Health Podcasts

The Anxiety Podcast show

The Anxiety PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Hosted by Tim JP Collins - this is a show to support everyone suffering with Anxiety, stress and panic attacks, Tim suffered with Anxiety and panic attacks and has changed his life to recover and now supports others in doing the same. This unique show isn't just about coping, it's about moving past Anxiety and fear to live the life you were destined for. Each week Tim interviews people that have stories that you will be able to relate to. The interviews are raw, real and vulnerable and people share what's really going on for them. Each week Tim will also share a personal story, skill or coping strategy for you to put into practise right away! For more information go to

By Tim JP Collins

Retire-To Volunteering show

Retire-To VolunteeringJoin Now to Follow

Host Ed Zinkiewicz uncovers engaging—sometimes surprising, but never dull— volunteer opportunities available to retirees. Interviewing volunteers and volunteer coordinators each week, Ed highlights the meaningful contributions volunteers make and also the rewards volunteers receive. Imagining a retirement that matters starts here. Sign up for Ed's free, weekly newsletter at and get listings of coming episodes.

By Ed Zinkiewicz

Into the Roar with Martin Rooney show

Into the Roar with Martin RooneyJoin Now to Follow

Internationally recognized author, speaker and fitrepreneur Martin Rooney is joined by Olympians, world-class professional athletes, hall of fame speakers, best-selling writers and other thought leaders from different fields for conversations about the secrets behind being more successful. In this motivational and empowering show, you will discover the “life hacks” used by the guests to have more time, make more money and what it takes to really be your best! Into the Roar is brought to you by Training For Warriors. To find out more, visit

By Training For Warriors

Wellness Force Radio show

Wellness Force RadioJoin Now to Follow

Wellness Force Radio is a global collective dedicated to mastering physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. In this podcast together, we discover the connections between the power of our thoughts, emotions, and habits to live our best life and enjoy the process. Your host, Josh Trent spotlights ​world class leaders in the fields of Physical intelligence, breathwork, emotional intelligence, behavior change, wellness, nutrition, behavioral psychology, habits, mindset, fitness, health, strength training, organic supplementation, biohacking, body transformation, psychedelics, mindfulness, meditation, neuroscience, mental health, spirituality, consciousness and the 7 pillars of wellness to live life well. After struggling with anxiety, depression, and weight gain in adolescence, in 2004 Josh let go of over 75 pounds and transformed his life by becoming a health and fitness professional that would coach over 12,000 sessions and evolve into one of the top wellness influencers on iTunes.

By Josh Trent

Life. Unrestricted. show

Life. Unrestricted.Join Now to Follow

Aren’t you tired of hating your body, tired of counting calories, tired of making your scale decide whether you get to feel good today or (more likely) not? Aren’t you tired of feeling guilty for eating what you like, tired of exercising obsessively to get rid of that guilt? Tired of the negative self-talk-chatter in your head? Aren’t we all? So. Welcome home. Let’s start this journey toward body positivity, a better body image, acceptance of diversity and a more balanced approach to health; goodbye to body negativity, fat-phobia, disordered eating and a compulsive relationship to exercise. Confidence is an inside job and it’s high time we bust the myth that weight should dictate our worth. Let’s start this journey to loving our bodies from a Health At Every Size perspective and let’s nourish our body, mind and soul without going crazy.

By Meret Boxler

The No Sugarcoating Podcast show

The No Sugarcoating PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The honest truth on what you REALLY need to create Body Freedom™. Quality advice on emotional eating, food addiction, hormone and digestive imbalances, roadblocks with weight-loss, self-care, body acceptance & more. With Emotional Eating Expert Amber Romaniuk of

By Amber Romaniuk

The Sarah & Dr Brooke Show show

The Sarah & Dr Brooke ShowJoin Now to Follow

Dedicated to helping women live their bigger, better life. Expert advice on fitness, hormones, health and happiness.

By Sarah Fragoso and Dr. Brooke

The Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast with Daniel Bauer show

The Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast with Daniel BauerJoin Now to Follow

The BLBS podcast is created for ruckus makers. What exactly is a ruckus maker? Someone who has found freedom from the status quo. Someone who creates change. Someone who never, ever gives up. Listen to this category-defining podcast in education to level up your leadership skills. Lead with confidence. Lead authentically. Lead by serving your community. Each week Daniel has a conversation with a leadership expert and invites you to the table. Turn your commute (or chores) into professional development and then go make a ruckus!

By Daniel Bauer

The Athletic Fitness & Nutrition podcast show

The Athletic Fitness & Nutrition podcastJoin Now to Follow

A show full of amazing information that can be used by anyone, right now, to improve their health, fitness and nutrition knowledge. Learn how to control your body and mind to make you better in the areas you want to improve or just get confirmation that you are heading in the right direction. Come on our journey, have a few laughs and pick up real world, useful information to make your life amazing! Hosted by Clinical nutritionist, Paul Burgess who has the goal of living a healthy life to a ripe old age. Bio hacking the body by eating right and using any other info he can find to make the body and mind work optimally is his passion (along with lifting heavy stuff every now and then) .

By Paul Burgess

The Doctor Paradox show

The Doctor ParadoxJoin Now to Follow

The Doctor Paradox is about addressing why despite having incredibly meaningful jobs, doctors are increasingly unhappy in their work. Quite simply, it is a tragedy that we have allowed this to happen. That intensely passionate, dynamic and altruistic individuals have lost their core passions and found themselves adrift in the world of healthcare is unacceptable. The Doctor Paradox focuses on 4 key issues: 1. The factors that explain why doctors are dissatisfied with the world of healthcare. But more importantly… 2. The physicians that have rediscovered their passions and carved new paths, both within and outside of traditional healthcare. 3. The experts who offer insight on topics related to the challenges faced and the mechanisms to address them such as sleep deprivation, burnout, career advice and philosophical perspectives. 4. The strategies to rediscover your passion, find a new course and pursue what is required to find fulfillment. A primary responsibility of physicians is to add value and meaning to our patients lives and that of our own. To fulfill only one of these criteria is not enough. Without value and meaning in our own lives it is almost impossible to provide it to that of our patients. As physicians, we hold a most privileged position. We intersect with our patients lives, often in their darkest hour, with them asking for our help. For physicians to sustainably provide that help, they must first and foremost help themselves. Not to do so will ultimately degrade one of the most sacred of relationships: that of the patient in need and the doctor who can tend to that need. The Doctor Paradox also serves to explore a ‘New Medicine’ where the traditional model of what it means to be a doctor has changed. That the doctor of the future will still be adding immense value and meaning to patients lives but may be doing so in ways not conventionally pursued before. The physicians of the future will help patients across a spectrum of care, from face to face clinical encounters to designing and developing novel technologies that will significantly impact the lives of patients. For a ‘New Medicine’ we need a ‘New Doctor’. The future of medicine is bright but unless we begin a major course correction, physicians drift toward ever increasing uncertainty. As the famous saying goes: “Things always get worse…. before they get worse”. It is up to us as physicians to effect the changes we wish to see in our own lives and in doing so, ultimately that of our patients. Things are getting worse, let’s make them better. We are ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’, so it’s not that we ought to, it’s that we have to.

By Dr Paddy Barrett - Paddy Barrett interviews Dr Eric Topol, Prof Barry Schwa