Social Sciences Podcasts

The Industrial Revolutions show

The Industrial RevolutionsJoin Now to Follow

The story of how a primate species created a world full of skyscrapers, airplanes, nuclear weapons, and vaccines. From the mass production of cotton weaving in the first industrial revolution of the 18th Century, to the digital revolution of today, this podcast will explore the ways our world has rapidly changed.

By Dave Broker

Open Your Mind: Psychology  show

Open Your Mind: Psychology Join Now to Follow

Welcome to Open Your Mind, a psychology based podcast that clarifies theories, busts myths and shows how awesome the science is. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

By Open Your Mind

The Art of Growth show

The Art of GrowthJoin Now to Follow

<p>The Art of Growth started by Joel Hubbard and Jim Zartman works with teams to develop Team Health and individuals for self-mastery and social awareness. We are an IEA (International Enneagram Association) school for Enneagram Certification. With organizations, we have a detailed roadmap to change the culture of your team and improve communication, conflict, trust, and personality</p>

By Joel Hubbard and Jim Zartman

Sip on This with Ashley Nicole Black show

Sip on This with Ashley Nicole BlackJoin Now to Follow

Need advice from some super smart women about your career, love life, or maybe what to do with all that rage you're feeling? Comedy writer Ashley Nicole Black (Full Frontal with Samantha Bee) brings her popular DAME advice column, "Sip On This," to life, pulling in amazing guest co-hosts like Ijeoma Oluo, Samantha Bee, Rebecca Traister and more to answer listeners' questions.

By DAMEMagazine

Hjernen på overarbejde show

Hjernen på overarbejdeJoin Now to Follow

Giver du din hjerne optimale arbejdsbetingelser? Ved du, hvordan der ser ud i hjernens kontrolrum? Og er compassion vejen til et mere bæredygtigt (arbejds)liv?<br> <br>Psykologerne Vibeke Lunding-Gregersen og Henrik Tingleff præsenterer undersøgelser og forskning om compassion og menneskehjerner, om chimpanser og komodovaraner. De taler om ledelse, effektivitet og gode teams - og om en hverdag i balance. Både privat og professionelt.<br> <br>Podcasten præsenteres i samarbejde med PFA og er produceret med hjælp fra Pibesovs Productions.

By Mindwork

The Reframe show

The ReframeJoin Now to Follow

Hosted by Dr. Robert Casares, The Reframe brings you conversations with leaders and legends of the counseling profession, experienced clinicians working in agency and private practice settings, as well as masters- and doctoral-level counseling students. Guests discuss cutting-edge research, share stories about their own professional successes and setbacks, and offer insights and encouragement drawn from a diverse range of professional backgrounds.

By Robert Casares

Outras Mamas show

Outras MamasJoin Now to Follow

Alimentando a ideia de um mundo livre para todes

By Barbara Miranda e Thais Goldkorn

UNFORGOTTEN : The Unsolved Murder of Matt Stewart show

UNFORGOTTEN : The Unsolved Murder of Matt StewartJoin Now to Follow

On June 9th, 2009, in a sleepy suburban neighborhood, beloved family man, Matt Stewart, was viciously attacked in his own bedroom by an unknown intruder. To date, there have been no arrests made, suspects named, or meaningful updates provided from the official investigation. Nearly a decade later, an independent podcast series, UNFORGOTTEN: The Unsolved Murder of Matt Stewart, began surfacing suspicious, never-before-reported, details about this brutal crime. Through firsthand accounts from friends, family, and neighbors of the victim, and with commentary from nationally renowned experts, UNFORGOTTEN dives headfirst into a bizarre and complicated mystery that has never received the attention in deserves; the Unsolved Murder of Matt Stewart.


No Filter with Ana Kasparian show

No Filter with Ana KasparianJoin Now to Follow

A leading voice of the millennial generation, Ana knows first hand the struggles that millennials face. By shining a light on the political and social issues that affect so many young people today, No Filter gives a much needed critical analysis of both local and global current events from Ana’s unique and inspired point of view.

By TYT Network

Life on the Fast Track show

Life on the Fast TrackJoin Now to Follow

Amazing things happen when girls discover Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math – yet according to the University of Washington's I-LABS, girls can start believing that certain activities are for boys as early as the second grade. To show off the true potential of tomorrow’s brightest STEAM minds, Slate Studios brings you Life on the Fast Track: a documentary podcast series that goes behind the scenes of the second-annual Girls’ Fast Track Races, powered by Ford. Join our host, Fawn Qiu, an award-winning technologist and educator, as she follows three Girl Scouts through the design, construction, and race phases of the contest. But just like the race itself, this podcast is about so much more than fast cars. Life on the Fast Track is produced by Slate Studios in collaboration with Ford.

By Slate Studios