Literature Podcasts

Aggressive Negotiations: A Star Wars Podcast show

Aggressive Negotiations: A Star Wars PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Aggressive Negotiations: A Star Wars Podcast is the home of the Parsec Award winning show that ponders the deep meanings and intricate workings of the Saga. It's nothing but pure Star Wars goodness each week!

By The Nerd Party

Librivox: Short Science Fiction Collection 007 by Various show

Librivox: Short Science Fiction Collection 007 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological and technical speculations based on current or future science or technology. This is a reader-selected collection of short stories originally published between ???? and ????, that entered the US public domain when their copyright was not renewed. Summary by Cori Samuel, with Wikipedia input.

By LibriVox

Librivox: Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) by Laozi show

Librivox: Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) by LaoziJoin Now to Follow

Nach heutigen Erkenntnissen (linguistisch, Zitierbelege etc.) entstand das Daodejing um 400 v. Chr. Laozi (chin. 老子, Lǎozǐ, W.-G. Lao Tzu „‚Alter Meister‘“), ein legendärer chinesischer Philosoph, soll im 6. Jahrhundert v. Chr. gelebt haben. Je nach Umschrift wird der Name auch Laotse, Lao-Tse oder Lao-tzu geschrieben. Erstveröffentlichung der Übersetzung 1910. Das Daodejing (chin. 道德經, Dàodéjīng) (ältere Umschrift: Tao Te King) ist eine Sammlung von Spruchkapiteln, die dem legendären Weisen Lǎozǐ zugeschrieben wird. Die Entstehungsgeschichte ist ungewiss und Gegenstand sinologischer Forschung. Ungeachtet weiterer Übersetzungen bedeuten Dào „Weg, Prinzip“ und „Sinn“, und Dé „Kraft, Leben“ und „Charisma, Tugend, Güte“. Jīng bezeichnet einen Leitfaden bzw. eine klassische Textsammlung. Die beiden namengebenden Begriffe stehen für etwas Unaussprechliches, auf dessen eigentliche Bedeutung das Buch hindeuten möchte. Aus diesem Grund werden sie auch oft unübersetzt belassen. Das Werk gilt als die Gründungsschrift des Daoismus. Obwohl dieser verschiedene Strömungen umfasst, die sich vom Dàodéjīng erheblich unterscheiden können, wird es von den Anhängern aller daoistischen Schulen als kanonischer, heiliger Text angesehen. (Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Trips to the Moon by Lucian of Samosata show

Librivox: Trips to the Moon by Lucian of SamosataJoin Now to Follow

The endeavour of small Greek historians to add interest to their work by magnifying the exploits of their countrymen, and piling wonder upon wonder, Lucian first condemned in his Instructions for Writing History , and then caricatured in his True History , wherein is contained the account of a trip to the moon, a piece which must have been enjoyed by Rabelais, which suggested to Cyrano de Bergerac his Voyages to the Moon and to the Sun, and insensibly contributed, perhaps, directly or through Bergerac, to the conception of Gulliver’s Travels . The Icaro-Menippus Dialogue describes another trip to the moon, though its satire is more especially directed against the philosophers. (Summary from the Introduction)

By LibriVox

Mythical Astronomy of Ice and Fire show

Mythical Astronomy of Ice and FireJoin Now to Follow

We believe that George R. R. Martin has put a lot of effort and thought into creating a deeper dimension of archetype and symbol in his writing. He’s created connections between past and future, between sky and ground. He’s built on classic figures from world mythology and twisted them around in new and incredible ways to fashion his own archetypal characters whose divine roles are played out by the characters in the story. He’s done all of this not only to be artistic and clever, but because he’s actually participating in a grand tradition of esoteric, symbolic art. Keeping this tradition alive is of critical importance and tremendous value to society, and that is why I believe this facet of A Song of Ice and Fire is so worthy of study. This podcast is intended to be our vehicle to explore these inner workings, and it is fueled by enthusiasm, yours and mine.

By Lucifer means Lightbringer

Librivox: Shakespeare Monologues Collection vol. 06 by Shakespeare, William show

Librivox: Shakespeare Monologues Collection vol. 06 by Shakespeare, WilliamJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox readers present the sixth collection of monologues from Shakespeare’s plays. Containing 20 parts. William Shakespeare (April 26, 1564 – April 23, 1616) remains widely to be considered the single greatest playwright of all time. He wrote in such a variety of genres - tragedy, comedy, romance, &c - that there is always at least one monologue in each of his plays. Some of these teach a lesson, some simply characterize Shakespeare at his best, some are funny, some sad, but all are very moving. Each monologue will touch everybody differently. Some people will be so moved by a particular monologue that they will want to record it. (summary by Shurtagal)

By LibriVox

Blogger to Author show

Blogger to AuthorJoin Now to Follow

The Blogger to Author Podcast helps bloggers and other content creators turn their content into a book so that they can build authority in their niche, share their passion with the world, and earn passive income from their book.

By Dr. Beth Brombosz

hp detectives show

hp detectivesJoin Now to Follow

hp detectives

By Alex and Sam

Librivox: Bibel (LB 1912) NT 01: Das Evangelium nach Matthäus by Luther-Bibel 1912 show

Librivox: Bibel (LB 1912) NT 01: Das Evangelium nach Matthäus by Luther-Bibel 1912Join Now to Follow

Das Evangelium nach Matthäus ist das erste Buch des Neuen Testaments und eines der vier kanonischen Evangelien. Es enthält einen Bericht über das Leben und die Lehren Jesu von Nazareth. The Gospel of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament and one of the four canonical gospels. It narrates the life and the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. (Summary by Al-Kadi)

By LibriVox

The Garret: Writers & the publishing industry show

The Garret: Writers & the publishing industryJoin Now to Follow

<p>The Garret is a podcast for lovers of books and storytelling.</p> <p>Always about Australian writers and their craft, in 2023 The Garret expanded focus and also interviews industry figures about what gets published (and why).</p> <p>The Garret is educational in outlook. A defining feature of The Garret is our transcripts. Each interview is published with a complete transcript (so you don’t have to write anything down while you listen).</p> <p>The Garret is a labour of love on behalf of all emerging writers. It does not operate for revenue or profit. If you would like to support The Garret, simply subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts and join the conversation on <a href="">Instagram</a> or <a href="">Twitter</a>.</p> <p>You can also follow our host Astrid Edwards at <a href="" data-wpel-link="external"></a>.</p>

By Bad Producer Productions