News And Politics Podcasts

Revolution_The Podcast show

Revolution_The PodcastJoin Now to Follow

with Arlene Bynon & John LeBoutillier

By Arlene Bynon & John LeBoutillier

Nedeljski izlet show

Nedeljski izletJoin Now to Follow

Nedelja je, cas imate, ideje, kam na izlet pa ni in ni. Vendar je Slovenija velika, ce jo znate odkrivati. Prav zato se na Valu 202 vsak teden potepamo naokoli, poiscemo prave ljudi in kraje ter vas po radiu odpeljemo na izlet. Med najbolj zanimive zgodbe tudi se neodkritih krajev Slovenije, včasih le na zrak, drugic pod zemljo, pa v grad, mesto ali vas, morda v zgodovino, kdaj pa kdaj celo v prihodnost. Vedno z razlogom in vedno na svoj nacin, da tudi na prvi pogled nezanimivi kraji postanejo privlacen cilj.

By RTVSLO – Val 202

Midday on WNYC show

Midday on WNYCJoin Now to Follow

WNYC hosts the conversation New Yorkers turn to each afternoon for insight into contemporary art, theater and literature, plus expert tips about the ever-important lunchtime topic: food. WNYC Studios is a listener-supported producer of other leading podcasts including Radiolab, Death, Sex & Money, Snap Judgment, Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin and many others. © WNYC Studios

By WNYC Studios

Think Stuff Podcast show

Think Stuff PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Think Stuff is a podcast is hosted by Tim and CJ, live streamed and posted every Saturday at 4pm UK time. That's 4pm GMT outside of daylight savings (Autumn, Winter) and 4pm GMT+1 during daylight savings (Spring, Summer). When in doubt, use Google. On the podcast we cover the least interesting things that have happened in order to serve as your vital weekly round-up. Missed that economy crash somewhere down your street? You can catch the summary here, if you can wade through the rest of the topics including milk, the apocalypse, and domestic animals with strange features. ``

By Tim and CJ

Keep it in Perspective show

Keep it in PerspectiveJoin Now to Follow

Just like the name implies, Keep it in Perspective is all about taking what's going on in our crazy politics and putting it in context. Let's face it: traditional news media - even the good stuff! - is doing a great job at normalizing the craziness we're living through. And that didn't begin with this administration. We've been sliding down the spiral of insanity since The Reagan Revolution, and we're only falling faster with the 24-hour news cycle, the web, and social media.KIIP slows it down, steps back from the hype, and well, puts it all into perspective. We'll measure up what's happening now against a little recent history. When you hear the politicos talking budgets and numbers, we'll take it back to economics - at least a simplified version. And since schools stopped teaching civics, we can do some refreshers here. Informative but fun, Keep it in Perspective is reclaiming reason and interring ignorance one episode at a time. Subscribe today and don't forget to share with your friends.

By Christian Hanley

Ashcroft In America show

Ashcroft In AmericaJoin Now to Follow

Lord Ashcroft's polling team travel the US to find out how voters feel about the president the parties, the issues, and the midterm elections. Listen to voters in their own words, and Lord Ashcroft's interviews with key figures on the American political scene.

By Lord Ashcroft

FAQ City show

FAQ CityJoin Now to Follow

"FAQ City" is an online, broadcast and podcast series that invites the community to help shape our news coverage. Send us your question, and we may answer it on an upcoming episode. The series was previously hosted by Claire Donnelly , Nick de la Canal and Alexandra Watts.


Advocacy Guru show

Advocacy GuruJoin Now to Follow

Tips and techniques on being an effective advocate from the "Advocacy Guru", a former lobbyist and Congressional staffer. Learn how to get elected officials to listen!

By Stephanie Vance, Advocacy Guru

iEco, el Economico de Clarin show

iEco, el Economico de ClarinJoin Now to Follow

Entrevistas a hombres de empresa, pasillos empresariales, consejos de finanzas personales, charlas sobre la globalización, últimos adelantos tecnológicos, economía.Entrevistas a hombres de empresa, pasillos empresariales, consejos de finanzas personales, charlas sobre la globalización, últimos adelantos tecnológicos, economía.````

Indypendent Reader show

Indypendent ReaderJoin Now to Follow

The Indypendent Reader is a local media source that aims to inform and be a resource for social justice movements in Baltimore and beyond.