History Podcasts

Alexander Hamilton show

Alexander HamiltonJoin Now to Follow

Written in 1920 by Princeton Professor Henry Jones Ford, Alexander Hamilton follows the life of the father of American finance

By ejunto.org

A Dose of Reality show

A Dose of RealityJoin Now to Follow

A podcast dedicated to progressive thinking. We need to come together and solve a lot of these issues that we deal with. From the every growing problems with our politics and the problems within our society. Join Mr. Anderson as he breaks down these issues and news stories.

By Mr. Anderson

A History of the Navy in 100 Objects show

A History of the Navy in 100 ObjectsJoin Now to Follow

Artifacts like those found in the U.S. Naval Academy Museum are tangible links to our past - holding and studying them evokes emotions and makes connections in our memories. The U.S. Navy has a long and storied history - only beginning to understand it would take a lifetime of study. By bringing notable objects and places to life, this podcast series highlights key moments and themes in the Navy's complex history.

By The United States Naval Academy

Great Economists (Audio) show

Great Economists (Audio)Join Now to Follow

This is the audio from the Marginal Revolution University video course on the Great Economists taught by professors Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok. In this course, you’ll find answers to questions like: Who were the first economic thinkers? What did early economists understand that has been lost to the modern world? You’ll also find a chapter-by-chapter overview of Adam Smith’s foundational work, The Wealth of Nations. For more econ knowledge, visit mruniversity.com

By Marginal Revolution University

juliabarton show

juliabartonJoin Now to Follow

the only way I'm going to podcast is if I can get the dishes done at the same time.

By Julia Barton

twoa1infantry show

twoa1infantryJoin Now to Follow

2nd Amendment Talk, Pro gun Talk, Pro 2A businesses and Page sharing.

By Roger Taylor

Lost Islamic History show

Lost Islamic HistoryJoin Now to Follow

Lost Islamic History’s mission is to educate all people, regardless of religious affiliation about the story of Muslims of the past. Great feats have been achieved by Muslims throughout the world for the past 1400 years and they deserve to be recognized. It is our belief that the only way Muslims (and the world in general) can again regain such prominence and success is to follow Islam as it is meant to be followed. This website aims to promote that by giving examples of successful Muslims who adhered to Islam and contrasting it with those who were not successful and did not follow Islam closely. That said, this website does not exist to promote any political agenda. It is our policy to refrain from commenting on any modern political developments, or support any modern political ideologies. This allows us to remain unbaised in our analysis of past empires, people, and civilizations.

By Lostislamichistory.com

Latin Language for Beginners show

Latin Language for BeginnersJoin Now to Follow

Follow from Episode 1 to receive an introduction to the Latin language. Subscribe and take it wherever you go.

By Matthew Rubush

SewardCast show

SewardCastJoin Now to Follow

The Official Podcast of the Seward House Museum in Auburn, NY

By Seward House Museum

A Brief Biography of James K. Polk show

A Brief Biography of James K. PolkJoin Now to Follow

From a series of short biographies written by W.A. Peters this is a fifteen minute look at our nations 11th president.

By ejunto.org