News And Politics Podcasts

The Sonic Newsdriver show

The Sonic NewsdriverJoin Now to Follow

"Doctor Who related news, delivered to you sonically!" A podcast with a focus on Doctor Who related news is presented in a format that makes it easy to digest with episodes running anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes in length presented in a witty and fun way. Produced and hosted by Louis Trapani

By Louis Trapani

Homestead Network show

Homestead NetworkJoin Now to Follow

Jackofeverything presents Homestead Network your source for interviews, reviews, and news for the self-sufficient, preparedness, survival and homesteading community.

Bloomberg Presents Lewis Lapham show

Bloomberg Presents Lewis LaphamJoin Now to Follow

For "The World in Time," the founder and editor of Lapham's Quarterly interviews historians and scholars about contemporary world views in historical context.

By Bloomberg News

Top Story Tonight! show

Top Story Tonight!Join Now to Follow

We are at a critical moment in history, where the 24/7 news cycle no longer just covers the story. It influences the story. Sometimes it IS the story. Do you love history and find the media maddening? #MeToo! <br><br>“Top Story Tonight!” revisits great moments in history as if the modern media existed at the time - cable news, Twitter, Instagram, talk radio, reality TV, even the dark web of conspiracy theories. <br><br>Imagine retelling the story of Cleopatra as the original Kim Kardashian on Instagram. Think Henry VIII as the king who wants to Make England Great Again. #MEGA! <br><br>You get the idea. This podcast brings history to life—warts and all—with a modern twist.

By Jane Wells

The Remso Martinez Experience show

The Remso Martinez ExperienceJoin Now to Follow

Real talk with bestselling author, journalist, and rabble-rouser Remso W. Martinez and friends.

By Remso W. Martinez

The Wilderness show

The WildernessJoin Now to Follow

What will it take to defeat Donald Trump in November? In season 2 of The Wilderness, Jon Favreau looks for the path to victory in 2020 by talking to voters, strategists, organizers, and candidates in the battleground states that will decide the election.

By Crooked Media

Not Just Another Story show

Not Just Another StoryJoin Now to Follow

You hear a lot of stories every day, in the news, at lunch with your friends, but when Harley Carnes has something to say it's "Not Just Another Story." This commentary looks at the day's news with something you may not always hear, down-home common sense.

By CBS News Radio

Dialogos Radio show

Dialogos RadioJoin Now to Follow

The Hellenic Voices interview series is produced by Austin Hellenic Radio, a weekly radio program devoted to Greek language and culture which airs on KVRX 91.7 FM in Austin, Texas. This weekly interview series features prominent members of the Greek and Greek-American communities, ranging from professors to economists to musicians to young professionals and bloggers, discussing their work and accomplishments.

By Dialogos Radio

Have You Seen Kamiyah? show

Have You Seen Kamiyah?Join Now to Follow

July 10, 1998 held so much promise for Shanara Mobley. The birth of her daughter, Kamiyah, gave the teen a chance to make her troubled life right. But in a matter of hours, it all went so wrong. When a woman in scrubs walked out of a Florida hospital, Shanara's future was tucked into her purse. Baby Kamiyah was gone. Almost 20 years later, police announced a major break in the kidnapping case. Would it bring Kamiyah back to her mother? Hosted by Times-Union investigative reporter Eileen Kelley.

By Gannett

America First with Sebastian Gorka Podcast show

America First with Sebastian Gorka PodcastJoin Now to Follow

<p>"America First" was created by Dr. Sebastian Gorka ("Dr.G"), former Special Advisor to the President of the United States and Fox News National Security Strategist, to be the new front lines in the ongoing Culture War against the Left. In each episode, Dr.G will inform you about the Leftist assault on our traditional values and he will define how we win against them. Every episode features a retinue of amazing guests who augment the basic message that we must put our country first and we must be willing to fight for the values that made this country great.</p> <p>You can also <a href="">watch Sebastian Gorka on Salem News Channel!</a></p>

By Salem Podcast Network