Health Podcasts

The Girlfriend Doctor w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca show

The Girlfriend Doctor w/ Dr. Anna CabecaJoin Now to Follow

Dr. Anna Cabeca is The Girlfriend Doctor. She's the first call for the woman who has questions she would only ask her best girlfriend if her girlfriend were a triple-board-certified OB-GYN. This top health podcast is all about helping women live better lives — before, during, and after menopause.

By Dr. Anna Cabeca OB/GYN

Tara Brach show

Tara BrachJoin Now to Follow

Tara Brach is a leading western teacher of Buddhist (mindfulness) meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening. She is author of Radical Acceptance (2003), and True Refuge (2013). Senior teacher at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington D.C. (IMCW), Tara shares a weekly talk on Buddhist teachings and practices. Each evening, she guides her listeners through a mindfulness guided meditation (also known as Vipassana or Insight) and then speaks for about 50 minutes. This podcast includes her recent talks that cover key themes in Buddhist teachings. Information on how to meditate, free audio and video teachings, guided meditations, Tara's teaching schedule, and much more is available at and Please donate at or to support continuing this podcast. Your generosity makes a difference!

By Tara Brach

The Above Ground Railroad      show

The Above Ground Railroad Join Now to Follow

The Above Ground Railroad is a freedom focused personal development podcast hosted by best selling author Christopher Hughes. It’s title was inspired by the American Under Ground Railroad of the 1800’s, a secret path traveled by African American slaves from the slaves states of the south to the free states of the north, resulting in their liberation and freedom from the economic system of chattel slavery. Since the abolishment of institutional chattel slavery, slavery has taken a different form. It’s not about ownership anymore, it’s about power and control. One definition of slavery is, "the absolute power of one person or institution over another person." Banks, governments, the media, corporations, big pharma and the educational system collectively have created a common consciousness resulting in the absolute power over the unawakened individual. The path to freedom today is not a physical route to take but rather an awakening of the mind, and the learning and mastery of little known concepts, strategies, beliefs and philosophies. Though she never said these words, or any like them, Harriet Tubman, the famed conductor of the Under Ground Railroad has been credited for having said, “I could have freed a thousand more slaves had they only known they were slaves.” Clearly, African American slaves knew acutely that they were slaves. But today, as slavery has become far more sophisticated, many of the enslaved have no idea they are in bondage. Christopher says, “If you can convince a man that he is free, he will never attempt to escape. This is why so many people live lives of silent despair and don’t know why.” The Above Ground Railroad was created to help the enslaved comprehend their enslavement and to liberate them from grasp of common consciousness, mass hypnosis and modern-day versions of slavery, to the end that they discover and fulfill their divine purpose and the desires of their hearts. Each podcast episode will focus on one or more of what Christopher refers to as the "7 Pillars of Uncommon Freedom:" Mind freedom, Time freedom, Money freedom, Health freedom, Emotional freedom, Spiritual freedom, Unconditional Love (the Ultimate Freedom). Join Christopher and his guest Conductors on the Above Ground Railroad, “your path to uncommon freedom.” Learn more about the Above Ground Railroad at

By Christopher Hughes

The Low Carb Leader | Optimal Health and Performance | Low Carb and Ketogenic Nutrition | Weight Loss, Fitness and Exercise  show

The Low Carb Leader | Optimal Health and Performance | Low Carb and Ketogenic Nutrition | Weight Loss, Fitness and Exercise Join Now to Follow

The Low Carb Leader podcast is a podcast focused on understanding why a low carb nutritional approach and focus on a healthy lifestyle can dramatically improve your performance, in life and at work. The podcast explores all topics related to a low carb and ketogenic approach; it explores the body, mind, connection to living an amazing life where you wake up every day feeling healthy and ready for the challenges of the day. The podcast will discuss interesting topics with worldwide experts on topics such as low carb and ketogenic approaches, exercise and fitness, conventional and functional medicine, sleep, morning and evening routines, intermittent fasting, psychology of eating, therapies, and many other relevant and timely topics. Come share my passion for these amazing topics.

By Dan Perryman

OilyApp Pro show

OilyApp ProJoin Now to Follow

Wellness + Purpose + Abundance from the same guys who brought you the only Young living verified essential oil reference guide + more in the palm of your hand

By Andy Jenkins & OilyApp

With That Being Said... Therapy Is Not a Dirty Word show

With That Being Said... Therapy Is Not a Dirty WordJoin Now to Follow

With That Being Said is a long conversation between friends, edited into weekly episodes that give you 2 therapists' take on life, love, and everything in between. Hosted by Esther Boykin, LMFT and Erica Turner, MS, this podcast is dedicated to giving you fun, smart, relatable, interesting, honest & actionable insights on the things that matter most in this life. Every episode is designed to help you learn a little more about living a happier life and having healthier relationships. Most episodes are not about therapy but Esther and Erica always bring a fresh and honest perspective on therapists' really think about off the clock. Esther and Erica hope that this peek inside the conversations between therapists will shift the perception of therapy and therapists as something to be secretive about to something totally worth sharing. The show features guest experts and lots of laughter because the best conversations are the one's we have with our friends. So with that being said, isn't it time for you to join the conversation?

By Esther Boykin, LMFT

Shamangelic Healing Podcast with Anahata Ananda show

Shamangelic Healing Podcast with Anahata AnandaJoin Now to Follow

The Shamangelic Healing podcast with Anahata Ananda is designed as a platform for sharing deep authentic conversations about REAL LIFE issues. The mission is to impart valuable insights and resources to support listeners in shining their most radiant authentic self, creating a thriving life they absolutely love, and to manifest their soul’s mission. Topics include: core healing, personal empowerment, spiritual awakening, elite performance, manifestation, conscious relationships, vibrant health and so much more. Founder of Sedona’s Shamangelic Healing, Anahata blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. As a Certified High-Performance Coach, Shamanic Healer and Soul Guide, Anahata has guided thousands of individuals across the globe through core life shifts, helping them to turn their life around and create the life of their dreams. Tune in to these episodes for an inspiring nourishing journey for the soul. For more about Anahata and her services and programs visit: Shamangelic Healing Podcast Landing Page:

By Anahata Ananda

The Wild Initiative show

The Wild InitiativeJoin Now to Follow

Podcasts and stories to inform and inspire your passion for the outdoors, hunting & fishing. Don’t let present circumstance limit your initiative for the wild. Listen now for tips, tactics and wisdom from guests such as Jim Shockey, Aron Snyder, Corey Jacobsen of Elk101, Paul “ElkNut” Medel, Kristy Titus, Guy Eastman and Tim Burnett of SOLO HTNR.

By The Wild Initiative

Meditation Life Skills Podcast show

Meditation Life Skills PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Meditation Life Skills Podcast - Learn How To Meditate More Effectively For Beginners and Experts.

By Don Weyant/

Spot On! show

Spot On!Join Now to Follow

Welcome to Spot On! hosted by Dr. Joan Salge Blake, Author, Media Expert, and Nutrition Professor at Boston University. Spot On! covers timely nutrition, health, and wellness topics along with offering accurate and practical information in an entertaining format. The guests are experts in the their fields, ready to cut through media hype and misinformation, to provide you will advice that is, well, Spot On!

By Dr. Joan Salge Blake