Government And Organizations Podcasts

John Selig Outspoken show

John Selig OutspokenJoin Now to Follow

John Selig Outspoken is produced by gay activist, writer, and photojournalist John Selig and features interviews with GLBT leaders and opinion makers, discussions with GLBT writers and commentaries by John Selig, whose full bio can be found at

By John Selig

MatCast show

MatCastJoin Now to Follow

Für alle interessierten, motivierten und einfach lebendigen Menschen, die mich hören möchten.

By @uman

PA State Parks Podcasts show

PA State Parks PodcastsJoin Now to Follow

Welcome to the PA State Parks Podcast.


Center for High Impact Philanthropy show

Center for High Impact PhilanthropyJoin Now to Follow

Founded in 2006, the Center for High Impact Philanthropy has emerged as a unique and trusted authority for donors seeking to maximize the social impact of their funds. In areas as diverse as addressing high school dropout rates in the U.S., providing basic needs to those most affected by the recent economic downturn, effective disaster relief after Haiti’s earthquake, and major global public health issues such as malaria and child mortality, the Center translates the best available information into actionable guidance for those looking to make the greatest difference in the lives of others. Put simply, success to us means moving more money to do more good.

By Center for High Impact Philanthropy

Betrayal Trauma Recovery show

Betrayal Trauma RecoveryJoin Now to Follow

<a href=""></a> – Betrayal Trauma Recovery is a safe place for women experiencing the pain, chaos, and isolation associated with their husband’s abuse: lying, gaslighting, manipulation, porn use, cheating, infidelity, emotional abuse, and narcissistic abuse. We affirm that codependency or labeling a woman as codependent is a form of victim blaming. We help women who are in a relationship, separated, or divorced navigate what to do. Pornography addiction / sex addiction are not a couples issue – they’re a domestic abuse issue. Narcissistic abuse is not a communication issue. We help our clients recover by establishing safety in their lives and families through boundaries. If you suspect your husband is a narcissist, a pornography addict, or emotionally abusive, this podcast is for you. Every woman on our team has experienced abuse and betrayal trauma first hand. BTR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. For past podcasts visit our website:

By Betrayal Trauma Recovery

The Appeal show

The AppealJoin Now to Follow

The Appeal is a podcast, hosted by Adam Johnson, on criminal justice reform, abolition and everything in between. Each week we will feature fascinating interviews with those covering, working in, and most affected by the American criminal system; from lawyers to activists to reporters to the formerly incarcerated. The Appeal will unpack the latest efforts to shine a light on––and radically rethink––the largest prison state in the world.

By The Appeal

The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow show

The Zero Hour with RJ EskowJoin Now to Follow

The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow. "The Time is Now."

By Richard RJ Eskow

CBC Radio 3 Extended Play: Interviews and Ideas show

CBC Radio 3 Extended Play: Interviews and IdeasJoin Now to Follow

CBC Radio 3’s Extended Play is a bi-weekly podcast that explores current events happening in the world of Canadian independent music. Hosted by Lisa Christiansen, it is an ongoing conversation between artists and listeners about the issues having an impact on music culture today.

By CBC Radio 3

Making Marsy's Law show

Making Marsy's LawJoin Now to Follow

Did you know crime victims in Pennsylvania are not guaranteed the right to tell the courts how the crime has affected them? Victims' rights advocates think that needs to change and they're doing something about it. Making Marsy's Law is a behind the scenes look at the campaign to add victims' rights to Pennsylvania's constitution.

By Marsy's Law for Pennsylvania

Broadband Conversations show

Broadband ConversationsJoin Now to Follow

Broadband Conversations is dedicated to highlighting women who are making an impact on our digital lives. Each episode, Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel will talk to women who are breaking new ground and forging new paths in technology, media, and innovation about what they're working on, what's on their minds, what they think is the next for the future. Because there are just too few, it's time to amplify these women's voices.

By Jessica Rosenworcel