media. Our web site provides a source of political perspective to those troubled by the monstrous level of social inequality, which has produced an ever-widening chasm between the wealthy few and the mass of the world's people. As great events, from financial crises to eruptions of militarism and war, break up the present state of class relations, the WSWS will provide a political orientation for the growing ranks of working people thrown into struggle. We anticipate enormous battles in every country against unemployment, low wages, austerity policies and violations of democratic rights. The World Socialist Web Site insists, however, that the success of these struggles is inseparable from the growth in the influence of a socialist political movement guided by a Marxist world outlook. The standpoint of this web site is one of revolutionary opposition to the capitalist market system. Its aim is the establishment of world socialism. It maintains that the vehicle for this transformation is the international working class, and that in the twenty-first century the fate of working people, and ultimately mankind as a whole, depends upon the success of the socialist revolution. The partisanship of the World Socialist Web Site by no means excludes objectivity or honest debate. We welcome a broad exchange of viewpoints with workers, students and intellectuals who are seeking an alternative to bourgeois politics and capitalist economics. Polemics and debate, the dialectical means by which knowledge and truth are established, are an integral component of the WSWS. Only intellectual integrity and commitment to historical truth are required of those who wish to contribute to the site. All readers are urged to join the International Committee of the Fourth International and one of its affiliated political parties, or inquire about establishing new parties of the International Committee in countries where it does not presently have sections. Contact details for the ICFI can be found on the World Socialist Web Site. Financial donations are also needed to assist in the development and maintenance of the site. In particular we urge our readers to consider a regular monthly contribution. To donate go to the World Socialist Web Site.

By The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)

PodMasti : All about India and everything Indian show

PodMasti : All about India and everything IndianJoin Now to Follow

First Indian Podcasting Site - Listen to the latest stuffs going on in India. All about India and everything Indian! Indian Culture, NRIs, People & Places, Entertainment, Bollywood, Sports, Holidays, Chats, Celebrities, Career Guide, Indian Recipes and MORE...

My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark show

My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia HardstarkJoin Now to Follow

Ready yourself for a murder adventure hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, two lifelong fans of true crime stories. Each episode the girls tell each other their favorite tales of murder, and hear hometown crime stories from friends and fans. Check your anxiety at the door, cause Karen & Georgia are dying to discuss death.

By Karen Kilgariff, Georgia Hardstark, Feral Audio

Eye and Eer: College Football Podcast show

Eye and Eer: College Football PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Somewhat rational, somewhat reasoned college football talk from the same two dudes who gave you the blog. Phil and Tom will talk about their passion each week, even when it's not college football season. While we'll talk about anything that is going on in college football, we focus on the Ohio State Buckeyes and West Virginia Mountaineers.

By Tom Perry

KQED's Perspectives show

KQED's PerspectivesJoin Now to Follow

Commentary from KQED public broadcasting.


The Knee Grow Majority show

The Knee Grow MajorityJoin Now to Follow

The Knee Grow Majority is a comedy podcast. Each episode contains news, jokes, and commentary. Sometimes its intelligent. Sometimes its joking about breaking Betty White's hip. But its always funny.

By J Lamar Jones

Your Geek News - Video Podcast show

Your Geek News - Video PodcastJoin Now to Follow

We're Matt + Nat, two big Geeks who happen to be lucky enough to get some sweet geeky content that's worth sharing. From Previewing and Reviewing upcoming "Geek Movies" with in-depth interviews and advanced clips, to our favourite show "Battlestar Galactica" and our BSGcast!

By Matt + Nat

'   Golfing Weather Forecasts from The Weather Channel Podcasts   ' show

' Golfing Weather Forecasts from The Weather Channel Podcasts 'Join Now to Follow

If Golfing is your thing, then get the forecast to help you plan your day on the course. The Weather Channel breaks up the country into East, Central and West to better help you get right to the info you want most. The Golf Forecasts are updated twice a day.

By The Weather Channel Radio Network

Radio Vaticana - Clips-ITA show

Radio Vaticana - Clips-ITAJoin Now to Follow

La voce del Papa e della Chiesa in dialogo con il mondo


Podcasts - Geraldo show

Podcasts - GeraldoJoin Now to Follow

Geraldo is live and local on 77 WABC Monday-Friday, 10a-12p!

By 77 WABC