History Podcasts

Chairborne Commandos - Military News, Technology, And Special Operations show

Chairborne Commandos - Military News, Technology, And Special OperationsJoin Now to Follow

Fasten your seat belt, this is a military talk radio show hosted by veterans. If it goes fast, highly explosive, or dangerous, we talk about it on our show. Our foolproof recipe includes guest interviews mixed with political incorrectness and peppered with sports highlights and strange news stories. Step up and subscribe now!

By Full Metal Jacket Media

时光匣子 show

时光匣子Join Now to Follow

时光匣子是一档献给散文爱好者的podcast。由异想电波团队创作,团队成员师白、书篱主播。 当我们写散文时,所有虚伪变作诚实。当我们阅读散文,我们在别人的文字里捕捉到自己的影子。 闭上双眼,待思绪缓缓归于宁静。师白、书篱将为你打开时光匣子,与你一同穿越时光的河流,重温中外经典散文。 更多内容,请访问异想电波主页 异想电波|Fancy Radio:http://fancyradio.com

By 异想电波

Skeptical Skeptics show

Skeptical SkepticsJoin Now to Follow

This is a podcast for people that put on a tin foil hat occasionally, laugh at ghost shows but also buy in, and love the strange. Whether it's aliens, bigfoot, or just creepy Dan down the hall, we'll talk about it. Feedback, reviews, subs, and all are super appreciated, but we want to talk to you as well, so connect with us on Twitter and Facebook: @SkepSkepPod on both!

By skepticalskeptics

Tech Hygiene show

Tech HygieneJoin Now to Follow

John Biggs talks to the greatest minds in tech, history, philosophy, and art about why the future won't be awful. Technotopia is a podcast about a better future. It appears every Friday at Noon Eastern.

By John Biggs

Jocko Academy  show

Jocko Academy Join Now to Follow

Jocko Willink once said his podcast is a course on military history. David and Rob are enrolling in this course in earnest. We are listening to every Jocko podcast, in sequential order, and discussing the lessons we learn.

By Rob Yannon & David Senra

Raíces Nómades  show

Raíces Nómades Join Now to Follow

El programa de radio Dreyeckland de Friburgo, Alemania, en español tiene nuevo nombre. Raíces Nómades sustituye al anterior Poder Latino, recogiendo su experiencia de trabajo de más de 4 años en el ámbito de las radios libres. Raíces Nómades se reconstituye como un espacio colectivo de libre conexión, de experiencias móviles de lucha en formatos diversos: noticias, entrevistas, debates, expresiones artísticas, presentaciones, etc. Desde nuestra condición de inmigrantes latinoamericanos, híbridos y alterados, relanzamos la urgencia de reflexionar sobre nuestro patrimonio cultural e histórico intentando rescatar las vidas y experiencias que hay detrás de las versiones oficiales de la historia. Aquello que el poder ha negado, y sigue negando, para poder constituirse como tal. Contra ello, invitamos a crear nomadismos, llamamos a ser móviles, a no permanecer nunca en el mismo sitio en el que nos intentan fijar, a escapar de los estigmas, las clasificaciones y las injusticias, a construir nuestras propias pertenencias de manera libre y autónoma.

By Raíces Nómades

Harry S. Truman Presidential Library Historical Speeches and Audio show

Harry S. Truman Presidential Library Historical Speeches and AudioJoin Now to Follow

Audio recordings of speeches of President Harry S. Truman with accompanying photographs. Monthly.

By Harry S. Truman Presidential Library

The Comedy Couple show

The Comedy CoupleJoin Now to Follow

We're Andy & Rhoda. We're "The Comedy Couple." We are a couple that does comedy. This is our podcast. More at www.thecomedycouple.com

By The Comedy Couple

Irish Hedgerow History Lessons: People, Places, Events, Travel show

Irish Hedgerow History Lessons: People, Places, Events, TravelJoin Now to Follow

Ask about High King Brian Boru; pirate Queen Grace O'Malley; Irish politics and DeValera; The Great Famine; Wild Geese; Vikings; Normans; Genealogy and Family History; Travel; Irish Song; The Black Irish; The Troubles; The Dance Master; and The Seanachies, just for starters ! The Hedge School, is here now, to answer your questions. Michael O'Laughlin and Peter Reilly Adams are continuing 60 years of experience as teachers; performers; and authors in the field of Irish studies. They also include the influence of the Irish in America, Canada, Australia and the U.K.

By Michael O'Laughlin

TriPod: New Orleans At 300 show

TriPod: New Orleans At 300Join Now to Follow

Each episode of TriPod: New Orleans at 300 is devoted to a single story or subjects from New Orleans’ rich history.

By Laine Kaplan-Levenson