Health Podcasts

School of Psych | Insightful interviews and stories about psychology, culture, and relationships. show

School of Psych | Insightful interviews and stories about psychology, culture, and relationships.Join Now to Follow

Twice monthly, psychologist and therapist Jared DeFife, Ph.D. presents insightful interviews and stories about psychology, culture, and relationships from amazing experts with great stories to tell and meaningful wisdom to share. The School of Psych podcast is less about giving "5 simple tips for a great marriage" and more about people sharing deep and heartfelt stories like "what I learned about the psychology of fear from dangling off the ledge of 1,000 ft tall building" or "how I went from a reluctant bride to counseling couples as New York's 'Wedding Doctor'", and "how my journey to learn about unrequited love and romantic obsession began after becoming obsessed with someone who didn't love me back". Along the way, we'll learn about love, life, loss, fear, anger, joy, creativity, and happiness. Authors, sociologists, psychologists, journalists, therapists, artists, and more will be asked to dig deep into their own personal passions, triumphs, heartbreaks, failures, and eureka moments to help us learn more about who we are, what we think, and how we relate. Show notes and more can be found over at

By Jared DeFife, Ph.D. interviews experts on relationships, happiness, love, psychology, creativity, culture, and more.

Therapy Chat show

Therapy ChatJoin Now to Follow

Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, Psychotherapist, Burnout Prevention Consultant and Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator interviews guests to discuss holistic and alternative approaches used in psychotherapy, counseling, coaching and healing sessions. Be a fly on the wall as therapists discuss the practice of psychotherapy and how they implement self care into their own lives to prevent therapist burnout. Conversations about mindfulness, self compassion, The Daring Way™, EMDR, art therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, other somatic methods, trauma, parenting, attachment will get you thinking deeply about therapy and the universal experience of being human, with all the joy and pain that entails.

By Laura Reagan, LCSW-C

Council On Human Function Podcast show

Council On Human Function PodcastJoin Now to Follow

A legendary team of experts from 7 different health professions coming from 6 different countries, 4 different continents, and synergizing a huge array of skills, experience, and including more than 29 different specialities. All zeroed in on one mission, providing you the health pro with the clinical knowledge you need to obtain results and maximize success. Mission of the show Demonstrate analysis and correction strategies for optimal human function, generating cross professional understanding of methods for improving patient results, and creating collaboration opportunities among health care professionals. Premise of show: A case presentation will be provided. Each professional will give a quick explanation of what he/she would specifically be analyzing/evaluating for. then explain the most appropriate correction strategy based on the most likely findings. There should be one Main Take Away that the listeners can immediately implement with their patients/clients. Objective: Help health care professionals see different correction strategies from other angles and professions. Increasing their clinical knowledge and ability to help patients based on the learning from these case presentations. To engage inter professional collaborations, and acceptance to give the patients the best possibility for health.

By Dr. Mark Wade

2 Docs Talk: The podcast about healthcare, the science of medicine and everything in between. show

2 Docs Talk: The podcast about healthcare, the science of medicine and everything in between.Join Now to Follow

Join cohosts Kendall Britt, MD and Amy Rogers, MD for a 15 minute check-up on current issues in medicine and health policy. The doctors examine current medical concerns in light of the best available medical evidence and the policy issues of the day with a focus on their impact on the doctor patient relationship.

By Kendall Britt, MD and Amy Rogers, MD

Mindful Living Spiritual Awakening show

Mindful Living Spiritual AwakeningJoin Now to Follow

For people interested in mindfulness and meditation and experiencing aspects of spiritual awakening. Learn practical ways to meditate; explore your intuitive talents; helpful life skills; and science that supports these experiences.

By Marijo Puleo PhD

Are You Real  | Finding Your Purpose show

Are You Real | Finding Your PurposeJoin Now to Follow

Jon Fuller is on a mission to be a true example of Christ in his life and in his work. He introduces you to men and women of faith who have walked different paths to find a true Christianity that they live out each and every day. Some paths have been bumpy and filled with debris, but through it all, grace and faith have been a sustaining force in the lives of these men and women. You won't find any fake and phoney Christianity here.....just real people with a heart for God and living out His call on their lives. Join us for new episodes each week. We'd love it if you'd share the show with other men and women of faith who need support and encouragement along their journey.

By Jon B. Fuller

The Marvelous Moms Podcast with Kirsten Tyrrel show

The Marvelous Moms Podcast with Kirsten TyrrelJoin Now to Follow

The Marvelous Moms Club is one of inclusion and connection. This is a space where you'll be not only allowed, but encouraged to dream big dreams, imagine the very best future for yourself and your family, and do so without perfection or criticism. We're throwing away expectations- from ourselves, from society and from all the influences that can hold back the raw authenticity that makes us truly marvelous. We are lifting up our children and the women within the reach of our influence- to be thought leaders, brave souls and colorful personalities to enhance the lives of everyone around us. Through honest reflection, purposeful action and crazy amounts of ambition and LOVE we are embracing the gift and glory of motherhood, by showing every woman in the human race- that she is marvelous beyond measure!

By Kirsten Tyrrel

Parenting Teens: The Biggest Job We’ll Ever Have Podcast show

Parenting Teens: The Biggest Job We’ll Ever Have PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Do you feel that parenting teens is the biggest job you’ll ever have? Are you wondering about how to help your child discover his or her unique potential? Are you dedicated to raising a child with character and integrity? Based on the Hyde School’s philosophy of “parents are the primary teachers and the home is the primary classroom,” this podcast was created to help parents understand just how to put this philosophy in place in the home, and to discover the transformative outcomes that happen in families who implement it. You will hear from not only experts in the field of raising teenagers, such as educational consultants, authors, and therapists, but also hear from former Hyde parents and students who share their stories of challenges and triumphs on this journey. We welcome you to jump in and start discovering some “ah ha” moments and practices you can implement right away to bring your family closer together and raise self-confident teenagers with character who become inspiring adults.

By Hyde School

40 Weeks Pregnancy Podcast show

40 Weeks Pregnancy PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Want to know exactly what is going on with your baby and your body this week? Whether you are in week 6 or week 36 of pregnancy, this show will give you just that in about five minutes. Learn how big your baby is, what new developments are going on, how your pregnant body is changing, how you can find relief from some of the changes going on with you like morning sickness and back pain, what to expect at doctor or midwife appointments, how to plan ahead for breastfeeding, how to plan for the birth you want, plus get a tip each week for our partner! To get each week delivered to your inbox according to your due date sign up at The Pregnancy Podcast has so much more information on specific topics related to pregnancy and is an awesome resource in conjunction with the 40 Weeks podcast.

By Vanessa Merten of the Pregnancy Podcast

Pregnancy Podcast show

Pregnancy PodcastJoin Now to Follow

A resource to support expecting moms (and partners, too!) with evidence-based information to navigate the awesome adventure of pregnancy, birth, and being a new parent. Vanessa Merten provides evidence based info that goes way beyond the typical “pregnancy instruction manual”. Every episode is designed to give you all of the evidence, research, pros, cons, risks, and benefits – all so you decide what the best option is for YOU and feel confident about your decisions during your pregnancy and beyond. The show covers everything from pregnancy to caring for a newborn. Topics include prenatal care, labor, natural birth, hospital birth, cesarean birth, preparing for your baby, breastfeeding, postpartum, and caring for a new baby. This is your​ evidence-based resource to help you make informed decisions about your pregnancy and your baby.

By Vanessa Merten