History Podcasts

AlzheimersQ show

AlzheimersQJoin Now to Follow

Alzheimer's disease poses real challenges for both the person diagnosed with AD and to those who assume caregiving responsibilities. This does not mean that there will no longer be times of joy, shared laughter and companionship. AD often develops gradually, offering time to adjust to the diagnosis, plan ahead, and spend quality time together

By Zekel Healthcare

Beyond the Pale show

Beyond the PaleJoin Now to Follow

Beyond The Pale explores cutting edge Jewish culture and offers local, national, and international political debate and analysis from a Jewish perspective. Sundays, noon to 1 p.m., on WBAI/New York, 99.5 FM; podcast updated weekly.

By Beyond the Pale

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen show

Sense and Sensibility by Jane AustenJoin Now to Follow

This is a story of the English moneyed class and its eternal struggle for creating “sense and sensibility” in its world. A potential marriage prospect must make “sense” by bringing with it enough assets and income to permit the couple to continue to live in happy, idle leisure, complete with servants and a prestigious address. Provided one can find such a match among the eligible persons of the opposite sex, one then hopes for “sensibility”, or capacity for emotion, so that if love is not immediately to hand, it might come around later. And while these gentlemen and ladies make their hopeful pirouettes in the social eye, they must of course adhere to all the forms of civility. Jane Austen writes of the family of a gentleman named Dashwood who dies and leaves most of his fortune to his son, with the understanding that he will “look out for” his mother and three sisters. When that son marries a grasping woman who convinces him that his sisters’ funds are suitable to their needs and so require no contributions from his inherited fortune, the sisters are left to play the game of “Sense and Sensibility” in earnest. But all’s not fair in love. Carefully prepared “attachments” can and do go awry when gentlemen find other young women of greater fortunes than the Dashwood sisters. So, will they marry for love? Or money? Or perhaps, not at all?

By Books Should Be Free

Women of the Military show

Women of the MilitaryJoin Now to Follow

Amanda Huffman, the creator of Airman to Mom, interviews women who have served in the military or are currently serving in the military. Amanda also shares certain aspects of her military experience as an Air Force Officer, military spouse, veteran and mom.

By Amanda

The Constant: A History of Getting Things Wrong show

The Constant: A History of Getting Things WrongJoin Now to Follow

Did you know that Europeans used to believe that sheep grew from Mongolian trees? Have you heard about the misbegotten discovery of a new form of water in the 1960s that set off a cold war arms race? Ever seen the gleaming Las Vegas hotel that accidentally shoots heat rays at poolside guests? The Constant is an audio history of getting things wrong. From ancient science to contemporary blunders, we take you on journeys of misadventure and misapprehension, filling your brain with juicy nuggets of the sometimes comical, sometimes tragical and always fascinating ways people mess things up.

By Mark Chrisler

بودكاست تعال أقلّك show

بودكاست تعال أقلّكJoin Now to Follow

تعال أقلك هو بودكاست حواري فكرته بسيطة جداً… سؤال وجواب! البرنامج من تقديم عمار الصبان اللي حيسأل كل ضيف ثمانية أسئلة مقسمة إلى ثمانية حلقات قصيرة وما تزيد مدتها عن ١٠ دقائق. الهدف من البرنامج هو إننا نتعلم أشياء جديدة على السريع وبشكل مختصر.<br>

By The Mstdfr Network

The Bulgarian History Podcast show

The Bulgarian History PodcastJoin Now to Follow

A story more than 1500 years in the making, the history of Bulgaria has been one of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

By Eric Halsey

Just Our Type show

Just Our TypeJoin Now to Follow

Just Our Type: A series of podcasts written and recorded by 1st year BA graphic design students at Camberwell College of Arts concerning the history and design of selected typefaces

By Camberwell Graphic Design

The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio show

The Decameron by Giovanni BoccaccioJoin Now to Follow

The Decameron (subtitle: Prencipe Galeotto) is a collection of 100 novellas by Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio, probably begun in 1350 and finished in 1353. It is a medieval allegorical work best known for its bawdy tales of love, appearing in all its possibilities from the erotic to the tragic. Many notable writers such as Shakespeare and Chaucer are said to have borrowed from The Decameron.

By Books Should Be Free

Liberty Chronicles show

Liberty ChroniclesJoin Now to Follow

Join host Dr. Anthony Comegna on a series of libertarian explorations into the past. Liberty Chronicles combines innovative libertarian thinking about history with specialist interviews, primary and secondary sources, and answers to listener questions.

By Libertarianism.org