News And Politics Podcasts

04-01-2017 - VP Pence In Columbus, OH Says Fight T show

04-01-2017 - VP Pence In Columbus, OH Says Fight TJoin Now to Follow

04-01-2017 - VP Pence In Columbus, OH Says Fight To End Obamacare Note Over-Full Speech audio English Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday said the fight to repeal Obamacare is not over, following Congress' failure to reach a deal on a bill to repeal and replace the healthcare law. "It ain't over yet," he said, speaking from a factory in Ohio. "The president and I have faith ... that Congress will step up and do the right thing."

By chiki&bella

03-31-2017 - Donald Trump Weekly_Address show

03-31-2017 - Donald Trump Weekly_AddressJoin Now to Follow

03-31-2017 - Donald Trump Weekly_Address audio English

By chiki&bella

03-29-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spi show

03-29-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean SpiJoin Now to Follow

03-29-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer Press Conference Sean Spicer Press Briefing audio English

By chiki&bella

KPFA - The Herbal Highway show

KPFA - The Herbal HighwayJoin Now to Follow

The Herbal Highway enhances the community’s knowledge of herbal medicine and alternative choices to standard medical practices for healing. In order to have balanced life, The Herbal Highway actively supports and promotes Indigenous land rights, protection of sacred sites and the sustainability of the Earth as integral parts of individual, community and global healing. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @theherbalhighway. Hosted and produced by Karyn Sanders and Sarah Holmes. Additionally hosted by Emiliano Lemus and Renee Camila.


03-22-2017 - Julian Assange Telephone Interview wi show

03-22-2017 - Julian Assange Telephone Interview wiJoin Now to Follow

03-22-2017 - Julian Assange Telephone Interview with Yosri Fouda on DW audio English

By chiki&bella

Podcast – Napoleon's Nightmare show

Podcast – Napoleon's NightmareJoin Now to Follow

Napoleon's Nightmare Roundtable ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe, im Rahmen derer wir mit Experten über Demokratie und staatspolitische Fragen diskutieren. Die Gesprächsrunden werden organisiert vom Blog Napoleon's Nightmare. Mehr Informationen:

By Napoleon's Nightmare

03-23-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spi show

03-23-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean SpiJoin Now to Follow

03-23-2017 - Donald Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer Press Conference audio English

By chiki&bella

There Is No Gender Wage Gap show

There Is No Gender Wage GapJoin Now to Follow

There Is No Gender Wage Gap audio English Is there a gender wage gap? Are women paid less than men to do the same work? Christina Hoff Sommers, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, explains the data. VISIT PragerU!

By chiki&bella

White House Press Breifing with Sean Spicer 020117 show

White House Press Breifing with Sean Spicer 020117Join Now to Follow

White House Press Breifing with Sean Spicer (02-01-2017) audio English

By chiki & bella

secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-2017 show

secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-2017Join Now to Follow

secretary-john-kerry-reflects-foreign-policy-successes-challenges-news conference - 01-05-2017 part 01 audio English Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. international standing had improved since 2009 when President Obama first took office. Speaking at his final press conference at the State Department, Secretary Kerry reflected on foreign policy challenges and successes, including the strategy to defeat and destroy ISIL*, the Iran nuclear agreement, the Paris climate agreement, and relations with Cuba.

By Chiki&Bella